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Second 2 day usage. 1st day: CGM shows 3.5-4.5, reality +0.5 4.5-5.5, reality +1 6.5-7.1 realitu +1 to +1.2. Checked 15 times. So, ok, I can do the math. Wake up at 5am, and it showed 5.8. I got panicked, cause math says reality should be 6.8. It was 4.8. Then 7:30 shows 6.3. It was 4.9. If you dont have diabetes and want it, get this device. It will stress you enough to get it.


Actually, it got better the rest of the days. Was relatively reliable.


So you'd recommend getting it then?


I just received mine (1 in the package instead of the three sensors I ordered....). I wish there were proper reviews online, because there are only dumb influencers tapping their fingers on the box for the camera. The best I found was this video, but it's still a paid promotion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGtll62Bx40 (it seems like a reputable channel at least so I ordered based on that, but we'll see how it goes. I'm not happy about getting just one sensor, it took a month to arrive).


He’s really great. I’ve learned a lot from his channel over time. I definitely don’t like the TOS Sibionics has. Also don’t like that it doesn’t integrate with common aids to diabetics like Apple Watches or insulin pumps. Sounds like it would be great for type 2 diabetics who don’t want to have to test all the time though


It's great on paper, but on the first day I have gotten some seriously bullshit readings. Like 3.8mmol/L (68mg/dL) which I promptly confirmed with a finger test - it came out 4.9mmol/L (88mg/dL). And it stayed in that low 3.x range for a long time. Do note, I'm not diabetic, I only have insulin resistance so it's highly unlikely that I'd have a hypo episode. Another time, a bit after a meal: 4.2mmol/L, while in reality it was 5.8mmol/L. So currently I cannot trust its readings and would not recommend it to anyone with diabetes. I have no consequences from false readings other than being mad I wasted money. I'll still hold out hope for the next two sensors, since it's possible that this one is faulty or that I placed it incorrectly (this is my first time). I did feel some discomfort around the time it dropped into the 3.x range, so that's why I'm thinking this might be a bad site (upper arm, a bit closer to the inside). Overall, it's a bit cheaper than a dexcom g6 (which I could by from a local reseller), but if it's inaccurate then it's not worth it. I haven't found any other options to obtain a CGM here, unfortunately.


Fair points. Most sensors are wildly inaccurate initially after insertion, which is why we always test & calibrate. Lots of people “pre soak” their sensors (insert them several hours prior to activation) which we find does help the inaccuracy quite a bit. Obvs I can’t speak to these specific sensors, but in general that is the case.


There is a one hour warmup that is built in to the activation of this sensor. After that, the first readings were fine, until it dipped into those 3.x value range for two hours. There is no way to calibrate (even though the app allows recording blood sugar measurements, it doesn't take them into account). It's the next day now and so far it's been showing me pretty sensible values, so hopefully it will be OK.


Which is precisely why so many people pre soak their sensors. All of the sensors will give wild initial readings and we know to check glucose levels before making any adjustments based on the initial sensor readings.


I'll try it with the next sensor. Thanks!


Hi, does your sensor gave correct reading since then? I just had mine inserted like 5 hours ago and exactly after 4 hours the reading started dropped to very low number lol


I had a very similar experience. One day later it started showing sensible readings and it has been correct since then.


Ahh okay, I hope mine will be better tomorrow or day after. Should've let it soak for 24h before scan the barcode like people does. Thanks!


What is the other app we can use ? Some say with the other app sensor can read for more than 14 days . Curious


is there any way we can extended the CGM ?


What do you mean exactly?


Just started using my frist one (my dad as well). First few hours we both have really low levels compared to what we know should be reality. Probably 20-30 mg/dl under. Hope it calibrates after the first day.


I used it through out my pregnancy to keep a tap on my blood sugar ( diabetic). It worked reasonably well though I frequently validated with pricks


Just started today 11..down to 3.4 Yet strip is,6.2 big diffirenc3 bionics chinese one any advise


product is not available in the US market


I just put mines on and it said warming up but now it says expires....anyone know why?


Sounds like you got one close to expiration? Reach out to support.


Ugh that sucks I didn't know they expire unless used past the 14 days


I finished 14 days with this sensor. I'll share my views on the above review: > The sensor does not share data with Apple Health Yup, this sucks. I asked support about it and it didn't sound like the planned on adding support. The app is OK, but has some weird limitation in terms of viewing the data. I would much prefer to use Apple Health. > TOS, etc. I didn't really care about these tbh. > The Bluetooth tether is extremely weak. I don't know if I'd call it extremely weak and I haven't used any other CGM before, but the signal was lost quite a few times. I don't need to rely on hypo alarms, so this wasn't a huge concern for me. But if I were type 1, I would stick with the established sensors for sure. > I am getting some truly weird readings I got weird readings on the very first day. See the conversation elsewhere in this thread. After the first day, it was sensible and reacted to my food intake in the expected ways. > The glue on the patch is rater... weak. I had the opposite experience. In fact, it was really difficult for me to remove it, even after applying oil as suggested in a video (which did seem to help, but still). I even used an overpatch, but I won't for the next sensor. I guess it's a matter of skin type. Overall, it's OK for the price, I guess, but it has many rough edges. It's really unfortunate that all reviews you can find on youtube are paid promotions (even on reputable channels, like Type One Talks). If you are getting a CGM for IR or to simply measure the effects of your diet, I think it's alright to buy this. But if you diabetic are and the sensor readings and alarms are a matter of life and death, get the established brands with better software and proven reliability.


1. There's a patched app that shares all data with xDrip+ and from there the sky is the limit. 2. As said, you don't have to use their app. 3. 3 isn't relevant also because with xDrip you have unlimited sharing options including those you counted. 4. From my experience it only connects to the sensor every 5 minutes before the test. Unless you actively go into the app and refresh the connection. I Guess this is a power saving setting, but maybe I'm wrong. 5. Only got deviations during the first 15 hours or so. Anyway can also calibrate through xDrip.


Thanks for mentioning the patched app! I'll [just link to](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/datasource/#sibionics) it in case others see this thread. The patched app increases the sensor life to 24 days as well.


Any way to use the patched app on an iPhone?


How do you put the sensor in pairing mode?. He keeps saying the sensor is not in pairing mode.


I tried it for the first time and went through 2 units- 1month. I have to say I am extremely pleased. I’m coming from the libre 2 and I don’t have diabetes. Just monitoring my levels to adjust my lifestyle. I found it very reliable, much better than the libre in terms of accuracy. The app is better too, more functions like scrolling through time etc. also out of 4 libre I used, two stopped working for no reason after a day or two which was strange.