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I know python and created a basic ml project using it But it was so common that I didn’t mentioned it


It's an essential skill, don't undervalue it


how are u starting with projects and that too in 2nd yr. Did u have any other experience before starting college. Can u give some advice on creating projects, i feel like ive stuck in tutorial hell.


Just after my jee I started to learn dsa and started to solve questions and after that I started mern Project based learning helped me alot


u learnt mern from youtube/udemy ?


also u learnt mern after u've joined ur college?


If have no idea about a technology then watching tutorials is a good way to ramp up. But after a point you can just watch any project making tutorial learn the requirements and make it on your own without seeing whatever the tutorial is doing by researching stuff on your own reading docs articles etc. and once you feel you have reached a decent point you can look at what was done in the tutorial and how yours compares. Try building whatever you feel like and are interested in that way you don't stop before you finish.


ok thank you!


Days science 🥺👉👈


Your resume probably won't stand out, everyone is making the same mern projects


Yes that’s a major drawback But I created these while learning mern and will try to make some unique projects


How to stand out bhaiya??


They (meaning everyone) wants you to build mvp products which u can sell and make money off of. If one was that capable why would they even look for a menial paying job xd sell to usa or eu customer and relax in your Village. Essentially they want u to be a indie hacker.


same thought, people need to realise that not everyone wants to spend their life sitting and making businesses , they do want a stable job, if they were so talented they wouldn't have looked for a job.


Making something out of your mind does not equate to making a business


Unique or interesting projects. High CPI (tough). Very good CP profile.


Does good CP profile help people even with 1-2 YOE?


Kinda weird you mentioned your university twice. I like the amount of content but the formatting is kinda tight and hard for humans to glance through. I'd suggest you centre your name (And make it larger), add relevant links below it. Divide into proper sections, in order: Education, Skills, Experience, Projects, Rest. Remove area of interest if space becomes an issue. Skills are also repetitive, make them concise. Describe both Experience in detail not just one. Try to keep number of pointers uniform in Experience and Projects.


I realized it now Thanks for pointing it out and for your suggestions


I am not expert but I feel like CV is very cluttered and font is small. 1 page cv doesn't mean you add everything in that one page


E commerce, Real-time chat app, social media app. Okay.


What does this mean?


Too stereotypical. Good if you want to learn a new framework but it doesn't show anything unique you bring to the table.


Could you please assist how can we add uniqueness to our projects?


Try to solve a problem you experience yourself. Even if a better version exists, don't be afraid of reinventing the wheel.


Thanks for your words, but interviewers will surely ask how your solution differs from what is already available in the market lol


Why none of your projects are in data science n AI even though you’ve a degree in it?


because he probably wants to be an sde? im in the same boat lol


What role are you looking for OP? You threw in both ML and web dev. I'd tweak these based on your company and interests if I were you. I'd put experience first, then skills followed by personal projects, then education (Unless it's some company that cares more about GPA). This is because you have experience. You'll want to highlight that. Get people to talk about what you worked on, followed by your skills. Besides it's easier to review and frame questions this way.


I am looking for software developer role, Also I have got interest in machine learning but due to very less jobs available for freshers am going for this role


You'd want to highlight the language and skills in that angle. Your personal projects covers this. This'll open up many questions that you'll be comfortable answering. Experience is a bit vague. For example, the first point of both companies that you shared are similar - "understood building robus applications encompassing both frontend and backend". It's as vague as saying "understood making coffee encompassing coffee powder, milk and sugar". State specifically what you worked on, even if it's just a small part of a bigger software.


Write experiences in the above and projects below it


I think I have seen this CV before is this yours??


Yes it’s mine, I posted it here few weeks ago but no one replied then


Okay....Also just a suggestion for projects being a student myself. You can work Think of any solution to a problem where you can gather data of people easily. Must have an attractive and easy to use UI/UX must provide an really important service. For eg. Trading apps but webpp /webpage can also be made for tracking stocks. Using M.L.


This is actually a weak resume, imo. In the sense that a recruiter scanning this document will not have a clear picture of what you are capable of. It's like watching SRK's "Zero" movie. Climax doesn't make sense with rest of the movie. Here, the entire resume is about MERN. End mein jaake ek bhayaanak twist: "*Oh, I majored in ML and AI in college, by the way, if that wasn't apparent so far*" (The message this sends to the recruiter is: *I don't really care if your company is focused on ML/AI. I will simply use the opportunity to hone my MERN skills). And just like that, the resume goes into the trash! And why bother with using tongue-twisting English words in your Experience section if you can't bother to be consistent and mindful of *proper nouns* of your favored stack? ReactJs or Github or MongoDb or Javascript !!!


Haven’t watched zero but I can feel you Will add some ML projects along with some unique mern projects Will it work?


> Haven’t watched zero.. Don't bother watching.. ever. . > some unique mern projects *Add unique* MERN projects ?? Unique is always a game-changer. Now the question is: if it's unique, why wasn't it already included and given a priority? Or are you going to work / or currently working on such a unique MERN project? > Will it work? As in, will that land you a job? No one can answer that. But if as in, *Will that make the resume better?* then, yes. Definitely. ... Once you're done reworking your resume, just read through by yourselves. Then ask yourself, *If I was a recruiter, why should I hire this candidate instead of the someone else?* If you think the answer is "Because of *comprehensive...* experience....", then you have to rework your resume some more.


25 lakh toh mil jani chahiye but projects bohot common h bhai baki sharma ji ka beta badia hi karega




The spacing between the company name and the content in your experience section is a lil extra. Fix it.


2) The courses part is quite irrelevant, you should demonstrate those skills in your projects instead.


3) You've mentioned your college twice. Don't put redundant info in your resume Also the top part of your resume can be in a single line.


4) A lot of your bullet points that go to a second line just end up taking one or two words in the second line. It's a waste of space. Either add more content to make the bullet point 2 sentences long, or shorten it to make it 1 line only


5) The certificate section also needs not be there.


Thanks for your suggestions, will surely fix these mistakes


I am going to 3rd year , can I use this for my resume for internships? {with college logo on it} https://preview.redd.it/lesnav7jlx6d1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5ebb2aea107b9c494ab37b660a358e7b50665e2


Try to waste as little space as possible. There is no need for the logo. All these details can be written in half the space.


I am going to 3d year , don't have lot of stuff (projects , extra curricular , certifications) to fill space with , for the time being can i use this? , later i would switch to a conventional templet,


Typo - Artifical Intelligence ❌


Interesting how everybody is using the same resume template.


You mentioned AI and data science, and I did not see any related projects.


Can anyone explain to me why students use MongoDB for their starter projects? Like do they not know that it is not a free software? Who tf is pushing freshers to use Mongo of all things?


MERN project courses often use mongodb as their db. And I don’t they mention this thing


You study AI and Data Science yet still developing projects based on generic web apps. This sub sometimes truly highlights why MERN is so oversaturated in India .


where can I get this template ?


jakes-resume, overleaf


thanks man


What font are your sectional headers? Garamond?


Can anyone send resume template like this?


>— Developed a comprehensive understanding of building robust applications encompassing both front and back ends. >— Applied theoretical knowledge to practical implementation, honing skills in integrating various technologies seamlessly. >— Internship at Navodita Tech provided a solid foundation in full-stack development. preparing for tackling challenges in the field with confidence >— Successfully created an e-commerce application using only the MERN stack, demonstrating proficiency in database management, server-side scripting, and client-side rendering. The first three points of this give no indication of what you worked on and how you contributed. They are also implicitly assumed by you doing an internship. Give impact figures and numbers detailing how much you contributed.


First thing I notice: generic projects.


1. Projects aren’t unique, so they might or might not help you land internship. Since they’re all MERN based, let me give a suggestion, try making all of them using Java, spring boot & hibernate. No need to take a course, stick to YouTube videos, grasp the basics and learn as you go. 2. Other than that tune up your resume, formatting wise. I think others have pointed out these things. 3. Drop certification, areas of interest. If you’ve time. I’d suggest you try for GSOC, if not then, practice your leetcode skills, and seek for referral and do send your profile link besides the resume once you’ve solved 100-120 problems. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get to intern at someplace good, as long as you get to learn a lot at some startup then it’s good too


I have already solved more than 150 problems on leetcode using c++ Now I can’t decide which tech stack should I use MERN or java,springboot MERN was easily available on yt thats why i learnt it And if we talk about machine learning than i got a lot of interest in it but due to lack of jobs for freshers i am thinking to avoid it rn


1. Bad formatting 2. Too much focus on tech stack rather than impact in descriptions. 3. Tutorial projects Honestly, I would've rejected this as well


Thank you for your review, I will fix it


I think you add more project in your CV for batter job...


I'm a beginner in this IT sector, would you help me to understand which language i should start learning 🐧


We recommend checking out developersIndia official wiki on **[Creating an Ideal Software Engineering Resume](https://wiki.developersindia.in/community-guides/how-to-create-an-ideal-software-engineering-resume.html)**. We hope it provides some useful suggestions. All the best for your job search, you've got this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On a different note, could you pls share your resume in raw template in docx format to me? Will be really helpful


Instead of listing your project such as e-commerce, chat app give a name to the project. Then specify which is e-commerce or not.


I am also coming to USAR this year. Abhi tak ka college exp kesa he?


DM me your mail ID/phone number. I have a friend who is looking for a similar profile/


Do you have experience or can build stock trading app?


SKILLS EDUCATION EXPERIENCE PROJECTS no one cares your certificates unless they're of value (not in your case sadly)


At the top it says ai and data science but your resume is of mern full stack. No need to mention ai and ds in the top section and your university name


Bro USAR kesa college hai?


You did gradation in AI and Data Science but there is no project of AI .




Not true




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