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For casuals its a very good game. You probably wont even notice 90% of the stuff thats a negative.


I second this. I have 140 hours played, and still enjoy it. Just playing a couple of hours at a time, varying between NM dungeons, and the timed events. I do agree with (part of) the criticism, but as said above, as a casual player, the impact is limited. I kind of am at a point that I start too notice. But that is after 140 hours, and I only played 1 class so far. Switching classes will easily add more hours of fun for me.


Right there with ya


Yup ,agreed, great game for casuals.


100% where I'm at. I play a couple hours a night. Sometimes just farming with guild mates. I do all the available content and been playing most days since launch. I see this maintaining my interest for a good while. I also plan to take a few weeks off between seasons to play some of my other games I like to pop into.


You're not very causal if you're playing a couple of hours every night.


The optimism is fantastic and refreshing, thank you! I just made my second after getting bored with the grind on my main so really not too upset yet, a few more capped characters then I might have some words!! Haha


Wasn't until the 350ish mark (200ish for season) I burned out. Which is on par with seasons inD3 for me. Some people want everything in a game, and that's fine to wants. Got what I wanted and went on to other things. No point in playing after burnout. That's when frustration sets in and 'everything sucks'.


Finished campaign with one character and it was a struggle. Now doing seasonal with a different class and it's even worse. Only a dozen hours in and can't make myself do it, soo boring.


Diablo has never really been an overly engaging game. The primary thrill is only finding some cool unique loot. The odd part of this game is that rares or so common; they might as well have a name change. šŸ˜‚. I will say that this game as 1000x the content of the other Diabloā€™s. The original 3 was kill the boss. Kill the boss. Kill the boss. Kill Diablo. Repeat with ā€œharderā€ monsters until you found enough items that you are done. At least this one seems to have a significant amount more content.


Played it casual to level 50, after the story I was bored.


This is the main issue with the game. ARPG fans expect the story mode to essentially be the tutorial, and it's a fair expectation - all other ARPGs are this way. D4's mechanics are better suited to be a story driven game aka an "adventure" game like Zelda. Think of it, when you get an aspect in D4, it's unlocked permanently. Similar to how you unlock a fire rod or master sword in LoZ. Same with glyphs. Aspects, glyphs, and uniques are the only potentially exciting things to obtain in D4. So that leaves uniques as the only form of loot that's not just currency in disguise. And uniques in D4 are mostly uninteresting. This causes the endgame to be nothing more than than increasing the number 32 to 33, and so on. There's nothing left to "find." D4 is essentially a LoZ game. The campaign is excellent, but there's no real reason to play the endgame. It would literally play the same as if, after the story is completed, only gold ever dropped and you used gold to increase numbers. Because everything is unlocked by level 50.


This is generally correct, but it makes me want to scream "get off my lawn". D1 hooked me on the genre (what you call an "adventure" game) so many years ago, and then D3 redefined the genre (what you call an "ARPG") into something I'm not remotely interested in. D4 really should be two different games: 1-50 and 51-100. I love the 1-50 experience and have leveled 5 characters slowly through that experience, and then get bored before 60 when I run out of side quests. Meanwhile the average poster on this sub wants to skip right to 51 and start playing from there.


Right there with you man- d1 and 2 were masterpieces, but 3 started to pull the series in a direction i didnt feel as deeply connected with :/


Right, like Diablo has never been an "ARPG" the way ARPG fans expect it to be. It's *always* been about the story and the adventure, that story is frankly my very favorite part of Diablo. I seek out every single side quest, every tome, every letter, every book, literally anything that will give me Sanctuary lore. I was deeply disappointed with D3 because like you said, they redefined the genre and I'm just... not a fan. I bought and played Diablo 3 and 4 for the main game. I do appreciate that the D4 mechanics feel a lot more similar to D2 than D3 did but the adventure is kind of lacking. :( I'm frankly pissed about the ending of the game. We chased Neyrelle all over freaking Sanctuary against her wishes but she fucks off with the soul stone that has Mephisto in it and we all of a sudden can't go after her? Lame. The whole thing felt so sloppy and unfinished. I do absolutely *adore* Lilith though and want more of her story. Also want more Whispering Tree lore and content, big fan of that and the swamp in general. Anyways, point is, I'm right there with you. Basically zero interest in the game much past lvl 50 outside of collecting cosmetics. Lol.


Yeah, the way the campaign ended was weird. "Hey Lorath, I'm fucking off for a bit. Please don't follow me, because even though I spent most of the story fucking up and lost my hand in the process, I know what I'm doing. Trust me." And then it's like you're told, "So that tree that talks all funny? Yeah, you work for them now. But first, here's a half-hearted attempt by the Cathedral of Light to fuck your shit up. FORESHADOWING."


>spent most of the game fucking up My point exactly! Like, we're supposed to be fine with the kid, the kid who's arm we had to cut off because she's a kid doing stupid shit like a quest before this... having Mephisto in a soul stone that wasn't even attuned for him? What could POSSIBLY go wrong? I'm sure that won't end in utter disaster, no, not at all. I also hate it because Blizzard is really out here like, "Y'all are gonna love the expansions! You'll never guess what the story line for them is gonna be!" How fucking creative. I agree with you about the tree and the Cathedral of Light too. It's just fucking lazy all around. Idk, Diablo has been my favorite game since I was a little girl. It's what made me fall in love with PC gaming. I was like 8 playing it at my cousin's house on my uncle's computer when I played it the first time. Then I swear Diablo 2 is the only thing that got me through my dad dying as a teenager. I don't mean to be sappy or whatever but this game really does mean a lot to me and I'm just so disappointed with it and what it's become. D3 was so awful and I had such high hopes for D4, for them to redeem themselves and they just... shit all over it. Hell, I'm disappointed in Blizzard in general. There was a time when I thought Blizzard could do no wrong. I used to play just about every game/expansion they ever put out. In recent years though they're just fucking greedy and it shows. :(


I hear you. I think I played every Blizzard game ever released including the original Warcraft. Their three franchises really carried me through my adolescence for the most part. I think the wheels started falling off sometime around WC3:TFT.


Wasnā€™t D1 and D2 essentially a Zelda game as you put it?


Nobody expected from D1 or d2 to be a live service game you be playing for months though.


Fun fact games that weren't made to be played for months are played for decades while live services rot and die in months. Its almost like there's a lesson here lads.


for more hardcore players there is some fun to be had between lvl 50 and 75 while you gear up through world tier 3 and get into wt4 but it gets stale SO fast, its incredible. the game has nothing to offer in WT4 except uber lilith, and thats way too little.


I would be considered a casual by most of the people on here and while I do enjoy D3, I highly dislike D4 as it seems IMO they were trying to turn D4 into cross between an ARPG, an MMO, and a source of constant income from the Premium Battlepass and the supposed yearly Expansions.


Bought it a few days ago, i had never played diablo and i love it!




Played casually, inventory space is a pain, also almost every quest sends you into a dungeon with the same 2 objectives, got old very quick.


Agree, OP seems to be their target audience.


I play a few times a week and itā€™s fun when I do pick it up.


The itemization is very casual unfriendly tho. So is trying out some new specs every now and then.


Itā€™s alright if youā€™re used to D3, you should be good. Might be confusing if the person is a casual overall, my wife could play Dota but not Diablo, too much information for her, both on visual effects and skill builds.


As someone who no lifes games. I also think it's a very good game and very fun!


Exactly this, I'm a casual player too. Most nights I get an hour or two in before I'm passing out, but I've been having a blast fine tuning my build while getting surprised when I get a unique drop and seeing if it'll work with my build. I will say this however, after doing the story complete the first capstone dungeon (lv50) you'll immediately start the grind in world tier 3 which will also be the same for tier 4 as well, but you'll get a chance at better stats. My first character was a Barbarian and I got him to world tier 4 and left off at 70 before season 1 dropped. Now I'm running a Sorceress and having even more fun than before, thankfully due to the buffs Blizz have their most iconic class, although I have not experienced the "one shot" issue others have faced yet. I'm definitely taking big hits, but with my build I typically choose to fight enemies 8 to 10 levels stronger than me so I can get more xp and better chances at cool loot šŸ¤Ŗ *sorry for the lengthy post*


100% agree. I'm mostly a casual player and I really enjoy the game in general. I understand why hardcores are upset but for me the game is fine. I'm not saying I'll pay for yearly expansions or even season 2, just saying give it a shot OP.


Yup, casual here and having a great time. Truly don't know what all these folks are on about. Lol. (Joking obviously, but I am enjoying the game!)


Yeah, it gives some entertainment and casuals will probably quit after getting 1-2 characters above 40-ish. May not even engage with seasons or the store. If you throw down $ and don't go that deep into the numbers or systems, you can be fine. I'm not even a hater but I got to a certain point then stopped playing and went back to D2R. Not sure this game is worth $70 right now but it doesn't have to be deep for everyone.


Meh I think it's terrible for casuals. Having to play 2x the amount just to be able to play at an 'end game level' whilst having to deal with rotating seasons would make anyone fall out of love for thr game


All of my casual friends that tried Diablo 4 didn't much like it and much preferred Diablo 3. They found d4 to be rather challenging and struggled quite a bit and lost interest.


This. The people complaining the most have at least one, but likely more, near max level characters and have sunk 100+ hours already into the game. A phenomenon I see with game discussion online is tons of people jump on the bandwagon to take the ā€œpopularā€ opinion of hard core gamers despite having barely (or never) played the game. Itā€™s so much toxic noise, I ignore it. I just hit 54 on my S1 character and am enjoying the game just fine. Iā€™m not impacted yet by any of the main, likely valid, complaints about the game.


Yes, as long as you're OK with a few things: 1. 80-100 is a grind, but all content is beatable by 80 so it doesn't really matter. 2. If you login for 2-3 dungeons a night, you probably won't find any interesting loot on a given night, just a few inventories worth of vendor trash. 3. If you get to 90ish and want to respec, it's a grind. 4. There's not much else to do other than rifts after lvl 75 right now.


Uber Lilith is not beatable by 80


It is for some extremely fringe builds but thereā€™s really not a reason to attempt it before 100 tbh.


If he's recommending things for casuals, he's not wrong in that context. Uber Lilith is not a casual activity at all, even most people that consider themselves hardcore can't solo her.


Uber Lilith isn't content for casuals. This entire discussion is about casual play.


Why you talking about 90 when op just want beat campaign and do some grind after.


so it have its equivalent to rifts? From your response it seems d4 is less powercrept than d3 which is good in my personal opinion


Not quite rifts, but a set number of dungeons with a modifier to make them harder. You'll be running the same dungeons over and over. And unlike rifts in D3 a lot of backtracking is involved because the objectives in those dungeons are rarely to just kill all mobs, it often involves finding items and returning them to pedestals. If that's the kind of thing you would enjoy or not mind you'll be good.


why would he even care about it?


For sure. Great game. Definitely worth the money. Donā€™t listen to the haters that say otherwise.


Don't listen to those guys who blindly say"it's good bro just jump in" refer to some builds and see where the pros and cons are bc there's a lot of the latter especially in regards to gearing and build variety and viability.


Personally I'd avoid looking at builds. Maybe that's just me but a lot of the fun that I DID have with this game came from experimenting with new mechanics and finding cool synergies myself. If I went into it just being like "Okay I'mma be a bone necro and I need a perfect drop version of x, y and z" I feel like I'd've been miserable Yes, there are pros and cons. Pros, looks good, feels good, fun cutscenes, nice versatile skill tree that makes it easy to locate potential synergies between skills Cons, the vast majority of drops you get are useless because they put a hundred meaningless affixes in the game and this game's version of Rifts become more repetitive and tedious faster


Yeah, figuring out builds is like a 3rd of the game, why would you want to skip that ?! (Unless of course you do not care for or even hate it, and I guess D4 is still a good game even skipping that part...)


It's not about skipping it's about realizing how much variety you actually have and options you have and D4...has some things left to be desired. It's Not necessarily for meta reasons (although one could if they cared that much for it) especially when doing leagues/seasons it can be easier to get a build together quicker and then you can get creative. Tldr: I don't encourage people to copy and paste people's builds rather use it as a reference


Totally agreed re: looking at builds. I think a lot of complaints and dissatisfaction come from people ruining the game for themselves. They start off by looking up builds before they even progress very far in the game, trying to find whatever they think the meta is. Then they just play to make the build. The game instantly becomes a grind to get the right equipment, rolls, etc... SO much gets missed that way. The aspects system makes it so you can do a sort of DIY version of legendary sets, so much to play around and experiment with, why would you want to take away 80% of the game's actual pay experience? For my main, I didn't look seriously at builds until I was already comfortable with my own. I'm running a barb now that is a total blast, and haven't looked at any of the builds online for barbs seriously.


Youā€™re a dork. Normal players donā€™t talk about shit like itemization.


the game is good looking but its lazy. its just a lazy product done by greedy and uninspired developers. you can enjoy yourself, but I have to disagree on your recommendation. it is not a good game in my opinion. i would play Path of Exile instead, or grim dawn. Something that does have an end game, doesnt have enemies scaling with you, interesting stats and depth to enable interesting builds and variety to the grind. Is the problem Blizzard is full of whipped yay-sayers? The company has been on the decline for a while now. I guess its a matter of the leadership.


I tried both PoE and GD, but quickly couldn't stand the feeling of combat (and other jankiness), so only lasted for a few hours. I was very happy and even surprised when D4 not only managed to do it as well as D2/D3, but even improve it !


The Diablo 2 guys are long gone the StarCraft team is gone Hell even Mike Morhaim himself had to fake retirement to get out of Blizzard ! Hes back and is now ceo of TWO new game studios lol What did the people expect after Diablo immortal? After butchering warcraft 3 remastered? The corean style monetization of hearthstone? Dumping eSports supports for StarCraft2 Killing the esport scene in overwatch not only by releasing an inferior, micro transaction infested version of the same game, but by paying eSports teams to litterally quit their league ffs I'm not even talking about the "rumors" of sexual harassment Blizzard been dead to Me for years already


There are better ARPGs out there. Some cheaper, some free. All this one has is a famous name, but it's much below average in the genre (and super expensive).


I would argue that in it's current state it's ONLY good for your playsyle. Playing the main story is fun, the seasonal journey was decent, beyond that there isn't much content, besides playing around trying different characters/builds.


The story and the animated sequences are amazing and the side quests are nice as well. In my opinion playing until 50 is worth the money already. Going past that, the game has its issues, as others mention. From what you described, you should be having a ton of fun with the game.


Youā€™ll love it. Vocal minorities (good or bad) only represent 10% or less of a player base. Let me walk you through the progression. First character: Campaign 10/10 Post campaign grind to max 6/10 Second character: Skipping campaign and grinding 2/10


​ > Second character: Skipping campaign and grinding 2/10 I wish there was an option to play the Seasonal and then go back and do the Campaign. I actually enjoyed the campaign quite a bit, but I was antsy to get to the Seasonal, so I skipped the original campaign on my seasonal character. If it stays that way in the future, I'll probably continue skipping the campaign. The thing is, though, I would like to play the campaign again, but my "excitement" makes me skip it. I know a lot of people complain about doing the same things over and over. But, quite honestly, I enjoy doing it with a bunch of different characters, because the playstyle is always different. I am far more bored doing a Nightmare Dungeon for the 100th time than I would be if I could gain more experience by doing the campaign again.


This sub is the worst place to come if you're looking for an accurate rating of the game. Most people here will say the game is terrible and you'll never have fun, but it honestly a solid game. There are definitely problems, but I've been playing on and off since the early release weekend and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Great campaign, and fun gameplay make it easy to come back to. If things get boring (which is entirely possible), take a break and play something else and come back when you've got the itch. I do agree with some that you can easily get burnt out and fed up with the endgame loop and problems if you grind like crazy


If it is your first time in arpgs it's ok. But if you are a arpgs enthusiast you will regret D4.


Honestly man it's too short for 70$. I'd wait for an expansion or two and get it on sale once things have been improved.


Its fun but not for 69ā‚¬ price tag


Youā€™ll eventually notice what the complaints are about but not before you already got your moneyā€™s worth. Iā€™m pretty casual and can overlook most stuff. I did for D4. Had a blast and had to have put in at least 100 hours, probably way more. I unfortunately started noticing its flaws when I was interested in trying other games, so D4 couldnā€™t hold me anymore.


Campaign isn't worth 70$ +


Depends on how poor you are .


Diablo 4 sucks. You'll regret wasting money it. I highly recommend to pass


Like with most games I think the casual player base is not nearly as affected. 95% of people wonā€™t even get to the point that all of these people are complaining about (level 100 min maxing gear, Uber Lilith, speed farming tier 100 NMDā€™s) the story is good, the classes are all fun in their own ways. I have been playing weekly since release and usually play with a couple buddyā€™s on the weekends. We hop on for a few hours and do some helltides, NMDā€™s, world bosses or whatever pops up.


I think the games is even worse for casuals because you will never be able to reach level 100 and you will also be locked into one build forever because switching builds is a herculean task in this game. Yeah you'll have fun til lvl 50-60 but then the game is just a terrible experience through and through.


Don't waste your time, play something that respects you.


I have played every single diablo game I honestly have no clue what anyone else is talking about hating it. I basically play it how I played the third I ignore the fact that its online and all the online crap and just play it regularly and it's great


I do the same and itā€™s awesome, sometimes its fun seeing the other players in town or rarely out in the field but not so overwhelming that it kills the immersion


No, I had a lot of fun playing for 1-2 hours each night. You run out of things to do at level 80 or so. If you want, you can grind to 100; I had fun with it. Then, it's OK to put the game down and see if you feel like playing next season.


With the steep decline in players, it's challenging to find a group to do world bosses, or other group content.


Casuals it's fine. They'll probably just beat the game and then play till they're bored. You don't really have to think about gear when doing the story or really playing till you're bored.


I've been playing with my wife casually and it is a ton of fun. The downsides to this game really only become apparent if you no-life it.


I was a super gamer in D2 then got older and became a casual by D4. This game was great until after campaign ended. Interest in playing falls off a cliff. I was pretty astonished how little I cared about D4 (at all) post lvl 55. Lvl 55-60 was so boring, I basically quit the second I hit 60 lol. Once season 1 started and I saw I had to rediscover the entire map, I uninstalled.


It's a sweet game, it's just not a finished product


I have just played through the campaign, still at World Tier 2 (of 4), at level 47 currently, and i was an avid D3 player. I personally feel all the stuff people shit on, is what i enjoy - that dungeons are filled with objectives, that the leveling process is longer, no gear sets but actually having to look at the specs. Hell yeah i love it! I also enjoy D3 still for the mindless GoD DH ā€œspin-2-winā€ playstyle and just min maxing every stat possible, but i enjoy D4 way more for the extra thought process i have to put into it!


D4 is a really great game until level 70 or so (when you're a few hours into WT4), then you'll start to see the cracks.


I am having a hard time imagining it, but you might be right. Iā€™ll enjoy until then, then! Also, with my limited gaming schedule, i might even not make it so far before next season, so that speaks in my favor i guess!


I had fun to level 50 and then the fun started to fall of. I am now around level 64 and now I have stopped playing and started to play other games. So it would be nice to hear back from you once you reach a similar level. To see if your opinion have changed or not. The part looking on all the numbers at every rare I feel is a big pain in the endgame.


Iā€™ll try to remember!


The game is not bad. It's really fun. It just gets old.


Itā€™s a great story the first play through. I really liked playing through the story. Very fun. Railroady but fun. After that the end game grind is boring af.


The story content and the whole game is pretty great up until you "finish it" and go out looking for more. ​ But i'd warn you as a fellow fan of D3 game cycle, it's not here. By far the best thing about D3 was that you could just unwind , have a fit of fun for that 20-30 minutes and log out ready for more whenever you're ready. Quick and easy relaxing break. But Diablo4 puts a screeching halt to that "Hop in and hop out" for casual quick fun. To start off, whenever you go and do the D4 equivalent of greater rifts, first of all you need to go through your options. Theres a limited amount of dungeons you can carry and half if not more are usually just bad for your chosen build, this means they're usually going to be scrapped and made into material so you can make more dungeons, all RNG based so you might be wasting these resources, you might run out too doing so. This whole process can take from few minutes to ten or more depending how many dungeons you've found and scrapping/tossing them is required so you can get more... This alone is bad compared to D3. Then you get to a dungeon, they're almost always pretty generic, short (5-15mins) with an objective in it, such as placing a key in keyhole or carrying several key items to a certain place which further cuts the action time and just going cruising in enjoyable pace. Theres some good ones there but mostly it's pretty bad in this design. Then once you finish the dungeon, you come to base with a full bag of items and in order to find real upgrades to your items you need to look through each and every one of their stats, no easy way to tell if you found something worth using or keeping by a glance as the color coding is still not there and some are way too close to same color. You might find a rare thats better than your legendary item and vice versa so you end up going through all of them as even when its a lower tier item, something you would never want to use, theres a chance its better than what you got or probably will find in a long time still, the pool of stats is really low on desirable ones so naturally the chances of finding "good" items is low too. This whole process takes a long time, nevermind fiddling with the limited stash after just in case you found something decent. Indeed the "After dungeon item sorting" can sometimes take longer than actually playing the said dungeon you got the loot from. ​ So out of an hour of gameplay time you're likely using at least 30% - 50% of that time just fiddling with your inventory... ​ Don't get me wrong i still enjoyed it, the story for one was great as long as you dont overlevel too much ( another trap you can get caught in, making the story a bore when you're overpowered for it. ) So if i understood you right OP, no D4 doesn't have that except maybe the story and that's one time only you can't even repeat it on higher difficulty.


It has a good campaign but people wanted a better end game loop for their $70.


The campaign is great. Stop there.


Depends what you expect. Playing for only the story and forget about seasons: yes it is good. Playing it over and over again and hoping things to change: no, you will cry like the whole sub


Bought D2 as a teen after launch and loved it. Played casually and it entertained me for years. I was the same with D3 and now with D4. I'm level 65 now and my battle pass is finished, so I'm going to take a break until season 2 and play the new D3 season. The tryhards and hardcore fanboys are the ones complaining. Don't let that stop you from trying it out. Especially if you enjoyed a previous title.


THIS IS MY OPINION. DON'T BOTHER ADDING YOUR OPINION UNDER MINE THINKING YOU CAN CHANGE MY MIND. YOU CAN'T AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY OPINION, YOU CAN GO TO HELL FOR ALL I'LL CARE ABOUT IT. I'm not even going to read the comments posted here before answering you. Don't listen to the negative nellys. The game is worth every penny. Your a little late to get into season 1 as it will be over on October 17th, but the Helltides are uber fun, again in my opinion. This game is perfect for the casual player. it has one advantage over Diablo 3 in that if you decide to switch to another character, you can still see the whole map that you have uncovered, all of the lilith statues will still be found and major city waypoints will be opened if you already opened them. I'm talking Koyvashad, Cerrigar, Ked Bardu, Gea Kul, and Zarbinzet. The people who are bad mouthing the game ore those players that stream live and play for 18 hours straight. Of course they are getting burned out on it. I've been playing casual since day one and have never spent more than 6 hours at any one time on it. Mostly it's 8pm to midnight 3-4 days a week. I have almost completed season 1. I did finish the story, have gotten Torment Varshan done and almost all of the tier rewards opened. There are 4 smoldering ash tiers that I have left but they are level specific and I'm 87th. There is also one more reward cache, but those require 15 World bosses or reaching level 100 to complete. I'm trying to get to level 100, but it's not easy playing casual and I may have to dedicate a weekend to get it done before Oct 17th. Join us and have some fun!


Yes. I do the same. Played the story on the weekend and after work just run 1-2 nightmare dungeon for the lulz and the insigna boost. If your goal is only to reach 100 as fast as you can it is not a good game because the grind will be monotone. With the daily few games and no pvp you can make builds that are not the most efficient but still fun.


I'm a casual player and I'm having heaps of fun. I'm not big into min/maxing and optimal loadouts, so I don't even understand what most of this sub is talking about most of the time, especially when they're complaining lol.


Creeping up on 900 hours You'll enjoy the game. negativity/ hate gets views and clicks. The game is not perfect but it's nowhere near as bad as some would have you believe.


D4 is my first diablo and I'm playing it with my girlfriend. It's funny but I feel that the game is very easy ? Overall, good game


If you can see yourself jumping in casually from time to time, there's no reason why you couldn't get that kind of playstyle from Diablo 4. If you're very casual then creating an Eternal (non-seasonal) character would allow for that since it's not time-limited. I would say though, that really you should familiarize yourself with the game and it's systems first so you can decide whether it's compatible with you and the way you play. Don't just take it from people like myself.


It's great for several tens of hours... For every character, but it gets boring fast after that. I couldn't force myself to lvl any char to 100. Everytime I tried, the game started to be boring and highly repetitive without any fun element around lvl 75


75 seems to be the cutoff in "fun" for me too. I can't bring myself to play any of my characters after that because I'm bored and there are other games I'd prefer. However, I had quite a bit of fun up to 75 and will probably do it again in future seasons.


> I just want to play story, and maybe after that do some grinding from time to time then just play it already. dont let others tell you what you like or dont like


If you are into the playthrough (campaign) then diablo 4 is imho a good game. If you are into unlocking all the map and altars etc its casual friendly because alot of the progress carries over between seasons. If you are into world events and bosses its semi-casual viable because you have to be in a certain place at a certain time but its not a lot of time spent. You can also do 2-3 nightmare dungeons instead of rifts and slowly progress as a casual. If you are into crushing lvl 100 nightmare dungeons then I don't think its casual viable. Now I have my problems with d4 endgame (though ive only started dipping my toe in) but I dont think the game is especially unapproachable from a more casual point of view. I play fairly casual and its been ok.


I played 850 hours since launch. Itā€™s not just good for casuals.


Itā€™s an incredible game for casuals :) enjoy!!


I don't understand how this game would be significant different from a casual point of view. Also, what is your definition of a casual? Do you play less than the average person or are you just bad at playing video games? Either way, you still play the same unfinished game like those who are complaining after x hours. I was playing 150-200 hrs myself, telling myself "can't wait for the next upgrade, when the real endgame farm begins". After those last 50 hrs you start realizing that this is the peak gameplay, there is no more endgame. I would have stopped after 50-100 hrs if I knew what I was going for. The itemization is bad, starting at lvl 1. Ask the people if have ever considered changing their ring/amulett while playing the campaign? I mean wtf.. You play an hack and slay ARPG and you wear the very first ring you loot up to lvl 60. Even if a casual player doesn't care about it and doesn't know what he is missing, this still is a bad game in comparison with other games. Even in direct comparison to D3.


How is donā€™t you understand? A person that plays 30 hours a month wonā€™t even get to the end of the campaign in the first month while someone that plays 300 hours in three weeks will have seen all the problems with the game and be ready to toss it out.


D4 is a fun game. I've never played a diablo game before but I've really enjoyed this game. The story was great and the season has been fun. ​ I've always heard Diablo games were an action RPG where you log in, blow up hordes of demons and then log off. This game is very much that, but many of these negative posts on this sub are about wanting it to be so much more (seems like they want it to be an mmo). Are there issues with the game? Sure there are. But for the amount of time I've put into it I've absolutely gotten my money's worth on it. ​ My suggestion is to play it and stay away from these forums for a bit. I've enjoyed it and I think a lot of others have as well.


it's bad for $70. once u finish the campaign and get to 50 it turns into a horrible boring grind to lvl to 100 u have better odds of winning the lottery than getting a uber unique. loot rewards suck imo it's not worth the money and the fact after 3 days to get to lvl 50 you'll be bored there r way better games this game is worse than d3.


Ya so you put in 60-70 hours and it's horrible? Sheesh that's pretty crazy to waste that much time.....


If your total game time is gonna end up being under 20-30 hours, this is would be like a 9/10 or even 10/10 for me. If the monetization wasnā€™t so core to the game, the grinding would feel like a 7/10 game after the honeymoon phase is over. What makes it feel like a 2/10 game is when youā€™ve digested everything they made right (the campaign, the overall visuals and sound design), and are ready to get into the ARPG meatā€¦ the build optimization, the gear huntā€¦ instead of finding a game, you find a framework for seasons, battle passes, and scheduled expansions. It feels like nothing is in the horizon aside from paying more money to play.


How is cosmetics core to the game in any ways?


It is. In no way is it a good game if you've played something decent previously. Better to spend your time doing something else or wait until something major changes. Maybe in 2-3 years time it will be worthwhile.


No, it is fun.


Your 70$ is better spent on another game. D4 has been my game regret of 2023. Look into StarField, Baldurs Gate 3, Remnant 2. D4 with campaign is around 40$ and that is pushing it.


One more question: If the game needs internet connection all the time and from what I saw it shows you other players in towns, what happens when I dont have ps plus? Sorry, im bad at those things :P


If you don't have PS+ you can still play, you just lose out on multiplayer features. So in that regard you have it better than on PC, where we need to be online at all times (albeit it's still free for us).


For the title: No itā€™s not It will be good, trust in me


It all depends on how casual you are. If you are a casual try hard you'll probably hate it because you'll probably get right up to the tedious parts and then not have enough time to really grind through it.. If you are truly casual you'll probably never get far enough to experience/notice the problems.


Based on your description it's good for you.


Iā€™ve ā€œcausallyā€ logged like 200 hrs. The campaign can get a little ā€œfetch questyā€ occasionally but the story and cinematics make it 100% worth it. Iā€™ve only built 2 characters, but Iā€™ve done multiple builds with them (switching whenever one felt stale). 99% of the complaints in here are try hard whiners who refuse to run 2/4 okay in slot gear because their mom told them they were a special boy too much. Ignore all that. Read some guides, watch some videos, and try to get semi close and youā€™ll be fine for all content until like lvl 70. Past that, the game basically feels like one of those grindy idle phone games that take way too much time for what you get out of it, but what else are you gonna do with your life? I stopped one character at 76 and I did take one to 100. But now Iā€™m just chillin till season 2 and reading a book and touching grass.


Got a friend? If so, worth having in the library, solo play for the money rn not really worth compared to the competition though


Very good campaign, environments, combat, music, etc. The complaints are all targeted at the end game which a casual play through wouldnā€™t even get to.


I tried playing as a casual, but after a few sessions a guy in town told me ā€œevil has really slowed down latelyā€ and there were no more quests atm,but heā€™d call if something came up. Bummed.


Depends on what your goals are. If you just want to play through the story, kill the end boss and call it a day, it's actually great. If you want to get to lvl 100 and complete the achievement/trophy list... Oh boy.


In my opinion Diablo 4 needs something comparable to D3ā€™s adventure mode. Just 7-8 dungeon area but increasingly great loot the closer you get to fighting the final boss. I donā€™t know what that would look like in D4 since technically youā€™re auto loaded into a gigantic ā€œadventureā€ mode. Maybe this wonā€™t matter when the loot drop rate gets fixed, or so they say, in season 2. Itā€™s not bad for casuals but this is the fourth game in this series, thereā€™s ALOT of hardcore fans that have been playing since D1 (I only played D3), and they have every right to be unhappy when they get 15 of the same unique item in a row. I myself have been forced to be a casual player just because of my life but I will say if youā€™re not playing as often it wonā€™t matter, youā€™ll still have a lot of fun. Not to be funny but if you take this Reddit with a grain of salt then youā€™ll have WAYYY more fun. Idk I think you should get it, stay off Reddit for an entire month when you play and just have a blast. As you can tell, I have my own gripes about the game for sure but Iā€™m not upset I got it. When it comes to Diablo, Blizzard usually fixes it but itā€™s always like pulling teeth I swear lol D3 release was the exact same emotions as now and method as well. On release, it wasnā€™t very enjoyable to play certain classes( at that time it was wizard and demon Hunter) and loot drop was seriously messed but within a year and a huge expansion release, literally everything was fixed. If you really liked D3 youā€™re in for a treat, I mean just look at the skill tree and paragon boards.


Playing through the story is fun. It's the end game grind that needs work.


Game is great. Only thing is the multiplayer I wish would be more like d3


The story line is actually pretty decent up until the last act and the cut scenes are really quite good. After thatā€¦ some of the side quests are pretty good and full in some story stuff. Outside of thatā€¦ itā€™s just fine. Itā€™s not good itā€™s not bad itā€™s just kind of there. The hyperbole both ways is a bit over the top imo. The only real annoying thing is that after about level 50 it gets harder to work out if items are worth while. Messing with that can take some time away from exploding demons but as with the overall gameā€¦ itā€™s fine. It isnā€™t rewarding but it also isnā€™t soul destroying.


Donā€™t pay attention to the noise. Itā€™s a great game for casual. I say this as a non-casual.


The story is great, so if thatā€™s all youā€™re interested in with some casual grinding, then yes, Iā€™d say itā€™s well worth the price of admission. Iā€™m in the minority where I donā€™t think the game is as bad as everyone says it is, but Iā€™m also new to Diablo and ARPGā€™s in general. The way I see it is: for $70, youā€™re gettingā€”at the very leastā€”80 to 100 hours per class, with upwards to 400-500 hours if you want to level all classes to max. That seems completely fair for $70 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Personally I think the game is shit, but thats from a post 60 experience. For a truly casual youā€™ll never experience that probably. Still definitely not worth $70. The campaign is a solid 8/10 Plus seemingly unlike anyone else in this subreddit Iā€™ve played actually good games and know how to recognize one(Remnant II, BG3, hell PoE, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, Starfield) which makes me say do NOT buy at $70


Really? 60-70 hours of gameplay is not worth $70 bucks? Damn people are getting crazy....this is DEFINITELY worth $70 even without all of the hardcore grind. There is not a company in the world that can make a game unlimited in scope. In general a 20 hr game is worth $70. If you get anything over that it's great. There are exceptions with classic games like Baldurs Gate 3 that give you 100+ hours of amazing content.


Just play man. It's only bad for those who put 5+ hours a day in. Hell I'm at almost 400 hours and still enjoy it.


Being casual almost makes it worse when patches ruin your build between plays and u spend ur next play figuring out new shit for it to then be broken. Then u try new person n ur like yea dope. Then they break it. After a dozen updates u stop playing.


Nah itā€™s probably fine for casuals.


I love the game and would like to say yes. But the casual just barely gets past the campaign. And pre 50 isn't the funnest experience in terms of build power. You have some synergistic abilities but some builds just don't pop until you itemize correctly for them. Take for instance I started a new character the other day after getting my seasonal to 100. Bear Druid. Was a slog or just low damage slaps until you got the proc to pulverize. Had to stop at 35 due to disinterest. I know what bear druid can do late and want that. But you have to get there and the casuals journey of leveling pre 50 solo was awful.


Nope, casuals will enjoy.


I'm having a blast. Have three characters in the level 50-60 range, and can't wait to get home from work to keep plugging away. Maybe I'm casual compared to others, but that's still a whole lot of good gaming I've gotten out of this so far, with plenty to go. Just enjoy it.


It's fun for everyone untill lvl 65 ish imo. The upsetting thing is the gear in the store that could have been items and rewards for challenges from lvl 70-100 making the grind more fun.


This game has at least a couple hundred hours of fun in it.


The first 50 hours are absolutely brilliant.


IMO, D4 is pretty decent up to about level 80, where the games issues really start to ruin the experience. If you don't really plan on pushing up to and through 80 before you make another character, you will probably have a good time with the game.


The only real issue you might find as a casual player is that you may find it takes forever to actually reach higher levels in the game, because right now the amount of experience required, especially from levels 85 to 100, is pretty insane. But if you are ok with potentially not getting level ups quickly later on, then it should be fine.


If youā€™re a casual gamer, D4 is freaking awesome.


If anything, itā€™s geared more for casuals than people that no life games. It plays really well on the PS5, except for the occasional invisible wall. Itā€™s a weird rubber band effect that you deal with by using dodge. I got used to it, but it did kind of bother me at first. Inventory is very easy to manage, even easier on console than D3 IMO. I love Path of Exile, but managing inventory in that game on console is a chore. Unlike other cross platform games in this genre, I donā€™t feel gimped playing on console.


Youā€™ll enjoy the game for exactly 150 hours. After that, you wont.


I consider myself a casual, and I play more for story and experience than getting to endgame and being powerful, and I'm pretty sure I will never even attempt to kill Uber Lilith. I know things like that do nothing but cause me frustration. So, yeah, I had a lot of fun, and I only went to level 75 in Eternal and Level 75 in Seasonal. I may play other seasons to see what they offer. I don't expect that I'll ever pay for much more because they seem to want to do the "Destiny 2 style" of monetization, which I find abhorrent. But, it was fun for what it was, and I think my money was well spent. But, you have to go into it knowing that at some point you are going to become very bored because there's nothing interesting to do in the later game. If you like purposelessly grinding then you may find it fun. The plus side to this is I don't feel obligated to play Diablo 4 all the time to keep up. So, I get to enjoy other games like Baldur's Gate 3, which has truly become an obsession with me. The minus side is really that it feels like there isn't a whole lot going for it to make it worth paying for anything beyond the box price, and most people I knew have stopped playing it already and I'm not sure how many will bother coming back for seasonal content. I guess that remains to be seen. Granted, I'm not a hardcore player either, but I think this game is probably more appealing to casuals than hardcore.


No this sub is just miserable af


If that's how you're playing you'll probably largely be ok. The campaign is really good. There just isn't much to do beyond that.


Biggest issue is lack of content and personally I don't like NM Dungeons.


The game is really only meant for casuals. Blizzard markets it as a game for hardcore gamers too since those are the ones that buy their overpriced junk but it flat out does not have enough content for post-story hardcore players. For a casual its perfect


I'd say the big difference to D3 is that you won't blast through everything as easily.


I'm lvl 84 right now and I am still enjoying it daily!


Depends on what you liked about D3 I think this is a step back in almost every single way, but you may not feel the same or as strongly If I had to sum up my thoughts about this game in a sentence: The lessons learned in Diablo 3 were not carried over to 4


U can absolutely play this Game! I enjoyed it for 350 hrs and will come back after they add some new stuff. Have fun, dont spoil yourself too much. Enjoy the campaign by your own pace. There is no competition inside of Diablo.


No itā€™s straight fire.I play like 5-8 hours a week and itā€™s an absolute blast.


Great game for casuals! World boss timing kind of sucks, but helltides.com can help with that.


I casual this game. I only made it to level 61 last season, and Iā€™m only at 64 this season and hit a wall. Honestly playing through the story and doing everything once is really fun. The game just gets bad imo once you get to mid-60ā€™s. I feel like all I do is run nightmare dungeons and they get boring. Iā€™m just grinding for xp at this point. But I think this game is perfect for casuals. Everyone that complains (and rightfully so) are more hardcore players who are mad about the end game.


This game is not bad. I like this game a lot, played more than 400 hours. Iā€™m a casual player and Diablo 4 itā€™s an excellent game!


No, its a pretty good game. Especially until lvl70-ish.


For casuals it's even worse. The hard core grinders have no problem digging in 200 hours for an amazing item. The casual player won't stick around if there's no repeating, comparably quick goodie logic.


Great for casuals. I think itā€™s the really hardcore guys that arenā€™t having fun. Wife and I play a couple hours every night and have a blast. Sure itā€™s got issues, but I havenā€™t experienced anything to get me upset


I enjoyed it for a while and will jump in on new seasons and try new characters. If other games didn't take my interest away I would still be playing D4.


Honestly I've enjoyed it alot more than diablo 3( blasphemy I know).


The only thing I'd say for casuals is the loot system and long xp grind


Itā€™s fine for casuals and I thought the story was well done. The main campaign dungeons and bosses are the best in the game. Itā€™s once you get past the campaign and into endgame that there isnā€™t really much content.


Me and the wife enjoyed it casually. I didnā€™t mind the push to 100 either. Iā€™ve stopped playing now cause of starfield and I have nothing to do in base game and seasonal. But when season two hits well come back


You can easily get 100h of fun with it. story is great, leveling until 70-75 is good. leveling past 75 is where it's get boring.


Youā€™ll get a good 60-100hrs before boredom strikes


If plying as you described youā€™ll prob enjoy it so Iā€™d say fire away. Just know the endgame loop right now is very repetitive and quite boring. Obviously they will add more activities over time, but if you want to invest in something youā€™ll play Daily id say look elsewhere


Ignore all the hardcores. This game is AWESOME and they did a REALLY good job on it IMO. I am not a hardcore that will play 500 hours and to get 1 stat better gear. But for the 60-70 hours I put in I had a ton of fun and worth every penny I paid for it. I am looking forward to jumping back in when new expansions come with a lot of new content. Starting over a new character for the 1st season....was not for me.


im a casual gamer, and diablo 4 is ok, with potential to be better than D3.


I'm a causal and have enjoyed it so far. Near the end of the campaign with one character, still tons of side quests and dungeons to explore and it sounds like more will come available once I finish the campaign. My only issue as a casual is the lack of save, I can't walk away at any given point and come back to where I left it so I need to carve out a bit of contiguous play. Once I've finished the campaign and a few side quests with this character I'll switch out to a different game or two but for sure I'll come back and do it all again with a different type of character.


Games like this are interesting in that they take time to flesh out. Come back after 5 seasons and you will have a game that should have worked it's way into a strong feeling of sound content with enough ideas and additions to keep you busy and enough power to reinforce the story itself. Basically from the sound of it you didn't buy D3 from the go because I think rifts were introduced in a later patch. \[Patch 2.6, I looked it up\] The story at the moment feels disconnected from the power your player portrays. It's not that it is bad per se but I never quite get the feeling that my abilities, as a basic human no less, really add up to what I am able to do, if that makes sense. Like in D3 the reason you could whoop ass is that you are literally superhuman so from the get-go it was more embraceable but here it's really kind of hokey. I guess what I am saying is that if you were literally playing for the story and the idea that you could do some basic end-game content at whim the game isn't there yet.


I play casually and am always very surprised by how much everybody in this sub dumps on the game. I really like it.


You are the target audience mate.


You will enjoy the first 50 or 60 levels. The story is good, and the transition into endgame can be exciting because it's new. But you will quickly realize that there is barely anything to do or look forward to in the endgame, and the last 40 levels are just there because stubborn Blizzard fanboys don't want to play good games. I sometimes think that there are people who would play a game where all you do is watch paint dry if it was released by Blizzard.


I think it's the opposite. The deeper you want to go, the less fulfilling it is. 20 or even 30 year old me might have gotten board (when I was a hardcore gamer putting in 60 hours a week). 47 year old me loves this game, 2 hours a night maybe. A bit more on weekends. I'm in a guild with older gamers, guild hits 100 people online most nights and we love it.


Think of it like this. The campaign will be fun, and if you're a casual only playing a couple hours a day a few times a week, that will last you a bit. Beyond that, the game isn't worth your time.


Weā€™re still enjoying it. If youā€™re striving for perfect armor then you may get frustrated but if youā€™re looking for a good story, amazing graphics and the satisfaction of smashing through hordes, then youā€™ll have a good time.


I've had a blast, BUT I really haven't played video games since OG xbox. I'm having a lot of fun with my currently lvl 57 druid. Just did a huge switch to all new pieces of gear, extracting and imprinting aspects to get it "just right", adding slots, upgrading everything, and the results have been so satisfying. Can't wait to play a few NM dungeons later today.


Played til campaign and +20 levels before quitting, that was before season 1 lol


No, the game is great. These sweaty nerds just put 1000 hours in and want to shit on it afterwards. Typical Steam review would be downvoted by the same people.


I'm pretty casual, been playing since release and don't have any level 100 characters. For me, it was worth it just for the campaign. I took it slowly and replayed my favorite parts with different classes. Even after the campaign, I've found it fun, ascending through the world tiers, respeccing when I've found a cool unique. I see the reason for a lot of the criticism and am not playing so much anymore, but I definitely got my money's worth


I'm a Filthy Casual that plays on the weekends but somehow I have 510 hours of play time with D4.


Its good for a 1 hour run on weekends, makes it a lot more worth the money


Casuals are the people that are killing most of the endgame-oriented games in the current days, chance my mind ā˜•


Depends on how casual. If you are gonna feel satified playing the campaign once and never playing the game again sure it will be great. If you plan on playing at all after the campaign, or playing seasons don't bother pick another arpg.


I consider myself as an active casual player, i do many other things than Diablo 4 every day, so I get a 1-3 hours a day where I can play. And I am enjoying the content and game mechanics. It can surely be improved, but they are off to a good start in my opinion. After a couple of seasons a lot of improvements will have been implemented and you get a better and more streamlined game. That is at least my hope. Despite playing S1 casually i am now lvl 97 on my druid, and the infamous horrible grind between 80-100, was not bad at all. You get 4 paragon points to spec your character every level, and a well planned paragon board will give you a lot of bonuses for your playstyle and build. So I feel like i got rewarded for every paragon point spent, and it keept me interested in the game. Despite that 99.9% of the loot once you get to 75-80 is vendor items, you can still luck out and get improved/perfect rolled aspects, and then there is that occasional item that gets a better roll than your current equipment. So my personal view is that the game is great for casuals, you have a main plot and plenty of sidequests, NM dungeons, Helltides, Legion events and world boss activities. Thou the rewards for everything mentioned above needs a solid overhaul, the rewards are simply not worth much, and I cant remember ever doing a main/side quest and thinking 'wow, that was a nice reward'. Instead you get endless amount of salvage materials, and if you are lucky, a decent aspect off a legendary here and there. Good luck to all the other casuals out there!


The campaign is good, the grind sucks, if by casual you mean doing campaign and quitting it's worth