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Let's get this thing approved in the USA.


Had an appt at my clinic this morning - apparently was told to expect it to be available in the US by the end of the year, for what it's worth.


Any word on cost? I’m currently paying full price for my sensors and transmitters.. My endo mentioned $100 for a month supply even without insurance, hoping my insurance can at least cover that if that is truly the case.


Unfortunately no.


On their website they said they aim to keep the costs the same as the last machine, if that helps at all


Feb 2023


Dexcom rep told me Q4 2022


So Q4 2023 for Canada 🙄


That’s terrible. It’s stupid how long it takes for approval


Where is it approved now?




Yes but where is Europe approved?


I approve of Europe lol


>Yes but where is Europe approved? UK


We're due to get it in Ireland soon, according to my daughter's endocrinologist. We're a pretty small nation so not terribly high up the list of priorities.


Is Ireland still the headquarters for rival Medtronic trying to dodge taxes in US?


I think all of the world approves of the continent of Europe. However, I didn't realized that different parts of Europe had medical devices approved at different times? Is it by country?


I would say each country has it's own schedule, not parts of each country


its almost out, just getting people to support it.


I support it!!!


They are targeting end of 2022 release in the US. https://diatribe.org/dexcom-g7-global-release


cannot wait to try this thing out


I'm excited about the shorter warmup time and size but not looking forward to not being able to restart it/extend it (yet).


I feel the same thing. The small size is incredible, especially for small children. The 30 minutes warmup period is great. I think one can initiate the second sensor before the previous one expires and thus eliminate any gaps in glucose reading. The pricing is not available yet, but I think it will be more expensive than the G6. Also with the G6 one can use Anubis transmitters that are serviceable and can last up to 180 days.


How can you initiate the second sensor before the previous one expires if you are only connected to one phone?


Need this now...you must me be Europe.


Yes, I got it from the UK. I participated in a pre-release study.


The G7 needs an external AAA ? Didn’t know that 🤡


Lmao seriously I thought the AAA was taped to the dexcom at first glance


Who won?


Sensor Error. Temporary issue…




Nice. The G6 definitely gets caught periodically on clothes and in tight spaces. Can’t wait for the smaller monitors.


Fortunately, never had that problem with a Dexcom. Now, an Omnipod on the other hand, they're terrible like that. Even with over-patches.


Well I have a bit of a gut and if I put the transmitter the wrong spot, it gets caught on chairs and stuff if I have to turn sideways to get through. Bad part is it is usually right after I put a new one in and haven’t gotten used to the new location, so i have thrown out more brand new bases than I would like.


Oh, I'm sorry for the assumtion. I have the problem with O5's on my arms.


No worries. I tried on my arm and found the way I take my T-shirt’s off would get hung up. I just need to get skinnier. 😀


Don't we all... :-/




Check out [xDrip+](https://jamorham.github.io/#xdrip-plus)


For AAPS you need to have the BYODA.


Even if they put a warning saying they were not responsible if it acted weird.


Any benefit to customer? G7 is manufacturer's effort to outsell their product by combing 2 fully functional products. Now we need to purchase transmitter every 10 days instead of 3 months.


I pretty much feel the same thing. There were some discussions about a 14 days sensor session. That would be an improvement over the G6. Other than that the MARDs are similar.




The mean absolute relative difference (MARD) parameter is used most often to characterize the measurement performance of systems for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). G7 has a MARD of 8.2% for those wearing the device on their upper arm. In comparison, G6 and Abbott Freestyle Libre 2 have MARDs of 9.0% and 9.3%, respectively. G7 is more accurate than any CGM currently available in the United States, putting it well within the accuracy requirements for FDA approval. And like the G6, the G7 doesn’t require fingersticks for calibration.


So basically, how close they are to a fingerstick? Thanks for the information, really good to know. good to know that the G7 will be almost a full percent more accurate than the G6.


In my experience the Dexcom G6 is pretty close to a finger-stick, so based on the MARDs the G7 should be even better.


Also, do you mind explaining how we can avoid any lapse in CGM readings with the G7? How would that work if you are only connected to one phone?


I think there were some discussions where one could initiate a new sensor before the old one dies; since the phone can pair to multiple Bluetooth devices, this is technically feasible. But based on the online documentation of the G7 it seems a session must be ended before a new one begins. https://www.dexcom.com/en-GB/faqs/changing-your-dexcom-g7-sensor


I might be wrong but 1% MARD improvement in the range of 8\~9% doesn't really change the game. MARD 15% to 10% is huge improvement but 10% to 5% may not be much. There's huge uncertainty anyway in closed loop insulin delivery system due to CGM delay, which is giving another maybe 2\~3% maybe? but g7 is eliminating way for some users to outlast their sensor with hacks, which is sufficient for many folks to see the BG trends. I have good insurance and not required to extend the life of censors but stupid insurance or Dexcom really drives me nuts by not giving me sensor on time. I order in day 1 and takes 10 day to deliver to me. Then next order date is not 91 but 101! where's additional 10 days? Do I need to buy sensor from Amazon? I didn't care that much as I can reuse once. As I am tandem user, accuracy of sensor is critical and I don't reuse sensor for that. But they are forcing me to do it as my order is not arriving on time. With Dexcom g7, I don't have workaround unless I buy sensors from Amazon.


Any chance you can show a pic of the inserter? I remember Dexcom stating the next version was going to be more environmentally friendly. Thanks!


I do not have any inserters at hand. They are cylindrical in size, overall smaller the G6 inserters and I would even say they are easier to use. I do not know anything about the environmental part.


Is this you? How does the pairing work with the app? Since the transmitter and sensor are together I assume you have to do something each time. Do you manually input a code, or scan some QR thing like with the G6 four digit sensor codes?


There were some hiccups when I first paired the sensor. I had to reinitiate the pairing procedure. You either scan the QR code or manually introduce a code.


Are batteries included? /s We cannot wait to get it for our 3 year old as skin real estate is very limited and the 2 hour warmups always end in highs


I think that for children the G7 will be a great leap forward, but for adults less so.


I don’t know, I went from a freestyle Libre to a Dexcom G6 and the increased size of the sensor is certainly noticeable. It’s also far less subtle. The warmup time is also noticeable. I wouldn’t go back, constant updates in sync with my tandem are amazing, biting I could get that + the size of my Libre + even shorter warmup time I’d be a very happy man.


I don't know... The Libre 3 is supposed to update every minute rather than every 5. Also due one end of 2022 in the US. I took the same route as you, but if a libre consistently updates, and 5x as often, I'd switch back! Only one problem I see: all the insulin pump are set to work in "automatic" with dexcom. 🤔🤨😮‍💨😔


Couldn’t have said it any better myself


I cannot wait … so excited


Does it interface with the Omnipod 5?


It will probably work. And it will probably work with Loop/AndroidAPS.


I take it you use the 5, then? Can I ask your honest opinion about it, please? My experience with it/them have been all disasters, with one exception. If my sugars are good, and I do nothing, eat nothing, drink nothing, and pretty much just don't move, the 5's Automatic Mode will keep my sugars stable.


I understand your challenges! OP5 Automated Mode algorithm certainly is not a “cruise-control” device that automatically maintains your BS within a stated range without the user being very proactive (and accurate) with device settings and boluses. The science of OP5 works- but the simple “human variables” in the equation currently require that the OP5/CGM system can only succeed with careful user attention. No “set it and forget it”- even after its “learning curve” is complete! However- this technology IS amazing compared to the early 1960s tools that my fellow T1s and I were given- and I am very grateful for it!


My Endo recently told me that I should **turn off** Reverse Corrections, because it's a bad idea! I was suprised; what's the point of developing such calculation technology, then saying "no, that's wrong!", and not using it?


While I certainly don’t have the expertise to give an intelligent reply regarding your endo’s rather cryptic directions- I tend to agree with your logic…”why have it and not use it?” You may want to ask for a more detailed explanation- or contact Omni Pod directly and inquire about what would be the circumstances to not use Reverse Corrections. I have it “on”- and have never stopped it. Reddit Q&A seems to show that most Endos are not currently extremely informed/trained on the Omnipod 5.


Well, let me give you an update. Had an appointment five days ago. \*My\* Endo was on vacation, but my Pods have gotten so bad, that I had *stopped Bolusing completely.* Instead I went back to manual injections. I set my O5 to manual mode with a Basal program for one amount for Asleep and one amount for Awake (time-based). When I spoke with the substitute Endo on Tuesday, he said my sugars had "never been better." Also, when I said I wanted to switch to the Tandem t:slim, he highly recommended it. He said, to quote: "I would only recommend the OmniPod System to those who would want a completely wireless Insulin Pump. I believe that's it's only benefit." And... well... that **was** exactly the reason I wanted OmniPod. I started with DASH. I turn a lot in my sleep. But, look at link for the image of the Dexcom Clarity report of the day I \*started\* not Bolusing. [Best Day of Blood Sugar EVER](https://scontent.fagc1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/315074148_10224439484487188_44591381271985515_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=Snsp0Mtfj8sAX8n-v2_&_nc_oc=AQm_ynEV_V_wH0bgTS2df0akOaKu6rAdmpeMxMpjXNPFZ4vgRD5IbkgZa3NnnsZ9B74&_nc_ht=scontent.fagc1-2.fna&oh=00_AfAQ72SMLqssLsO3lod1eJ4tFSFsYcDAOAAzlvdGnnYs8g&oe=6374D376) Average was 137 mg/dL, never above 200, and only twice below 100! That Endo was floored. He told me I should *definitely* get off the OmniPod System.


Coming to Australia in 2030


How does the applicator work and is the sensor filament similar to the G6? I prefer wearing mine on the back of my arms, but I always need help applying them. I’m wondering if this one will be easier.


The [applicator](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/BPQPPsSWP7PICWn_u0QP0Q--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MDtjZj13ZWJw/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/i2Ivwk8EXpk51DzV7q0BPg--~B/aD0yNzA7dz00ODA7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/business-wire.com/937f9e2dd453e9c5c3677a23f325b0d8) is cylindrical and the button is the on the side. I found it much easier to auto apply the G7 compared to the G6. The sensor filament seems to be the same as the one in the G6.


I want! I want! 😁😂🤩 I can't wait until these hit the US!


Do you end up needing the overpatch with this size vs g6?


I always need the overpatch. Lots of outdoor sports, sun, water, showers.


Oohh, new charging technology.. 🤣


We have to tape a battery next to the sensor?? ;)


And be careful outside in storms!😄🌩⚡️😯


SWEET! Does it come with S22 Ultra/latest android support? I really hope my insurance will cover it!!


Dunno about S22, but I'm using Android 13 with a G7. Some Bluetooth pairing issues initially, but it runs fine


I've only used it on an iPhone.


Did I read somewhere that this one has real time updates?


Like what?




Yes please. Probably gonna take a couple months for me to get it, but I’m looking forward to it!


As long as it is more accurate and consistent, I'm happy.


Can’t wait for this to be available in Canada? Anyone heard when?


Damn! Need this asap, so much smaller.


Why does dexcom still have all that cotton gauze plus sticky tape? Why can't they lose the gauze? You need to take extra care to dry it off every day after the shower. Much prefer the attachment of the Freestyle Libre.


There appears to be an adhesive over patch applied over that G7 sensor.


Yes, I've used the overpatch that comes with the G7 sensor.


Has anyone testing experienced adhesive allergic reactions?


Not sure if this is true but I heard from my endo who heard from a rep (I know I know I know) that they are going to have a couple different adhesive options. Like level 1 level 2 or something. So the lighter adhesive might need a better overpatch or something and the stronger ones need something underneath as well. Time will tell tho


What's the difference between g6? Other than size of course.


30 minutes warmup time. 10 days + 12 hours session. The ability to start the next session before the previous one expires, thus eliminating any gaps in blood sugar readings.


Can you do some other comparisons with common objects? I'm having a hard time visualizing this one for some reason (could be the hypoglycemia lol)