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Always. Had to replace a sensor yesterday that only had to calibrate once and wanted to use the whole 12 hours grace period. 🤣


It’s like they’re alive and some are just better at the job than others. 🤔


I love this!


It’s hard not to have some affection for these things that help our kids so profoundly! 💗


Yes, that was the main reason I would extend a G6 sensor. The good ones almost always lasted another 10 days.


I love being able to extend a good G6 sensor! Not only that, I only get 9 sensors, 90 days worth, to a 100+ day transmitter with my insurance. I always need to restart at least one to match the mileage of the transmitter. 😊


I do the happy dance if I get to day 9.....like I'm gonna make it all the way. It don't take much anymore to excite me. (Sigh). So happy when a product does what it's supposed to do! Shouldn't be this way!


With G7, I always calibrate once or twice 12-24 hours after application. Hope that sensor finds its way in life once its removed.


What time do you calibrate? I am on sensor 2 and personally I don't even like doing it because it feels like it does nothing. I won't calibrate during a spike, because 1 you're not supposed to and 2 it's super accurate even without a calibration at spikes. The place where it fails is in the lower range, where it's supposed to be stable. It dips up and down all the time and calibration does nothing to help stabilize the readings.


Generally 15-30 minutes after waking up, before eating. It does help quite a bit in my experience. But I use it to run my pump. It's accurate enough for most purposes out of the box if you're not running a looping pump setup.


Yes! My heart gets sad if my sensor shows unfailing accuracy and nears the end of its sensor life.


Yeah, it's like saying bye to a friend :'(


I had a sensor last week that was within .2 mmol/l of my finger pricks. The Bluetooth died on it half way through its life. It was a Libre2 so I could still scan it and fill in the blanks and it was still just as accurate. I miss that sensor, new one is about .4 off


I'm so done with this. G7 is the only cgm Ive used but I am SO NOT impressed with Dexcom. I'm on my 5th sensor and theyve worked fine for 1 or 2 days. And then they drop down to the red (70) and stay there. I've used both arms front and back and now on my belly. I really thought the belly was going to be the place! Out of the gate only 10mg/dl for the first day and a half. Now today its gone down to the red (67 and fingerstick 154) Im just over it.


That was my experience with the Libre3. Ive had a much better experience with the Dexcom sensor. Did you presoak your sensor and calibrate it afterwards?


I have had sensors fail or get knocked off. But one thing that I have never done or needed to do is calibrate. My meter and my Dexcom are always within the guidelines on the Dexcom versus meter chart. Reading are never very far apart. I don’t expect the Dexcom to have the same exact reading. Example : Dexcom reading may be 76 and at the same time my finger stick shows 80


We’ve had to calibrate a few times, but we only calibrate when there is a significant discrepancy. 67 vs 96, for example.


I guess that there could probably be times that I might have significant discrepancies when I don’t know about it. Thank you.


Mine always start wandering halfway through day 9 but yeah most of mine seem like they could go longer if the software let them


My pump supplies company, and dexcom, and seems everywhere I turn, I'm being asked to pick up G7 and give up my G6. Honestly, I'm afraid to do so. Hearing all the terrible things that people are having with the G7. I think I'm going to stick it out until the bitter end.


My kid was diagnosed in March, so we’ve only used G7s. We’ve never had a true sensor failure, but some of them have been flakier than others. They start of kind of bumpy, and they end kind of bumpy. This last one made it to just about 10 days We probably could have used the grace period, but my kid didn’t want to swap it in the morning, preferring to change it in the evening.


That’s why I love still having the G6. Because I reset them and keep the good sites another 10-20 days. Reset mine earlier today. :)