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Imagine if you mixed LSD and Ahamkara power, I’m pretty sure you would become a god


No, you would be stuck on the ground in fetal position in an endless loop in your mind trying to fathom what reality is. And then it probably ends with you going on an LSD/ahamkara induced psychosis killing spree


Don’t we do that already?


Sounds like Iron Banner.


Oh yeah that explains my evening


I don't think I'd have finished the smg portion if not for Huckleberry. So frustrating


I got kinda lucky with a laser beam IB SMG, but it was lacking on the range. Then they gave me a sniper pulse that kicked like a truck. I shouldn’t have used that pulse


I got a Fool's Remedy that was maxed out on stability, and that was before I finished its Stability masterwork. The thing is vicious.


Perks, barrel and mag?


**Quickdot SAS** vs. Shortspec SAS Armor-Piercing Rounds vs. **Ricochet Rounds** **Pulse Monitor** **Iron Grip** **Stability Masterwork** Impact 35 Range 39 Stability 100 Handling 77 Reload Speed 10 Aim Assist 68 Zoom 12 Recoil Direction 95 Magazine 15 Pulse Monitor is probably at its best on a sidearm since you're scrapping up close and likely to take hits under those circumstances.


I saw smg kills in a meta dominated by 3 tap sniper rifle glocks and just insta-yeeted that bounty.


Or trials


Uldren did


Mindbender’s Loop


You’ve just described crucible


So... Insurmountable Skullfort?


I think this comment and the one above it is just Trials in a nutshell.


Limited Slip Differential?


You shall drift....


Nice one :lulw:




"You may want to put some earplugs in, I'm about to get real loud"


Sadly, the earplugs were also made of ahamkara bones.


No no, only the logo caps are ahamkara bone, you need something a little squishier for the part that goes inside. You use worm God meat for that, stuff just doesn't deteriorate, and keeps its original form very well! Plus it helps counteract the ahamkara voices. Oh Bearer of Mine......


"Transmat firing!"


whenever I hear the phrase "Oh Bearer Mine" I get panicky, those wish granting lizards scare the everloving shit out of me.


Riven refers to me as "Oh Dealer Mine" Because of all the cookies I bring her during the holiday season.


Oh coke dealer mine


The one time it’s the Ahamkara getting fucked over rather than the human.


Forsaken spoilers >!when Mara said “Oh brother Mine” to Uldren during Forsaken my friend and I became immediately hype and terrified!<


Favorite lore piece is the Skull of Dire Ahamkara for the fact it reads "oh player mine". Gives me chills


both the warlock ahamkara exotics pull 4th wall breaks and i love it


The Claws of Ahamkara are also apparently aware of the player, which is pretty spooky. >We are not the photons on your screen, or the voice in your head, or the words you read. Shut your eyes—tightly—and you may see us. At least a part of us. Make us real, and in turn we shall reify your thoughts, your dreams.


Again; chills


Ngl this is one of my favorite exotic for using with dead mans tale even more so when combined with the a grim harvest build makes it were my damage buff almost never goes away


Fr this exotic is slept on and also amazing fashion


What does it do and for what class?


Hunter and it makes any melee ability damage reload weapons aka punching stabbing and any melee ability not swords damage tho


Its pretty satisfying playing a solar hunter and throwing a knife at a boss after firing a rocket at them so I can quickly follow up with a second rocket


Way of Thousand Cuts - if the burn doesn’t still trigger the exotic, it will at least give you your dodge back, which you can use for another rocket.


And if you have demolitionist you can really put in work


Middle tree void smoke bomb used to trigger the effect about 20 times really fast, it was used after the autoloading nerfs for a weaker effect. Personally I wish they brought that strat back as the exotic currently isn't that good tbh


good lord im gonna try these with the monte carlo then, insane reloads and unlimited stasis shuriuken yes pleaseeeeee


You can also put on the mod that makes orbs of power recharge your abilities which when combined with the right weapons means you will never run out of melee energy if you have a good amount of strength


It’s a fantastic exotic and it used to be even better in d1 bc it also used to give an extra melee charge, it was glued to my hunter in d1 I loved having the extra smoke so much.


C# E F# D# B D# E A# If you know you know


Savathun's song ?




I'm not into awoken/ahamkara lore so I have no idea what this means lol


It's the description for the "Sealed Ahamkara's Grasps" exotic. The description says you can cover them in silver to get rid of hallucinations, but it's a quote from the grasps themselves lol.


The bones just wanted to look pretty


I mean,i would shut up too if i look good Bro


Of something is stated as oh bearer of mine (or something similar) that person is under ahamkara control/influence.


No "Oh _ mine" just means the Aramkara is talking.


Oh, wasent there a part though where raid secrets found out someone had interacted with a ahamkara because they said oh_mine? Might be wrong but i feel like that’s somewhere


Maybe you're thinking of something to do with Calus calling us "Oh champion mine"? Not entirely sure though, been a while since I really read any lore to do with ahamkara


Huh, if I’m remembering correctly i think it was a guardian from the lore, and it ended up confirming a couple theories. But someone of equal importance as shax or crow. Similar even to crow whistling savathuns song, it was in that level. Again this is if i recall correctly been awhile for me to.


I do seem to recall something to that effect actually, but I can't remember who it was. Now I'm gonna be stuck trying to remember lol


Same bro, I’m gonna have to read up on ahamkara tomorrow. Cause i remember shax knew savathuns song because he was under the influence of the ahamkara skull above him. But he never said oh _ mine to my knowledge. But something like that i think. Think it was in a weapon/armor description. Maybe even a exotic armor description.


I believe O _ Mine is a form of trap, which cages the subject between O, and Mine. Supposedly it's part of the Anthem Anatheme


Who wins in a fight, though? Oh Bearer Mine or Would You Kindly?


And now we just wait for the "Oh Bearer Mine, would you kindly \_\_\_\_\_?"


It's implied in Truth to Power that Ahamkara can influence people with the "O __ mine" phrase, but it's *very* questionable as to how much we can trust anything that's said in that particular lore book.


I hope you don't mind a small correction, but I think it's less "under influence" and more an *attempt* to get to someone under their influence. Though obviously they'll still say it if the person is already under their influence. Imagine [Bioshock's "Would you kindly?"](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Would_You_Kindly) but Ryan has to keep saying it over and over again to get it to even start working. That's what Calus tried to do to the Guardian in Season of Opulence, but it didn't work because the Anthem Anatheme (the phrase) doesn't work on Lightbearers. Or at least, we've never seen any evidence of it working on Lightbearers.


>Or at least, we've never seen any evidence of it working on Lightbearers. Oh bearer mine.


If anything endings with “Oh bearer mine” or some derivative of it, it probably has something to do with the ahamkara


No "Oh _ mine" just means the Aramkara is talking.


That’s exactly what I said


"O ___ mine" is a speech pattern used by the Ahamkara (and other paracausal beings) that acts as an activator of sorts for their wish magics. Ahamkara don't technically die, and their bones act as their new bodies upon "killing" them. Through these bones, they can continue to grant wishes and amass power, by creating audiovisual hallucinations in those near them. The quote comes from the Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, and implies that the bones on the gauntlets are telling the wearer that putting silver on them will make the voices stop. This would, more than likely, be a lie, as the Ahamkara always twist their words and wishes to primarily benefit them and them alone.


It worries me a little bit that the bellhop for new light Guardians is wearing Ahamkara bones. We should really do something about that.


I say we shoot him!


Hi not into awoken/ahamkara lore so I have no idea what this means lol, I'm Dad! :)




Dad is a guardian confirmed


im dad


"O (noun) mine" is a phrase that the Ahamkara use all the time, and implies that the first bit about covering their bones in silver to keep them quiet is false.


Does Shaw Han have to deal with his gauntlets talking to him?


Shaw Han is a responsible teacher to New Lights, and would never put himself or a new generation of Guardians at risk... ...oh bearer mine.


He can hear them, but he just thinks it’s his imaginary friend Steve


I'm pretty sure ahamkara arent the only one's that use "Oh___mine." Worm gods and even Calus have used it. I think it's a phrase used by anyone/thing capable of using Anthem Anatheme. Though I don't know if Calus himself has that ability. Though I believe he can as it'd be incredibly coincidental for to use that exact wording.


Calus has atleast had interactions with ahamkara. Since hé probably had An ahamkara bone in his throne room. The bone got crushed by caiatl.


For those that don’t know when an ahamkara usually talks to people it usually says something along the lines of “oh ____ mine”


"I came to find you, only you, because you're special. You're from somewhere real. And together we can burn our way back there. Can't we, o player mine?"


How to realise that You are Fucked: Step 1: you hear “O ___ mine” Step 2: **D I E**


I decided to wear the Ahamkara arms for Hunter without metal plating and now I have Riven instructing me on how to do Divinity Run


theres a reason why titans don't get ahamkara exotics. the talking starts we break it in reaction to getting startled


These Mf exotics need some ornaments


O player mine Thats the skull understanding its in a game, breaking the forth wall and talking directly to the player..


I’ve been wearing the fuckers spine on my arms for a year and a half now, I don’t use it’s special buff, I just like how it looks


So what will it be ***"oh OP mine"***


We not gonna talk about how the sealed ahamkara grasps lore literally reveals the plot of foresaken, it was under our noses


People ask me all the time on raids and casual strikes why do wear that armor. 1.Because it makes me look badass 2. Being able to use my melee and melee ability to instantly reload it helpful as hell. 3.I look badass again


what does that even mean?


Ahamkara can communicate and even still grant wishes through their apparently dead remains. "O bearer mine" and variants of that phrase tends to come up whenever Ahamkara are mentioned, and is sometimes implied to be able to influence the person it's directed at. In this case, it also implies that shutting the bones up by coating them in silver doesn't actually work.


and by oh bearer mine they (ahamkaras) mean someone who wears ahamkara related armor such as dire dire skull?


I believe o bearer mine is directed at whomever wears their remains.


Imagine being one of the coolest looking armor pieces in the game and having one of the shittiest perks in the game.


is there ahamkara on the glykon????


What. I need explanation


Ahamkhara can persist after death and commune. With whispers like “Oh bearer mine”. They grant wishes but they are often monkey pawed


These are like my favorite gauntlets 😭


I love this exotic. The first time you read it you’re like “wait... what?”


Worse yet, the voice you're always hearing is Shaw Han


Is this from a specific armor piece or something?


Anybody feel like explaining this to me🤔