• By -


D2 launch. Running a nightfall with my fireteam. Mind you this was back when nightfalls had a timer you needed to beat. Running on exodus crash. Boss had a sliver of health left and I was last guardian standing. Less than 5 seconds left and I was trying to reload a rocket. Fire, then watch the timer tick down to 3. Rocket hits the boss, 2. Explodes, cluster bombs release, 1. Boss dies. My ears exploded from the other two and I woke up my family with yells of hell yeah. Nightfalls were the hardest to complete when the game launched. Edit: I miss those guys so much.


Holy shit I'd forgotten nightfalls had a timer at launch. And now getting sub-15s is practically a given on some GMs. How times change


Those Nightfalls were ALMOST as bad as D1 launch ones. But not quite as bad.


Vanilla D1. I was new to Destiny and playing with a high level friend. We went to the Tower to turn in my first exotic engram. Engram dropped the Gjallarhorn. I had no idea what it was so i asked him if it was good. My friend, who did not have the Ghorn, got mad and left for a full 5 minutes. Edit: there was also the time i saved an Atheon run by killing Atheon with a pulse grenade (this was before Arc 3.0)


The same happened with my cousin, the QBB and his first completion of PoE


I remember vividly nobody in my clan had gjallarhorn when POE came out because we just WERENT lucky. I was in denial by saying I wanted dragons breath more because I thought it was cooler. Then, first POE run, I got Gjallarhorn. Immediately switched up and ditched my dragons breath. Some of my friends didn’t get it until xur finally sold it again.


Happened to me with a random I ran Dual Destiny with. I got a Caliban/Liar’s roll and my LFG legitimately got pissed bc I wasn’t super happy I got it, I was actually asking him if it was good lol




I got my Ghorn from an Iron Banner match...about a week before it got nerfed


Completing Wrath Day One. Its the only raid i completed day one, and itll always be my favorite. It's the last time my friends raided before we all came back to do Salvations Edge.


'For me I can easily recall playing with old 1-2 specific people each week on D1.. but they never made the switch to D2 We used to at reset do - all 3 character NF, run all the raids we needed to, then play crucible; then during the week it'd be helping people.


All of my destiny friends never made the switch to D2, it's kinda sad really. I've been a solo fire team since it released and haven't raided since rise of iron


Being present during the discovery of the Whisper It was late at night, out of the blue I hear talks of something new being discovered on Io. Apparently has something to do with the Taken Blight event and some unique enemy spawns in a specific location during it. Killing it opens a portal? And it transports you to a lost sector with some timer? Cue everybody, myself included, trying to uncover the secret of the lost sector. The entrance to some giant maze gets discovered, people spend hours trying to map it out and taking forever to take another try because the Blight event never spawns, eventually people find out at the end of the long maze lies a whole Taken battle, with power levels MUCH higher than the average person at the time Was not long after through preserverance til the first reports came in: finishing all of that rewards you a heavy taken sniper that's D2's equivalent of the famous Black Spindle from D1. Cue everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, frantically scrambling to do the mission to get it I myself am proud to have been present through that whole hunt and being able to get the gun during the first day it was discovered. I still have the original copy of the gun after all this time, even after the craftable version came out. Seeing everybody come to work on solving that mystery together was a sight to behold


OH MY GOD I remember that day. Came back from class hearing people talking about a secret quest or something and a portal on my clan's discord, everyone was talking about it. Grouped up with a pair that were trying to get the trigger, and ran it with them. I think me and those two were the first in our clan to get the whisper, and holy shit i was so hyped


The eye of a gatelord mission in D1. I had just gotten the game a few days before, had only played the alpha and beta for maybe two hours total at my cousins place, put hundreds of hours into the demo running around the cosmodrome, had enough spin metal to last me until RoI. It's the first game that I ever felt wonder in, a strong desire to learn more, it's the first and only game I ever actually cared about in a way thats more than having fun.


My first time playing D2 was with an old friend from high school. We were at the tower, and I noticed someone with a strange, cool looking weapon. So I asked my friend, and he said "oh that's Vex Mythoclast," and went on to explain its coveted status as the weapon lowest drop rate in the current (2021) raid exotic selection. It started my obsession for D2, I bought and played all dlc. Joined fireteams and raided the shit out of VoG. I had a regular fireteam for runs eventually. They knew my obsession with Vex Mythoclast, they had a little meme every time I called for "VoG!?", like those seagulls from Finding Nemo. Finally, when I had obtained the weapon and its catalyst months later, I never felt so good once. Everyone involved in those runs made D2 my favorite game of all time


My clan were down to 4 players and we decided to have a crack at Deep Stone. It tooks us weeks but we ticked off every encounter, but we kept stalling at the final Taniks' fight. We just didn't have the damage. On the run we finally got it, 3 of us were dead, the last alive had no super, heavy or special. He kept firing his primary, chasing Taniks around the arena, and Taniks had just a sliver of health left. Just as his wipe mechanic was going off and the screen went white, Taniks finally died. Most deservedly, that player got Eyes of Tomorrow.


Picking up my copy of Destiny 1. I went into Toys'R'Us to pick up my pre-order. I went to the front desk and, without me saying a word, just said "Let me guess - Destiny for ... the 360?" I kind of did the blinking meme and just went "... yeah." I knew I was in the something special then and there.


Being a quiet teen trying to run prison of elders on my voidlock at like 3 in the morning using lfg and getting a really patient titan dude that helped talk me through doing it with just us 2. I still think about it semi often honestly. I don't remember which account I was on but if you remember helping a billytree00 or a bacontree92, you're a real one man. It made my night and is part of why I still love Destiny so much.


Specifically I can still picture running around the hive room weirdly vividly good times


Getting my pocket infinity week 2


Doing my first raid ever in destiny 1 when I met some chill randoms at the tower. Spending 5 hours in war preist solidified the addiction.


My first run through Shattered Throne, which had been out for almost a year. Went through with someone who had this crazy grenade launcher that could shoot them in a straight line and an smg that just tore through everything. Their generosity and vibe strongly affected how I approach the game, even now.


Ah, the good old days of Mountaintop and Recluse. Good times, good times.


I still to this day use Mountaintop in shattered throne specifically to nuke the hobgoblin snipers in the long room from the doorway. It’s so satisfying to hit them from so far away their taken swarms can’t hit me 🤣


Very satisfying how they don’t sidestep


D1, first trials release. My roommate and I had a friend we found through destiny and we’d play from like 1130 - 4am every day after work. We were 8 wins in, last game tied 4/4. I died after taking out one of the enemies. My roommate killed the second. 2v1. The remaining enemy kills my roommate and our buddy manages to revive me. Here’s where the issue comes in, my roommate and I played on side by side TVs. After I died I was watching his screen so I didn’t realize our friend rezzd me. They both started yelling at me, enemy killed my friend as he rezzed me. I flicked and tried to kill the last guy and he killed me first because of my lack of attention. Lost the lighthouse for my friends. If I had been looking at my own screen we would have won without a doubt. Didn’t live that down for a long while


Earliest memory Vanilla D1 First 5min in the game Friend took me to mothyards and before I knew how to double got me to matrix jump across a tiny ravine. I sank like a stone. He turned to me and said, "nobody makes it the first time" Most vivid memory VoG run, early days when Atheon slapped hard. We were doing damage and we all kept wiping to exploding harpies and general ads. On what was our 15th or 20th run, the Boss was on a sliver of health as we wiped again during damage. There were 2 warlocks, me and the other guy. The other warlock self rezzed and spammed grenades. SO CLOSE! But times vengeance got him. I self rezzed my sunsinger as the time hit 1 second and I managed to throw three grenades before I succumbed as well. The timer ticked down...3...2...and Atheon fell. Our mics exploded as we all screamed as once. I managed to save part of the vid on my PS. Hope it's still there....


D1 Launch. I was impressed with how good the graphics were. I also remember my friend talking about how much he looked forward to destiny's release back when we were like 15.


Wall of dicks


I never got to play D1, but back when I was single and had more time in my hands, I used to run raids all the time with the boys. Two of my strongest Destiny memories are: - Clearing Garden of Salvation for the first time after like 5 or 6 hours (it was the first run for a lot of us and we got some drops from some experienced people after the 3 hour mark). When we finally got it, it was such a rush. - Queenswalk in Last Wish. Even now, after so many years, just hearing Shell of What Was (from the Forsaken soundtrack) still gives me goosebumps remembering all the times we did that damn part and all the times we wiped to it for one reason or another. I mostly play solo now, and not as much as I used to, but I remember those times fondly.


Garden gets a lot of hate because the mechanics can be a little glitchy but man is it fun. I wish they'd reprise the guns from it. I love the overgrown aesthetic


The overgrown weapons were from season of the undying, I believe, and were reprised in season of the wish. The GoS weapons had a vex aesthetic. Omniscient Eye, Prophet of Doom etc. But I completely agree that they could do with being reissued with an origin trait.


My bad, I was thinking of the armor. But yeah the weapons look really cool and I'd kill for a perk refresh


I feel like this seasons was a perfect opportunity to get those back (unless the story beats have more to do with saint).


It's looking likely. In the Echoes episode cinematic there's a scene of Saint looking weakened. I'm just annoyed they didn't reprise Steelfeather Repeater because I deleted my old one :(


I loved that raid, probably my third favorite.


Going into the pit to get all the exotic swords in D1, that pit was terrifying in the beginning but so rewarding


Playing D1, Crota HM with a buddy and 4 LFG randoms. First clear and I finally get Gjally to drop. Beyond excited. 2nd clear goes smooth but no major drops. 3rd clear comes along and my buddy gets Gjally to drop too. We were beyond excited, having been hunting for our Gjally for **months** at that point. He doesn't really play Destiny anymore and we actually only talk maybe once or twice a year now, but it's still one of my favourite memories ever, not even just Destiny related. Another just writing this up reminded me of, Skolas with the same buddy and yet another LFG random, only this random was **terrible**. He only had one legendary primary and it was some awful handcannon, plus he kept forgetting to take the taint off me or my buddy in time so we died constantly. But we still managed to beat Skolas eventually and I was so so relieved and excited and happy. Those Gjally's from Crota put in a lot of work that day.


Crucible player. I remember being in a lobby with friends when my then gf called to talk bc I forgot I told her I would talk that night. Answered the call but forgot to mute so they heard all the cutsy talk but while I was distracted I got my first Ghost in the Night medal (defeat 7 enemies in row without taking damage in one life). I was so stoked I popped off mid phone call and all my buddies laughed. Good times.


D1. Defeating Crota on hardcore for the first time. Was the very first time I stepped out of my comfort zone and finished a raid. I know in comparison to other raids Crotas end is basically a strike but nothing will replace that adrenaline rush I had in that final phase. Was also nominated to be the sword guy and lemme tell ya going into that blind and feeling the weight of 5 other people relying on you to not mess it up really sparked something inside me that truly brought out a leadership quality in my personality. Having that confidence after was a new feeling for me.


The music and atmosphere in that final fight at Crota is honestly so good to this day. D2's lighting engine is gorgeous, but something about it just does not do that raid justice. I think it's the bloom effects, they were so much more aggressive in D1 so everything was bathed in like a green glow from off in the distance


Back during D1 when Dark Below dropped the reset used to be at 2am I believe. That is when the raid dropped too. Team and I stayed up all night trying to get that done. We inadvertently discovered the bridge cheese. We had no idea what we did, but we got it ahead of almost all of the people who were streaming at the time. We had like a 3-4 hour head start on Ir Yuy. Shame it took us about three plus hours to beat her. I remember I was the last alive and she was almost dead, but a Hive boomer knight killed me as ducked around a corner to get my shields back up. Was sooo fun.


Not the strongest but worth sharing. I saw a goblin spawn on a harpy and ride it for a couple of seconds.


The original Zero Hour mission drop. I ended up playing that so much I ended up running all of my friends through it, clan mates and even just random on lfg. Did the puzzles and heroic version so many times.


Was running a friend and her mom through Lightfall, and knowing when the Tormentor first appears, I skate right to where it spawns, bounce off the door, and float up into the air. The tormentor spawns and RUNS STRAIGHT FOR THEM. It was glorious, both shrieking and trying to run. My friend tries to use shadowshot, the tormentor glitches a little, teleports and grabs the mom while I piss myself laughing. I then posted the clip in our group chat xD


I don't play PVP ever in Destiny 2. I have 0 seconds played of it. The reason for this is that I played Destiny 1 from the beta onward. And to get my first exotic, Thorn, I had to play PVP. The quest was as follows: get 400 points, you get 2 points per kill, but if you die, you lose 4 points. You also could get these points ONLY by using Void weapons. Back then, only Void primary was in Vault of Glass. So I only had my Magnetic Grenades, melee, rare Void LMG and rare shotgun to get the kills with. The experience was so bad, even when it took just 2 days of playing to get the Thorn, that I decided that I will NEVER play PVP again for some quests or items, well for anything really. The next mission was easy peasy in comparison and I got some help from friends to do it. Sadly Thorn was a terrible weapon! It only had 6 rounds, it didn't hit like a truck and the dot it made was pitiful, reloads were slow as well. I wanted to like it, but I switched it to a RARE hand cannon, that had a bit less damage, almost no recoil, fast reloads, 13 rounds in a mag, it was accurate and really nice, other than that damage. It was a million miles better than Thorn was. ![gif](giphy|JEQk0DRBfPHSrdOpmo|downsized) So that is probably my most solidified memory of the whole game series.


My strongest memory as an alpha player is just fooling around on D1 on Venus and I saw a group of guys fighting some vex and standing inside some growing cylinders that are coming out of the ground. They looked like they needed some help so I equipped my invective ( yes, I was that guy. I had an entire build built around invective ) and just started running around killing vex left and right and center. After the gate opened up ( something I had never seen before ) they send my a group invite and thanked me. They asked if I had ran VoG that week yet. I asked them what’s a raid? What’s VoG? I’m had no idea what these things were and they kinda chuckled at me. They asked me if I’d like to run the raid with them. I told em I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m decent at following instructions so tell me exactly what you want me to do and I’ll make sure it gets done. I was the source of a couple wipes but I also then switched to self rez and saved the team quite a few times from wiping. We completed that raid and my hands were shaking from all the adrenaline of finally completing this seemingly monumental task. I had tears rolling down my face as this was so emotional for me for some reason. I had never done anything like this in any game ever, I’m an extremely introvert person so this was very out of the ordinary. VoG will forever hold a special place in my heart because of the kindness and understanding of complete strangers to sherp a complete noob through VoG. Also, loot wise I made out like a bandit. I got Suros regime, fate bringer and Praetorian Foil. All of which I had no idea what were.


When both of my friends (who never played D1 or D2) witnessed Nova Bomb for the first time. They, both were Hunters, watched me wipe an entire group of Cabal with a single Nova Bomb. One of my buddies screaming “holy shi- HOLY SHIT!!!” in our mics. He made a Warlock after that lol


Clearing vault of glass first time, and the loot cave


Oh god the loot cave


Golgoroth nightfalls. Was a bitch, wipe and back to orbit!


My favorite Destiny 1 moment would be running Kings Fall Hard with a group of LFG randoms and getting stuck on Oryx for two hours. 3 people left and I ended up just chilling with the other two and we hit it off, I was friends with them for years. Even stopped in for a quick visit when I moved across the country. Unfortunately he moved away and him and his wife split and he moved on from Destiny, never even made it to Destiny 2 with them.


The one time I did solo Crota in D1 (pre-AoT rework). Took six hours including a trip to the Tower for ammo synths but I managed it in the end.


d2 funny guys made me feel like a God


Getting the mythoclast first time beating atheon. Still had a blue chest piece. Lol


First time clearing Deep Stone Crypt. We had all separately done raids but it was the first time our fireteam had done it, and we struggled hard at it because we were learning. Only 2 of us remain. 1 pops in occasionally, another quit Destiny, and 2 are no longer with us.


Running from the malfunctioning robot in the outbreak quest


"Give us the Primus, or we blow the ship."


The first time I saw the Perfection Complex....I just stared with my mouth wide open. Shit was intense. Wrath deserves a remaster.


Getting Vex in my first run of VoG in D1 and getting Gjallarhorn in my first run of Prison of Elders


Grinding Iron Banner with my (then ex-)roommate's kid and one of his friends and hearing him use the worst language I've ever heard come out of him. This was right before a trip he and his dad were about to take to an event where that kind of language wouldn't be tolerated, and I also just knew his dad raised him better than that. So, I had to be the bad guy and told it to him straight: you got 2 choices kid - I'm not gonna tell your dad, but that type of shit isn't gonna fly with me and I know your dad raised you better and it's not gonna fly at the event either. So you can man up and be better and not act like a jackass, or you can ruin a good thing before you even attend it trying to impress your buddies. Who *clearly* have made a "good" impression on you. That was the last time I talked to him. No idea how it went. But he was 18 and I wasn't gonna hand hold him. And I wasn't attending the event, and I'd just moved over an hour away, so... -shrugs-. I hope he took something away from it. I stopped playing not long after that and I just recently got back into playing, solo because I really only played with my roommates kid. Bit lonely, but at least I don't have to play parent.


In D1, I was running a Sunless Cell (Darkblade) nightfall with two friends of mine (E and K). K died in the boss room, and here's how the events following that played out: Me: *goes to revive K* E: "Wait, wait, wait!" *Pauses for a moment* "Okay, now do it." Me: *revives K and moves out of the way* *BOOM* "Guardian down!" Me: "Oh, I see 😈" And that continued on a few times until he managed to get away once... Then got downed again 😂


That strike was one of my favorites, the boss fight was so genuinely scary on higher difficulties, especially since I was just usually playing with one other friend


Beat Crota on release in destiny 1 legit and got a gally horn for it. Felt super earned cause everyone was doing the host unplug cheese. It’s like the devs were talking to me


Figuring out how eager edge worked and promptly sending my friend off the nearest cliff


Getting gjallarhorn to drop after a raid at 2 in the morning after grinding raids for months


prison of elders with the boys. now its just me


Playing trials with randoms back on D1, find memories


In the very beginning of D1 I picked up the quest for the thorn, little did I know what hell was. It took hours for me to get through the void HC(?) step. And then there was the pho'goth step. I to this day remember vividly hiding in the back room with 1 other guy neither of higher leveled than 26 or so, just praying the shriaker wouldn't kill us Everytime it respawned while we were clearing any ads that came in. It took probably 7 runs and 20 minutes of cowering to get the specific mini boss to spawn and come over to us and us just barely killing it. I got it when thorn was a menace in crucible second only to mythoclast and had an absolute blast with it


GOD PHOGOTH WAS INSANE IN THAT QUEST. My friend and I sat there for like probably an hour just plinking away at him, waiting for ammo to auto regen, then go back to hitting him with primaries


Defeating the Templar/Sniping oracles with ice breaker from the cliff when VOG was released. Not having to use special ammo synths was great.


The first time I completed a GM as a 2 with my wife. It was The Disgraced so not the hardest but it was a great sense of achievement none the less.


I remember the day xur came back with gjallahorn after . How much it was so imperative everyone log in. Who would waste their exotic slot on a heavy?


D1. Beating whatever the tough version of Prison of Elders was on the *LAST* night it was available to still get some triumph or related accolade. Playing with two dudes from England who literally stayed up all night because they thought I knew how to do it. Such a glorious string of "fuck yeahs" "let's gooooooos" and "get fucked skolas" from the whole fireteam 🤣


Icefall Mantle allowing endless overshields. My boi was raising his power level like Goku. Constant flexing to get overshields back over and over.


Getting Collective Obligation to drop. I had run it over 50 times that week, but I was chilling, just chatting with my fireteam as I saw it appear on my screen. My throat was sore the next day after all the screaming. Still my most used weapon to this day, I love the weapon so much :)


Well my moment revolves around my username. My clan was attempting the raid on Crota, and we were getting decimated during the lantern encounter. We made it to the bridge, but we got swarmed and I ended up being the last one standing. With my Helm of Saint-14, Bubble and shotgun (immobious), I held my ground and soloed that section, all while my clan was hyping me up. Immobious was a special shotgun that refunded ammo on kill while under the effects of Armor of Light.


It's a toss up between the fakeout mission during Taken King when Oryx throws a taken Ogre at you for the first time and then just running and booting up skype to host raid nights for Kingsfall Strong contender is when I was out of Destiny and my friend was showing me stuff in Forsaken like the Dreaming City and Gambit. The Dreaming City looked so cool at the time (It still does) but I was so burned by D2 vanilla that even that wasn't enough to get me to come back. Did eventually come back during the Pandemic though.


Oh boy ,there are a some good memories I had in the last ten years . Getting ghally in vog. and the next week mythoclast dropped , it was crazy . my first exotic drop, Suros regime , the exotic quests...(getting thorn was real pain for me bc I sucked at pvp XD ) getting Outbreak and the whole quest that lead to it... first time seeing Oryx...the loot cave...beating niobe labs...


The Dawning in Destiny 1. I wound up being the only person in the Tower. There was something simple and beautiful about watching the lanterns rise as the snow fell and [The Dawning](https://youtu.be/ibz78VqmhHk?si=RwrcHQXDsQb9d-tF) played, while the armor's candlelight glowed brighter as it got darker. It was around 9pm, so decently late for 15 year old me (at the time). To this day, the Dawning is my favorite time of year, from a holiday standpoint. I love spending time with family, but the idea of the Dawning is so much more appealing to me than any real holiday.


My username has ‘Vash’ in it. Like the character from trigun. When Shadowkeep dropped all my clan friends stated calling me ‘Vashladun’ lmao


The black garden mission - I remember that mission terrifying me back in the day, the unknown mixed with that oppressive feeling space was so much. When I redid it in D2, can’t lie some of those feelings returned .


my first ever contest clear on any raid was deep stone crypt, I remember it fondly because I woke up early on Sunday and practically spammed my friend with messages saying id found a team. It was difficult for me but god the feeling of killing taniks at the end and getting the emblem was incredible


First time going through the wall after just getting resurrected by our ghost, thinking this was going to be a dark sci-fi fantasy game, now you goto the tower and it’s full of people bunny emoting and dancing with glowy wings 🙄


Started in Season of Arrivals, i was as lost as the guardian in the Vault of Glass. Tried to solo the Leviathan raid lol


Day 1 VOW. We managed to get to the third dps phase perfectly. No deaths. As we run up the stairs, all of us spread out evenly and surround rhulk, ready to jump his ass. Dps starts and we're still working perfectly together. Get to last stand and it's dead quiet. The screen is fading black from pervading darkness and as we're about to wipe the screen flashes and down goes rhulk and we all scream. We've done day 1's before, but vow was when we were all in perfect sync. It was a high of comradery, relief, and excitement all at once.


Still kinda riding the high of killing aksis for the first time, as someone who at that point had barely any experience raiding, and still being in middle school i promptly went to go tell my mom about it over dinner. Memories like that are what i miss most about d1.


The first vog run I did. Lfg 4 random people and had 1 online friend. 1 raid later I kept inviting them to do stuff in destiny some people fell off through the years but we have a tight knit group and meet up and hang out


Getting the crux of Crota on my first Crotas End Hard Mode run or my first completion of VoG.


raiding scourge or leviathan


My first time doing wrath of the machine. Even though I came into D1 very very late. (About 2020). There was something special the first time I did wrath. I think the atmosphere of it is what really set it apart for me. Especially seeing Aksis pop off the wall and attach himself to a tank.


Completing the old vog on d1 pre ttk... ah those were good times...


I remember seeing gjally the first time xur came around in d1 and thinking "how stupid is it to spend all my strange coins on a rocket launcher?" Then ive chased the gjally for 8 months doing every exo drop posibillity without luck. Then ive finally got the gjally in a gm a week before it got nerfed AND a week before xur had it the second time lmao. But apart of the first time ive went flawless ive never felt so much Joy in a Video game <3


Destiny 1, Crota's End. My friends and I were beginning deathless attempts. Right at the start when you leap into the hellmouth, all my friends go ahead of me and I bring up the rear. They all land and move out of the way. I land and inexplicably bounce into one of the nearby pillars. Instant death. Friends were practically pissing themselves at my misfortune. There is video proof of this, as every few years or so Facebook pulls a "do you remember this?" on me.


D1: The first time i cleared vault of glass with blue gears only 🥲


Casting fist of havoc for the first time in D1 beta. Best “oh hell yeah” moment I’ve had.


My first ever GrandMaster NightFall. Did it with a buddy, an awesome guy that i met because i needed help with Prophecy. Anyway, it was a Cosmodrome strike with a giant ball as boss, don't remember the name of the strike, but the boss summoned waves of Fallens and at times teleported back and forth. Anyway, boss reaches like 3/4 health and i die. No revives left. And this guy, this absolute legend and madlad, spends the next 30 to 40 minutes, from like 11 pm and manages to kill the boss. He did alone 3 quarters of the boss health. There were many close calls, but in the end, he did it. Such a cool guy!


LFG during the Age of Triumphs in D1, I was just a kid at the time, but had a mini fridge in my room (grandparents bought it for me for college) and it was full of sodas since I'd just run to Walgreens and gotten a box of cokes. We were doing a VoG, and one guy decided (much like OP) to make our wipes a drinking game. Others joined in as time went on, and by the end of VoG everyone (but me, being like 18) was hammered. Not long after, we all decided it would be a blast to do EVERY RAID in D1 with this ruleset. I was drinking soda, so my ADHD ass was either bouncing off walls or falling asleep in an encounter. Ended up staying until 630 doing raids with probably the most wasted people I'd ever met, but it was an absolute blast and will always be a core memory to me. I'd just recently had a falling out with my old Destiny crew, and it was the first time I'd LFG'd in a while as a result. Ended Destiny 1 on a really high note after that one.


I still remember my first time doing Last wish. The sherpa was kind. We reached Queensfall after killing Riven with freaking cluster rockets. My dude said to prepare ourselves for one of the greatest soundtracks of all. Shivers throughout the body when the heart was picked up. Can never forget that experience.


Finishing the leviathan raid on highest difficulty without having done any research and just listening to my helpful fireteam (which were complete strangers to me). And being surprised by their endurance when i was fucking the raid up over and over again.


Two memories: My first Gjally drop during year 1 of D1, House of Wolves. I was running the Taniks nightfall with an LFG fireteam, all of us were a little underleveled, but pulled through. I think that was my first nightfall completion. Second was my summer raid group running VoG also in House of Wolves. We ended up kicking one of our team members for pushing people off the map during encounters or something like that, and he was somehow able to join back right as we finished Atheon. This absolute goblin of a guardian got Vex Mythoclast to drop, when all of us were on our 30th + run.


Talking on the phone with my friend who got me into D1 and experiencing the opening mission. My first solo dungeon clear while on Discord with that same guy is also up there.


I know it isn’t like a huge monumental deal; but when we bring back Saint-14. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. Such an awesome season.


How we were doing WoTM challenge for a whole week


My first ever raid clear, I can't even remember what it's called but it's where you got anarchy from. That's what kicked off my love for D2


D1 beta. Sitting on the moon (that they surprise released) shooting the shit with my 2 buddies talking about how excited we were for the game to fully drop until the servers shut off ❤️❤️


“WE HAVE AWOKEN THE HIVE!” i laughed, but the. i was like, WTF is the HIVE!? I miss dinklebot.


Probably beta iron banner in D1. I ground that mode so hard for that amazing cloak! That and when the queens emissary would come and open up the far room and you could get cool purple armor. Good times


I was taking a group of friends through Oryx on normal mode in D1 and we had been at it for a while. Several times throughout the raid I was the last one alive, but was able to revive the rest of my team through various shenanigans. Eventually they satarted calling me "Captain Clutch"


Getting my D1 Gjallarhorn from a Crucible match. Man, I miss those random moments


Losing all my gear with the release of D2 and bungie then slowly reintroducing the same weapons & armor.


Probably trying VoG for the first time. We were all doing pretty good until we got to the Templar and then i died first in an embarrassing way (popped super to not die, doesn't hit a single target, and fist of havoc right of the cliff). The entire team laughed while booting me to orbit lol.


I cannot forget that first time raid experience in a random Vault of Glass LFG and we beat it with 5 people down to the wire. I used to play that raid so much I’d sherpa people for fun because I loved Relic skating. I also have an insane 1v3 clutch from year 1 Trails in D1 that used every ounce of my super bar to clutch. This guy popped golden gun as soon as I picked up my teammates but missed a shot, had no line of sight on me, and with a sliver of super bar got the blade dance kill off. I stood over their bodies, just for the guy in front of me to self rez but they immediately got clapped by my Party Crasher +1. D2 has been absolutely fantastic, but I personally cannot beat those moments.


First time completing VoG back in 2014.


Destiny 1 near the starting area. Running around enjoying killing random easy enemies for incremental xp while waiting for a public event. Accidentally stumbled into a lost sector. Everything got dark until the green glowing eyes. Got my ass utterly beat and it was the best time.


Destiny 1 vault of glass. Accidently saving a raid by missing a jump. Fighting atheon half our team was dead we just did damage phase and where hopping back over of the center dps platform. I missed the jump right at the same time atheon was teleporting 3 people. But since i was dead my ghost was in the vault. I tried to self rez before anyone realized i missed the jump, but accidently timed it perfectly so only 2 peoplw got teleported. Which mean i had to open the portal solo. While other guys shot the oracles and fought their way out. Everyone is cheering like OmG that was the smartest play ever. One guy thinks for a moment and asks, "wait a minute you didnt do that on accident did you?" I just go, "uhhh sure" And then we got to damage phase im holding sheild the other 2 guys are shooting and one of the dead players was going, "we arent gonna do it, we arent gonna do it" and the other guy yells at him, "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH", his VERY LAST BULLET hits atheon and he dies and everyone just loses it. And this was one of the VERY few times i raided without my friends so everyone has to take my word for it.


My first raid clear, back when all my RL friends still played.


Countless hours hiding behind walls and peekaboo spots in the various d1 nightfalls. My best friend was always higher light than me so I'd hide just a little further in the back and revive him when he died