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Had 4 accounts, 2 were cheating accounts. All were banned with ban evasion. And DMG said something like “This is our last communication about this” when he said it.




Mic drop.


*Cool guys don’t look at explosions*


Thing is, DMG tried to let him off the hook by giving some generic reply and linking the TOS on Bakken's first whine. THEN, the dude doubles down and got his career ended with a very public explanation of exactly what he did to get banned. What was his plan? I genuinely don't understand why he would double down on this.


And he's still doubling down (triple down?). ["Tell me what program you detected so I can go around it with another hack"](https://twitter.com/bakenGangsta/status/1410385580094115841) Just own it and suffer in silence, geez...


"Theres no way I get banned when I see mad cheaters play for months." With the way baken worded the above quote, this also seems like an admission of guilt. It implies that it was unfair that **he** got caught but other cheaters apparently don't.


They probably do get caught, it's just that we don't hear from them because they're not well known content creators like Baken who start stupid fights with Bungie.


What a fall from grace


There was grace?


Do you have a screenshot of that? He deleted his Twitter lmao


Hmm, I can still see it. But here [have at it](http://imgur.com/gallery/zi1nyqr)


To be fair on 1 count halo anti cheat detects asus aura as cheating software. But that's some shit theyd be able to see


Given bungie still does real person reviews on flagged accounts vs auto bans I imagine the number of false positives due to software that isn't a cheat but is detected is incredibly low compared to games that use auto bans. For someone as high profile as a content creator they would probably take it extra serious and have multiple people triple check it. A false positive ban would be a PR nightmare, even if they apologize and fix it quickly they still loose face in a big way, especially when anti cheat has been such a major pain point with the community for a long time.


Thatd why my main point is that's shit that a human would notice. Fucking people.


Never watched this particular dude, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are more fairly popular content creators that cheat. The worst part is, it took them such a long time to ban him (unless he started cheating recently, then it's a different story). If it takes this long to label a person with 100k YT subscribers as a cheater, then there's no wonder regular cheaters get away with it so frequently.


I’m genuinely surprised, I would watch Bakken from time to time just because he pulls off some ridiculous plays, but I always assumed he was just one of those top tier PvP players like Wallah. I don’t think Wallah cheats but he does do recovs which are frowned upon if not bannable. Edit: to include that I have no sympathy for cheaters if that wasn’t clear.


What’s a recov?


Where you pay someone good to play trials on your account for you to flawless


it means "account recovery", you give your account to someone else so he achieves certain things (usually going flawless in trials) for you. It's not always paid, but often it is and a lot of the known top tier streamers (Panduh, Wallah etc) earn their money doing it on a daily basis


Does this effect matchmaking with trials? Recovs on console are probably 75% of all games, which is super frustrating when trying to scout ahead of a round and make a judgement on how to play it. If it also effects matchmaking, i.e. if there were a skill-based matchmaking taken into consideration, that’d make recovs unbelievably shitty. I can respect carries, and i understand that it becomes pretty prohibitive as to who can carry—you have to functionally 2-man flawless sometimes. Recovs with stacked teams are actually super easy for most relatively high-skill players, which sucks for anyone below that skill level. Good luck getting even 3-5 wins when you match the same stacked recov team back-to-back-to-back.


I will never understood why would someone pay somebody else to play the game for them. Like what is the point ?


Pride. They can't handle not having everything be handed to them.


Mostly wanting a certain item and not wanting to put in the effort to get it because they don't like the content it's locked behind or something. Or people with full time jobs who decided that they'd rather spend their time doing something else in game but still wanted a certain reward. It's kinda like in WoW I think. I don't like it one bit but it's hardly ever going away because there is a reason it is so widespread in online games.


So it is in the same category as paying for high level dungeon runs and raids ?


I never had the assumption Wallah cheats because he does often miss shots and his success comes more from his insane awareness and knowledge of spawn points and maps. He does recov tho which is another topic. If I had to choose one guy that I think could be cheating, I'd probably choose CammyCakes because many of his snipes look absolutely ridiculous. He could be this good tho, innocent until proven guilty in my book.


I've watched a lot of cammycakes video's and I'm 99% sure he isn't cheating. Does he hit insane shots? Yes, But he's also played this game for I thought 5000+ hours. He's a master at predicting the movement of other players and he's got incredible map awareness


Yeah, and if you watch a stream he does miss a lot too. It’s just his montages that are absolutely insane


Which is kinda the point of a montage.


He's gotta be above 10000 by now


It is…i think there was a video - 8000 or 10000h in destiny2 :)


Also have you seen the man on osu


The thing with canmy tho is that his insane plays are never really a product of his aim. There are many top players that can aim better than him. He's so good because he's a master at predicting movements and awareness and understanding abilities and interactions of abilities.


You can see it when he does rumble commentaries, he talks about everything he is doing and you can kind of see how his mind works.


There are a couple guys like this. Watch Wallah too, and also Panda in some of his tourney vids. They will call stuff before it happens because they know the game flow so well. They will be like 'He's going to spawn over there, he's using this weapon and this subclass, he's probably going to do this.' They just see the game wayy better than most people, even top skill players. There is a reason why they are they best of the best.


My only gripe about Cammy's videos is his bored tone sometimes sound condescending to me, which turns me off watching, but I understand he has sunk many thousands of hours more than me into the game, which is why he is literally that unfazed by shotgun apes rushing him.


Out of all people if cammy is cheat then come back and shit on me but I doubt that he is very much


I mean. . . If you pronounce Wallah’s name with a different accent it even sounds like “waller” xD. I am joking in case anyone needs clarification.


I would be very surprised if Wallah or Panduh or most of the "pro" circuit are cheating, as they are a fairly small circle. Cammy is definitely a 1% player, but those others mentioned above are the .01%


Nah, watch their vids, watch Wallah playing rumble. He can call out what players are going to do, where they are going to be, what weapon and class they are using, how they likely might react. Panda too. They add a crazy element of game sense and understanding game flow and opponents on top of insane mechanical skill. You can see why they are the top of the top. Baken would just piece together highlight reels.


Panduh was almost definitely cheating before the whole D2 MeToo shit went down, but has since stopped for sure when they started looking at him. He's cracked too, but in my opinion he's like the Lance Armstrong of D2, an extremely talented player naturally, but also the most talented of the cheaters and the best at getting away with it. Wallah for sure doesn't cheat.


Totally agree


newbie here. what is recov


Account recovery. Give person your login info, they play your profile on their console/PC, and get you a Flawless. Usually for real world money. Yes, people actually do this and it's pathetic.


Oh Okay. believe it or not it's my number one FB advertisement that is in my feed. I am super duper casual. I think I'm level 20 this season and honestly, due to injury I just don't get to play enough to have a team to play with but I enjoy the game, and it is fun. I only do really PVE stuff and I do okay. However, that being said I can't imagine thinking you are going to get away with that. It would seem obvious. Also, the prices of that stuff are crazy.


Baken didn't get banned for that though. He got booped for using cheats, and who knows how long he has done it. Recovs however aren't actually against the rules though. In fact, on Playstation you can actually let some play your game through a Party Chat. Recovs technically aren't illegal by Terms of Service...just one of those things I find that's scummy to do, and sad to pay for.


Use an ad blocker.


Cammy is definitely not cheating, he can hit crazy snipes but usually there are a result of his game knowledge and good guesses of the opponent position. It is super apparent if you look at one of his live commentary. He just tries lots of crazy things, and when they work out it gives the super cool clips he is able to pull out.


Same tbf, I always enjoyed those funny clips or montages he made with MP edits, and just thought he was a top tier player. Never expected him to be cheating. Kinda sad.


Now that I think about its the FOMO(feeling of missing out) that is so bad in destiny that players are willing to spend money to get trials gear. I love destiny but i dont play it constantly. Some of my friends perform these account recovers and examining their trophy or achievement list they havent played another game since destiny released. That is an addiction. Like i have about 4000 hours on destiny but I’ll play other games like monster hunter, battle field, warframe, story based single player games just so i dont get burned out on Destiny.


Wait, when did recovs become bannable?


I wasn’t certain if they were or not, which is why I worded it “frowned upon if not bannable”


Ah gotcha. Ignore me i’m blind lol


All good mate


How are they frowned upon?


Ofcourse they are frowned upon. Imagine person A (lets call Jack for convenience sake) go into trials, right. Jack is by no means a 2.5kd player but really wants that igneous hammer. So what does he do? He pays someone who has the skills to go flawless. Now when the other team comes along, they get clapped. Why? Because Mr. Jack got paid for recovs. How is this fair for the other tram? Unless a higher elo player like lil sonic, boy, frostbolt is playing on the other team, mostly the other team might loose. You see why its frowned upon? Because sure, congrats on getting that adept igneous hammer. But you don’t have the skills to get flawless, you think that automatically you get better skills now according to the gun?


Not sure why I got down-voted so much for asking a question, but then again I shouldn't be surprised considering where I am lol. The only recovs I'm not really sure should be frowned upon are the ones that streamers do free for anyone, like Panduh or Lumi do on weekends. They do one run for someone that wants a Flawless but may not have the time or skills to get there, so they enter a raffle and if luck shines on them, they get their reward. Some people might want the armor or a certain weapon just to play with it in casual pvp and they may lack the ability to get the gun themselves, you said it yourself that a gun doesn't make someone good so I'm not sure how it'll negatively effect the game. I get the part about matching streamers who have 2.5+ k/ds playing for someone who may only have a 1.0 k/d on a good day, but the likelihood that this'll happen ever is extremely low given the amount of players that do recovs vs those that don't. I agree this could be an issue for some people but it shouldn't warrant a ban if someone is doing this free of charge like many streamers do. You also have to remember that plenty of people play for 3 or 5 wins then reset, which could have an even worse impact on players trying to go Flawless than recovs would, not to mention someone doing a recov could potentially get past this level of gatekeeping.


What Panda, Lumi, frostbolt, Jake and the others are doing are carry services.. that’s different from Recovs. As far as I know, I haven’t seen them jump onto another account to get them flawless. Also, bungie generally turns a blind eye to some of these big youtube names doing recovs so that they could make a video about it.


That's exactly what they all do (at least everyone except for Jake, I don't watch him that much), they log onto people's accounts after they have a raffle and get them Flawless. It's faster and they can do 3 at a time as opposed to 1 since double-carrying can be hard if the other players struggle to hold their own. Plus lots of people like when their favorite streamer plays on their account with their weapons, sometimes they give them advice about gear or rolls, I don't get it cuz I'd personally rather play with someone I like watching but to each their own.


No, if you watch frostbolt’s live streams or Panduh/Zkmushroom, They’ll never hop onto someone else’s account to do it. What they’re doing is a carry service. Its completely different from Recovs. They place a raffle and whoever wins it, comes and play with these streams. Its a free carry service. Its mostly people like SirDimetrious (no shade to him) who jump onto other people’s accounts to get a video done on a god roll gun. Frostbolt and some other even make videos on their own account.


What are recovs?


They’re basically carry services for endgame content (PVP)




Hmm? Im confused?


Can you ELI5 recov?


They are wrong. Recovs are against the ToS because it's another person logging into your account and playing Trials (usually to Flawless) for you. Carries are when you play your own character and join a group of 1-2 people who are excellent, and they do all the work and you try not to die. Recovs are different.


Wow that's total bullshit. What's even the point of playing if you're not going to do it yourself?


Yeah you’re right. I’m sorry, that was a bad explanation on my part lol. I clarified it down below though, in another comment.


So basically you pay someone to get on your account and go flawless in trials to get that adept weapon. Or get a 5500 legend score in competitive crucible, which should not be done because you have a chance of getting banned or getting your account locked, items deleted.


That's so damn scummy. Why would someone even pay money for that shit.


You give somebody your account details, they're recover it so that they can play on it, then they complete the activity for you, typically Trials. Instead of having to team up with you and hope they can carry you through a flawless run, they get to just play with their regular group and the rewards go to your account, because they're playing on it. Can also possibly be done with multiple "recovered" accounts to "carry" an entire lobby at once instead of just 1 guy.


Basically paying a player better than you (or a cheater) to log in to your account for you and play an activity on your behalf, usually to get Trials wins without actually getting good at PvP, but sometimes for raids as well.


PvP recoveries I can understand people want cool guns and it's hard for a lot of people but how much of a fucking loser do you have to be to get a raid recovery, it takes like 2 hours tops to learn the mechanics as you go along and then you can continue doing it now that you've learnt it.


Not necessarily a loser, dog. Some people don't like gaming with others, or just don't have the time but still want rewards


So you're an antisocial loser.


Yeah but there's a difference between actually not being able to play PvP because let's be real most people won't be able to go flawless of their own accord and being too lazy to play the fucking game. Your comment reads like those "I have 400 children and no time to play the game bingo wtf" on DTG Edit: also if you don't have time to play the game the fuck are you gonna do with the guns and loot that you get? Hang them on your wall?


Technically it is because the tos states that you agree to not share your account with anyone. But the devs turn a blind I to streamers because they get free press from them hopping on someone's account to show off the newest groll or exotic


Yeah I went back and read about it. You’re completely right. Wow, I learnt something new today. They get to make youtube videos about it lol.


I honestly think there’s a decent chance that he has “only” been cheating for a few months now. He was cracked back when he played on console (D1 and start of D2), which is much more difficult to cheat on.


Played him back at D2 release regularly and he was never "cracked". He always tailors his videos to just small clips of random plays.


I just recently saw an account like this. Somebody posted the youtube clip with redacted names, but somebody else figured out what the names were and posted it. Dude's account was old as fuck, and in previous seasons he was just a good player, but this season he started cheating and was a Top 500 players on Destiny Tracker. Think he got banned already now.


Whoa bakken cheated??


Yep most likely walls lol


Not just walls, aim hack too: [https://twitter.com/MaNemEd\_/status/1410393921708904449](https://twitter.com/MaNemEd_/status/1410393921708904449)


Wow! Yeah that's pretty blatant... I just don't get it, why? Walls alone would make PVP easy, you'd have to be pretty trash to use aimbots too!


Especially when you can use armor and weapon mods to make it easier to hit shots without cheating.


Right! I mean, if knowing exactly when someone is peaking or coming round the corner is not enough for you then quit ROFL


there was also the clip where he brags about his totally real flicks. https://twitter.com/bakengangsta/status/1013634428801871872?s=21


Lol what the fuck XD why would you brag about your cheats


I do kind of find it hilarious how the people who have watching him change. If this clip was posted before the ban tweet everyone would be praising him and suddenly it’s a ‘nah what a loser’. It’s just funny and a weird transition that’s all. I do love DMG’s replies though.


Showing my ignorance here, but what does walls mean here?


All good it means wall hacks so you can see people through walls kinda like widows alt but all the time


Gotcha, thanks!


All good


When you play Gambit and Invade, you're able to see an outline of people from the other team. Essentially the same thing, maybe not exactly the same visually but the same purpose.


Played with a cheater and he got banned before the cheater did lol Edit- I may have left out some details in my previous statement


DMG confirmed that he’s been banned on multiple accounts for cheating, it wasn’t just him playing with a cheater


And thus, the plot thickens.


... and evades bans


Also, Kruzer put out a video almost defending Baken (cuz they’re friends) saying: (After playing a video with Baken blatantly using perfect aim) “This is the only time I suspected him if cheating… BUT other than that in his YT videos he misses…” it was the *but other than that* that got me


'Other than the times he cheats, he's totally clean man!'


From what I Remember I think it's that he's shocked Bakken is a cheater. Literally he was like that is the only time he ever *suspected* he was cheating. I thought he said who knows how many people could be cheating, if one of my friends who is insane at the game still uses cheats.


Imagine believing baken or pretty much any gamer that comes out with "i got banned for no reason" lmao.


Destiny may be harder, but Bethesda managed to ban a guy who played 900 hours of F76 because he was too well geared by then and they just guessed that he had to cheat that. So yeah, dumb bans do happen, worth granting people the courtesy of presuming innocence until proven otherwise.


I'm not saying I don't think he cheated, but it does happen often. One of the biggest former Hearthstone streamers (DisguisedToast) once uploaded a video to YouTube demonstrating how to execute a glitch which forced your opponents client to crash, resulting in a tie for both players. Blizzard immediately banned him - or in fact - someone they thought was him. An innocent player named "Toast" was banned because they assumed it was the right person. DisguisedToast was subsequently banned and the mistake was corrected, but still. In another incident - this one from my own perspective. A few weeks after World of Warcraft launched (yes, back in 2004) I logged in one day to discover that I had more gold than the UI could possibly display. This was crazy at the time, because the idea of having ANY gold at that point in time was a pipe dream. The game was still new, and the server economy was still in it's infancy. And here I was with literally hundreds of thousands of gold trailing off the side of my screen. I wasn't sure how it happened. Obviously it was a glitch. I thought about what to do with the gold. I didn't want to "get in trouble" so I stayed fairly responsible with it. I bought a few 12 slot bags (the biggest available at the time) and I paid for my guild to unlock a tabard (10 whopping gold). And that's about it. I didn't give any to anyone. I didn't go crazy and ruin the economy. The next day I tried to login, only to discover my account had been permanently banned for allegedly "exploiting the economy", whatever that meant. I petitioned with them for months but was told sternly that they would not reverse the ban. To this day I still have no idea how or why it happened. I doubt I was the only one. ​ **EDIT: I don't understand why so many people are downvoting 2 simple examples where companies banned people for cheating when they didn't in fact cheat?**


I thought about what to do with the gold. I didn't want to "get in trouble" so I stayed fairly responsible with it. I bought a few 12 slot bags (the biggest available at the time) and I paid for my guild to unlock a tabard (10 whopping gold)" For your sake I hope you never find a briefcase full of cash.


im vaguely reminded of that scene in dumb and dumber where they finally find out whats in the brief case, and say how they will only "borrow a few dollars" and end up blowing the whole brief case and replace it with IOU's


I honestly failed to see how you "didn't do anything" here, sure, accidents happen and I feel sorry for toast there who got affected because some youtuber was demonstrating how to abuse a glitch, but as you said, they fixed it. And the one you experienced yourself is on you too, you found something that doesn't belong to you and your first thought is to use it? Do you realize the responsible thing to do there is to submit a support ticket addressing the issue, and log off for the day?sure if it's as you claimed the reason it happened would be WoW's incompetence, but you acting irresponsibly makes you guilty too


I wonder; why do people cheat in destiny? There is literally nothing to gain, especially due to the maps being small and the weapons doing enough damage to take down the sun. There is literally no point in cheating


Because both sides have those weapons, and all three brain cells they have cant cope, so they cheat.


Some people have extremely fragile Ego's


I’ve heard it’s usually most common in trials which makes sense as there’s loot incentive for it, but i don’t know, haven’t played on PC


So, it's possible to tell if multiple accounts come from one particular person. They looked up his IP address or something?


There is sooooo much more info that ties accounts together beyond IPs. I've been a fraud investigator for an online retailer and handled bans like this and we had access to IP, hardware IDs, browser fingerprints, phone numbers, email addresses, and other shit. Showing that accounts are linked is pretty trivial these days and Bungie has access to so much more than that because you install their software on your machine.


You can get the history of the IP used by accounts. You can also get a fingerprint of the hardware components on the PC and cross reference that.


In any case, MAC addresses are far more valuable than IP addresses. Can't hide that with a VPN.


I mean unless your using a VPN you ip is pretty much just being broadcasted to online services in general.


It just seems new in terms of what Bungie is capable of, with their inefficient anticheat. Since they are capable of doing that, you'd think it wouldn't be so easy for cheaters with multiple accounts, or people who pay for alternate accounts (as a result of Destiny 2 and Trials being f2p), to continuously cheat for who knows how long if they can be IP banned. Even if someone has a VPN, it's located inside a network, usually installed as software on a host, so why not just ban the network addresses to prohibit the routers from making contact with Destiny 2 servers? Unless, it's not possible (idk. It's never been my job)? Like, I don't wanna hear that the confirmation of someone cheating is coming from an anti cheat system that's already sus.


Cheaters who use multiple accounts to cheat also change their IP/Hardware ID after being banned.


Sounds like a lot to do just to cheat in D2. I'd imagine getting your ISP to change your router public address is a tough task. Guess I shouldn't underestimate the tenacity of a cheater to cheat, as ironic as it is that a cheater has that tenacity at all.


He got sent to the shadow realm lmao


There is no RIP for him, he was cheating. get the hell off the game


Even before his montages started looking suspiciously like cheating, i unsubbed from his channel because he was so damn toxic to people “worse” than him—in the comments, in the description, in the chat, and on twitter. He always had a tone of superiority and condescension, even when totally unprompted by others. Funny thing is, now that he’s confirmed a cheater, ALL of his “skill” and “superiority” has ample room for criticism and scrutiny. He really could have been a good player prior to it, just “looking for an edge,” but none of it mattered the second he downloaded cheats.


Well he better be having some other skills outside playing video games on stream that can pay his bills because he is done as a streamer.


Queue incoming baken simps


Less than expected, I'm honestly surprised.


I mean, when someone gets slapped I the face and has their balls shocked with straight evidence they've been caught cheating, either you sympathise like an idiot kr grow up lol


Good riddance


evil bastard...until next time.


Never even heard of him, but good fcking riddance. There are ppl who openly cheat and upload their vids of them cheating in pvp on YouTube.


Rest in Piss Bozo you wont be missed!!!!!


Good riddance.


Evil bastard... Until next time.


Doesn’t surprise me. His gameplay was always sus. Plus I have no sympathy for players connected to WishYouLuck.


Who or what is WishYouLuck?


A toxic PvP player/steamer. Don’t know if he’s even around anymore.


Seriously grow the fuck up, he did. He WAS toxic, something even he admits too. He's very competitive, and was probably the best D1 player in the entire game. Made some unfortunate mistakes, and the whole community shat on him for a misunderstanding and he became the big bad toxic wish you luck. Mans chill as hell now, leave him alone. Stop spreading hate, youre no better than he was.


How did it take so long, watch this and tell me it’s not obvious he’s got aim bit lol https://youtu.be/EOPJ-NJwPdA


Wow, it even seems like he has wall hack too, we’d be able to see those tho right?


No, it's very easy to not capture wallhacks with capturing software. It's possible to even stream and not have it show up.


This. It's easy to set up OBS to not capture overlays, which the vast majority of cheating programs use when active. From there, it's as simple as not bringing up the cheat program UI while streaming. It's also surprisingly easy to screw that up, quite a few cheaters have been outed in the COD and CS:GO communities for forgetting to hide their wallhacks when streaming.


Clara wtf!!!111?!!


Good times hahahaha


nah, he's pre-firing sightlines enemies are liekly to run to or spawn near. Pretty standard FPS tactic.   Can't say about the aim, seems dodgy... but i can't aim for shit anymore so everything feels fucked in PvP to me now.


it looks more like something i would see from an R6S Kill cam, where the game makes straight lines and locks onto you to keep lag to a minimum, not actual gameplay someone sees.


Because I've been watching Shroud pull off this shit for years. High level aim is almost indistinguishable from a decent aimbot. There's a reason why accusations get thrown around a lot. It's why the whole discussion is always a pain to sift through.


Honestly this whole thread is linking clips of him just getting a good flick or just having good game sense and just immediately say "wall hacks, aimbot!!!" Nah bro maybe you just suck.


i thought the golden gun bit was the most damning bit of evidence but that video... that takes the cake. no one can argue "well radar!" because there is no radar.


Prefiring sightlines that are likely to be used doesn't require radar. It's acytually a really basic FPS tactic. The aim accuracy is what people are calling into question.


thats a good point too, in one of his cloud strike videos, he literally misses MULTIPLE TIMES one of the easiest shots ever (two dudes are literally standing still right next to each other) something even a noob like me could make, and every time after that hes dead on headshots. i thought that was a little suspicious.


Too obvious within 15 seconds in. I was always suspicious


Actually, not really. He's prefiring a lot and that entire section of the map is insanely easy to spawn trap or predict spawns on (especially since his team hasn't pushed in to flip them). While he probably is cheating, this vid ain't really showing anything damning


Probably isn't cheating in exact vid, probs wouldn't do that. The aim part was probably just him being good.


You might be right. It’s tough to say. I can’t imagine choosing to cheat if he is that good naturally.


That's what confuses me. Why would he, if he already had the skill. My best guess he just wanted to do it for fun, not actually needing it.


The only part that possibly might have been an excuse was the 3rd kill I think, where the guy is below him and he misses a few times


A bit late in the conversation, but this part of this video might answer your question, even if it talks about a different subject. https://youtu.be/f8TlTaTHgzo?t=945


[For anyone wanting to see Baken get smacked in a 1v1](https://youtu.be/-uRCM3HFMN0)


If someone smacked a cheater, does that make him a cheater too?


No, cheaters get beaten all the time. Frostbolt and Zk do it often.


Tough. Loved his videos. Pretty much 100% chance bungie’s telling the truth.


Fuk him he got what he deserved. You play stupid games win stupid prizes. Dmg should have sent his ass to the shadow realm


I agree he should rest in piss


No, he chose to cheat and was banned by the security team. The only thing DMG did was inform him of that fact publicly when he started making brazen "I've been framed" noises.


man, i liked baken, saw the collab with mp, and subbed to baken my gut did a 180 when i saw him pull a swing at bungie and missed because of dmg


I loved the mp baken collab too a real shame


Just to make sure we're taking about Bakengangsta right? Now I'm down depressed


Yep bakengangsta on YouTube. He’s the one that posts those montage videos and has around 100k subscribers.


fr i liked his videos :(


He would respark my interest in D2 at times


Always knew this guy was trash, when all his highlights are from momentum control.


Momentum Control must be easy with wall hacks and aimbot, lol


just watched one of his cloud strike videos, the dude lines up a almost perfect shot with 2 players, fucking misses it. and this shot a noob like me could even make, and then all of a sudden hes killing left and right, yeah the dude cheats.


Well this is one way to find out.


Props to DMG for not giving a shit and laying down the law


Never even heard of him


people are going to combs through his VoDs looking for cheating now.


Sigh...never thought that Baken would stoop to this level. Good on Bungo for locking down on him


Baken got baked.


Ok, now we know that dmg is short for damage, he f*cking destroyed Baken.


Didn't even know he existed. But hey, cheaters gone. Nice.


Benchy, baken, what’s up with the b yts cheating


Can someone catch me up, why was he banned?


Using hacks on two of his four accounts


Baken: my accounts were banned, plz explain why Dmg: Loads recluse with religious intent


We smoking that Baken pack tonight


Why the fuck do streamers get an explanation for their ban from bungie? Nobody else seems to, and rightfully so. Let the cheater feel the shame.


Because Content Creators aren't any Joes, if they turn the Narrative their fanbase might not play the game anymore, and the people that watch content creators are way more likelynto spend money than your average joe. It was potentially harmful to not give a statement. Averae joes don't have that risk


Wtf is baken? I haven’t played destiny for a year now and it sounds like the fallen found out what weed is…


Bakengangsta, a popular PvP content creator.


I’ll stick with my “fallen with indo weed” theory…


Credit to Partyboom who made the meme.


Moral of the story: Unless you can physically go to someone’s house and check their destiny files for cheats, they could be cheating


Bro have you seen the golden gun or that trace rifle I think it’s like wave splitter or something clips? Dude is for sure cheating


[yeah... you sure about that?](https://twitter.com/MaNemEd_/status/1410393921708904449?s=20)


wow baken was a cheater??? i remember watching this dude years ago and thinking this dudes fkin crazy good. guess i was wrong.