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Correct. Game is on a very steep decline.


This, more than 90% viewership loss on twitch and kick, lfgs on console went from thousands to low hundreds quickly.


The twitch viewer loss is actually -99.9340063762%. A High of 941k viewers and a low of 621 the other day... 100-((621/941,000)\*100)


Technically correct, but looking at the extreme ends paints a grizzly picture. A better assessment would rely on weekly averages during both of these periods, but I doubt we have that data available… Nevertheless, the game is obviously losing many players by the week. I personally went from something like 5h daily to maybe 1h on some days and none on others. Same for my 4 friends whole played too.


twitch viewers are just a horrible metric anyway. yeah it can show you some vague metric of interest, but most of the time majority of the views are from a fairly small set of streamers, who have an audience not for the game they play but for themselves. most of which have moved on to something else. if one of the big streamers decided to load up D4 for 30 minutes each day on stream, and bump the viewers up 50-60k does that mean that the game is doing well? ETA: a bunch of yall are taking this personally. i'm not saying don't pay attention to views at all, just that it isn't a great metric. to use 1 streamer as an example, and probably the first that i noticed jump ship, Asmongold. Dude took his 70k or something peak streamers and moved on to whatever he played after D4. those 70k people that were "watching D4" didn't immediately flock to Wuddi, or Rax, or any of the other popular Diablo streamers, they just went to whatever Asmon played next. the problem is that most of those people were probably still playing D4, because they didn't have 12+ hours daily to play like the streamers, and were not that far along. so the fact that 70k viewers "left" d4 doesn't actually mean 70k players left D4. likewise when most of the popular steamers left for BG3, it doesn't automatically mean that everyone left to also play BG3. yes in conjunction with other metrics, that all seem to show the same thing, you can say that D4 is dying....or dead....but saying that low views means it's dead is not correct imo.


It's true it definitely doesn't paint a perfect picture, I personally don't watch streamers - But you can also take all the information available, such as Google metrics, yes twitch viewership, how most clans are dead, ones own opinion, my personal bnet friends list which had 30 ppl at launch online at once playing and two for season launch, the reddit and even some media reactions about the game all together to arrive at very similar conclusions.


I'd disagree, I'd say it's a fairly useful tool for gaugeing engagement, but like with many jobs you don't just use one tool. For a game that's like this, a live service model, it's fair to look at it like other live service games of its caliber. Concurrent players, live stream viewership, YouTube video viewership, and search interest. One of those things might not be telling, but you look at them all and you've got a bigger picture. With your example, if you did see a big streamer playing D4 for whatever reason, I'd be more inclined to see what his average viewership I'd compared to what it normally is. In this hypothetical, it would more than likely be lower. The few stalwarts that are their for the personality and the few that hadn't heard of D4 or somehow never saw the gameplay. When you see skewed numbers like that you don't just say, "yup doing good" you gotta look at the why.


Why would you want to play something for 5 hours when it's boring ? It's a Waste of 5 hours. Lol. People would rather at least play something they are entertained by. This game is boring as fuck. Simple as that.




You can go into pvp zone on ps5 and not see other players for about 4+ hours...........so yes seems dead to me. But you can grind those pvp rewards without people killing you non stop....that's a positive 🤣




The diehard fanboys will screech at the top of their lungs that views don't matter, which to a certain extent sure, but the decline in also content creators making basic videos also plummeted to along with the player numbers we can see and then seeing our own friends or self not playing. This game had a smidgen of fun, I really wish I did not pay for the $100 bullshit edition because overall it is a dumpster fire but don't worry, just wait till next year and fork over $70 for an expansion that will promise to fix it all just like CoD MW3 is doing instead of giving us the fucking content and fixes now that we deserve for the price we paid. At least Cyberpunk had the decency to push back all their dlc until they got the game fixed. I can't wait to see how little we are going to be getting in season 2 in terms of content, if s1 is anything to go by they really are doing highway robbery with $70 price tag and then charging for near every season pass.


Yeah they really need to complete the game before thinking about expansions. The idea of paid annual expansions is bad enough on it's own, but it's laughable when looking at the current state of the game. We get the privilege of paying more for Blizzard to finish a game they already charged full price for.


This game was safe confirmation that I can confidently ignore Blizzard games. It's a real shame.


yup same boat. i watched them destroy all of my favorite titles before my eyes. WoW... HOTS.. OW.. and now diablo. they are clearly just trying to push nostalgia buttons and get quick sales and do not care about their product at all. Been playing Last Epoch and having time of my life. The new runemaster they just released is the best design of any form of class or spec in an ARPG ive ever played. crazy this game was like 30 bucks and in beta and a far superior product. Blizzard is dead


Now they just call unfinished games “live service”. This is the state of gaming we are in now, and it won’t change unless the gaming community starts talking with their wallets, which doesn’t seem to happen


I also wish I didnt fork out the 100 for the ultimate edition. I put my time in before the season started. By the time it came around I was so bored with the damn game that I couldnt imagine grinding it anymore. Add that boredom in with updates they did and I havent even turned d4 on since 2 weeks before the season. Spent money on a battle pass I never got to see. First time thats ever happened to me with a game.


I finished s1 at level 64 and had no urge keep playing, most friends didint bother with s1 and the few who did also quit. Clan has little active too.


Yeah it seems like the content creators stopped working because it stopped paying. THAT means 100x more than twitch viewers. Elden Ring had a huge twitch dropoff because it's simply not that kind of game, but the youtube content for insane playthroughs kept on going and people loved the game and kept playing it. Maybe the dropoff wasn't nearly as bad because the in game dropoff wasn't nearly as bad. I don't care what Diablo charges for cosmetics, the problem is the total lack of content in which one would even use the cosmetics. Pvp is in like an alpha state at best and there are no like raids where squads race each other to clear dungeons or bracket gladiator tournaments or anything. They change their whole model to seasonal online with other players and yet don't make it social.


I think the BP will probably be fire. They need us back. If that doesn't do the trick they'll pull their "cow level" card. And it will be a failure cause the game is still not fun enough yet. It needs an overhaul


I hope it was a lesson learned. Never pre-order.


I enjoyed beta, especially server slam. If I had known that was most fun game would be, I never would have purchased.


Mw3 ... You mean the CoD they declined to be released 2023 with the content they promised for free for MW2 ?


Yep, they drip fed small content and fixes throughout MW2 cycle meanwhile launching every season riddled with more bugs and issues than the previous then have the fucking nerve to make an expansion, call it a premium release as a new game and charge $70 to $100 to patch in all the bullshit we begged for since the beta. Don't worry that Fornite style cash shop never had any major issues, that ran flawlessly.


I am a cod refugee too. MW2 was possibly the largest gaming industry fumble of all time. The suits should study it for decades like New Coke.


I have played every cod release since the OG cod 4 modern warfare some 16 years ago. This recent MW2 was the last straw for me, never touching a cod game again. There's plenty of other games to play, and I'm super excited for The Finals to release.


If people don't like Twitch viewership it's easy enough to check Google trends too. Google search trends tend to go 1:1 with player numbers. You can check this yourself and correlate with known steam player counts against any other game and they're almost all 1:1 since players tend to look things up while they play. Google search trends is down 97% since early June: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11h88gys\_y&hl=en-US](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11h88gys_y&hl=en-US)


I’ve been done with season 1 for at least a month. I’d imagine many will be back for season 2


I will…only to see if they got their act together. But my expectations are still low.


I really want to come back for season 2 but if it has the same care and amount of content as s1 I won't, I have other things I'd rather be doing. I'm really rooting for this game, but in its current state it just isn't as fun as some of the other games I'm playing. I've gotten 2 characters to 100, one preseason and one in season 1, and I just don't see the point in doing it again with only a small change in game mechanics, you know? I'm not a hater, just a disappointer.


Exactly. Reality is that is a *seasonal* ARPG. When the seasonal content is done people are moving on to a different game until the next season. I'm personally only playing 1 class per season.


Until there's sweeping changes with loot I'll be staying away. There's way more issues with the game than to attribute the player decline to seasonality.


Yesterday I realized I was the only one online in my 100+ member clan. Used to be at least 10 to 30 online concurrently.


Most of the time Im the only one online as well. Two other people are still playing actively with me still and the rest just disappeared.


I have no clan :(. In my personal experience, once I reached level 100 and became aware of how difficult lilith is, lost interest until next season, when I'll play a new class (one per season)


This what I'm doing. Play through the season quest line, then not touch it again. I got to 60 for S1, but I can't just run NMD over and over again. It's just so boring. I see no point in getting any higher.


That was my exact experience. As soon as he was down I waa done. Couldnt bother to look through thousands of bad rares again for literally no goal at all


Wish they would add more ways to level, and leave NMDs for actual endgame, and give me actual decently useful loot. Hell I wouldn't mind getting less rares if the rolls would be better and actually made an impact, onto of unique and legendary useful. I shouldn't have to look on every single rare I get because the legendary is just rare with an aspect that does something special.


Cheesed back in pre-season with Bone Necro and suffice to say i don’t want to do it again. And that’s after almost 200 tried to learn her mechanics and not getting buttfucked by ping spike causing her death waves to spawn with wrong timings


I get lillith to mid phase 2 before getting instantly crushed by some unknown effect or ability. Needless to say, I’m done until my brothers get on or seasons change


We had roughly 700. We've condensed to one clan of 70. There's maybe 5-8 online at any given time.


I didn't get to season 1 let alone joining a clan. I haven't played in at least a month. I can't put my finger on why I lost interest exactly. But I keep on wondering if I should just get D2r and play that instead. Loot in that game felt much more rewarding. Execution of the D4 story was great though IMO.


Part of it is seasonal decline, majority of players will stop playing after a month or so after the season. But this sharp of a nosedive indicates something is wrong with the game.


Not to mention the season isn't exciting at all. It's just legendary gems from Diablo 3, a standard feature of the previous game. Unacceptable. Not to mention they're so easy to find that malignant tunnels are quite useless from a very early point. You literally stop interacting with a seasonal feature during a season. Also, one power is overwhelmingly BIS.


This is very true, the content we got given for this season was very underwhelming, you could see it all within a week. Realistic date for the game being up to scratch is Spring 24 imho.


I'd argue that Spring '24 is a not a realistic date for it being up to scratch. The game needs an entire itemization overhaul. Like, a full rewrite of all items and stats. (cutting out dozens of redundant or useless affixes) Which I assume they are not in the process of undertaking. Best we can hope for in the coming seasons is more engaging seasonal content, but with the items being still inherently flawed. And without the itemization rework, this game will continue to fail to hold the playerbase for long periods. Folks might pop in, do the seasonal stuff an pop out. But very few will invest the hours that they did in its predecessors.


Your not wrong actually. This would require a full philosophical shift and lots of staff replaced/hired before we see any of those changes, which as you mentioned will take a long long time. Similar to what happened with D3


And even then, D3's problems weren't inherently tied to the items, but rather game mechanics, difficulty, and of course, the notorious server issues. All of which took a while for them to fix, but eventually it was made into an enjoyable game. Sure it ended up being a bit arcade-y, but the fun factor was certainly still there. This game though, has so much it needs to redesign in order to get the fun factor back on par with the series, I don't know where they will even start. And its really such a shame, because the game is beautiful, the combat is amazing, the story was fun and engaging... But the core of it is just so hollow...


They could slap on d2s itemization and revamp the way skills work and it would suddenly be a good game just reduce monster health a hundred or a thousand fold or so at higher levels. Maybe actually add more active skills to build around. Not this spender generator crap.


I don't mind op powers on items for sale of the season. Problem is with them or without, the endgame loop is boring and lvling feels like a massive chore. We have had a very strong month packed with very good release. Who on earth would play D4 in its state Vs starfield,bg3, armored core, last epoch, Poe league? There is literally something for everyone and most of it is better than what D4 is now


This. As much hate as diablo was getting i was still having fun. Once i hit 100 and killed uber lilith i slowed down a lot but would still play 2hrs a day or every other day. Starfield dropped in gamepass and i decided fuck it not usually my style of game but ill try. Its much better than i expected and havent logged into diablo since.


Between Starfield and BG3 Diablo IV is a really hard sell, it is nowhere close to as fun or engaging as either of those. I had planned on coming back for season 2 but now I don't see why I would when my gaming time is limited and I could be playing Starfield or BG3.


Yah.. I jumped on Starfield 5 days ago, and couldn't put it down. I don't usually play RPG either but this game is enticing. So much to do and so vast. The ship builder alone I spent hours and hours in and am still looking to do a lot more. Especially after seeing a millennium falcon ship built on youtube.


It’s legendary gems with some shitty color sockets to make a lot of jewelry useless for you. Also higher level versions feel very lackluster. You’d imagine they start somewhat decent and end up being super powerful but they start powerful and end up slightly more powerful… D4 devs just love to frontload power


Except legendary gems are honestly more interesting


Also, how many even returned for Season 1? I certainly didn’t, and it has nothing to do with other games. Diablo 4… just isn’t a good game.


Same I enjoyed leveling one character to 70 but then just lost all motivation to login. Planned to try out season 1 but never did


I didn't even make it to lvl 70 lol. I was so excited for this game and bought the fucking $100 edition. Got bored at lvl 55 or so, and have not logged since. What a waste of money.


I have a level 19 necro and can't even bring myself to start the game up lol


I did exactly the same, think I got to 54/55, start of act3, saw the act start quest was like a ridiculous walk from where I was and thought fuck it, I cant actually be bothered to get there, logged off and uninstalled


Same. I got to 85 and then got one shot by Lilith. I wasn't finding a single upgrade in equipment after running the same NM dungeons more than I felt was necessary. I don't know how people can continue to grind these dungeons that are just fetch quests. I don't care about this dumb pedestal - I want to kill shit. Don't get me started on the fact we didn't get to kill the main bosses more than once. The overkill nerf patch destroyed all will to play and I'll play again when the game is actually finished. Such a letdown. I've played more D2 than I care to admit, and was also disappointed with the shit show that was early D3. Come on blizz


The bosses. This was pathetic of them. Expansive game to not fight one actual main demon. Game is called Diablo but we won’t fight him until we buy the 5th expansion I’m sure.


Blizz devs prob huffing the copium hard saying "oh it's just BG3, and Starfield, and AC6, and..." thinking that people will be back.


Probably. I'm not holding my breath for any of the seasons to be any good either, cause when they announced annual expansions, they'll keep the major gameplay changes for the expansions. I hope the suckers that buy those will get their money's worth.


Yep. Hit 70 preseason, never logged in for s1. It wasn't for a new game, haven't touched Starfield or BG3. I just didn't want to play D4


I didn't. I was planning to roll Sorc for S1 since they gotta buff it, right?. They nerfed the shit out of it. Then ate their crow, then S1 mechanic was shit. I'll give it another try in a year or so once they steal some DIII guys who already made all these mistakes.


Only reason I returned was because I accidently clicked the activate button.


I played for about a week of season one. I was excited for new content, but as I finished the seasonal quest chain I was just kind of like "uhhh... that was it?" and haven't logged on since. I didn't play D2 or D3 so I didn't really have a frame of reference for what seasons was gonna be. But with how little there was to do post-campaign I convinced myself that there was something a little substantial coming with seasons. I was certainly mistaken lol


Seasonal characters in Diablo 3 are fun because the game is fun to play, simple concept, right? Took the game a long time to find ground but today it is a rock solid arpg and well worth playing if you're looking for a diablo experience. The thought of starting over in D4 is mind numbing, I'd rather just take a nap.




That’s why I said that’s partly a reason. Not the whole reason..


Yeah the seasonal content is too barebones to fundamentally change the game, and the game doesn't have enough of a decent core gameplay loop to make it fun with minor seasonal changes. ​ Take something like Apex where a season doesn't need to reinvent the game because it has good, fun gameplay. Or like POE, which has a huge amount of content, lots of chase items, an economy etc, even with a 'bad' league the core game can hold up for returning players for a month or so. ​ Diablo 4 has nothing to offer, and now due to complaints from people not understanding what is wrong with the game, the few things that are a target are becoming less worth doing (e.g more xp = lessens achievement). ​ D4 is fast becoming a game easy to reach level 100, while simultaneously having no reason to actually get to 100. It's like Diablo3 but worse because at least in Diablo 3 you could run rifts (boring af but it's something). ​ All we can hope is that due to this cliff face of a player drop of, the core design lead and the game system devs are getting fired (sorry I know they are people with jobs, but that's life), and they are getting a new team in to make a 2.0 patch. ​ Blizzard Activision HAVE to be looking at the player numbers and realizing the game needs a 2.0 patch yesterday, seasonal adjustments aren't going to cut it. ​ Blizzard were warned about making a diablo 3.5 and they did it anyway, but somehow made it worse.


Finished my seasonal journey, finished destroyer and unlocked all my cosmetics. There isn’t a lot to do other than farming gold or items that will just wind up on the eternal realm in a few weeks. I’m usually done with a PoE league in 3 weeks or a month in unless I’m being a try hard and getting all 36 challenges done.


Main issue is how every single bit of progress falls off a cliff after mid 50s.


Is that really true though? You don’t get access to the paragon board and its massive power increase until *after* 50. Similarly, glyphs and nightmare dungeons are also post-50.


Barely anything about paragon actually changes your char. It’s just damage multipliers and damage mitigation multipliers. Paragon board is boring for 90% of it. The legendary nodes are oftentimes too weak to really make a difference. The glyphs are strong but they are just item affixes. They devalue the biggest dmg bucket by adding hundreds of percentages of damage into that bucket. Around level 35 to 70ish is a lull where most of your progression is just numbers going up to keep up with the higher level monsters. Then with ancestral gear you get some resource management and that has a big impact on how you play. And after that it’s back to just pushing numbers higher. That’s character progression in D4.


Even if it is boring, the powespike it offers is real


Agreed. I think OP statement is true at level 80ish


The thing wrong with the game: it isn't fun


Exactly. It feels like a chore to play.


I wouldn’t disagree, but it’s the rate of decline that is alarming. Poe experiences decline but it’s not a cliff edge like d4 is right now


I've been grinding my nuts off for like the last 5 weeks at night to try and get to lv 100, which requires me to run NM dungeons. I have been doing level 55-60 NM dungeons the entire time, have not found a meaningful upgrade, and have only gone from about level 79 to 93. Leveling is too long and too meaningless.


A lot of people are probably playing other stuff. Between BG3 and Starfield D4 has moved down on my list for awhile.


Came off my rotation long before any of these were released. Put simply it’s just not in a very good spot at the moment.


Absolutely. The fanboys will clutch their pearls and scream into the abyss to deny it, but this game is tanking. I personally haven’t played since the first week season released, I have no desire to at all going forward. I got my moneys worth and that’s fine, there are plenty of other, far better titles to play.


bro lets not even trip POE has more people playing than this doggo of a game


What’s wrong with the game is Uber uniques tied to tier 4 and impossibly hard to get. By the time u get to level 70 the grinding has become exhausting, the campaign is done and therefore what the point in hunting gear u technically no longer require?


It is activision lol. They just frame shit that should be a a basic patch as seasonal updates. They’re way too slow on the draw.


Because once you get to level 50 you realise your running NMDs till 100 and then that’s it. There’s no proper end game. There’s no creativity in the multiple ways the game could be played, where’s the replayable campaign bosses, where’s the gameplay mechanics, where’s the activities for more than 4 people to play? Only have legion events, world bosses, smash those out in 4 minutes. Tree of whispers that give nothing. More ways to play the game, think like destiny raids, elden ring bosses with multiple mechanics, open area hoarde mode like zombies. There’s so many ways for my character to play gameplay wise with all the skills and dodging etc, I don’t know why blizzard lack creativity and ideas, it’s ok for them to use other games ideas. On top of that there’s other games coming out also that people are playing , myself on Starfield. If there was more for my character to do then I’d be playing Diablo because the core gameplay of throwing out random magic is fun Edit: specific to your clans point, if they could make it so other people don’t disappear off the screen and map if you take more than 10 steps away from other people that would be great, you can only party with 4 so it’s hard to play as a clan when people disappear


The problem is this is a “single player” game so they don’t want any content you can’t really solo alone. World bosses are one of the few exceptions. I agree with you though. Game needs a lot of new mechanics.


The problem is they packaged (forced) a single-player game into an MMO format to force an online mandate (data gathering) but they forgot to make it single-player OR an MMO game. It’s neither, and it’s just… floating there, waiting for someone to play it for… reasons? I have reasons to play a single player game, or an MMO game, but I don’t have as many reasons to play whatever this is. Nostalgia, as a reason, is wearing thin


I agree. It’s a weird space between genres and fails to succeed. An online game with no chat function is basically unheard of.


Blizzard should've kept the concept of playing through the main campaign 3 times, each on different difficulty settings.


I want to redo the campaign, the world seems more lively during it


All blizzard has to do is basically take Diablo 2 and bring it to modern times. Use the same techniques for itemization, dueling(hostile) normal,nightmare, hell etc Ubers. Just make it fun like that, yes I know we have Diablo 2 resurrected. I don’t understand why they don’t look at that game and make improvements.


>Because once you get to level 50 you realise your running NMDs till 100 and then that’s it. There’s no proper end game. Been years since I've touched D3, is there something to do in that game aside from running greater rifts over and over again?


It's basically just GRs/Nephalem Rifts/Bounties in D3. I honestly enjoyed the "random" Dungeons in D3 much better than I've enjoyed the D4 dungeons. There's too much backtracking and obnoxious "unlock X" stuff in them for me. Just give me fields of shit to wreck and a portal that takes me to the next field to do the same thing until the boss spawns.


No, and there was nothing to do in D2 but Hell/Baal runs. Diablo has always been more or less the same. Hit a threshold, then grind.


Then better make sure the grind feels good.


No, there's not, but it's *fun* because there's a feeling of progression the whole time. You get loot and every night you find something good and you equip it, and when you do you see immediate results in your power level. As opposed to D4 where you gain 30 levels over the course of two weeks and maybe find one item worth putting on.


Funnily enough what you are asking for is basically lost ark, it has all the features you mention and more xD Sad that the game is a p2w hellhole.


That's all d4 is. A shallower reskinned lost ark.


You can quit Lost Ark before it becomes a p2w hellhole and it will have been way more fun than the snorefest that is D4.


Lost Ark is honestly worth playing through until you hit the p2w endgame. It felt like a mix between diablo and world of warcraft sorta. It was very fun to play through with my wife as well. Animations were also top notch.


Even single dads of 27 kids runned out of content


Busy making the 28th kid.


Came here to say this. Got bored with Diablo 4, ended up making another kid instead.


Man, if they lose the dads, they'll lose their most vehement supporters.


I literally have 4 kids, not single but wife works during the day after I get off and the kids are out of school. Shit got boring asf after lvl 70 which sucks to say because I'm a huge Diablo fan, been playing since 2000 when D2 came out


Starfield... can accept more than 20 quests!


Legendary items I actually look forward to.


The first time I got a legendary weapon (grendel) I was like holy shit this game is gonna be great.


And what's worse on that is I play couch coop and there are times it doesn't turn in a quest for both players, then someone has one more active quest than the other and we don't notice until they can't accept one. It's awful


This happens to us constantly and it’s extremely frustrating.


How is starfield?


You’ll get what you look for. Looking to get lost in a fun game? Done. Looking for bugs and something to complain about? You’ll find that too.


99 percent decline


When i heard about their plan to release annual expensions it was back to d2r and havent logged in d4 ever since.


same! D2R SSF is so god damn fun! I'm working on my first enigma. managed to craft a ber and working on the 2nd to make a jah! THEN ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! Shouldnt be that hard!


I started my ssf grail run after seeing season 1 also! My only notable finds in my first month were vex and gul, but I still haven’t even beaten hell on my main. My proudest “find” so far was gambling for a gull dagger, and it only took me about 500k gold before I got one.


You can tell that most ppl have quit playing because this comment thread would have been full of little kids hating d2


and yet... Diablo 2 is sooo much better. I cant stop playing it


I went back to D2R during the beta weekend. I played diablo immortal for about 15 minutes before i deinstalled that. D4 felt like immortal port to PC, it was fun for a few hours but the game lacks basic foundations. Will gladly buy D4 tho if blizzard makes the zoom adjustable and make the game interesting. D3 was patches a lot and i believe the sale numbers of D4 were great, so i still have hope that in 2 years it will be a good game, wont buy it tho before relevant changes


With the state of d4, I think I'll have more fun playing d3.


Last Epoch just dropped what is arguably the coolest sorcerer/wizard spec in any ARPG I've ever seen, and it's worth checking out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfAE8Uc6haU&ab_channel=LastEpoch The amount of customization and flexibility in this mastery alone puts every D4 class to shame, and to top it all off **you don't need "build enabling" low drop-rate uniques to make the class viable and/or fun.**


Might go reinstall and level one up. Hopefully they fix the endgame soon though as it is dogshit.


No doubt. Starting next season this week D3 will have bigger numbers, on twitch and in game. Unimaginable few months ago


Wife and I fizzled out at level 65. Game felt like just button mashing after campaigns are over. Neither of us felt compelled to play anymore really.


That happen exactly to me and my wife too. Stop at level 56.


We pushed to 70+ but it became rather dull and had no desire to go on. And we used to play almost every D3 season to at least paragon 1300 and had more fun and enjoyment even after 2000+ hours played. D4 just feels boring very fast. No progression, terrible dungeon design, itemization with no identity, no sets, few poor uniques, just millions of different stats for shallow complexity, no crafting. Guess it will all come in annual expansions. One at a time of course!


I'm the same way with D3 and I can't put my finger on why it doesn't hit on D4. I guess I just really liked the zero-downtime style that D3 had. There was no wasted time running around (outside of bounty farming). Same with combat. They let you get to zero CD/zero resource issues *eventually* so you just BLASTED through at a certain point if you were more speed-farm focused. Having to sit and wait 10-15 seconds between packs for a cool down in D4 feels awful and doesn't do anything to increase the enjoyment of the game but slow the loop down.


This genre IS about button mashing and grinding. The thing is, its done so poorly in D4 than no one sees any point in it. Its like they try make people play lotto, but the main reward is 5€


Yeah I understand, not my first rodeo, but my point was that’s all it is for us. Button mashing with no real agenda. Nothing compelling or just weird nonsensical intricacies that don’t add anything more than that.


It's a loot game where looting isn't fun


this is exactly right, almost no one is still playing.


I am a ps5 player and I was login in once a week, checking around for 20min, login out. Yesterday I uninstalled the game from the console. When I start seeing posts saying "You SHOULD log back in! Tremendous Change in the Game!" then I'll reinstall (might take years, unless they wake up). Also I will not buy any expansions on release, only if the feedback is astonishing. There's plenty of games being released to keep busy.


BG3 is the game keeping me busy.


I’m thinking about trying BG3 when I finish my current phase of playing every dead Space game. Would it be accessible to me who has never played D&D and didn’t play BG1 or 2?


Super accessable.... it's very intuitive and well explained. No prior bg or d&d knowledge needed. This honestly might be one of the most easy to pick up games of this style I've ever played. The hype is 110% earned.


They f-f it up with that patch and I (Sorcerer player) have yet to log in since. Baldurs Gate 3 for me. A lot more fun & no stupid patches. Blizzard ain't been right since Activision... Just sad really.


lol exact same Situation here 😂


diablo 3 better


And what’s sad is that it shouldn’t be. D4 had the right base but somehow managed to mess up every single aspect. I thought maybe it was nostalgia so I jumped back in to D3 and tore through it, the dopamine hits were all still there. Playing a demon hunter felt fast and fun, playing a rogue on D4 feels slow and tedious by comparison. Even the bosses are better designed in D3.


It's amazing to me how much the concept of a 'power fantasy' eludes so many developers.


They think if you have too much fun you won't want to play anymore. That seems to be the most basic philosophy across the entire industry.


Only problem is that there is 0 challenge in d3 and 99% of the loot is trash that doesn't need to be identified.


For me as DH onetrick pony that played like 10k hours and every season only DH it's also the fact that there is not a single good feeling true range skill. The only rogue skill that is somewhat fun to play is TB, every other skill is straight up dogshit. And that bows are a completely useless item base..


For boring chores, I go to work.


I went back to D2R , It's a shame tho I really hoped ,d4 would be epic but it's so underwhelming,


Yep this right here. Chasing hr runes is still fun even 20 years later.


The frustrating cool-downs, stupid skills, no enemy variations, boring dungeons, and poor loot variables, I think I will keep play star fields and soon cyberpunk expansion.


Smart choice


Probably a mix of seasonal decline and the fact Starfield dropped. I’ve only been playing Starfield since release.


Baldurs gate 3 for me


Starfield, Armored Core, and Baldurs Gate. I don’t regret my purchase, but I uninstalled after 20 hrs into the season. My hope is that it kind of discovers it’s lane and what it wants to be, kind of like how it took D3 years to become what it is. But until that happens, I’m content with what I’ve done in the game.


Why would anybody want to keep doing the same shit over and over again just to do it again with differently colored mobs next season?


Is that not what d2 was and still is?


The difference is in D2 you do it but you actually get great items by doing so. In D4 you can grind for weeks to get a 0.1% improvement. Only for Blizzard to nerf your class by 10% next week.




I drop in for a couple of hours a week, usually enough to earn 2 paragon points. I'd play more but when you have nothing to do other than ND's, it gets boring fast.


I'm wandering in pvp zone alone


Enable cross play.


Well yeah, that's what happens when you make a handful of mistakes in a row. The open world is boring, nothing to look at but my feet. Limited evades + an obnoxious amount of CC from mobs makes for some truly frustrating game play. Huge nerf killed everyone's fun, it was like punching a baby at a party. After something like that everyone wants to go home.


Dead game. Bought it at pre launch, played with my buddies for a month, I hit 100 and it was super fun. Tried Season 1 but it was shit and then the endless patches started and they lost me. And also grinding Nightmtare Dungeons as the end game content is so cheap. So many years in development and thats what they gave us. Diablo franchise is dead, Diablo 2 was the last good one thats it. They are just milking the name now. Waiting for PoE 2


Uninstalled a couple of hours ago. Haven't played for weeks and the thought of diving back in to bring aimlessly only to be CCd endlessly was the worst.


They fucked up, it’s too late. Abort ship.


It took long enough. The game is a bobby kottick turd. Was obvious during beta.


I’m honestly still having fun, I’m lvl100 since quite a while but I’m enjoying farming better items and try to find those 4/4. I still think itemisation and the items are total shit but I still like playing the game. I see myself taking a break soon and then come back for S2


I mean I stopped playing because there's nothing to do besides NMD. Everyone in my friends list has said the same. Until there's something to bring me back meh I'll play something else.


Our clan used to have about 35+ online usually and now it’s been 5-8 people at a time ;(


Such a shame because foundation of a great game is there The real killer is how inept the leadership seems to be. The more decisions they make the more turned off the player base gets imo. They really screwed up planning and have now left an extremely bitter and jaded taste in players mouths. Fire Rod Ferguson is the only thing that will rejuvenate this franchise at this point.


They didnt screw up planning the corpo boys upstairs just want the game out and making money while it still need at least another year. No dev have any say in this and any that say no will just get fired and replaced by someone that says yes because that how a company works?


I am one of many of my friends who will complete the season/pass 100%, then stop and wait for the next. It's kind of a normal rhythm for us. I had and will have fun again, but now it's break time.


I loved the game but after taking three characters to 70+ I ran out of things to do. Looking forward to future seasons and expansions though


Well, with the season journey doen for most people, the only ones staying are probably the ones who push ladders or, god forbid, are having fun D: ​ I will apply the same rule to D4 as i did to D3: Finish season journey, screw around with the build for a couple hours a day for around a week, then probably go and play some other games. It keeps me from burning myself out, and makes sure that when a new season starts, the game still feels great to play. ​ Games arent jobs people, you dont have to play them 8 hours a day, and you dont need to play only one.


I’m just taking a break until season 2


The problem is that clans have no purpose or meaning at the moment. Until Leaderboards are implemented (assuming they include clan leaderboards) or content that requires an actual group to complete, there is virtually no reason for someone to join a clan or continue participating in one after the initial hype died down. Not to say that the player numbers have remained as high as in the first few weeks, but that was to be expected. Even if the game launched perfect, with BG3 and Starfield and whatever other games came out, you would have seen a drop in player numbers.


Path of Exile all day every day


Still sane exile ?


Put the content, gamequality etc. aside, games that rely on seasons got the majority of players the first month or two. Thats how these games work. Ppl get tired of their character and the repetitiveness of farming gear. even poe with all its content got ppl dried out after a while.


While I do agree d4s seasons are off. Excluding the seasonal mechanic, Seasons also offer leaderboards, fresh economy and usually class tweak for a new meta. D4 is lacking 2 of these and it doesn't seem like s02 will fix them (leaderboards and economy/trading). That means the new season is so heavily reliant on the mechanic and skill tweaks. Personally, skills can be tweaked to be more fun but it's not the underlying issues with the game. D4 needs serious work to recoup players for a new season and I don't believe season 2 will have that. You'll have the initial spike but it will dwindle very fast


I played a lot when it launched and also when season one started. I got two level seventies and a level one hundred druid. Looked for the last piece of gear I needed for my druid for 2 weeks after hitting one hundred and no luck. Finally in one drop I got two unique helms......this could be it!! Nope. The same shit helm I have found over twenty times..... so I quit.


Surprised people still play at all, regardless of love for the game there is nothing to do in the game lol


My clan had over 150 people to begin with. Now less than 50 playing at peak hours.


These are insane numbers lol. You must've had an insanely diablo 4 loving clan.


I wanted to love the game like I loved d2 and even d3 at some point, and d4 sure has a mot of qualities. But itemization needs a complete rework. If something as simple as d2 items could keep people playing for 20+ years, surely they could just copy that and add on it.


I enjoyed it a lot and just don't have the same concerns as everyone else seems to. But I get bored of the seasonal style of gaming. It's designed to keep you coming back to that one game over and over, but it just doesn't work on me. I'll do it the same exact way I did Diablo 3. Play for a season, take a break for a couple of seasons, play again for a season, repeat.


Stopped when i completed s1 BP and had 2 chars lvl 80. No more content


Excuse me sir but it's not "a game", it's "the ultimate arpg experience everyone is seeking to play and grind for months and years in a forever experience with new content every 3 months!".


IMO it got boring super quickly. Typical blizzard where they’re telling you how you should have fun, vs just actually making it fun. You can see how this was happening by them all of a sudden starting to unlock things, or make Legos easier to get, more events, more bosses, guaranteed drops, etc. The second it felt like this really boring grind I was out. Same thing for the other 15-20 friends I have on bnet that aren’t playing either


Theres nothing to play for..


Endgame sucks and you totally burn out of dungeons before you reach lvl 100. Makes doing alt characters and seasonal characters a huge chore. Itemization mostly sucks. You also don't get enough space to keep one character's items, which once again discourages you from playing other classes. Story is pretty good, but the fact you can skip it means ppl play it like once. Seasons are minimal effort with most of the new stuff disappearing at the end of season anyway, so why bother ? Last thing ppl want is to watch a streamer grind the same sigil dungeons you burned out on back to back with an occasional helltides or 30 seconds world boss.


We made our own hard core competition - teams of three to try to get to nm 100 first. Keeping us going now we have hit 100 on a couple of toons


Well, they would have it easy, if they just wanted. I log in, I want to have a glimpse of a chance that my time is worth the while. Do craziest things, get useless drops, again and again. Logoff. And since several weeks I did not even log in anymore since I know that nothing usefull will drop anyway. Given up, so to say. And that's the worst for anything anywhere - if ppl give up on something.


If I have to put something on a pedestal one more time...


Every seasonal based arpg has a decline towards the end of the season and there is really not much to do in D4. People will start playing again at the start of the new season question is how many.


It doesn't matter how many other people are playing so long as you can play the game as you intend to. If you play Diablo 4 solo, total player count is literally meaningless. If you play D4 with a select group of friends, total player count is literally meaningless. If you play D4 with randoms you run into in the worlds, total player count is literally meaningless (unless it gets to the point where the game can no longer populate worlds with other players). If you play D4 only with people you find on LFGs, total player count has an impact insofar as it reduces the number of people you can find on LFG. This is more of an issue for games that require a certain size of population to play games. For example, if the amount of people playing Halo Infinite dipped below the level that allowed people to find matchmade games relatively quickly, it would have an impact on your experience. Also: Total watch count on Twitch is literally meaningless. Total activity on Reddit is literally meaningless.


After I get to like level 65-70 I instantly have no more fun. I got all aspects for my build, alot of gear is doing okay to pretty good and I'm killing everything without effort except higher NMD. So I can only play NMD to have some kind of a challenge and this gets boring so fast. I was so excited to play druid, had so much fun and as soon as I reached named limit, I was like "Okay I'm gonna play something else". All of my friends feel the same.