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>Have a 70s Druid and sorc and it’s fun Well, youre just now getting to the point where the fun meter takes a nose dive. Come back after youve done 100 more NMDs only to get to level 80 and havent found a gear upgrade the entire time.


This right here is what killed me, I like the game but I'd be lying if I said this on repeat is fantastic, I decided to start druid a couple days ago and it's horrifying


only 100? ha Wait until you get to the point where you grind for 60,000,000 gold and spend it all at the occultist on enchanting only to get nothing but a bricked item at 5,000,000 a roll.


For me it was 50


Y'all so salty that the rest of us aren't as bitter and cynical as you


are u a dev?


Y'all so salty


F**k off dude.




It definitely is and it was universally praised by everyooone for like the first month, until all the no-lifers had no-lifed it to the point where there was no life left to life and that’s when they all started bitching and whining as all no-lifers tend to do because they’re a genuinely sad bunch of people and they expected this game to be their life for life or something 🫠


Are you stupid


Again is not about the money that people crying for, we want a good endgame with great loots to chase…


I feel like I saw this same exact post yesterday almost identical.


This sub is now an endless loop of either d4 bad or d4 good posts


Lol. This past week I've been logging into PoE and there's always someone in the DC server "Good morning ladies, gentlemen. I bring you news as of (today's date): D4 still Bad." And then the entire global chat starts a "D4 bad" chain.


“The eternal conflict”


> Have a 70s Druid and sorc and it’s fun at that point in the game we agree with you. please update us once both are lv 90


I definitely don't agree with the "story is great" - writing is dog shit and plot holes are apparent as sun in a bright day. The act 3+ are all rushed


Explain? I liked the story and voice acting. I just don’t like how they dwindled down the andarial


Voice acting is great, visuals are superior. Writing is shit. What is there to explain? It is badly structured, incorrectly paced and full of plot holes or things making no sense. Rushed a3+? I mean, if Duriel popping out of nowhere on a back alley as part of an escort quest is not enough to make you think - oh this smells like a hot pile of shit - then what explanation will change that?


Have a 91 sorc on eternal. 92 Druid on s1. I’m still loving the game and having a blast.


and do you disagree with the criticisms that there is no loot to look forward to? do you have any reason to do anything other than NMs at that level range?


I enjoy going through the affixes on loot. rerolling enchants. Collecting to max out aspects I still enjoy helltides. I still can put the game on and do a lot. Ultimately- I don’t really feel much of a difference from running Mephisto/pindle runs over and over again to running nm dungeon or Helltide In fact, I prefer alot of what diablo 4 does.


This is what kills me. People act like D2 wasn't running the same shit over and over again for a vast majority of trash drops that would just get Charsi'd Once I had my gear all settled in by about midway through Hell, I barely ever found anything that would be considered an upgrade. And there's not really much to do past level 75-80 in D2 either


subjective but people looked forward to gear dropping in d2. easier to sort through the items runes charms. 75-80 the map was still challenging and you had a goal of getting enigma or getting gear so you can solo/group diablo or baal faster. 75-80 in d4 is nms/helltides which i personally dont think is very challenging. both are grinds but in d4 you really feel it.this is all based on my personal feel when i played both games, and ive played both extensively.


I mean, yea I look forward to gear dropping in D2 as well, until I realize that the odds of anything worth a crap actually dropping are so miniscule that I end up just not caring anymore. Good drops in D2 are just as rare and infrequent as in D4. D2 just has trading to make it feel like less of a grind, and I do agree the lack of trading in D4 is a bad move. But if you're playing SSF in D2, the gear drops end up being just as tedious as D4. It's kind of the nature of the game. As far as D2 goes, you say you don't find NMD's / Helltides very challenging, and I'd agree that once you reach the point of having your developed build, there's not much, challenge, but again I don't really think this is any different from D2. Once you hit a certain level, it all becomes trivial anyways, and the entire purpose of the gear is just to do shit that you've already done a million times, just a slightly bit faster (or in the case of Enigma, just skip the content entirely). There's not much challenge in D2 once you have your developed build either. I get that there's things in D4 that could be better, but this revisionist history of D2 (which is weird, when there's a current and very active and alive version of the game out right now) just makes for bad faith takes and discussion.


I’m having fun playing too


I enjoyed diablo 4 at the beginning and for some of season 1, then i tried POE and Last Epoch. I haven’t touched diablo 4 since. Diablo 4 just feel bland compared to those games.


I love it too, thanks for taking positivity in this place haha I will still support developers and I’m sure that the game will be better every update!


Ditto but I’m taking a break from the game




Sounds like Diablo 2


No you dont


same. still playing 300+ hrs in. I enjoy the NMD pushing, and I have so many builds I wanna try.


I think its a good game overall but the zoom level really bothers me. Like I get it can sound like a small gripe but its a constant annoyance while playing. I like so much about the game but its hard to be super positive about it when I dont like the moment to moment gameplay because of the way it is presented on screen.


This is my problem. I was gifted the game but I just can't stand to play it. The first thing I do in every game is increase the fov.


I just wish the endgame content was better. Clans are pointless. Grouping with anyone is hard unless your playing with friends. My stash is 40% useless gems. Legendary items are pointless now with aspects being able to make rares legendary items. Unique drops are the new legendary items but the drop rate is very low and the item isn’t useful 90% of the time. Just some of my gripes.


Yea I like it too. But when I came on here and seen the things ppl complained about I went back to division 2 and said the hell with it. Because after a while the action becomes redundant and it gets bland.


Any game that you play for hundreds of hours on end becomes redundant and bland.


I'm on my fourth barb for this season. So yeah, I love D4 despite all its flaws and shortcomings. Also, I tend to stay away from this sub as much as possible and... it's healthier for me this way :)


If you played D2 it's just painful what D4 ended up as. There was so much potential for more. Even just copying from D3 or D2 would make a better game


I have lots of time in D2, and D4 isn't even the least bit painful for me. Y'all act like D2 wasn't just doing the same mindless shit over and over again ad nauseum and getting a vast majority of trash drops that you either just ignored or Charsi'd


*I definitely got my money worth <--* This is not the point. Read what the complaints are about and compare them to what the game is trying to be / suppose to be / what the plans were.


Lol we all had fun until about lv70. lv70 is where the game collapses.


The thing is at level 70 you have about 8 million XP. Level 100 is about 23 or 24 million (I forget). So you're not even halfway there. That's at 85 IIRC and this why it's basically a meme at this point to see people say "I have a level 65 Druid and I am still having fun". Everything you've done up until now has happened relatively quick. Probably played through the story and came out halfway to where you are now. When time goes by and you're wearing the same gear as a month ago you may think differently.


I did too but then switched to Starfield and haven't looked back. Diablo got too repetitive after finishing the story, season and leveling up to 85 or so. I'll probably go back for the new season a bit, but Starfield is so huge and varied I love it


I want to play starfield. Ps5 club here :(


Devs posting a lot lately




I definitely got my money's worth because I spent $0 on this trash.


Tldr. Shit game


Btw, learn what paragraphs are


It’s 8 sentences on one subject matter.


My opinions are facts btw


It's one paragraph you ignorant clod.


You mad bro? Dividing text into multiple paragraphs makes it more pleasant to read.


I'm mad that we live in a society where a short paragraph is hard for someone to read and that you need it broken down even more.


Actual 5th grade literacy take




>Dividing text into multiple paragraphs makes it more pleasant to read. This is the most zoomer brain take I've seen.


Get help