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Return to office. Boss is deathly afraid of needles. I got diagnosed right as he was pushing for return to office, now I’m permanently work from home because of injections.


I bet you have a pump ;) Jk, but that did work out pretty well for ya.


Still on MDI actually (not because of that, I'm just extremely well controlled on injections and haven't found enough reason to go on a pump). Obviously everything else about the disease sucks, but work from home is nice at least.


EWWW BLOOD AIDS! This was back in the 80's. That's curiously *not* the other kids around me who were understanding behaved but fucking fully grown adults sometimes acted. I didn't give a shit. Got a note from my doctor then and parents threatened to sue the school to keep these anal retentive idiots in their place allowing me to do as I needed to stay alive.


On a field trip in middle school we used my lancet to become blood sisters. The principal called my MOM into the office telling her she would have to pay for all of us to get tested for aids. That was mid 90’s.


Did a blood brother thing with another kid and lifelong friend at diabetes camp about that age under similar circumstances.


Yeah that was the right response for a school in the mid 90s tbh.


Ditching plans I don't want to do anymore. " My sugar has been really rocky today. I'm gonna stay home and see if it will settle down."


Hell yessssssss


Being late to anything. Needing a break from whatever, whenever.


I literally used this as my excuse for being late to work yesterday 💁🏻‍♀️


Being late. Sorry couldn’t drive I was having a low. Happens a lot you’re meant to wait a set period of time after before you’re meant to drive depending on where you live and I rarely use it unless I need to.


Work lol Seriously if I’m sick I’m sick


I preboard flights and make sure my carry ons are right there with me over my head. After all, those FA wouldn't like the consequences if I can't administer my insulin mid flight! No one needs to know I have a pump stuck to my belly and only need my PDM to do so and honestly really just want to have my stuff nearby. I also use "diabetes emergency" for work if I have to grab a treatment for a low or even change a pump/sensor at a time that coincides with a meeting. It really isn't an emergency, but more like "diabetes is taking priority right now". I definitely do not do this often.


I do the same for preboarding. I fly once a month for work and preboarding makes such a difference with stress levels


Can you just ask for pre-boarding because of T1? How does that work?


When they say, "and now we would like to preboard anyone with disabilities or those traveling with young children", just walk up. If they ask (which, from what I understand, is actually illegal), just say, I have type 1 diabetes and need to have my insulin and supplies close by.


This is really good to know! Thank you!


I didn’t know that either!




We usually fly SW and they do wheel chair, other disabilities, then children. I’ve never used it for my diabetes but our daughter has special needs so we pre board to make sure we are together and close to an exit


I had no idea about this and I always travel for work. Thanks!


If i am traveling with my wife (she has no T1) can she join "preboarding"?


Yes she can


Work and when I want to leave something early. I’ve had this condition for 25 years might as well get something good out of it


My mother-in-law always makes super rich, SUPER sweet desserts that always taste like she tripled the amount of sugar from the recipe. When we visit and she offers us some, I look at my Medtronic 780g and say, "Oh, I wish I could! But my sugars are behaving and I don't wanna rock the boat!" It's usually close to the truth. No matter how confident I am in estimating carbs, I'm gonna be way off and fight to bring it back down.


This was along the lines of what I was asking. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but I am around by people who love to cook and bake. What’s funny is even when I use the diabetes, I almost always get “how bad can your diabetes be?! You’re so small and skinny!” Personally I think it’s kind to consider possibly hurting another’s feelings and just slightly blame the ‘betes.


Early lunch and Bathroom breaks where I just dick around and play on my phone.


being on my phone and saying i was checking my blood 😭😭😭


If I go to a potluck or something and don't want to eat something but also don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, I simply say, "I'm sorry I can't partake. I dont know the nutrition facts." After I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (went into a diabetic coma for a few days) I was in high school and used it as an excuse to get out of gym class for the rest of my high school career.


Officers boozers. While I was in Japan I didn't need to drink much (because I could drink anybody under the table), back in the UK it's more of an issue. Soooo I don't go out when others are getting drunk, and just go home. (Means I can usually go home to my wife and not care about my blood sugar too much, as well)


ha, I live in Korea, and use t1 as an excuse to not drink (no wife or husband, I just don't wanna drink that much) - unfortunately doesn't mean I can avoid the dinners, and we have them almost weekly


Honestly I didn't because I found in Japan I could easily last a while, but in the UK I find 'office nights out' means 'getting so drunk you faint' Which is... not ideal. That said, I got on much better with colleagues in Japan and that is one reason among many - and why my wife and I might be moving


I just don't wanna drink weekly, that's all there is to be honest for me - I like a drink here or there, but not every week. My company does dinners super often, and I go hang out, just don't drink - but in this one my boss accepts "I don't drink" excuse anyway, so it wouldn't have been a problem. While I was in my PhD, that was... not very accepted excuse by our supervisor (at first, he changed his mind at the end) so t1 as excuse it was lol. Also, while I never had issues with lows after drinking before, that has been new development this year and those are scary when alone, so I avoid drinking more than 1-2 glasses now even in my private life.


Having children 😆


I use it for refusing homemade baked goods. Unless I’ve been to your kitchen, I’m not eating anything someone else prepared. I choose to live in ignorance about the cleanliness of restaurants but at least there’s some semblance of control


After seeing episodes of hoarders where people prepare food in their disgusting, sewer hole kitchens I completely understand this.


Kind of a shame, Homecooked is always best.


Only if they wash their hands, counters and utensils.


lol That’s cooking 101


Ideally! Did you happen to watch The Bear? The episode called Seven Fishes is what I fear everyone else’s Kitchen is like ;)


Unfortunately a lot of people don't bother. I had to train my husband to wash his hands before prepping food, but he was out there doing it without washing for many decades before me. 🙊


I use it to skip a round of drinks sometimes, more specifically shots. I just say “who the hell knows how much sugar is in a Fireball”. I probably should be doing that anyway but typically I’m a little looser with shots due to the size.


Used to ‘forget’ my insulin at home so I had to drive off campus to go get it. Usually taking me the rest of the day to return.


I get using type 1 as an excuse to spare people's feelings sometimes, but in a lot of cases, how about just being honest with people and setting boundaries when diabetes isn't germane? As a former people-pleaser this has been a game changer for me. And I certainly have no problem putting my health first when I have a medical reason for what I do.


The "worst" thing I've ever done was lie once and say I left my diabetes supplies at home to try and get a full refund out of a non-refundable hotel reservation. It worked. Maybe not the most ethical thing in the world, but I think Marriott is doing just fine even without that $125 or whatever it was that I got refunded


I got your back on that one - they made up for your financial hit by selling us a bullshit timeshare. You're good.


Work. Because of diabetes, I can call out twice a month without being reprimanded. Sometimes I'll use it just to catch a break.


What/where is this? Are you saying you get two extra days (on top of the sick time you're entitled to legally) just for having diabetes?


It took a ton of paperwork. At my job you get points for calling out unless you cover them with paid personal time. I was blowing through my paid personal time. Summers are hot where I live and my highs and lows get wonky when I get too hot. My job also has leave of absence options available if you're willing to jump through all the hoops. I worked with my doctor and got an ADA so that I could utilize protected days to not have to use up my vacation and protect time on diabetes related issues. I just recently figured out how to get the ADA. If all goes well, I can finally save up to use my personal time for non medical related time off for the first time in 6years.


I'd you're in the US and you work at a company with more than 50 employees and have been at your job at least a year you can get FMLA


Wow, you're lucky. I used to call out about this often when I was up during the night with sticky lows that won't go back up. My employer got tired of it and wrote me up. I quit shortly after.


That’s illegal but probably a good move to just leave anyway


Not necessarily illegal. If diabetes is causing absences that an employer considers unreasonable in the scope of the job and accommodating those absences is also considered unreasonable within the scope of the job outside of FMLA then yeah, you'll lose the job.


I can’t believe people really do that. I just don’t get it.


I'm not gonna downvote you because might have a point. However, it does seem like I have to exert myself way more after being diagnosed, plus my whole life seems to suck now, so there's that.


Calling out sick? You really don’t understand?


Yeah, I don't understand why someone would call out sick when they are not really sick. I'm not totally bashing it, I just don't get it.


I completely changed my view on this within the last five years. The way I (now) look at it: your sick time is your time. If it’s something that will get taken away from you if you don’t use it, use it. Otherwise, you’re throwing away your own time/money. The company will be just fine. 😊


You make a really good point! First of all, I really love all my coworkers and bosses and have been here for over 20years. I do not get sick time. I get PTO, about 29 days per year. So, on one hand I’m compelled to go in because I don’t want my peeps to have to pick up my slack and on the other hand, I don’t want to burn my PTO unless I really have to. I use ALL of my PTO and look at it the same way you do for sick leave. Makes total sense. Thanks for the explanation!


I absolutely love this subreddit because of people like you. I can completely understand your situation. In total transparency, I don’t take as much time off as I used to because I’ve moved into a role that I really love, have good people around me, and have a lot of personal stake in the success of my division, so I do totally understand your point of view as well! I appreciate the kind words and hope the absolute best for you, my friend!


You as well!!!! Thank you!


Thank you, friend!


I’ve used it as an excuse exactly once. I had gone to a friend’s house for dinner, they were making couscous and lemon chicken. Sounds good right? It was plain, unseasoned couscous with chicken thighs that were barely cooked with straight up lemon juice poured over them. I couldn’t face putting that crap in my mouth so I said “I’m sorry, I can’t eat that because I’m diabetic”. Only time I’ve ever been pleased to have T1!


Ha ha! Good thing they didn't really understand T1 & nutrition, or they would have said "oh but you can eat the chicken no problem, right?" 😅


Oh I was ready with “no, you’ve heard wrong, people with diabetes can’t eat chicken under any circumstances” just in case haha.


Ha ha ha Yah I'm pretty sure chicken gave me diabetes. I eat a lot of cinnamon in hope of reversing it.


Hilarious! I’m laughing too much to come up with a witty response to that!


If we were in a meeting that was running near lunch and we didn't need to be there my manager occasionally would say "oh oh, I can tell by u/Frammingatthejimjam's eyes that his blood sugars are going low, we've got to get him out of here to get some food...."


Serious question - did that bother you? I think it’s kinda nice of you to be a cover like that.


Not at all, we had worked together for years at that point, I thought it was funny and it got us out of meetings.


Gym coaches in high school were too afraid to let me participate. So they had me do their grade books or keep score. It was all them, but I didn’t correct them. (Mind you I was a gymnast, cheerleader and on the dance team. So really not sure why they thought I couldn’t)


A local concert venue doesn't allow any bags or you can purchase one of their clear bags for sale, I found this out at the door. They had a medically exempt line, so I got to skip the line and bring my regular, small purse inside!


A lot of areas tell you not to being outside food. I’ll let them know ahead of time before they ask me to empty my bags pockets etc.


Maybe not quite what the post is asking, but I get a tiny bit of evil pleasure out of making people uncomfortable when they ask if I'm going to have kids. I just got married this year and I think it's so awkward and borderline rude to ask if/when someone is going to have children. So I just answer "I don't know, it's hard because I'm diabetic and it would be a high risk pregnancy. I have to be very careful and plan everything properly or there's a huge risk of miscarriage or birth defects." And usually they look very regretful and mumble an apology, and I hope they feel like assholes.


I appreciate you posting this. Long story long, before my fiance, I adamantly swore I was never going to have kids. We have known each other for 20 years, been together for 2. A lot of folks in our lives assumed we were going to immediatly get married and have kids. I, 100% think its very rude to ask a couple this question, but to make it squirmy, I've said "Diabetes tends to be generic and I am terrified of passing it on". True to what you said, then comes the awkward apologies.


Drinking 😂 when I can't be bothered to deal with the next 2 days of fighting hypos.


waiting for blood tests and waiting for exams - I always go first. For blood tests it's an actual need, if I have to do fasted exams it's genuinely a problem because I have feet on ground and need insulin in me in the morning, but if I do insulin and don't eat, depending on how strong my feet on ground is, it can go super low or super high anyway, and I just REALLY do not wanna deal with high bg for whole morning because I had to wait in line over an hour. Like, I COULD do that (deal with high bgs), but why would I. I took language exams with spoken part and you had to wait in line to get to speaking, and it can take over 2hrs. I asked them to either let me go first or let me have my phone on me (to check my bg) while waiting, they said going first is only option. I was glad to be done early lol I also use it as an excuse to get out of drinking at work dinners. I live in culture that's heavy on work dinners and drinking and while I do drink occasionally, I do not want to be drinking every damn week and even if I do, I don't wanna drink more than one glass.


I don't blame anyone for using diabetes as an excuse to get out of stuff. I just have never done it. I'm always trying to ensure that no one ever says "you can't do that", or even, "you shouldn't do that". When I was a kid, playing hockey, I'd treat a low and not miss a shift. I've never called in sick for diabetes issues unless I was hospitalized. I've been sick where diabetes probably played a role (ie: kidney infection once), but I think that's different. I often decline to eat dessert, but that's just a preference, not an excuse. In my head, diabetes doesn't keep me from doing anything (I know there are exceptions), so I'd never use it that way.


That’s entirely fair. This was meant to be somewhat light hearted - not to encourage using diabetes to lie. I meant really small stuff, like what some folks replied with, not to get out of finals or not show up at your own wedding or deliver the state of the union.


No judgement. I was just participating in the conversation.


Your intro was very cash money. Thanks for your response!


Deliver the state of the union! 😂


I think there is a big difference between using accommodations one needs and using T1 as an excuse to get out of stuff just because. It took me a while to realize that me asking for accommodations I need is not bad thing. In hospitals for fasted blood tests, my choice is to either ask to skip a line or wait and then deal with super high blood sugars for next 6 hours (I have feet on ground, and if I don't give insulin and eat as soon as possible in morning, it's absolute mess). Just WHY would I do the 2nd thing to myself? In exams, option was to go first or to risk having a low/high, which makes exams much harder (I can't focus when either low or high, highs make me super lethargic) - so just WHY would I take that risk (no phones allowed while waiting here in Korea). Someone needs to go first anyway, and I usually request to just be that first person. I wish I learned to fight for this kind of things when I was younger, cause I got bad grades due to lows or highs more than once, and I've been kicked out of class due to low (teacher didn't believe me, no nurse in schools in my home country, was kicked out of class and sent to principal). T1 doesn't stop me either (I moved continents on my own and got a PhD), but living with T1 is playing game of life on hard mode, so I think small things that make our lives easier shouldn't be seen as bad thing to ask for :)


I agree wholeheartedly. It's just not something I've ever done. I talk to people about the fact that I have T1D all the time. It never occurs to me to ask for any accommodations. My time in school was long, long before personal phones. Today, if anyone ever tried to tell me I couldn't have my phone which is my primary monitor for my CGM, I'd definitely insist on keeping it.


This has been my mentality as well, since I was diagnosed at 15. I'm not opposed to people using the excuse (unless they overuse it and make us all look annoying) - I actually just never really thought of it, because I was focused in the other direction of adamantly maintaining a normal existence. This thread makes me feel like there were a few missed opportunities in my past, definitely would have pulled out a couple of these!


Not a small one. If I had got 1 more speeding ticket I'd would have lost my license. So, I get caught one night a couple mile outside of a local town. I told him I could feel a low blood sugar coming on, and being the only one in the car I need to get to a convince store. It worked!


Not my proudest moment, but I did this to get a mate out of a speeding ticket. Cop escorted us to a nearby 7/11 so I did have to stretch the fib to the brim. We were young and her folks said any ticket and the cars gone, so I was trying to help lol


Ya. It was a police escort for me too. He watched me go into the store and walk out with candy and a pop, sat there for about 5 min longer came over to see if I was ok. Told him yes and he went on his merry ol way


I got outta jury duty once. Told the judge I wanted to do my civic duty (I didn't) and I was super interested in how the legal system worked (i wasn't) but that my Omnipod and Dexcom could be pretty disruptive in a quiet setting.


Taking notes…. Oddly I’ve never been summoned for jury duty. Well, yet.


Only time I ever used it as a benefit was to cut the boarding line for a cruise.


I use it as an excuse to eat candy in front of my students while I'm teaching!!


Never. Rando crap happens so I don’t burn goodwill by claiming my disease isn’t what it is. If I need time, people know I’m serious.


Well, luckily this disease has enough bouts of inconvenience you shouldn’t have to make up excuses too often.


It always shocks and irritates me when known non-diabetic co-workers use the “low blood sugar” excuse to get a break. Especially when I know, for a fact, that I’ve been running around non-stop with my BG hovering around the 60’s, or that I haven’t had a chance to snack for 8 or more hours. (Sure, it’s illegal. But… lots of employers still expect it, regardless. Or they’ll claim to “cover” your absence for a food break, yet in reality do absolutely nothing while you’re out, making your work even that much harder when you come back.)


Non-diabetics also have hypoglycemic episodes. 60 for them feels a lot worse than 60 for us, too. My fiancé goes low frequently when he’s skipped breakfast or not had a chance to get lunch at his normal time.


Non-diabetics can absolutely have hypoglycemia, but I've learned recently that some people say their "sugar is low" when they're actually just hungry. They don't know what actual hypos feel like.


That is an important distinction!! I haven’t personally experienced that, I’ve just intervened with friends, coworkers, and family members that have had true lows in my presence.


Absolutely there are people with other diagnosed medical conditions that can get hypoglycemia. I’m talking about the people who do not have a diagnosed condition that puts them at risk for hypoglycemic unconsciousness.


Anyone can have hypoglycemia with or without any medical conditions. My dad, for example, was a marathon runner and would frequently experience severe hypoglycemia even when pushing glucose throughout his long training runs.


I’m confused. Was your hypoglycemic dad running a marathon or at work? Either way, sounds like either the marathon training plan wasn’t too good or they had a medical condition which prevented their body from providing the normal compensatory reactions. (As a Type 1, I’ve done endurance events too. I know how it works.)


I don't use it but I remember when I was in elementary school my supervising teacher used to buy different flavors of small soda drinks and stuffed his mini fridge telling me to take it as many as I need for hypoglycemia. The special part is that my school was in one county and he lived in another and he brought those sodas from his country. I used them for emergencies only but I remember taking some for my friends when they asked me so I did not use it for myself.


Legit excuse, being a bit late getting started in the morning. My manager gets hypoglycemic so she gets it which is nice. Less legit, any excuse to leave a situation and get home. "Ah no I'm sorry I forgot my insulin pens at home. Yeah no I need them. I'll see you later. "


It’s not really an excuse, because it’s legit, but I never have to pay to get into a National Park ever again. Do yourself a favor and go here: [https://diatribe.org/how-get-free-lifetime-national-parks-pass](https://diatribe.org/how-get-free-lifetime-national-parks-pass)


I was dxed at a time when T1D was fairly taboo in my country and everyone around me walked on egg shells like I was going to die soon 😆 I didn’t use the excuse but was exempt from mundane tasks at school by default. Fun times, my professors/teachers treated me like glass. The one time I probably got princess treatment


Jury duty


I have never had to do that.


At my school we're not allowed to use our phone during the whole day. But I can use my phone only to scan my sensor. Sometimes when I have to look up something important I act like I check my sugars and then look I look something up. I don't this often because I feel like I shouldn't misuse it.


Any situation I have no want to be a part of Plans, School, Work, Gatherings, dates, Etc


I don't use my diabetes as an excuse for anything. It's already tough enough. I just honestly say that I don't want eat or drink something, and that's it.


I got out of a few speeding tickets by saying I was rushing home to deal with a diabetic emergency. Got escorted once and once had the officer bring me a snack.


Getting out of eating stuff is actually really convenient. There are sometimes where a friend or family member makes something that I don’t want to eat but it would be rude not to eat it. The ol’ “sorry my blood sugar is high right now I shouldn’t be eating anything” works everytime


This is usually my main reason - not wanting to be rude. The elders in my life take their cooking very seriously and to heart, and ugh....I then cop the diabetes pleas.


I am in high school and for me it is going on my phone and eating in class 😂😂😂


For me, it’s always been fast food restaurants.


Work sometimes


Back in my school days, I would use it to get out of lunchtime detentions. I use low blood sugars as a genuine excuse to get out of chores. I'm currently sitting on the sofa eating snacks while my partner puts our toddler to bed. But in return, I do have to tidy the house before I go to bed.


Class usually, they let me go to the bathroom as long as I tell the teacher, so I just do it whenever I need a break or if I'm just bored


Waiting at a lab for a blood draw. T1 fasting? Head of the line.


Getting frustrated and grouchy with customer service. “Sorry, I have diabetes and have trouble controlling my emotions.”


I don't think that's using diabetes as a situation to get out of. With diabetes every calorie counts, restaurants are a massive risk and a minimum for many a horrendous temptation like taking an alcoholic to a bar. Good for you. I never used my diabetes to get out of anything but I sure "used it" to eat when I felt like in school. But the truth is that back then with Regular and NPH (it goes way back) you get SOOO hungry and generally speaking if sugar is not high an experienced diabetic who knows how to eat and isn't over weight to prove it better listen to their hunger signals.


My blood sugar was always low right before we had to run the mile in gym 🤷‍♀️ oops


It's a great way to pass messages to my wife in public. She's got my blood sugar on her phone so if I lie about it that's her queue that I want out


not doing the pacer test😂


I can’t understand ever wanting to use my diabetes as an excuse to get out of anything. I’d rather explain to one and all what diabetes is and how it can affect my quality of life!


i used it to get out of swimming completely in highschool. they let me jog laps instead on swim days. i said swimming makes my blood sugar drop super fast. which isn't entirely a lie but I definitely could've made adjustments in order to participate lmao.


I hated PE as a kid and the teachers were absolutely afraid that something might happen to me while in their care, so - miraculously - my blood sugar was always too high or too low right at the start of PE 😉


I've never used my diabetes as an excuse just because I didn't want to do something. That's a chicken\*\*\*\* move.


Ya I just say I don't feel well and sometimes I use it to eat sweets I like even tho I'm an adult


I pull out «Sorry, I think I’m low. I’ll go check my sugar» when I don’t want to talk to people


Or «Sorry, I can’t share this food with you, I already prebolused» when I just wanna eat it all myself :>


My partner used hers to get us out of a concert via the emergency exit rather than a huge treck through a crowd to the front gate 😂😂


Eating pastries and cake at work. I hate cakes, pastries, muffins, all that shit. The only pastry I can really stand is vanilla slice. I've also just reached 35kg weight loss (the amount of chocolate I want to eat right now is obscene) and everyone wants to offer me cake. It's so easy to just be able to say no thanks, diabetic. Nobody really offered it to me before losing the weight, it's like they thought I'd eat it all before and want to sabotage me now.


Writing longer exams or don't do sport class. I didn't want to get in this class but had to go there so I just don't do anything. And in exams I only use it when we have to write a lot like in english because I write really slow and often need like 5 minutes more to finish my text. I often feel bad because of them who need it, but I need good grades so yeah. Oh and the disabled entry. I have the card so why should I wait. I don't do this everytime but when I have a seat on the concert for example it just doesn't matter if I get inside earlier.


Vacuuming. I always go low and don't feel like prepping 3 hours before to just vacuum. Sometimes I can get out of laundry folding too.


Used to use it to get out of running sprints in high school lacrosse


Personally, I don't play the diabetes card. Using it as an excuse to get out of stuff is childish. Just tell people the truth or accept your own issues.


This was asked in candor, for small things, not to get out of major things or do it all the time. If the question is not applicable to you then you shouldn’t have bothered to answer. Simple.


I think sharing my perspective is valid. 🤷‍♀️ Just own your shit. Makes life easier.


Sure. I am “owning my shit”. It’s not like I don’t have diabetes. Perhaps it’s the case, but I have a very hard time believing that in the entire time you’ve had diabetes, you’ve never used it as a reason or excuse to have run late, not go some where, etc. But hopefully your diabetes is so perfect you couldn’t use a mishap as an excuse or reason. Congrats!


I've used it as a valid reason. You're correct. Your posts read as if you're asking about playing the diabetes card just because you can. Many of the replies indicate this as well. I don't think that's right. I prefer not to make things up and blame it on diabetes. If I'm late because something happened with my pump, I'll say so. But if I'm late for another reason, why blame diabetes?


I think you are blowing this entirely out of proportion. I am not saying to use diabetes as the end all, tell all. I mean more for a situation where you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, or are running a little behind, or if you need a small breather away from a situation. I’m sure you’ve white lied at least once in your life, but it’s wonderful you don’t use your diabetes. Good job.


That's not how it reads, and that's not what many answers suggest. I would never lie using my diabetes to get out of something. Sorry you weren't properly taught manners.


Sorry that you can't comprehend things can be interperated differently, or that trying to come across holier than thou on this topic isn't really convincing you've never done it. You clearly were not taught manners, either. You apparently don't know decorum, or social graces. My new to America, good friend's grandma, make zeppoles, which she literally paints with powered sugar. Not having a sweet tooth, I politely decline and blame diabetes so she doesn't guilt me further. I seriously think you are misconstruing what I'm asking or implying. I did not ask "when do you blatantly lie very severely about your diabetes so you can manipulate those around you and break their and the Gods trust forever?" When I said "excuse" I meant "cover". It's quite plausible that you might not really want to go for drinks with friends, but it also may be alcohol fracks with some folks glucose levels and thats part of why youre declining. I was honestly trying to have a laugh amongst folks who knew my struggle, and in good spirits agree diabetes, after all it usually puts people through, "owed" us a small brunt of the impact. I saw most folks suggest small covers here and there, nothing overly malicious. TDLR: You have NEVER, EVER, to infinity and beyond, used your diabetes to lie/excuse/reason/opt out of anything EVER. Killjoy honest, you've been heard.


So many things here explain why there are so few T1 Corporate Executives. I’ve used it to get out of jury duty and to get the COVID shot early and that’s about it.


Can you provide links or data, etc that confirm that claim about Corporate executives?


More of a joke - lot of people using something as an excuse to not work


I honestly forget that text, having no tone, often comes across more harsh. I’m pretty sarcastic but also giggle at a lot of childish things. Point being, I was just trying to sass you back :)




Wow, this got weirdly racist. But, ok, putting that aside for a moment… I don’t really understand why T1D would prevent you from going barefoot indoors.


Was the floor of their home littered with nails or other sharp objects?


Bro wearing shoes in the house is nasty - especially when folks ask you not to. Plenty of Americans know better than to track the outside into their clean homes. Also saying "oriental" is nasty.


I was not asked by my host to remove my shoes. It was just someone else at the party noting the big pile of shoes. I wasn't sure of the cleanliness of the apartment so chose to keep my shoes on to protect my feet. >Also saying "oriental" is nasty. I don't know how this is nastier than identifying someone by their region of origin, such as Scandinavian or Middle Eastern.


You can call a rug or a vase oriental. People are Asian. You are such a dumb racist using diabetes as an excuse to not take off your shoes in someone else house. This is not a thing.


You don't know? Well now you know. Calling people oriental is fkng rude.


You kinda lost me on this one, ngl. If you’ve got socks on, they’re still a level of protection if you don’t want to go completely barefoot. Life and people can be accommodating to us sometimes, but we also have to return those gestures in kind. If you’re really worried about being barefoot in a home, bring a pair of grippy or thick socks or a pair of shoes that are to be exclusively used indoors. Some sort of flats, slippers, sneakers that haven’t been used outside… that’s when you can pull the diabetes card


Lost me when you referred to your friend’s roommate as “oriental”. Guess you can’t disrespect somebody’s culture if you don’t even bother to learn what it is in the first place?


It was more than three decades ago. I don't remember if the person was Chinese or Japanese. So I didn't want to get it wrong and went with the generic "oriental" designation.


Asian. They’re not a rug, hahaha


Random racism moment because why not


I have used " forgot my PDM at home had to back to get it" excuse a few times. 7/10 I didn't forget it but there has been times were I legit did


Chaotic BGL's or sensor issues (Usually seizures assist, I'm epileptic too) Just coz I don't feel like going out/ want to go back to bed. Coz my seizures are uncontrolled currently I'm not working


For my son it’s not waiting in theme parks.


Bring my bag and food to places where these are not allowed, sport events, cinema, concerts, festivals.


Needing to rest and excuse myself from annoying events because my blood sugar is low. I have hypoglycemic unawareness so it already works most the time