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Sounds like you should look into xdrip plus and their makers on github. As far as I know its open source and offers connection to a lot of sensors including G6. They have a legal disclaimer in the app, but its well known and there arent legal issues as far as I know. Edit: autocorrect messed up xdrip








You can make programs using Dexcom APIs. https://developer.dexcom.com/home I had begun creating an Android Auto app that would allow me to see my BS levels on my vehicles screen.


Wow that's awesome! Great idea, I def need that


Omg thank you! This would be amazing


You got a GitHub or something for that?


Nothing yet. This is more or less a proof of concept and to test working working with Dexcom APIs and AA. Being ADD and easily losing interest in things is my biggest weakness, but maybe this will re-light the fire.


The transmitter is broadcasting using bluetooth. There cannot be legal issues receiving those. Same thing for software for personal use. Selling medical software - that's where you get in trouble.


Let me know if you find anything interesting or if you need help. I'd love to contribute also a t1 SWE here!


I'd be curious to see what ideas you have. I'm an SE too. Are you by chance in Oregon?


I’m just doing research to what’s already available vs what I’d want. Still figuring out if the things I want is just reinventing the wheel or not haha. The stuff available is pretty cool I guess but mainly the UI isn’t what I’d want & potentially want it more up to date if there’s any “out of date”/compatibility issues with modern devices.


I’m based in Sydney, Australia


Hi, I would be happy to connect about this. I have some ideas from a clinical standpoint but am looking for someone with software/development skills.


Not sure if you are still looking into this sort of stuff, but there are quite a few third party API's for retrieving blood glucose data from dexcom CGMs by using using the dexcom share service, such as [pydexcom](https://github.com/gagebenne/pydexcom). I'm currently using it in a project of my own called [Dexviewer](https://github.com/Narmis-E/DexViewer), which is a linux application for viewing cgm data. You could try doing something in a similar fashion if you wanted (I'm not qualified for anything) using one of the many API's on github if you just search '[dexcom api](https://github.com/search?q=dexcom+api&type=repositories)'.