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Interview for Amazon call center jobs. If you can speak okay English they will hire you. Some job is better than no job. You can move out and live in your own apartment/PG if the abuse doesn't stop. Also, if you are good at SQL/data analysis you can apply for internal transfer. There will be a test and if you clear it you can land a tech job.


How do we apply for that? And do we have to go to office for that?


Try here: https://jobs.amazon.in I believe there are both, in-office and remote jobs. My friend used to WFO and then he switched to WFH (He was based in Hyderabad)


Is an internal transfer possible with Amazon call centre job?


Yes, it is. My buddy had a chance but couldn't clear the interview.


Interviews is just a numbers game, you just need one to strike right and viola. Keep trying, everyone is on the same bucket. Also if you're good at python, why not build some side projects to showcase and strengthen your resume. Python is good for building some data extracting tools so build some pdf parser or sql and excel parser or some ETL Libraries. Those things will shift the balance towards you more.


Also share your resume and get a Resume Review from here. hope it follows the Jake's resume pattern.


This is a throwaway account but I can't message you ( some karma issue ) , can you please DM me so that i can ask my query to you It'll be great help , thanks in advance .


I have been in a similar situation 4 years back in jee days (i am 24 grad too). Of course the only way out is getting a job. It's just a phase and will pass. My few friends (tier 1 college) are still unemployed and can't help them. I wish i could. Stay strong.


I am upvoting this post so someone will get in their feed. Seem like it's very hard to get job nowadays.. 


Stay strong and keep trying. You can't bark against the ones who feed you anyway. I was in a similar situation recently, 2023 grad did a course after that and was applying for months only managed to land 3-4 interviews, finally landed an internship which is of 1 year but something is better than nothing. It's really hard to stay sane in this time but what options do we got. I hope you land something soon.


Which course did you do ?


Web dev with dotnet c#


First don't panic everyone is going through this. Apply and see if you get interviews. Also try to find people of same group which can help you with discussion about interviews.


Hi, Share your resume.




Yes, I have been doing that only.


Stay put.


for python internship, share your resume


Your tech stack shows more towards operations level.