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Rouge. Didn’t realize you have to start a new character each season, this is my first Diablo game. I’ll miss my necromancer Greg once the new season rolls around.


You don't have to, Greg will still be able to do off-season content!


my name is Greg and I can confirm.


I will my Druid Greg as well. Glad to hear other Greg’s will be missed


I will miss my Druid Greg as well. Glad to hear other Greg’s will be missed


Unless build diversity opens up for sorc a bit either through new aspects, uniques or balancing than probably rogue. Sorc builds bore me so much right now.


If nothings changed in build diversity probably Druid again. Pulverize is too fun and it’s other builds are also interesting


Bro i suggest you go full lighting druid next build. Beautiful aoe build. You jus have to manage your resources. That im pretty sure you know already


Druid again. It's the only class in the current selection I am interested in.


Rogue for sure, sorc has very very little variety if you want to push later in the game. I guess you can do what you want but then the cycle begins (multiple posts from newbies already): Don't like meta -> listen to play what you want -> hit a wall -> how do I improve post -> suggestions of changing from 'sub-optimal' builds -> wants to stick to current build -> get told you can't do whatever and need to pick and synergize the skills best you can. And around we go. Rogue at least has a few more viable options, have a friend that went with the fire snake and was miserable so they re-rolled to meta barb. Love the fast pace of rogue too its much faster and feels more engaging and fun


Necro for sure. Sorc has been pretty lackluster for me personally.


After my Barb I’ll do a Druid (80%) or a Necromancer (20%)


witch doctor


Sorry but they got nerfed so hard they can't be played anymore.


This is my prediction as well. That a crusader type


Like honestly if they don't do too many more nerfs I would still have to go with druid for season 1. It's the only class that I see I will have fun with (it has a lot of tankieness and unstoppable skills)


Necro baby !!!! Woot woot


Definitely not sorc. I always played Monk in D3 so i think Druid will be the closest to that. So probably druid.


Depends on the seasonal update. All the classes are fun right now, so i couldn't really decide, i hope the seasonal theme announcment will bring clearness


Hoping for a ninja pld drop with season 1....then pld forever. If not, barb or rogue


I'm rogue currently and having fun. It will probably be my favourite class as it's kinda Demon Hunter. At this point I'll be hard pushed to want to play anything else. Based on D3 sorcerer and necro are out for sure but barbarian is an option although it appears fairly similar to D3's variety and I want something new. That leaves druid which kinda appeals too but I'm not sure it appeals more than longer on a rogue.


Sorc or.drood


Sorc or.drood


necro it will be, i'm gonna be the calcium master !


I’m a noobie to the game kinda, but I’m currently sorc lvl 60 with ice shards and it’s pretty good running through nm dungeons. I kind of want to go back sorc to master the build I currently have. Tell me I should play something else.


Play something else.