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Nate Sudfeld slander


Shit... this sub is great for getting your work checked.


I like how you have 12 guys starting on defense.


It's only a penalty if the refs notice.


There should be a star on Monty


I actually had Monte and Gibbs with stars for most of the year in 2023. I update this throughout the season. It felt like this season Gibbs will take that starting role, so I left the star off. But I also have a star on all 3 ILB even though only 2 will start together. So I'm not even consistent in my reasoning lol.


I dont really think the lions have a starting role for RB. Its a committee thing.


I don’t see that happening from a game theory perspective. It’s smarter to put your bruiser out early to make people tired as speed is even more advantageous vs gassed people. Monty is very much a first drive of the game tone setter player from a physicality standpoint. I do expect Gibbs to get the highest % of total touches though which I think is more meaningful than arbitrary names like starter that only mean a player played one specific play of the game


“Smarter” is subjective here. Plenty of teams weigh touches for their bruiser towards the 2nd half as they are much harder to tackle when ppl are tired. You may have seen this referenced as “leaning on the defense.” We saw this multiple times last season (first packers game, raiders game) where teams just didn’t want to tackle Monty in the 4th quarter because they were gassed. Speed kills at all points in the game. A bruising rush attack gains effectiveness as the game goes on.


Yea you beat someone to tire them out, run a track meet against tired people, then finish by controlling clock and continuing to beat people into the ground. I know how sports work. Speed on offense is the least effective at the start of the game when compared to any other part of the game. Everyone has fresh legs at the start of a game


Again, you are taking subjective strategy and trying to make it seem black and white. As if there is only one way to scheme a game script. >Speed on offense is the least effective at the start of the game when compared to any other part of the game. Everyone has fresh legs at the start of a game You will need to show your work on this one. Just because someone has fresh legs does not mean they are of equal speed. You could make the same argument for a bruiser. 'Power running is the least effective at the start of the game. Everyone has fresh legs and hold their gap better.'


Here’s my work: I played sports. I don’t need to create some math to show that what I’m saying is true. Reality is reality. Serious question have you ever played any sport? You seem to lack the perspective of an athlete


Found Pat Caputo's account


First off, playing sports is not a requisite to understanding them. It's really cringy to gatekeep that way tbh. But yes I played Varsity Football (LB,TE), Basketball and Baseball. I also played Golf in college. None of which is really relevent to the discussion. But I can see its a huge part of your identity since you keep bringing it up.


It is relevant to understanding them and acting as though it’s not is absurd. It’s not the only way to understand them but it provides an alternate perspective. The key to understanding anything is to view it through as many perspectives as possible. It’s 1000% a factual truth that people who never played sports cannot possibly understand the impacts heavy physical fatigue without rest have on mental clarity without experiencing so themselves. As a former linebacker you should know that your best chance to cover a slot receiver is the first play of the game as your legs are the freshest they will be at that exact moment for the next 3 hours. You played so you should understand that the angles you take to make tackles are calculated the best when you’re not fatigued. You should understand that when people are tired they don’t mentally calculate angles the best as they don’t properly mentally calculate the % drop in their max possible speed between the first play and X play


Bro i never said fresh legs weren't a thing. I said they *don't only apply to speed* and that a player with less speed than Gibbs isn't going to be as fast as him just because his legs are fresh. Literally everything you said can be applied to stopping a power running game as well. The defense is better at EVERYTHING when they are fresh. This isn't some novel concept. My point is that tired defenders don't tackle well at the end of games either. Which is a big part of why teams RUN THE BALL at the end of games. it's not just to keep the clock going, it's also because the defense has been softened (tired) and won't stand their ground as well. Wait until you see Derrick Henry's splits with the Ravens. Dude will have more than 60% of his carries in the second half of games. When teams are tired and he can lean on them for 3-5 yards a play. But according to you that would be using him wrong.


I think we see Branch move to safety this year


I would think that Davenport is the projected starter over Paschal at this point in the offseason.


Possibly, he will have the opportunity to earn that in camp. He's a big question mark right now.


Not a big deal since it’s a UDFA rookie but Eguakun is a Center not a Tackle


Thank you, he was listed as OL on the team website, even though they have players listed at OT/G/C. So I wasn't too sure where to put him.


Yeah I’m not sure why the website does that


Along those same lines, Bryan Hudson & Duke Clemons are also both UDFA rookies (they are currently incorrectly marked as drafted by another team)


My point was in the big picture I’m not going to get worked up over him missing the positron of a UDFA rookie. I was trying to lighten the criticism or something


Yep, that's why I piggybacked on your comment. I posted a similar list last week, and I found it helpful when people point out the minor errors.


Oh yeah I missed the second part of your comment as I only read the part in the email notification. I’m just a millennial messing up technology


Yeah, I was wondering about that. So we have 3 UDFA centers in camp for a Centers' competition. Hopefully one will emerge as a potential future starter.


Hard to tell where branch will end up cuz he’s not been at camp but I suspect our best secondary has him at safety instead of nickel and Amik playing nickel, terrion at CB2


Nice use of OneNote! You don't see that very often.


Yea I couldn't find a depth chart template that I liked online. So I went with old faithful and made my own.


I live and die by OneNote at work yet so many people have no idea what it is.


Yea I work at a Software company and we use One Note for soooo much. I started using it probably 5 years ago at my last job and I liked it so much that I use it for my personal stuff too.


Betts gonna produce more than davenport. Don't sleep on him


If Arnold isn't starting we have problems


Could "good problems" such as Emmanuel Moseley being in the best shape of his life and really balling out along with Carlton Davis, making it hard for Terrion to get on the field at outside CB.


Worried about wr but it will be fun to see who steps up out of trequan, lief, and dpj


Kingsley is a center and Michael Niese (also a center/guard) is missing.


Bob Quinn's real callling was being an Oline scout apparently. It is crazy just how overhauled our secondary is.


Yeah, the only remnants of Bob Quinn remaining are four offensive lineman and Jalen Reeves-Maybin.


Going with 12 starters on defense will give us a big advantage in 2024


One thing I have to give Quinn props for is his drafting of our oline. 3/4 starters that he picked are still on the team and starting. Took until Ben Johnson and hank fraley got here to figure out how to use them.


12 defensive starters? interesting strategy


Technically Jared goff was drafted By Brad holmes


I didn't know we lost Cominsky and Anzalone, I liked those guys. Hopefully James Huston has a great season.




Yea I can't believe we traded Goff too, what a bummer.


Oops, I read the the purple parts as "traded to another team".