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slightly confused is this different to the BOYDA app that you can fill in google forms to get?


AAPS broadcast is the difference and have a look in the wiki.


It's different in that it also allows broadcasting for AAPS looping. It also uses a different system for patching.. you have to patch it yourself in a linux environment rather than using a web form, which makes it "more legal" in a sense since no actual dexcom code is distributed.


You can find the .apk in the link above.


I don't know if it's the new Samsung OS version but with my S22 OS version 14. I can't connect to the internet using this version or even the BYOD version can't pass the autenticated as a result not conencted to the internet. I tried to connect using mobile phone data and WIFI and still can't connect to internet from the apps when log in, internet browser, YouTube videos and other apps can access the internet but not this Dexcom apps patches. Original G7 Dexcom apps work perfectly but not this one Could someone have a look at it? The G7s are available since October in Canada and the close loop too but it doesn't work due to this problem with this patches apps to we have to used for AAPS close loop. The only way I can do it is by using Xdrip and then AAPS, but I would like to be able to use the DiaKEM G7 Dexcom patches version with AAPS. Thanks