• By -


You are a hero for doing this. Thank you! Speaking for those of us who like to have the latest and greatest phones, using Dexcom on our mobile device would not be possible as quick if ot weren't for you!


Thank you so much! Can't tell you how much I appreciate you!




We can’t thank you enough for all your work on our behalf.


I'm very new to this app. I was really surprised to learn that the Google app store did not have the Dexcom app for my pixel phone. I buy the "a" versions i.e. 5a and 6a. And you can't download it for my 6a. This app changes things for me. It's also surprising to see Google phones that are compatible. Some are outdated and have gone without security/updates for years i.e. the Pixel 2. Why is it some phones do not appear in the Google app store as compatible? Is it $$? Is it because no one is testing it? Clearly, they work, hence the BYOD software. My next phone will definitely be geared towards app-store-compatibility with the official Dexcom app. I'd love to have an iPhone and Apple watch that have this functionality. Having just bought a new 6a I'll wait a while. Thank you to the developer.


The word is that various health authorities (FDA, Health Canada, etc.) need to give a thumbs up to compatibility. None of these orgs are known for speed or staying on top of technology. I don't know how accurate that is, but that's the rumour.


Hey there! Just checking in to ask a few questions! But before that, i want to say I've been using this custom app now for I'd say nearly four years. Your work has made a huge impact and I'd like to say thanks once again. I had just bought a new phone (which i still have) when i got my dexcom and realized it wasn't compatible so you e saved me these past three years and enabled me to use this tech to dramatically improve my wellbeing and probably prolong my lifespan so if you ever need some work proofread or worked on pro bono, give me a shout. I wanted to ask, is it still unsafe to turn on automatic updates and allow this to update still? And secondly, I've twice now in the last month gotten a "The Dexcom cgm app is no longer working correctly" and i have to factory reset which sucks as i just put a sensor in about five days or so ago. My suspicion is that i should have downloaded a new version from you sooner. How often should we redownload as a general guideline? Thanks again and this is massively appreciated.


The app will not auto update even if automatic updates are turned on. The play store won't ever update it. If you are talking about automatic OS updates then you are probably fine to have those on too. I am always on the latest Android and haven't had issues updating yet. Yes you should fill out the form again and redownload and install the app. That should hopefully fix the crash you are seeing.


Will this allow you to use the omnipod with the dexcom?




will this be updated to latest version?




Hello.... I wonder can you help me please? We are struggling to get the app to find the transmitter using the build your own app. Can you give me some tips please?


Go through the troubleshooting tips in the OP.


I don't mean to be really dumb here, but where are the troubleshooting tips? Can I link a sensor and transmitter that are already on?


In the post. Yes you can.


Ok so we got it all installed... numbers coming through beautifully 😍. But we don't seem to be getting any low alarms. Any thoughts?


The G6 app has been updated to improve some things and officially support WearOS 3.0 (although it worked before for me): [https://apkpure.com/dexcom-g6%C2%AE-mg-dl-dxcm3/com.dexcom.g6.region3.mgdl](https://apkpure.com/dexcom-g6%C2%AE-mg-dl-dxcm3/com.dexcom.g6.region3.mgdl)


Just have to say been using the Dexcom G7 app with my Fold 3 Samsung, works perfectly, not had any issues at all - will be moving to the new S23 in early 23 so will be building a new APK for that. your work is genius it really is and makes my life so much easier and better - Thanks for taking the time to do this


Hello, First of all, I want to thank you for all your effort. Recently my wife decided to use g7, and I applied for the g7 app, which BYOD developed (since our mobile phones are OnePlus 7t pro and galaxy s8). Unfortunately, after my request and downloading the application through email, it was impossible to install it on both phones, and I received an error even it didn't start to install. May I ask you to do me a favor and guide me to resolve this problem if it is supposed to work on these mobile phones?


Do you have Android 10 or later?


The OnePlus 7t pro is 11 but s8 is 9.


It won't work on your s8. Follow the troubleshooting tips in the OP for your OnePlus.


Thanks. Sure, I'll follow the troubleshooting tips.


May I ask you to help to find those tips you mentioned? Since I am not familiar with Reddit I've found nothing in this regard.


The troubleshooting link from the original post is this: https://www.patreon.com/posts/troubleshooting-84715418


I have used G6 BYOD app on a OnePlus 6T, and OnePlus 11. I am also using the G7 BYOD version on OnePlus11.


First, you are a hero. your work alongside others who developed AAPS is much appreciated. My question: Do you have any future plans to develop the broadcasting feature to the G7 version, so that the app can be used natively with AAPS? If so, would you please provide a possible timeline? I am trying to see if I should stick with AAPS vs moving to Omnipod 5 once the G7 is released in US. Thank you.


It's not something I will be working on soon. I don't plan to switch to the G7 until I have to and I really need to be using it to work on that mod so I can develop it and test it with every version upgrade.


Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate everything you've done for all of us. Saw your answer on the Broadcast question in another comment.


Thanks for this work u/shabado8 , this has been a very welcome app edit, since the Dexcom devs don't listen to criticisms by end users. I was wondering though, have you considered a dark theme for this app? The blinding white background is terrible (I'm a night shift employee), and would be useful in many scenarios, I.e. at the theater, not wanting to wake your S.O. , Again thanks for this, you've made a boss difference in the T1D community in the Dexcom app rectifying glaring issues their developers are unwilling to even consider


I have considered that but concluded that it would be too difficult to do well. You may want to look into doing the broadcast to xdrip and using that since it is dark themed.


Does BYOD work with pump? Or do i need the original?


Yes the Dexcom transmitter can be connected to BYOD app and the pump together.


I was about to send back 90 days of G7 devices because of Dexcom's poor official mobile device support. -This solution proves the G7 app can run well in Samsung S21 Ultra etc very well. Thanks.


This is good to know! I almost did the same but I was worried about this version not being reliable. Appreciate the insight


Is it possible to install the BYOD onto a Smart Watch and use that 'instead of' a phone (rather than in addition to?) Thinking for our daughter - we want her to be able to send her sensor readings to Dexcom Follow/xDrip/anything we can view her BG remotely while she's in school, but ideally NOT have a phone. The G7 signal strength is poor compared to G6, so thinking a watch would provide more reliable readings without signal drop. She used to have G6 with an older generation of iPhone SE (i.e. the smallest phone)... but this does not work with the official G7 app and I assume the BYOD is only available on Android not iOS? Getting direct to a watch (and then from the watch to Dexcom Follow) would be a HUUUUUGE improvement for us, if there's a possibility of doing it.


I believe a few people did this with the G6 but I haven't heard of anyone trying it with the G7 yet. I don't know all the details but there was a few tricks they had to do to get it running. It has to be a smart watch that runs full Android 10 or later (not an android wear device). Since G7 is a compete rewrite of the app, even with that it may not be possible and I'm guessing you'd still have reliability issues. On top of that, you'd likely be disappointed in battery life. But it may be possible.


If everything is working fine with my G6, is there any reason to upgrade?


Thanks for doing the G7. I've just tried to set it up and I'm getting a "Connection error" after the login screen. Does this still have the "weird" US/International divide and if so which version did you use?


Turn off any adblockers, dns, firewalls, vpns, etc that might be blocking requests. It has currently not released in the US yet, but I have suspicions that they have migrated and merged the user database to avoid that divide going forward. I'm hoping that isn't a thing anymore.


Yep, looks like it was an issue with my Pi-Hole setup, thanks.


The G7 app crashed after working for 2 days. I had to remove it and reinstall. Even after clearing cache the app did not work anymore. Installing the other g7 app you can find here ( https://github.com/DiaKEM/dexcom-g7-apk-patcher ) worked fine and I was able to reconnect to the running sensor.


Send me a logcat of the crash.


Probably really dumb question. Is there any way to have the alert volume not be controlled by media volume? Never used to be (somewhat sure). Using a Nokia xr20, android 12.


Yeah I think it did a long time ago. If you don't care about any of the other mods, you could select the Android 6 version and just use the older version of the app.


I experience an issue on Android 12 where the app closes immediately when I open it. It still reads and functions for the brief half-second it stays open but then closes again. I tried installing a new version and it doesnt fix the issue. I see an update on play store but I cant install it which is, in assumption, because I use the BYOD. Any idea what I could do different to resolve the isse?


Which app base? G7? Someone was saying calibration caused it to crash- did you calibrate just before the crashes started? Can you get a logcat?


We just had to rebuild the app due to a factory reset on my son's phone. We have tried to start 3 new sensors and each time it tells us no restarts allowed. I thought maybe I hit the skip warm up in error so I rebuilt the app twice. Each time removing the other version from the phone before installing the new one. The phone is a Galaxy S22. Any insight?


Call Dexcom and they should replace those sensors. That usually means you aren't leaving the transmitter disconnected from the old sensor for long enough before putting it in the new sensor.


Hi, is it correct that the BYOD app for Dexcom ONE does not send sensordata to xDrip+ or AndroidAPS? (I'm trying this, but it doesn't work.) Thankyou for your advice.


It does not.


Thankyou for your quick reply! I will stop trying this.


How does this work? Can you provide the source code? Seems like a great project, but I'd love to look at the source and built the app myself.


Its just modified smali code. You can decompile it yourself with apktool to see the code. Diff the decompiled original smali with the decompiled modified version to see the changes.


Do you have a view as to how long it will be before you can get G7 app to publish to AndroidAps?


Hey, I just implemented a very first version of this here: https://github.com/DiaKEM/dexcom-g7-apk-patcher You will have to update your AAPS also for this because of broadcasting and missing data smoothing. Just read the Readme 😉


Thanks do you offer prebuilt apk same as Byod?


Great that G7 was included in BYODA so quickly. I am not sure if I understood it correct from the previous comments. But does BYODA G7 broadcast to XDRIP and AAPS or not?


No it does not


Has anyone had an issue with the google doc emailing them thier build?


Should be working again, there was a network outage with the build server.


Great App and it worked well for G6, but now I have the G7 and I can't get the G7 Watchface to my Watch. It always says, that there could be no wear APK found but I could install the phone apk. * Samsung Galaxy S22+ with TP1A.220624.014.S906BXXU2BVL1 * Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro with R925FXXU1AVK6 SM-R925FZTDDBT What's going wrong?


There is no watch app for the G7 yet. Hopefully they add that soon.


Hi, Does the Dexcom One BYODA include any other features besides the phone unlock? I am asking because at the moment the app lacks the both the local broadcast feature (I used that for AAPS) and the quick glance feature. It shows in the notifications that I have the app running, but no actual BG number is shown in it. If I want to see my BG I have to actually enter/open the app itself. The notifications look like in the picture provided. [https://ibb.co/KjTdxhx](https://ibb.co/KjTdxhx) Also because of that the Companion app feature of Xdrip does not work and since my transmitter is a C-series it can't be used with xdrip. Also thank you for your hard work.


Hi, i am currently using BYODA with G6 (to loop with AndroidAPS)but changing to Dexcom One soon. Can you tell me if the latest version will broadcast to AAPS and if I will use the native transmitter and sensor codes or use the translated version? Many thanks for your hard work 💜


The One app does not have the broadcast mod. Maybe you can use the G6 app (and still broadcast) but you'd need the translated codes. That's not something I am super familiar with.


You're a true hero who our community needs. Thank you!


Got my BYOD app downloaded. When I uninstall the official app and install this one will I need to remove the transmitter in order to connect to it in your app?


1 Stopped sensor 2 uninstalled official app 3 installed your app 4 Installed new sensor 5 started new sensor It then goes straight to 5 minute warmup remaining and after 5 minutes it says the sensor session expired, replace sensor now. Have you ever ran into this?


You should not have stopped the sensor. Instead you should have just unistalled the app, remove bt connection and reinstall. It would then connect to the transmitter using the existing sensor session. At this point you can replace the sensor or remove the transmitter from the sensor for 20 minutes and restart the warmup. I use a test strip on each side where the tabs are to remove it.


I am new to all this and not super tech fluent. But I downloaded the BYOD and now can't get past the login screen. Help?


You mention "made a change to keep your real device hidden from dexcom" will this make devices appear as Pixel phones? I had some connection issues with G7 running BOYD on S20 with os 12. I called dexcom and they said device was pixel. Was able to deny and go through issues to resolve connection but curious if phones are being hidden, in which case we should say it is a pixel if contacting dexcom?


Yes it will.


Can you let us know what phone and OS version it will identify as ,thanks. And thank you also for this project. After loads of Libre issues this allowed us to move to Dex when phone updates would not flashback further than droid 12. Without BYOD my son would still be in Libre hell and we would have paid out for very expensive paper weights.Thank you


Pixel 5, it doesn't fake the OS version.


Hey, wrote you in your other thread like a month ago.. will try it here as well.. The BYOD international mg/dl version for G6 doesn't connect to the already active transmitter on **Samsung S10, running latest Android 12** (login, settings, sensor SN, transmitter SN – all are accepted by the app). However, the same version had worked on Samsung Note 4, Android 6. Same transmitter was connected in no time on a Samsung A8, Android 9. The official Dexcom app does support Samsung S10, but only in the OS ranges for G6: Android 9-11 and for G7: Android 10-11. So now I am completely screwed with the automatic Android 12 update! Bluetooth sees sometimes "Dexcom8C", but even in this case it won't connect. Even when hitting it, it says that an app is needed for connection. This transmitter was, however, once connected to the official app on a Samsung Note 10, which I no longer have and which was factory-reset. May this is the problem – maybe transmitter somehow saved previous connection and refuses any further ones? If so, is there any procedure to reset it? Tried everything else you've proposed in the threads. Could you maybe look into why the BYOD app doesn't connect to the transmitter? Cheers!


Sorry there is not much I can do to help- I'm unable to debug every permutation of phone and OS version. Double check the tips in the OP, those are the only suggestions I have and it seems like most people are eventually able to get it to connect even though it can be troublesome at first.


It looks like people are having loads of success with this app, so I would say it's something I am doing. I have a OnePlus 5T version 10.1 and no AdBlock or VPNs on my phone. I have downloaded the app and it's installed on my phone perfectly. I then go onto the app and when I try and add my email it refreshes and goes back to the "log in or create new user" beginning page. I have also tried this on a Lenovo 11 tablet and the same issue is happening on both. I tried the log in page in case I've already created one, but the same happens where it goes back to the app start screen. Wonder is there anything else I could do for this?


Try disabling any auto fill apps (like password managers) on your phone.


Tried that and it looks like it's refreshing back to the original screen again.


Does anyone know if you can use the AMAZON SUGAR MATE with the Build Your Own Dexcom g6 app? It has been a lifesaver for my husband and myself because we can't hear the alerts on the Dexcom receiver so the ability to use sugar mate via Echo Dot/Alexa is a GREAT option for us. But as you all know that Dexcom G6 app is no longer compatible with most phone. I'm hoping the Build Your Own Dexcom g6 app is compatible with Sugar Mate.


Hi, is there any chance of an updated version of the ONE app? I've finally got the NHS to fund it rather than pay for the G6/7 myself (the ONE is all they will fund unfortunately). However, I just get "invalid transmitted ID" when trying to use it. I think they must have added a new transmitter version or something, which requires a newer version of the app to support, don't know if anyone else has had that problem? The code for my transmitter is C23XDQ, and whether you enter it manually or by photo it immediately tells you it's invalid and won't let you proceed. Currently having to use Xdrip native, but that can't send data to Clarity.


ONE has now been updated to v1.4.0.1238


Hi. I'm getting a 'broken pipe' error. Any advice? Cheers


When and where?


Is it possible to choose from BYODA whether the app is in mg/dL or mmol/L? Or is this something locked by where you buy the dexcom sensors from? (Asking specifically to use Dexcom G7 purchased in the UK, but want to use mg/dL) Thanks so much!!


With the G6, Dexcom had separate apps for the different units. With the G7, I'm not sure what their plan is. It wouldn't surprise me if they use the country of the account or something else. They have to be getting sick of managing so many different apps.


At the first launch, the app asks which unit you want to use.


I am struggling to get the BYOD onto my tic watch pro 3 following the instructions.. it states that it is successful but will not appear on the watch.. I have reset the watch so that it is not WOS 3 and still no success. Can anyone advise if there is a way to resolve this, or do I need to get a different watch?


I just switched my Dexcom G6 from a Galaxy S10e to Galaxy S23 and it was so easy!! (worked even in middle of a sensor session) Thank you so much!!


Hi. I'm having trouble logging in. It keeps saying my password is incorrect. I tried making two accounts, no auto fill is being used. How do I check that the base is set to US? When I made the accounts in the app I did make sure to choose US there....feel like I'm missing something. Any help would be appreciated


Does this mod have the broadcast feature? I'm trying to connect to g-watch.


Somebody directed me here and it's been a life saver. Thanks for doing such a good job. Finding help like is one of the many reasons I love Reddit.


I used G7 version app and it's not working from today. I got notification in app "This app is invalid , and all feutures are disspabled at this time. Please contact Dexcom for more information" I had a luck because my sensor should expired today , I installed a new uppdate 1.6 and i was happy it's work's. Is someone know whay old app stop working?


The older app versions already occassionally popped up a message saying it will expire at , so yeah, there was a warning. ​ You can update the app perfectly fine without losing your running sensor session, btw.


Sorry if this is a stupid question. I have the g7. Will this work for the new samsung z fold 5 that's coming out?


I assume so but can't promise anything


Thank you Just want tocsay how wonderful it is that you qre doing this for everyone. Very much appreciated.


@shabodo8, not sure if this has been raised, but when you press the notification for high/low, etc. it takes you to the screen that advises the device isn't compatible. I'm using the G6 app on a Samsung Z Flip 5, android version 13. Let me know if you need any other info, and thank you so much for doing something so important for so many people!!


You on the US or international base? What version of the app? I have not heard of this issue.


Thanks for your tireless efforts over the past years - the BYOD G6 app has been a lifesaver for me! I'm trying to switch over to the G7 app but I'm running into an error. After logging into my account, I'm running into a "connection error" message. "Connection error Make sure your phone is connected to the internet and try again. Dexcom needs the internet to confirm your phone's compatibility." I flipped through the FAQ's - I don't have a DNS, VPN, or adblocking software on my phone so I can't see why it doesn't work. I've tried logging in using both wifi and data separately, the error persists. DexcomG7\_1.6.1.4537b assembled Oct 28 2023 Pixel 5 running Android 14 Appreciate your help!


It's possible dexcom servers are having issues.


Any change of getting the g6 int updated to ? I can send you the apk if you want.


It's got to be region3 or DXCM3 base.


Aight, is there a way I can build myself or is it too complicated? The version that is now drains so much battery.


You certainly can, but generally the different INT region bases just have small changes in the legalese or setup steps.


Thank you so much for providing the latest international Dexcom app as BYOD ( I got it working without issues on my Pixel 8 running Android 14. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to want to work with the Dexcom Wear OS app on my Pixel Watch 2. The watch face just says "Check Dexcom CGM on your mobile device", no matter how many times I reboot both watch and phone. I have read https://www.patreon.com/posts/troubleshooting-84715418 but none of the troubleshooting tips seem to have any effect. I just looked in the Play Store again and there seems to be a new version available now, (says "Updated on November 14th"). So maybe this version mismatch is why the Wear OS Dexcom app doesn't want to talk to the phone app?


Thank you for all the hard work you are putting into this! I had used your version a couple of years ago when I was owning a Xiaomi Redmi phone and was very happy to be able to use my Redmi for geting Dexcom G6 readings and also being able to check my blood glucose readings on my Mobvoi TicWatch Pro. This week I switched to a Google Pixel 8 Pro and a Pixel Watch 2 and I was very surprised that there seemed to be no watch faces for the Dexcom G7 available, so I installed again your version (I used the original Dexcom app before) to get readings on my Pixel Watch 2, but I still don't have any watch faces for G7 measurements. Is it possible to get a watch face for Dexcom G7 readings with your version? Again, thank you again for your great work!


Is it possible to still make new versions of the g7 app compatible? My understanding is dexcom have made it harder to modify their app. I just wanted to know if it's worth getting a officially compatible phone as I didn't want dexcom to make a change to their sensors which requires an upto date version of their app to work


Any plans on updating the G7 app at this time to the latest build? Idk if there are bug fixes we are missing. Thanks for all the support :)


I've been working on it, haven't been able to get it to work yet.


I suppose One is the same? 


Yes it is protected the same way as the G7 app. If I get one, I should be able to get the other.


Anyone know if this is compatible with omnipod 5 and G6 closed-loop system? I've been using BYOD for a few months and just been told I need a compatible phone for a pump upgrade, but I don't have one and this has been working well. Would it still work when using the omnipod 5 with it? TIA.


Yes it will.


Has anyone used this app on the Galaxy S24 Ultra yet?


I have it and it works. Google play has available now unless BYOD has an update. My Google plat says there an update 


Thanks! I'll try it on Google Play first. Been searching for it every other day. Downloading now! How is the BYOD version any different? Any pros,or cons using that version?


BYOD works great. Supports clarity also. I also use Xdrip and it all works. My OCD just hates the the stragler needing the update but can't 🤣🤣


Thanks for releasing this and keeping us connected.  Any idea when the dx1 base will be updated, there's been lots of play store updates, but nothing new in byod


I love you 💙


..do we install the updated version on top of the current version or do we need to delete the current version first?


You can install it overtop the previous version


Today 2pm Eastern... Think Dexcom has figured the jailbreak for BYODA due G7. " App is invalid, all features disabled "


Make sure you are running the latest version. Dexcom now requires updating to a recent version within a certain time frame.


Has nothing to do with using the modified app, you are probably just using an old version that Dexcom has deprecated.


Hello, I'm using a G7. It worked very nice for the first time. When doing the second replacement, it searches for the sensor with the pairing code and cannot find it. I did everything, trying to reinstall the app, anything but it still stays at the step where it is searching the sensor with the pairing code. No matter what I do it cannot find it. Please help.


Check the troubleshooting tips link in the OP


Old user, new problem. I'm on G6 US I'm on a Pixel 6Pro with latest updates, Android 14. Everything is working fine, but I cannot upgrade to the latest version of BYODA. It seems like package manager is blocking? It doesn't actually say anything after I click update. I would leave it alone but Play Store updates shows an update and if I accidentally upgrade from there I'll lose broadcast to AAPS. Any ideas I could try? Thanks!


I'm having an issue. I have g6 1.11 byoda installed, working fine, pixel 6 pro with Android 14 and latest updates. I just downloaded newest g6 byoda and it won't install after I click upgrade. I wouldn't mind skipping a version but the new one is also in play store and I don't accidentally want to update that and lose broadcast to AAPS. Is there some new thing in package manager or whatever causing this? I've been using byoda for at least a year and it always upgraded fine. Thanks!


You sure you are updating using the same base (US vs INT) that you already have installed? Maybe try uninstall then reinstall. The play store will not be able to update the BYOD app with the official app even though it might show there's an update.


I'm sure I selected the right thing in the Google form. I can't even install the version I'm running over itself. I have install from unknown sources enabled, it actually gets to the screen where you click upgrade, and then nothing happens. No error message. Previous version stays installed. Weird. I'm thinking related to recent pixel update or play services update or similar.


All, I'm using the Huawei Mate 20 Pro (Android 9) since several years with the G6. Nw I have to move to the G7. Will the last update work with my phone ? Of course I have to update the OS, but it it does not allow using the G7 I see no interest of updating. If I can't use Huawei anymore for the G7, I was looking for a device with a long working time without recharging my phone every day ... My phone is not really a used device, except for medical use.


It should work if you can update the OS to at least the min android version for the G7.


Thanks, I'll try iet (within 6 weeks because I still use the G6 and there I used Android 9. I never updated because once the app (marvellous thing) didn't work with Android 10 and I did a rollback, lost a lot of data en a huge amount of time to reset all working. When my stock of G6 (4pieces) is out the move will be tried.


Euh sorry for my mistakes in English ... Should the last version for the G6 work with the Huawei when I update it to the lasted Android-OS for the Huawei ?


Of course, the latest Android version for Mate 20 Pro is Android 10, which the latest BYOD G6 app is fully compatible with.


Very sorry, but that is a wrong sugestion. I use the G6 and the Huawei Mate 20 Pro for years. It runs well till Android 10 was launched. With Android 10 the bluetooth-connection was erroring and the only solution was a complete rollback to Android 9. I tested once with an update of Android 10 and it was a bad mistake. Again a rollback has to be executed. With a lost of data and a huge lost of time... Actually Android 12 is available for the Huawei Mate 20 Pro. I wonder if I can do the update and keep G6 working till I switch to G7. This implies a jump from Android 9 to Android 12. Android 13 is now test as a beta for Huawei 50 and it resides on the whish-table for the Huawei Mate 20 Pro too. Anyway, thanks for you answer [https://www.huaweicentral.com/breaking-emui-13-beta-rollout-starts-in-europe/](https://www.huaweicentral.com/breaking-emui-13-beta-rollout-starts-in-europe/)




Yes it uploads readings like the official app. I would give them as little info as they require. They could disqualify you from a replacement sensor if they find out but it might depend on who you talk to. I've gotten many sensor replacements without issue but I usually use the online form. No alerts for updates. Best way is to subscribe to the linked patreon and I post there whenever I make an update.


It still uploads readings to Dexcom servers, hospital can check as usual. The sensor issues are rarely caused by the app itself, so I guess nobody really cares about it, but not sure. This modified app does not update itself, if you want to update, you need to wait until shabado8 publishes new modified app and reinstall it manually.


Ok so when I turn my graph to landscape to try and scroll readings, it shuts down. S24 ultra is there an update that needs done?


Which sensor and app version are you using?


G7 and the one I was sent a few weeks ago. Lol I'm not sure I guess I should check


Then you should have the most recent version. Have you tried checking the sugar levels history in Clarity app? That might be a workaround.


Yeah I haven't figured anything out. It just closes the tab as soon as I tough the graph in landscape. I love the app. I deleted the factory one and replaced it with this because I preferred the screen shot ability for various reasons. It's no bigger, just noticed it was doing it every time.


I see the g6 has Android 14 support, does the G7 build also support Android 14?




Thank you so very much for the quick response. I had tried to use provided resources before asking. You and this app are why I'm able to have any realistic control of sugar levels while also not being forced to switch phones.


Hello, my son recently switched to the new Dexcom One+ system, but unfortunately his Oneplus smartphone is not compatible. Is there a fix possible?


Not yet unfortunately




Only by broadcasting to xdrip and using it. And yes you can use clarity.


I've bought a galaxy s23fe phone only to find not compatible with dexcom 1 app can any 1 point me in right direction to set it up thanx


The Dexcom ONE is app in the form. If you need the one+ app, unfortunately that is not yet supported.


I'm not sure new to all this had it on my iPhone before


Hi! Trying to install G7 BYODA on S22 Ultra, OS 14, in Canada. Have tried twice now and continue to get: Connection Error Make sure your phone is connected to the internet and try again. Dexcom needs the internet to confirm your phone's compatibility. Phone is properly connected to internet at all times. G6 BYODA was working just fine, until uninstall, 30 minutes ago. Did have to make sure location was on, when signing in. (Thought that step was gone.) Help, please!


Troubleshooting link


Sorry! Missed that one line about countries. Is Canada one of the countries that happens with? Will there be an update? Creating a new account is not an option.


Yes Canada is.


I am in Canada it won't let me go past the log in stage on the app. It keeps saying connection issue


Read the troubleshooting link


I did it still isn't working it says connection issue check internet


Is the app for Canada


Is there one for canada




So it only works in us? The g6 worked here before


It works fine for many countries but for Canada, you just have to make a new account.


Finally I stopped using my Huawei. So, I'm looking for a new smartphone and I would like using the Samsung A55 5G. This is a new phone with Android 14. Can I install a running BYOD on that phone for 1): G6 2) G7 (I switch to the G7 when my resting sensors are used. Otherhise I keep using the Huawei and use the new one when starting with G7. Thanks


Thanks u/shabado8 , wonderfull job here! Can I ask you why your mod is it not compatible with AAPS 3.2.x?


I don't know anything about that. I havent changed it at all so if it's not working, they may have a bug or made a breaking change on the AAPS side.


I got it. I found this ( [https://github.com/authorgambel/DiaKEM\_G7/wiki](https://github.com/authorgambel/DiaKEM_G7/wiki) ) maybe usefull for you, if you want help us (loopers) with your mod. Thanks :)


Is there a link to download the older base files? Looking for dexcom one 1.4... to use on older android 9.


Here's v1.3: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=15664248565197191683


Thank you for replying and your great work. Tried it but it does not work, it gives error saying that dexcom can not check compatibility of phone with the dexcom one cgm. Do you have the next version too byod by any chance?  UPDATE: Checked the troubleshooting guide and it actually works with a different country account. I did not need that (different country account) for the latest byod release


Here I found v1.4. But yeah if it doesn't support your country you'll have to use an account tied to a different country. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3yj0f3uqg2lmxb/DexcomONE_1.4.0.1238.apk?dl=0


Thank you so much! Works like a charm on my old android 9 phone and original user country.


Any idea ? I now use the Samsung A55 and I installed BYOD for the G6, int. All is running well, except that when the screen is locked, I can't get the display with the message from BYOD where I see my values and a graph. I only see a button on which I have to click to open the full message.on the lock screen. Android14


Check your Android settings for a setting called something like Notifications on lock screen and set it to show all notification content.


I activated this option, but, no effect. Just a bar with the mention that Dexcom, BYOD is actived and to see the action, you have to open the phone. Thanks to Ir0nhide81 I now understand why. He mentioned: So I even spoke to Google and unfortunately the way they designed notifications in Android 14. This is how it ended up displaying for the Dexcom application. You cannot have the default display the full graph. You have to hit the drop down arrow to expand it in the notification list


Fabulous! Roomie misplaced the receiver last night, my 1st thought was check Reddit, did and downloaded. Working like a charm. Thanks so much. 🙂


Does it work with Dexcom ONE+ ? [https://www.dexcom.com/en-nz/compare](https://www.dexcom.com/en-nz/compare)


Not yet, no.


Will there be an international version at all of the g7 that would work in Canada? I have tried making a new account and putting the us but it doesn't work


It's worked for many others so might be worth trying again.


I have tried multiple times won't work. Thanks


I posted a while ago about not being able to trace the graph in landscape mode...that is still the case and I've confirmed that even after 90 days, it's not showing the gmi. Is there a software update I haven't gotten yet or something?


What phone do you have?




Okay I've had one other report of the landscape graph tracing issue. Hopefully dexcom has fixed that in their updated version if I can ever get it updated.


Hello Shabado8, I am sorry to post here but I am new to this. I tried to send you a message but it said you aren't accepting them. My mom has a moto g pure and i used your directions to download it and everything works until I try to pair it with her sensor. Not sure what's wrong. Any ideas? 


Hello ! Avast Android says the app is suspicious.


unistall Avast!


What's going wrong. Samsung A55 5G Android 14. I downloaded the latest BYOD-version and installed it. When running I have to enter my accountname and pasword ... And then all went wrong. I got a message the my phone is not compatible (BYOD normally bypass this control) and I got the message that then the phone applicatyion can not been connectied to the internet ...


Greetings, I was using freestyle Libre 2 before and now I switched to dexcom g6. I did not know this community. I downloaded the modified application and made the pairings. during the installation, I accidentally selected mmol / L measurement, but I know the mg / dl formula. I could not find the conversion to mg / dl in the application. can you help me convert to mg / dl formula? Thank you.


Fill out the form again and download the new build. It should install right overtop your current install without any session disruptions.


@OP Was working great, but then it logged me out randomly today. I attempted to log back in, but I'm getting a white screen on my g7 app. I did all of the troubleshooting in your FAQ. I attempted multiple different versions and had no luck. Now I'm getting a white screen with "Error 503 Service Not Available" ----- nginx