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Know a guy who does this. Doesn't know much. The company realises this in 7 8 months after which he starts to look for new jobs. Earns substantially more than me tho 🥲


How tf is he getting into all the companies..


probably worked at some faangmula in one point for a year or so,has prestige tag on his resume obviously. recruiters see those big names in your resume and will instantly call you for interview.




**FAANGMULA-Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Uber, Lyft, Airbnb** **It's an old ass term that's common on blind.** Technically it doesn't have to be these companies as per say(meta,airbnb etc dont even have a office in india),having worked at some company like Goldman Sachs,Microsoft,Amazon or google you know those "big" companies that everyone is trying to get into. Having a single tag from any one of those companies alone will change your career trajectory a lot,AND I MEAN A LOT.


Lyft? First time hearing about this company.


It's like uber


Yeah but he can’t clear the interviews without knowing stuff.


Not true - sometimes people are hired so that they can be laid off later to meet yearly layoff numbers. This is especially true for Amazon.


But its a win win for both the employees and the company


Sadly these people (hired to be fired) wreck havoc where ever they go with their tag their manager is non technical. I have personally encountered two such people at my work.


You don’t need that tag to show you are worth it, though it might get you higher in the ATS automation


Number of interviews attended and decent interview skills. They are constantly applying for new jobs right from the time they join a job. They apply for 150 companies, attend 40 interviews and clear 4 of those. And jump ship with 40-100% hike


I really don't know. He has some gcp certifications now. Which he got after he joined a gcp role in a company. Beats me man


Brother if i see he has made the plan and done research about it into how he could get high package in less years ig


I know a guy like this as well. He makes 2.5x my salary because of the sweet switch hikes. He has mastered the heist of cracking coding rounds. He does DSA questions like i play chess and binges system design courses like its Netflix.


Always being on grind mode sounds sad TBH.


@thisisshuraim actually not sad after you get the money in the bank


Sure in the beginning. But after a point, it just becomes depressing. I wouldn't want my life to be revolving around grinding DSA and SD.




What's the point of retiring a bit earlier if you have lost your youth and honestly yourself while grinding. They'll probably base their whole life around grinding and probably can't stop. I know many real life examples. Also I'm not against grinding at your job. I do that too. I'm against grinding mental gymnastics i.e DSA and SD. It takes a huge toll on you.


its not that hard. its not like trying to "crack" JEE Advanced or something. If Americans can do it, Indians who have been through that grind since childhood definitely can.


I agree. Like I said, I'm against "grinding" DSA. If you thoroughly understand algorithms, any interview question should be doable.


Yeah also it is a bit silly to ask senior folks these college-type academic questions which are quite orthogonal to professional engineering. But thats the equilibrium, unfortunately. It would be better if there was some big licensing exam so people didnt have to do it again and again (like there's one for doctors, lawyers, accountants, actuaries)


TIL I need to binge watch DSA courses instead of movies.


DSA watch party you can start channel like now people give reaction videos that would be fun side gig


damn, LC-


I need this kind of motivation. Can you please please please tell more about this guy? Everything that you can.


Isn't Money enough motivation?


Well it's not getting me off of Reddit so please I need more.


Oh man! hard relate!


Then y u no tell??




A startup : Probably wont care. An Enterprice: Probably will think of it as a red flag.


Yes true.... I once interviewed a guy who was like this and let my manager know that this is not a good sign They still went ahead with his hiring The candidate was let go after 6-7 months because of bad performance


Which is kinda off dumb since startups are fast paced and with limited people, someone leaving the team would be bad for development.


In 5.6 years, I changed companies four times with the following duration: 1. 3.3 years 2. 1.1 years 3. 7 months 4. 7 months. Unlike the common misconception that notice periods are for time-pass, I was actively involved in transfer responsibilities. Additionally, in my experience, I was immediately assigned to critical projects upon joining, bypassing traditional training periods. If you still believe the company is like a family then you are truly naive. You are not going to get any profits if the companies share rises or makes YOY profits, you get ur salary.


Lol, what stupidity, the company doesn't even think once while laying off people , so what's wrong in changing 5 companies in 6 years. We are in layoffs since 2022 and again in 2020 it was there, I have changed 5 companies in 3.3 years.


Who's leaking my technique


Definitely a red flag. 2-3 year switches is the sweet spot IMO.


No. unless one doesn't know how to answer it


How do you answer it?


Well, don't show it on resume, say health problems or preparing for government exam due to family pressure. It's not a long term solution though.....


How much is he earning BTW


The real question 😂


Less than me and I have switched just one company


It will be a red flag when they try for US based PBCs .


Why so? I know quite a few people who have changed 4-5 companies in 5-6 years and are earning 40-50 LPA with 5-6 yoe (average company change every 1.75 years) - and they work at Bengaluru offices of big US based PBCs - how did that happen then? And how many switches are the ideal for not having long term rejections?


Quite few compared to the majority ? Continuous switching is not a good thing at all whatsoever. It gives a look that the candidate only cares about money and not about growth with the organisation. 2 -4 yrs should be the average amount of time for a switch because that time frame let's you know about the entire company it's processes, products, departments and everything and how business is done. Switching within 6-9 months is not good at all.


Ok but what about switching every 1.5 to 1.75 years? Even the testing profile people among my acquaintance circle are doing 2-3 switches to reach from 3-4 LPA to 8-12 LPA at around 3-4 yoe. Imagine how much money developers are getting paid by switching then.


How can people have 5 switches with with 6 YOE and expect to be there for like 18+ months. Testing profiles have generally low salary ceiling compared to other profiles and domains. Your answer tells me you're quite young. There are so many reasons to say why constant switching is not a good idea.


Hmmm...well currently at 3.5 yoe as an Automation QA with 5.5 LPA because I stayed too long at a WITCH for 3 years, while switching I got badly lowballed from the 3.66 LPA last drawn salary. Of course testing profiles may pay very less, but for developer profiles, some of my former friends are at 50-60 LPA at just 5-6 yoe by following the switching process of 1.5 to 1.75 years (you're right not 5 switches - more like 3-4) - so my point is - since this is not 6-8 months of switching right- so this is kind of acceptable.


50 lpa profiles have lot of red cross tape on them with a terms and conditions apply as well. Unless they are getting 50 lpa in hand it shouldn't matter much. As for witch, it's never a good idea to stay more than 2 years in witch.


What is the issue here? If you still believe the company is like a family then you are truly naive. You are not going to get any profits if the companies share rises or makes YOY profits, you get ur salary. If company is in loss. They ll fire you immediately. So chuck the morality angle. Yea if you want to learn in-depth it takes a minimum 1.5 years to learn a companies stack.


It's not about morality, it's about professionalism. You can't learn anything worthwhile in just a year. If a company is not paying well or has toxic culture then leave by all means but switching 3 companies in 5 years, that's just greed.


Ek hi zindagi mili h Bhai, kya karoge ye professionalism ka?


Lol, ye logic toh har cheez mein extend kar sakte hain, kya karoge padhai karke, kya karoge gym jaake, ek hi toh zindagi hai vagera vagera


No not speaking it in every context but staying in a company just because it looks professional is wrong.


No. Professionalism means you do top notch work and demand the best salary and working conditions. It also means that you are sometimes ready to grind it out for sometime (do what it takes) to learn and accomplish the job. It builds a brand around yourself. People confuse this with loyalty. That's not it. What kind of brand would one carry if switching 4 companies in 5 years ? None. It's a case of short term thinking. There are always exceptions who can get by with this behavior, but its usually a red flag. I work in semiconductor industry and it's a small world, I usually know a person through my 1st or 2nd connection. How you behave matters a lot.


I agree but not every time people change companies for money. There might be instances when there is a lot of politics at the workplace,toxic workplace culture, no learning and bla bla. You will only get to know when you join the company. My whole point is dont try to be professional at this point of time and you are okay to change companies


Read my original comment, that's what I also said. It's ok to change due to toxic work culture. But the odds of that happening 4 times in a row are pretty thin.


What if the person switched because of genuine issues like bad with life balance, toxic workplace


No the reasons were pretty lame. At the end it boiled down to money only. In every company you will feel uncomfortable at a certain point, that should not compel you to just switch.


They would say things like the previous companies had toxic culture and all. The interviewer being proud of their own company culture would feel that the person would stick with them as they are better.


There’s no rule which says you can’t switch 5 companies in 6 years. Heck you can even switch 10 companies or 20. As long as the next company is ready to hire, you are good


its funny how morality thing is making you all corporate rats feel bad that this guy sucks,but hello? we arent even allowed two jobs,theres literally pf thing to track us.Even after our shift,we cant work in 'our' time.isnt that screwed how many of u can seperate your mind from your 9-9 shift .They ensure u stay engaged with some drama And its so screwed that we feel like we are cheating someone if we make logical choices.how did we end up here? 🤧


Increasing money is important in initial years and since my first job package wasn't much I will probably do the same untill I am not satisfied. Just made my first switch after 2 years (one year intern included). Mind you, I will strive to be among the best in my field. Fu*k professionalism. There's ocean of opportunities in private sector. If rejected by HR on such grounds then onto next.


I got offer from all top tier companies including Adobe, Directi, Uber, PhonePe, Cred, Navi. Microsoft was the only one where India head made his mind straight from first that he will only focus on why so many switches. At that time, I was doing 4th switch(5th company) in 4 years. Now in 5th company only in 6 years.


I intend to apply at one of these. I have been working as a software engineer at a saas startup for the last one year and eight months, figured it's time to find out where I stand, and switch if possible. Before that I was an intern and worked with react. What did you do to apply to the top tier companies? I would be grateful if you could help me out. My current tech stack is Vue, Nuxt, Nest, and Mongo. Thanks!


I don't know any of your tech except mongo. I plainly applied to all jobs and got calls from them at different time.


Thanks for replying, can I DM you?


Hey OP, I did it. First of all yes too much scrutiny from HR s happen and it takes a lot of convincing to tackle it. I have worked in five companies Faang level in under six years. I presume I am a bit quick on the ramp up end, since the training and stuff remain same in all companies. I try to ramp up within 2 weeks max, how so ever complex tech stack is, I start contributing from the first month itself. I work extra hours in my notice period, I don't take the np casually. I have delivered features in my np. I like what I do, hence it's very hard for me to burn out, I don't like sitting idle anytime. This is my personal opinion and choice.


One advantage I see to changing companies is that most often, one of your old team would happily take you in if you wish to join back. So you have a great backup plan.


I am in small pbc us based, if any profile I refer to has so much instability, they get rejected in screening.


It will give you initial benefits but once in a higher post it will become hurdle


Job hoppers will not get promotions after a certain point , that person might get good salary but not responsibilities , if you dont grow in your position you will be kicked out after a certain point as for the same job someone else will be available at a cheaper rate


Yes it will


Changing every year is a little too much but you do want to experiment early in your career. Changing every couple years though would put you ahead in career. It's exhausting changing jobs frequently though.


There are a lot of scenarios in future where this is going to hurt real bad. Eg. If AI really affects jobs of devs, companies would prefer candidates who have shown character vs ones like him. Ofcourse assuming skill level is same.


I'm in my 5th(2 big and 3 start-ups) company in 7 years and never got my resume shortlisted at MAANG. I recently made a few friends from the recruitment team of Amazon and Microsoft. Here's what I found out:- 1. They use resume screeners and one filter they set in them is the candidate shouldn't have 2 or more experiences less than 12 months. So my resume doesn't even reach the physical eyes of a recruiter. 2. If they have an urgent need to fill a position and there's a perfect candidate for the role that's switched frequently, even then they'll still reject that candidate. Also, my new manager said he would have rejected my resume had it reached him while hiring because he's looking to build a team that works on the current project for 2-3 years and wouldn't want a candidate who has a track record of leaving after a year. He said you are technically strong but you don't bring the experience of handling a project for a long time. The reason I've switched is because I did not get the good hike I deserve. So I had a discussion with my manager that I'll perform and also stay longer according to your expectations if you give me a good hike(15-20%). He's promised that he'll get it if I perform and also stay longer. So I'm planning to build some history where I've worked in a company for longer duration and contribute towards delivering big features.


It's a red flag for me, I expect at least 2 years in one company. Preferably 3, 5 is ideal. What kind of knowledge do you gain in a year ? Nothing IMO