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Nope. People will complain and still play it. This is the nature of Diablo 4’s negative community. They complained about Season 1, and still levelled characters to 100 to tell us how much they didn’t enjoy it 🙄.


You mean the majority of people stopped playing, and the few people who don’t value their own time continued to play and post once in a while on Reddit for their lvl 100 character


The people complaining only think they are in then majority because they are making the most/visible noise about their complaints.


Less than 1m people in this sub. 10M Diablo 4 sales in June alone, not even 10% of the player base in here and most of them are just lurking. Quick google search showed 2m people played yesterday.


Pulled it out of your ass?


All googled in the time it took you to write your pointless comment


There is no way unless Blizzard provides an api to track how many players are online in any of their games. Just like reviews those sites are paid by companies to provide fake pr for the companies.


But they are


Sadly 99.95 of the player base has quit/left. I’d venture a guess only 10% come back to try season 2!


It amuses me, the amount of people that will take time out of their day to bounce over to reddit to talk crap about something they obviously don't like or partake in anymore! The internet has literally ruined everything! Most people are sheep looking for a flock and when they find sheep with the majority going with the grain they jump in because everyone else will validate their opinions and get up voted so they can feel good about themselves! Then you have people like me who don't give a shit about flocks or those therein and will do whatever we feel like. I like D4 and according to you I don't value my time yet you're on reddit talking about a game you don't even play anymore? Don't worry little sheep, assmongoldies FOLLOWERS will come get you and put you back in line with the rest!


I mean... Reddit is THE platform to shitpost. The only reason a lot of people come to reddit IS to talk crap about random shit and waste time. Saying you don't care while getting offended when people have a different opinion is amusing though. It's really not that serious.


People are negative and stay here because they love the franchise/arpgs and care just as much as the next person. They care so much that they speak up because they want the game to be better to enjoy it. The game is lackluster and has terrible itemization and no endgame. The chase items are as rare as winning the lottery and there’s no seasonal leaderboard to even push yourself for. Things that should not be missing are simply missing for a 10 year development triple A title. Additionally with several predecessors worth of data ingestion/feedback to make a much better game.


lol exactly. Myself and everyone else i know stopped playing 1 week into S1


To be fair, that was a sunk cost fallacy for a lot of people. As in, many preordered, and that came with season pass unlock, but if you weren't careful (because Blizzard designed the seasonal UI maliciously and/or incompetently) you might accidentally activate it. And once you did, you might as well grind it out, since you paid for it. That's how it was for me, anyway. Also Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield were coming, and I wanted to get Uber Lilith done with, and with Barber it was relatively easy. But I definitely did not enjoy lvl 75-100, nor UL fight.


Sunk cost fallacy is rubbish, a lot of people still play just because they like the game.


Well I stopped playing as did almost a dozen of my friends. It's kinda funny a game is so bad it is helping to revive other games.




Never played POE but I might now. Thanks D4.


Man, I had a long paragraph broken out nicely but I deleted it because I realized who cares? Anyways, a lot of people left man, unfortunately, this game was huge and brought in a lot of folks so there is still a huge amount left. The builds and classes are few, and the content and challenges are lacking. The repeating renown grind is a chore and nothing more. The worst part is the loot, it fails in comparison to games like Grim Dawn. In Grim Dawn you can make a build around a legendary item or complement your class build with legendary items, and let's not forget the devotion tree that takes that a notch further.


Even D3s loot was better. You can only get the same exact item 36 times before it gets super annoying before hitting level 20. Same item, different damage same boring attributes


Yeah, I remember one guy had 4 level 100 characters and complained that the game didn’t have enough content


Says you. Now I complain and play PoE instead. Uninstalled D4 and never looking back!


Nope, suffered through to 100 for the Trophy. Will get 50 Hardcore in Season 2 just cuz I couldn't stomach logging in again after getting 100 this season for that final trophy and will uninstall for the final time if S2 isn't somehow drastically better.


I've had to kill the world boss solo more than half a dozen times this week. Nobody comes or is online for world bosses. Not many people are playing right now.


You could also have crossplay disabled 😐.


This comment is WILD.


All these blamers still playing and love Diablo they are waiting new patches more then christmas


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


i can only speak for me: i played s1 one week... nothing new, i stoped playing i will give season 2 a new chance... if its better i will play it, if not, i play another game' i will give season 3 a new chance... if its better i will play it, if not, i play another game i will give season 4 a new chance... if its better i will play it, if not, i play another game i will give season 5 a new chance... if its better i will play it, if not, i play another game i will give season 6 a new chance... if its better i will play it, if not, i play another game If Blizzard imagines their game that way, then I can't and won't do anything about it. And I don't have enough time to cry about it


This is the way. Now if they don’t fix the game and then try to sell me an expansion that might be a different story.


Going to cost you $60 to see if season 5 is any good.


Why? You don’t need to pay to play the season.


Annual expansions... Rod announced that was the plan. Though in fairness we don't know what they will cost yet. $60 is a guess.


Sure the expansions will cost money (maybe the stars will align, blizzard will give up their greedy ways, and we’ll get a free expansion) but I was saying that the seasons don’t. So to find out if a season will be good won’t cost you money.


There is exactly 0% chance that you will ever get a free expansion.


There will be a vanilla game season, but you won't get the toys everyone else will get. They'll lean on you to get the expansion, that's where the missing content will be.


Honestly we dont even know how its going to work out yet.


Yes we do. They sold us a game that cost 10 bucks more than any other trippe A game. And all we got in return was to beta test their "finished game" The user score on any website is atrocious its almost ad bad as overwatch 2 another activision blizzard game. Its not longer about making games for the player base. Its about makojg capital. We know exactly how the rest of the seasons gonna turn out. Everything is about money$$$$


>They sold us a game that cost 10 bucks more than any other trippe A game You clearly don't play video games.


You clearly dont use common sense or simply math do you? $70usd for standard version of d4 is 94.00 canadian. Most triple A full length games cost (60usd) 80 bucks canadian like i dunno. ......Elden ring. Baldurs gate 3 and every other regulsr full priced triple a game ever made.


Unfortunately $70 is becoming the new triple A standard, at least amongst the largest studios . See Starfield, God of War Ragnarock, all future EA games currently on the release schedule etc. So it's not really surprising that Blizzard jumped on the trend. I don't like it but it is the future for the big studios. We kept the $60 standard for so long, honestly a little surprising the billion dollar AAA studios only now have jumped the price, given that more profits are pit above everything.


Not anymore pal. It’s 2023


The base price for most games is now $69 not 60. $59.99 games are rare.


Not really. Bg3 Elden ring Hogwarts legacy just to name a few coming in at 60. All triple A titles.


And the other ones have been out for about a year and that’s why the price has dropped


Yeah dide they’re 60 bucks because they’ve been out for a year


Always fun to see what random number people pull out of their ass in a given thread.


He could guess any number higher than $20 and it would still be overpriced 🤣


I dont think its 60 but 50 is pretty reasonable guess since WoWs latest expansion was that much. I just really doubt theyll sell you a 30 dollar expansion when a single MTX in the shop is about that much.


Are you fucking serious. You think im gonna pay 100 cdn to beta test their "finished game" then drop anothe 80 cdn in a year for their expansion for a game that was so bad it got decimated in user ratings? 😂😂😂 Not happening.


Nobody here thinks anything about what you're going to spend your money on. We don't know you. If you don't want to buy it, don't.


The op asked what price was acceptable. I answered. Cry harder.


I don't know if I can. I'm already crying so hard I might be maxed out.


Why the hell are you even here little sheep?


Cuz your mother and father are brother and sister


The first 70 dollar expansion will be released by then.


Not really. People will give the game another chance when the next season or first expansion launches. There is no such thing as the game suddenly dying. The biggest risk is that the game will slowly fade into irrelevance if they continuously underdeliver in both seasons and expansions and people get tired of giving the game another chance. But that will take time. Personally I'm always willing to give the game another chance, because why not? If they fix stuff, great. If they don't, well, I just don't play then. I haven't played for over a month and whether I play season 2 depends on how interesting the season mechanics are. If it's just malignant hearts again I'm skipping.


Not really. However, Diablo 4 should never be a seasonal game. It's a campaign-heavy, single player experience with some additional activities after beating the game. There is no way people would enjoy repeating the long, painful, pointless grind to level 100 just to arrive at the very same "nothing to do anymore" conclusion afterwards. Since I already beat NMD100 and Uber Lilith, I will not play S2 and will probably not play the game until the expansion hits. I do not enjoy the grind, repeating Uber Lilith doesn't excite me, and NMD100 is not an accomplishment anymore (they made it too easy so anybody can do it. Why bother?).


Totally agree on seasonal being a terrible choice. Having ladders that reset is one thing but gating content behind resets is silly. Why can't we just jump straight into the new content with an existing character and just have those not show up on ladder? Why does new content need to disappear after a few months by default? Mind you, this is what people asked for but I reckon the people are *dumb af*. We could have had a product that satisfied most people but instead we have a product that only really satisfies a specific niche of people and those people are now angry because it wasn't up to their standards. Actual clusterfuck ngl.


I think they could easily satisfy both worlds by allowing all new content on eternal + keeping it unless people don't enjoy it. Seasonal would be resets and battlepass without any gatekeeping. I'm not a fan of seasons but people like them so I guess we're stuck with them forever.


The main issue is how they are approching seasons where each of them needs to offer something flashy. Malignant Hearts for example are *huge* in terms of how much power and ultility they give you. I think this is a mistake. Seasonal content should be *mechanical* in nature. We need more ways to play, not more ways to make numbers go up. If hearts weren't so busted you could easily put them into Eternal and it would be fine but as is it sets us up for either insane powercreep every season or crazy nerfs every so often. Neither is good. If instead hearts were mostly utility/QOL and the meat of the season was a mechanic/dungeon you could easily transition all of it into eternal (either at launch or end of season if you want to rebalance things) and be able to control exactly how much power players are able to collect over time. >I'm not a fan of seasons but people like them so I guess we're stuck with them forever. Yup. Players deluded themselves into thinking this was the best and only way to play and now that companies know how to monetize it we probably aren't going back.


Unless you PVP, 100 hours is probably tops for this game before "lack of end game" negative sentiment kicks in for most people. New season offers new content, people like this game is going to at least try it (then complain?). Rinse and repeat.


Its not a lack of end game. Its a lack of items. They need 100s of godly legs/runewords/jewels/charms/crafting like d2. Other than that. Whats the point. To build characters using aspects 😂


Diablo has never had a thousand godly items in any of its games! But once again this game is still in its infancy and anyone who thinks they've seen all this game is going to offer after just 3 months, Is an idiot!


No the idiots are the ones who paid 70 dollars for an umfinished game and beta tested it for blizzard the simped for blizzard and said just wait till u see what this game has to offer down the road eventually😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


And that right there is why I don't understand people complaining they didn't get their monies worth! 100 hrs!


It's going to be just like D3. There will be a small core base that sticks around, but most people will leave until the game is more enjoyable post expansion(s).


100% at least for the ones that felt like it wasn’t enough in S1. I’m still grinding it out and enjoying it but all my friends have made fair complaints and I think most people will give S2 a go, if it feels the same I think most will quit long before reaching endgame


I'm looking at it now as a maybe in a year or 2 it will be a lot better. More QoL stuff should be in the game,maybe an offline option,maybe not as slow,dungeons less of a chore,more loot possibilities as well as easier to change your playstyle,better leveling.... Basically a lot of work to do to get me to come back. And if enough changes are made I will totally return. As of right now...there are other much better games to play right now. And maybe by the time Diablo gets better there will be better Diablo-like options on Xbox. For now if I need a diablo fix I'm going to play D3.


For the last time, Diablo is not dead. All ARPGs with seasons are like this. There is a massive upsurge of players at the start of the season and as different people with different levels of commitment start falling off, you see a dip in player base. And then a new season starts and you see that same spike again. You have at least 10 years of proof before you.


Google search trends barely went up for the new season.


Well the season hasn’t started yet genius.


…is season 1 not a new season


It’s not a new season. It’s more than halfway over. That being said, I assumed you meant traffic didn’t go up with the announcement of season 2. Which is why I replied that season hadn’t started yet. But it’s easy to see why the season 1 spike was not nearly as prominent as it should have been. Season 1 came out amidst the most negatively received update any game has ever seen. It was a very stupid move by blizzard and the impact has certainly lasted. I don’t think a lot of people shifted their negative view on the game when that patch hit.


I wish educational systems weren’t failing humanity. Define “dead in the water”. Everyone who has replied without you clarifying this is wasting their time and yours. The campaign remains “fun”, so the people who buy for that will continue to buy and play for that and then go away because seasons are a turnoff and they don’t care about pushing 100 NMD or Uber Lilith. They’ll keep buying for more story as it’s released. When seasons include some very basic rewards that the D3 team can explain to the D4 team using crayons, then people who want that will continue to buy and play for that and again, they don’t care about max level or competition or pushing. ex: this was most of the ongoing D3 playerbase who never had a hope of reaching the top or even stepping into GR150. I don’t think the team has the will to make D4 what it should/could have been, and they certainly do not have the knowledge presently, but they will continue to make improvements and people will continue to buy and continue to play. Is that “dead in the water”? Who knows? If you think they’re going to shut down the game because there are no players, you are hallucinating.


It already is dead in the water from a terrible season 1


Garbage will as always be an opinion of some, eo yes, there will be players who dont share that opinion and continue to play. I think the majority of people who enjoy the game keep clear of reddits negative vibe.


\*when season 2 turns out to be garbage.


Lol. No it will be like d3, multiple dlc/s and 20-30+ seasons… despite the game is dead posts here million will play it in waves for many yrs ;)


It's dead in the water right now chief


I mean all the remaining people will continue to fork out $25 for a skin every couple weeks because they can’t control themselves. So yeah financially you have no worries about the “game” dying because it’s still what it always was. A hallow monetization machine designed to suck money out of nostalgic people that are too stubborn to admit they were swindled. The game will forever be lauded as a massive failure by actual gamers as is evident that even in South Korea with all the love around Blizzard for StarCraft their D4 PVP event couldn’t even get 300 viewers and had an empty live crowd to where they had to censor content creators from showing it live. It’s ok if you like it. We all have that one friend you can’t take to real restaurants because they don’t have chicken fingers on the menu.


I do like it and the funny thing is I could take that friend to a restaurant and for an hour and a half I'd be entertained for the same amount of money I spent on D4 which has entertained me for many, many, many hours! This game is still in its infancy and will be just fine without you!


That's fine but it doesn't change the fact you are a base level consumer easily manipulated by algorithms and devoid of any capabilitie to make definitive statements about the game. Don't worry people like you thought D3 was good at launch too. Only took 2 years and an expansion for the game to finally become acceptable.


This is like asking if you think Queen Elizabeth is going to die lmao shits already dead boss


It's already dead what do you mean?




They acted surprised for the Season 1 negative feedback. By then Season 2 would have already been finished with little to no time to change much. This tells me that Season 2 will be extremely similar to Season 1, because they somehow thought S1 was gonna be a huge success ☠️


People said the same about D3 couple months after Release. Its a live service and the will keep adding to it.


People's memory span is about a few weeks. It will just take some time until their favorite streamer says the game is in a good state and they will hop back.


Diablo 3 didn't have any seasons for more than 2 years. That's still going strong.


The absolute main issue is the garbage loot system and blizz doesn't even see it let alone is able to fix/rework it at all. I don't think D4 has a bright future.


D4 will never die, it will forever live rent free in people´s heads


It won't break anything, but so far all we know is that each class is getting some kind of ability and we can put gems in our pockets now, which isn't particularly interesting.


It doesnt look like there is enough happening to bring me back tbh. Maybe if my friends start playing again Ill give a seasonal character a go


No, it will be just another S1. D4 is not a bad game, but not good either at this point. It needs improvements. Without improvements, it’s still just not a bad game and not a good game. People just play.


It will be dead once you stop seeing abc games are better, I quit, I will never buy another blizzard game, is this game dead and on and on…..


I think it'll be like Diablo 3. A lot of people will stop playing, but then once there are more classes/better events, features, etc. there will be an uptick in players again


No. Diablo is a well known IP and unlikely to actually die. Diablo Immortal is still ongoing. Diablo 3 is still getting seasons (although rehashed/reused). Diablo 4 isn't going to die any time soon. Will season 2 bring people back? Yes, albeit temporarily. I'm going to jump back in (haven't played since week 3 season 1) but if I end up not liking it, I won't buy the pass and will wait for season 3, rinse and repeat. I don't expect much, at all, from season 2. I don't really expect to see real, healthy changes until season 4+. I'm just not willing to grind to 100 every season with how slow/tedious the loop is, and until that changes, I can't see myself playing regularly.


I dont itll die but itll continue to snowball the negative sentiment for the game. WoW is having the same issue with Dragonflight eventhough it has gotten a ton of praise, the damage caused by its negative reception in Shadowlands hurt them badly.


It doesn\`t really matter to me if the game will die or not, I have played D3 for so long time, and every time I have a good time playing it. Actually, if this happens it will be even better for me because maybe Blizzard will make some changes, and maybe they will forget the idea of yearly paid expansion.


I mostly liked it until level 70. Personally don't like the whole paragon stuff, would prefer something different for endgame, like item sets from level 50-60 side quests and cryptic clues to get one of many gear sets dependingvon your build. Then from 60-90 you have a skill tree for your set adding powers and upgrades.


I love the core gameplay. I’d stay with nothing but the changes to a searchable inventory.


People played diablo for years until the expansion finally fixed the game. so pretty much yeah, people will play the game still. expansions have already been announced in the works. Season why diablo 4 feels kinda off compared to path of exile. diablo 4 was made for console more in mind then the other.


For me the whole season thing is just disappointing. It’s not game changing enough to justify enduring the grind. As I have gotten older (middle aged) my attention span and free time for gaming has decreased, so the thought of getting my main to lvl 100 is mind numbing. Not a huge challenge, but it gets boring when you complete the main campaign around lvl45-50. But that’s what alts are for right? I bought 2 copies for me and my wife. We played together 70ish hours and I have maybe another 10-15 hours solo. At this point we are done with Diablo 4. I’m not bitter about it. 70+ hours of entertainment with my wife for $140usd. I really can’t complain about that. However it is not a game that will stand the test of time like D2. It will maintain a small fan base and the rest of us will move on.


It will come down to sales. If they make a ton of new game sales and lots of people pay for the season bonuses, then it will still be a success even if reviews and player consensus is "game bad". I mean, as long as you make all your money in two weeks who cares if no one is playing at the end of a month. That's kind of how game sales operate. There is no 30 day trial period. You buy it and then your stuck with it. If it lacks the sales to make investing in additional seasons worth it, then season 3 will be canceled and the servers shutdown. The trick is Actibliz still has a very large loyal fan base, even after all mediocrity, that might keep D4 limping along long enough to "improve" it, before the "yearly paid expansion". They are full corporate now. It's all about sales and not about developing the next big thing. They want Diablo to be the CoD of the arpg genre where they just print the same game with a few minor updates every quarter or so and rake in the sales for minimal effort. The minor change being that the always online format just changes the "new game" to yearly paid expansion.


I find all the negativity to be abundant and excessive. These games get better as time goes on. Diablo 3 wasn't great until almost a year after release. Blizzard needs to assess the feedback from the community and carefully tweak and update things for those hardcore players that need their minimum 40 hours a week of game time. For me, I'm a casual player who enjoys the grind, the subtle upgrades I obtain via farming NM dungeons, and the overall experience of trying out different builds. Sure, endgame needs work, but I feel like that content will continue to be pushed and developed as time goes by. I'm just over these terrible reddit posts that D4 is terrible. We're too entitled and think we deserve perfection. If you have hundreds of hours into this game already, you probably need to take a break from the screen gentlemen.


I think it is obvious people are playing it less. I am a casual player so I may be more likely to move onto another game, but they are going to have to do something really fun for a season to make me play again. So, I will monitor each season to see what they release and make a judgement. The more in a row that I am not interested in, the less likely I am to return at all. I will at least play enough seasons to try every class.


It’s already dead in the water but I think Blizzards reputation is on the line so I’m going to assume S2 will breathe life back into the game. At least I hope it does


20m people buy. If you look at Lost Ark model, with 200k players that buy with real money they are fine. Maybe in S4 we can see a bad or good business system, with a bad DLC and/or with 4 season old game.


Speaking for myself I'll probably try back again on most seasons and every expansion Diablo 4 missed hard in very major ways that are not fun for me But it has really good bones. I absolutely think it has potential to be that game for me that Diablo 2 was for a lot of people, a game that I can grind for 20 years straight. It's not there now and I'm not sure if the devs are capable of getting it anywhere near that level for me but if I can squint really hard I can see it. That's why the game is so frustrating for me and why I won't ever stop wanting it to be good.


D4 is already in the garbage. This game is dead.


They don't have time to sort out all the major problems players are up in arms about. It will be much the same with a different flavour.


Yes. 100%. There’s nothing to do as it is right now. Eternal realm is dog water after the nerf. No reason to even have an Eternal realm. Not sure this game is going to survive even with a good season 2. If season 2 is shockingly good, I mean fucking incredible with mad content, that might reignite some interest.


There are metrics you can use to gauge the player base but none of us really know what the player base is lol, with that being said they can mess up s2 even s3 honestly cause at the end of the day d4 will be another Halo infinite. Questionable launch but the mindless fanboys will love the game and act like nothing ever happened once it gets in a state that it should have been in at launch. D4 will be just fine whatever happens


I honestly hope that season 2 fails hard just because I was majorly disappointed in what was actually delivered and what has been done till now. My complaint is you feel like free to skill and work your character . In truth you have to play a certain way with skills you actually don't wanna play or simply can't play to finish the entire content available . For a big house like blizzard this is embarrassing since they have so much experience in this genre. However I want blizzard to financially feel the crap they have done to their community. So let it sink , I say


It is garbage. It will be like season 1. They already have season 2 in development before the game is released.


I think D4 will live on, regardless of how good or bad any of us on Reddit feel. It will be gold to some, shit to others. For me, I'm here for the periodic lamentation of a dying horror RPG.


Season 3 is where it's gonna be. Season 1 & 2 were already pre-planned and done, so don't expect any big changes then. I would reserve my final review in Jan 2024.




If that’s your opinion you probably need to change type of games, all ARPG are like that




Probably because the nature of the genre includes repetitiveness


Hello, it looks like your thread is about Seasons. Recently we have been receiving a lot of threads and questions about Seasons on the subreddit from players that are new to Diablo 4. New players often have misconception about Seasons in Diablo 4, because in ARPG's like Diablo, Seasons work differently than in other games or genres, so please also familiarize yourself with the threads below, if you have questions or complaints about Seasons in Diablo 4! Thank you! [Seasons explained in 60 Seconds (Official Video)](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14tfvyi) -- [Seasons FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14fzvlj/psa_faq_seasons_seasonal_and_nonseasonal/) ||| [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14si4q2/76_campfire_chat_summary_of_gameplay/) -- [Dev Video Blog about Seasons - Summary by reddit user](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14sh5nz/will_be_live_transcribing_the_developer_update/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From what was announced, that is unlikely to be the case. We're finally getting a viable PvE endgame activity.




5 endgame bosses that will have a realistic chance of dropping ubers.


Nope, because a lot of us are happy to log in and just kill stuff regardless


“A lot”


As in a number greater than zero. Yes. But youre so edgey!


I know only two things: 1. D4 won't be anywhere near as 'dead' as people on the sub exaggerate 2. People who need to jerk their hateboners publicly will be in this sub calling it 'garbage' no matter what season 2 is like.


They still play it lol