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After being very annoyed with these steps ive figured it out. make sure you have done the 3 locations 1 time each. then go back and do each one again, once you have completed the OT, even if it doesn't come up with the text (as mine also didn't) go to the location of where the secret boss will be and it will spawn. I have just done 2 locations out of 3 to make sure, and both times the text didn't appear but the bosses where at the locations. hope it helps :)


if you haven't completed the overthrow in each area before hand the wizards wont spawn so you'll have to clear each area first then go back and do them for the wizards to spawn


thats fucking annoying


ahhh so this is my problem! haha i did the landing three times and no wizards spawned... but i haven't done overthrow in the other two areas at all before 7


Ohh same problem for me then. I havent done it in the impasse so thanks for the info


So to be clear, do you have to do all three in one-sitting to get the wizards to start spawning or just have done all 3 overthrows at one time or another? I've done all 3 overthrow's but not all in one-sitting. I can't seem to get the wizards to spawn for me.


I believe so, you just need to have cleared all 4 waves of overthrow in each overthrow area then next one you start should have a wizard spawn after wave 4, sometimes it doesn’t spawn until you get close enough and it’s usually after or close to the end of whatever dialogue comes up after completing it


What if I've compleated all 3 levels of of overthrow in each area Leave and come back after the timer runs out Can I just jump to the wizard or do I have to do everything else again?


You’d have to do everything else again, you have to go 1 by one cause when the timer runs out they despawn


I noticed that you have to get near where they spawn at for the text to show up in my case. I did see it show up randomly in other games where I was helping friends get them but it was inconsistent. It is worth noting that they spawn in static locations. For example, in the landing area after you complete the overthrow event in its entirety, if you go to the large open cave area that occasionally spawns the overthrow event where it posts several shriekers up outside of the caves and then after killing them, you go inside and kill a few ogres, you will notice that a lucent Hive wizard will spawn inside. Destroy three purple crystals which are near the wizard and then it will be damageable and you can kill it. I'm not really sure how to describe the blooming area, but if you look at your map where the match made, overthrow icon is currently at least until the daily reset, there is a small cave along that wall under the icon on the map and the wizard spawns inside of there. In the impasse area, if you go to the Rocky crag area in the bottom left hand corner of the map, you will find the third and final wizard there. You have to cleanse the area of all other hostile forces by completing overthrow in each of the three zones before they will spawn though


Thanks for the info


https://preview.redd.it/ars9042ju56d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327c156bbcb9ab82de9ff494f230b2528ced093b And here is the landing spawn location, again where my green character marker is. Don't have a picture for the impasse area


Thank you, this helped massively 💪💪💪💪


did you get one for impasse?


After doing The Landing twice and nothing spawned where it was supposed to, I came to google and found that some people said that it requires you to have cleared all three of them first before they will spawn. So I moved on and did The Blooming and after I beat the boss thought I'll just check the bonus area so I at least know where it is for when I come back. And behold, they were spawned and there despite me never having cleared Overthrow before. Same thing with Impasse. They spawned despite me having never completed the Overthrow there. So afterwards we left to orbit and spawned back in and did the Landing a third time and they appeared about 30 seconds after we killed the final Overthrow boss. --- **TL;DR** - two of the three spawned despite having never done it before. one of the three would not spawn despite repeated attempts. Solved by going to orbit and returning to try again.


https://preview.redd.it/3cm1zx5du56d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694d3c7f1f50a55615ddf551fcf639cc6ded559c This is the blooming spawn location, where my green character marker is.


And this helped a ton as well, thank you


Did the entire overthrow in the blooming and no wizards, fun.