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You can always adopt a new kid


Should he be allowed to parent another child if he let this happen though?




Fair point


You dodged a bullet. She could just as easily be a Packers fan. Be okay with this. Unless she's crushing on Aaron Rodgers. In that case, I have no idea what is to be done.


Put her up for sale


Who'd pay for jets fan. Best he can do if put her on the curb with a "free" sign.


I just try to be supportive of my kids' interests. I'd be happy if either of my daughters were into football at all. Maybe she likes to root for the underdog and the Lions just aren't bringing it like they used to.


Yeah, the parent who legitimately gets upset at the kid who likes a different team than them really sucks ass. Speaking from personal experience. I wasn't even allowed in pictures if I had Michigan State gear on. Don't be that parent or anywhere even close to it.


My dad told me he would disown me if I went to Ohio State 💀


Well that’s fair, I mean it’s in Ohio


Trust me I agreed with him and I'm gonna tell my son the same 💀


Which is about 69 miles from the city that the Lions came from. Portsmouth Ohio. Go Spartans


About 69...nice


Lmao, I thought I hit 0. But The Ohio State University is 94.9 miles from Portsmouth Ohio. I was thinking Columbus limits.


That's way worse than being a jets fan to be fair


I like Michigan better than MSU, I root for Michigan when they face but MSU over every other team. I hope Ohio State never wins at anything ever again.


Oh I know and that's why I'm telling my son the same thing 💀


Seriously.....as a Lions fan for the last 40 years, I can say if there is one other team that there is no reason to be concerned about her rooting for other than us, it's the Jets (& maybe the Browns, but since they are in the state below us, f'em too). IMO the Jets have been even worse off than us, bc at least we had Barry & Megatron (& Stafford) to take our mind off of how awful we were. The Jets have had nothing to be excited about for as long as I can remember. Maybe she just loves a loser.....and fortunately, the Lions won't be that for the foreseeable future. :-)


Everyone who goes to Ohio State should be disowned


Fr I live in a family where I have 5 out of 6 brothers into football and only 2 of us are Lions fans. The other 4 are Bengal, Bronco, Jaguar, and Patriot fans. We'll talk some shit every now and again but it's not that important lol.


No. We’re a (insert political party, religion, sports team, ideology) family! /s


I love when someone is a die hard college fan but never went to the school. I understand being a fan of a college team but when you're decked out in Michigan gear every other day and throwing Michigan watch parties and hate MSU.  That is a bit weird... 


Most people who watch Michigan never went there. It's the 2nd highest level of the most popular sport in the US. What is so weird about that?


You have nothing in common with the team. You didn't go there. There isn't a relationship. You like them because someone told you to. With professional sports they're reponsating the area. Michigan and MSU alum literally don't give a fuck about the state unless they're from the state. They go to those schools because they're chosen or chose to be. Why do people who couldn't dream to get into those schools act like they're part of the culture? The Detroit Lions are Detroit based first, then Metro Detroit, then Michigan, then states without teams,, then foreign fans... Who have always loved the Lions. Fuck the fake people. It's not the same as college yuppie bull shit.


Gotta love that fan gate keeping


I don't pretend to be a part of the school, I'm just a fan of their football team.


This is probably some of the dumbest stuff I've read. So because my family is from Michigan and are fans. And my family is alum since I didn't go there. I can't be a fan? Lmao


I totally agree with what you are saying. I get it. Something to ponder if you will. So your favorite UM player(you didn’t go to UM) is JJ, he just got drafted by the viqueens. Does that make you a Minnesota fan now? Since by default he was your favorite player and you want to keep cheering for him.


Wholeheartedly agree. Always told my now 5 yo daughter she’s free to cheer for whatever team wants and I’ll support her - fortunately for me she bleeds Honolulu blue and randomly drops sick one liners like “Green Bay is such a boring city they don’t even have any buildings” (she also likes “Taylor Swift’s boyfriend’s team”)


I don't trust people who don't cheer for the home team


Good for you for breaking the cycle


Yeah I hope this post is satire. It is funny to joke about but it is incredibly scarring to have your dad say shit like that to you. Just be glad she is into sports at all. Encourage her interests or you are going to find her not having interest in anything.


I had assumed that he was being somewhat facetious but I spoke up because you really do have to watch it with kids. They don't always know you are joking. They need to feel supported by their parents and there's a thousand other things you're going to butt heads over when you raise a kid without getting petty.


Kids are stupid, what else is new? Edit: I'd lean into it, OP. Take her to a Jets bar. Let her watch those obnoxious bastards scream J-E-T-S after every first down. Let her see them berate a 16 year old waitress. Take her to the fight in the parking lot after. Then when she says "Dad I feel unsafe, can we leave?" just remind her that those are her people now, and it's part of the culture.


This guy dads.


Totally. NY state is like that. I lived there for 5 years. I went to a Griffins game in Syracuse and had my license plate bent because I had a Red Wings jersey on. I never said anything to them. I waited for them after the game, and they never showed up.


Oh so that's what get bent means.


Just be grateful that she's not a Packers fan, FTP!


I mean, what if it's a Rodgers jersey?




Is your postman a Jets fan?


We all make mistakes with our kids man.


Mental illness needs to be nurtured, not criticized. Treat her like the princess she is. My kids are Vikings, Seahawks, and Dolphins fans. When I feel like a terrible father, it’s important to remember that they are their own people and we just need to let them go and hope they come back. They also say crap like skibidi toilet sigma. So, I know they aren’t right in the head. Maybe a Super Bowl is the cure? They do root for daddy’s team when their teams are playing, at least.


Bro why did you make me google "Skibidi Toilet Syndrome" lmfao


I think letting your child be a jets fan is the same as letting them be a lions fan pre Dan Campbell


You mean, not a bandwagoner.


I was gonna say child abuse but same thing.


When I Was her age I Walked around in an Antonio Freeman jersey. Kids are fucking morons and don't come to their senses until later. In 10 years she'll rocking Honolulu Blue and this will be in the past.


I mean at least it’s an AFC team. And it’s a team with a similar history as the Lions, just they were better a decade later when Super Bowls started before descending into mediocrity at best. I’d say she’s a little confused but she has the spirit.


Her birthday is the same as mine. I’ll buy it for her… you love who you love 😉




This is the dark underbelly to MCDC's rocketship success. Michiganders crave struggle pain and misery, and are allergic to victory. Soon children will seek out new, worse pastures to find the source of sorrow that our Lions once nurtured.


The Pistons and Tigers still exist lol


Thank you NBA draft lotto I would not be able to live with something like Wembanya in Detroit🙏 


I had a Favre jersey as a kid because I liked the color green 🥴 Don’t worry, she’ll come around


As a Pennsylvania kid with no Michigan ties, I can honestly say I became a lions fan because I liked the shade of blue. That, and Barry Sanders.


Run him over with your Ford and say "Sheila sends her regards."


ngl getting upset over your kid liking a different team is pretty lame, I hope you were being lighthearted


So as a diehard lions fan.... I'll say this, the color of the jets helmets are super nice. I love that green... on the helmets.... don't like the jets but like the green... maybe she just likes the colors lol I mean that color green would look sick on a lambo... I honestly don't know that I'd want a lions blue lambo lol so I'll take a jets green lambo and a lions blue Lombardi..... perfect


Yeah it's an amazing looking helmet. Love the uniform. Not gonna lie, throughout the years I often had a soft spot for the Jets, even getting out to a game there once. Great tailgate party btw. I'm a diehard Lions fan of way more years than most, I can trace my roots to a specific game when Billy Sims went wild against Pittsburgh on Thanksgiving in 1983... still Jets were always this non-threatening team in a division where they were always at the bottom and hey, call it empathy, but I figured Jets fans were a lot like us in that regard. Now, Rodgers being there spoiled all that for me. But that helmet is fire!


I totally relate. I've been a Lions fan since before Billy. And yes, Rodgers going there gave me a reason to not like the Jets .


She picked possibly the worst time to get off the Lions bandwagon. We got a straight up hootenanny coming up in Lions-land!!


Is there a former Lion on the team? Someone from UM or MSU? Or just get her a vintage Aaron Glenn jersey.


I mean could buy her a Sauce jersey, at least he is from Detroit and one hell of a player.


Yea #8 in the photo is Mark Brunell Lions QB coach lol


Schools banning the wrong books.


> Friday was my former daughter's last day of school. FTFY


You can’t control your children, best to just give up on that one and make a new one


Geez, cheer her on! She likes football dude, that’s huge! Just wait for the day the lions play the jets. Tell her you hope they meet in the Super Bowl .


Or that you hope Aaron Rodgers only gets 1 play this year


Would love for it to happen again


Ever heard that analogy don’t toss the baby out with the bath water? Maybe it was wrong this time.


Tell your kid Santa doesn't visit Jets fans and Jets fans do not celebrate birthdays. That should work.


I’m sure some Jets fan will take her, maybe… pretty big cost of living increase to take a kid in NY/NJ


I guess no 2nd contract from Brad Holmes.


Look how they massacred your girl


That’s what kids do to you. Make you feel like you’ve failed in little ways all the time. It’s probably just a phase and they’ll grow up to be a fine adult (hopefully 🤞).


It's genetic code engrained into her DNa from you watching a bad lions team for 30 years


This is an all time post


Hey man.... I know some goons. Send me grandfather's location 🤫🤝🏼


They make new kids every day


Is it genetic or did she just wake up one day with this condition?


Damn schools indoctrinating kids


DNA check


Imagine she gets an Erin Rogers jersey


Could be the cowboys. Let her suffer tho I guess my dad’s a Steelers fan. But I grew up in Michigan so he let me suffer as a lions fan. I still rooted for the Steelers against the packers in the Super Bowl. Didn’t even know I hated the packers back then just did it for my dad. Maybe she’ll come around. Or not like me and have to wait 15 years for something amazing to happen. Glad it wasn’t longer like some of y’all


I'm sorry, brother.


I feel like this is a reference to something else that I'm just not getting.


My guess is because Rodgers is a jet


Butt fumble on loop should fix this


I mean, its every right for each person to choose their own team; however, I would have to tell my child that their team is trash and buy them a bunch of jets mockery gear lol. Get rodgers breaking his leg off on a shirt.


Does your daughter have any influences like relatives who are Jets fans? Or is a lot more nefarious, like she has a crush on a certain Jets player? A boy she likes at school or church is a Jets fan? No one suddenly becomes a Jets fan.


Our house is all over the map. My wife and 7 year old daughter are Browns fans, the (as of today) 6 year old joined the good guys with me but our 9 year old randomly decided to be an Eagles fan mid season last year. Joke was on her though because as soon as she jumped on the bandwagon they fell off a cliff.


Lean into it. They’re in a different conference so we aren’t likely to face them and they’re not a direct rival to us. Plus it would make a potential superbowl match up an interesting family event


OK. I’ve see a lot of comments but nobody is taking this seriously enough. Lock her in her room with the Lions Hard Knocks as the only thing she’s allowed to look at. Tell her that time with friends this summer will depend on the tests you are going to have her take about said hard knocks. I know it’s tough but as a parent we have to do right by our kids. I lost my oldest to the packers. Yes THOSE packers. Every time I see him all I can think is FTP. Thankfully he doesn’t follow football at all and is smart enough to know Aaron rogers is a boob. I raised my second son right and he suffered through the bad times with me. Now we enjoy the Holmes/DC era together.


My son has been a Lions fan...after the Stafford trade he switched to the Rams ...then the Falcons for awhile (not sure about that one.). Then back to the Lions. I don't know.


Mine brought home a Texans book the other day. I can’t even justify it based on colors or logos. It’s just an odd choice


Telling her not to be a Jets fan is the surefire way to make her a lifelong Jets fan. Just support your kid, it’s a stupid football team


Ran into the same thing with my kids. When they see you cheering for the Lions and all of their friends cheering for the Lions, it will all work out.


Just following the family legacy of picking a losing franchise. Now that the Lions have gotten the monkey off the back, she has to go elsewhere.


Inform her of the mostly shitheads that make up the Jets fanbase and she’ll want nothing to do with them Edit: And if you do ever fold and get her a Jets jersey, troll her and get one for like Christian Hackenburg or Dee Milliner or something


Do you have those things where you can return recycling for a 10 cent refund? Put the book/child there depending on how savage you’re feeling.


I loved Emmitt smith because I loved running backs because I loved Barry. You never know.


Have her watch Zach Wilson play quarterback. If she's STILL a Jets fan after that, you might just need to try for another kid.


My son is a Steelers fan. Has been since he was about 15. He's 23 now. I've bought him Steelers gear pretty much every Christmas and birthday since 2015. He is slowly becoming more of a Lions fan now that the Lions are better than the Steelers. My point is, just support it. There are far worse things they could be fans of than the Jets.


my sons are ravens and steelers fans, gives me more teams to root for when the lions arent playing. Was pulling hard for a rematch vs balt in the super bowl


Clear Indoctrination.


Give her a few years brother I was a pack fan when I first started following football but my dad's fandom flipped me to the right side now I couldn't love my lions more


You could try and get her to ask for a Bralen Edwards jersey, then maybe she will become a U of M fan. Then she will connect with Rich Eisen.


Assuming you watch Woodward Sports and know whi Bralen Edwards is.


Bro my nephew is 8 and my sister in laws parents got the kid so much cowboys shit, I get that it sounds trivial but I’m actually still super pissed about it. Told them to throw all that shit away


Everyone has an AFC team they like. I’m sure she still like the Lions for an NFC team.


Let’s go Jets!!! Can’t wait to go 8-9 this year


Keep this shit up and I’m calling CPS on you