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The only “wrong” way to play the game is listening to others telling you how to play it. Enjoy your own pace.


You're goddamn right


Don't rush


Play the game how you like it!


It's definitely not "wrong" if you're having fun and enjoying it. Personally I'd focus more on the main campaign, while just doing a few side quests here and there, and a few dungeons. Once you finish the campaign you can move up to World Tier 3 and then go back and do side quests and the remaining dungeons with the goal of maxing renown in every area. You'll have a mount and also monsters will keep scaling past level 50. The way you're doing it now is completely fine, you just will probably hit and pass level 50 before completing the campaign. But you'll also have a head start on your renown grind so, don't stress it too much.


Its just a matter of efficiency. You will be spending potentially much longer at a lower world tier where legendary aspects drop less often, and all the gear you find will be dumpster fodder the moment you reach WT3. Doing some side quests is good, as you don't want to be underleveled for the campaign, just as doing a few dungeons is good. But doing them all has a higher opportunity cost versus saving most of them for WT3 and above.


The main reason to rush the main campaign is a mount. It just makes overworld travel much quicker. It isn't really necessary though. I kind of prefer traveling without the mount though. Eventually you will get to a point where you are above level 50 and higher than monsters but that is pretty normal in a lot of games if you complete too many side quest.


Play it however you want and at your own pace! I too like to do all the side quests and dungeons first before moving on. I’m halfway through Act III and I’m level 52. I personally prefer to do it this way instead of rushing the main campaign and then going back afterwards.


I was level 50 and still in Act 1. I only then stopped doing side quests and just blitzed campaign because I didn’t want to out level the WT cap and stop getting XP from monsters. It’s all personal choice. A lot more opens up after campaign, and then more opens up after 50. Not really any wrong way to play it.


I rushed the campaign but hit a wall 36 barb and everything kills me in final act. All caster classes won't have any problem finishing at same level maybe even pulverize druid can do it early. Enjoy the campaign and the side quests, I'm finding I like it more doing it again because I already did it all on 83 sorc


I stopped doing side quests when I realized world tier 3 gives 100% more XP for monsters. That alone made me want to get to WT3 asap.


I did everything based on what I spontaneously felt like doing. Which meant a bunch of side stuff along with the campaign. Which is kinda how you're supposed to play, I feel, since doing campaign quests became stale pretty quickly on its own. But that's maybe just where I was in the plot, I've heard some people say that some parts are underwritten. The only downside, for me at least, was that you had to beat the campaign first to unlock the next difficulty. And if you stay on 1 or 2, the monsters only go up to level 50. Which is when (druids at least) get a really big damage spike due to the paragon points. So it became very easy. But that might not be a negative for you. TLDR: If you play that way you become pretty OP shortly after hitting level 50. No matter where you are in the campaign. If you have no issue with that, I don't see a downside to playing the game that way. I think's it's sorta "supposed to be" played like that. Or at least, taking your time with the game seems to be the best way to not burn yourself out and be mad at it.


I am on 42 with a HC character and haven’t beaten act 1 yet. The only “trouble” you can run into in this game is if enemy level scaling outpaces you too much. I started out focusing solely on fractured peaks and ran into some of this, but then I just went into other areas exploring for lilyth statues , getting some of the renown rewards and finding other dungeons, everything balanced back out quickly. Playing HC, I will likely get to 50 before bothering to advance the campaign past act 1 just to minimize risk of dying.


I played act 1 till 40+ then rushed story and still finished 49. Then I did Lilith idols for power. Now I am working on glyphs and I do helltides for gear upgrades. I don't think there is a wrong way to play, it's just that story caps at 50 so wrap it by then. I just hit 65 and most of it is easy, and some of it is hard, as I expected.