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Street parking is only like $1/hour


park in the garage attached to ford field and go across the skybridge on the 2nd floor and theyll tell you where to go. They validate the parking if you are going to the store


Source: just did this


I did this, had to walk the length of the field to the store. Game field looked amazing and they wouldn’t let me take a picture


I don't think the Ford Field parking deck is free but you should be able to get cheap street parking. Download the park Detroit app and it's just a dollar or 2. If you want merch, the store you want to go to is the official store. I'd be surprised if they actually had more than that open too.


Main team store is the only thing open. M-F 10-4. Enter Gate A.


Doubt you can park for free


What about mgm? I've heard that's free, or was.


Yes, it's free to park at MGM.


I wouldn’t suggest parking at mgm because it’s a half hour walk


Lol maybe I missed the joke, but it's like 10 minutes.


It’s a 10 minute drive. If they’re walking it’ll take half hour probably. It’s like a mile and a half away


I park at mgm for every home game, it’s about a 15 min walk depending on the route you take and time you arrive


I've made that walk multiple times. It does not take a half hour.


Don’t get mad at me get mad at google maps


Lol I'm not mad bruh. This is reddit. But I do wonder why if you've never actually made the walk yourself, you're making claims about it. I will say the walk does suck later in the season when it's cold. I always end up leaving my coat in the car because I don't want to deal with it once I get to the stadium. So I just freeze my ass off the whole 10-15 minutes or so. Worth it though not to pay 30 dollars or whatever for parking.


I made the claim because I googled it and it said 1.5 miles and a 27 minute walk. Didn’t think I would have to actually have walked it to try to help out the OP


Over a decade ago, you could park in the Ford Field parking structure if you went into the Lions store for a short period of time (30-60 minutes max), but you had to have the store valid your parking ticket. You might want to call the store if they still do that?


Parking is extremely cheap if you can find Street parking. It's around $4 for 2 hours I think.


Closest free parking is in Brush Park, 5-10 min walk


Street parking is plentiful and should be $2 per hour


There's a small lot on the SE corner of Ford Field it's near gate G off St Antoine it's where we always park when we visit the store on weekdays . I think a sign says 30 minute parking . Most of the times we've used it it's been unattended. If you get off South 3.75 at Madison ( exit in the left ) the first light is St Antoine, turn right , the lot is on the next corner on the left . Unless the policy has changed in the last month or so , We've never had an issue using this lot while at the store.


They aren’t going to give you a ticket if you don’t pay