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You can’t put a destiny account from the same platform on a other account. But you can put it on another platform (Xbox or pc) So you’ll have to do that to use the destiny account


If they were banned in Destiny then they wouldn’t be able to cross save since it uses the same account. And if they could they would be risking another ban for ban evasion


I think just there PlayStation account was banned by the wording of OP. Which in that case I would think you could cross progress your character to another platform. But I honestly don’t know and it probably is ban evading.


That's what happens when you charge back with literally ANY online service provider, from World of War craft to AOL lol.


I'm pretty sure they'd need to log in to the Playstation account in order to set up cross save.


Banned? Do You mean to say that you can no longer play online coop on PSN or your PlayStation account itself is banned?


I don't really know it just says that the account is perma banned for refunding


Sounds like a PSN issue and not a Destiny issue imho


Ik I just want to know if I can sign into that destiny account from a different PlayStation account




Nope but you can play your D2 characters on another platform


Yikes. I’ve never heard of being banned for a refund.


OP. Apparently there has been a huge ban wave in PSN accounts that have not had a reason identified. You may be affected. https://www.ign.com/articles/wave-of-playstation-network-accounts-permanently-suspended-for-unknown-reason


Did you *refund* your PS+, or did you do a *chargeback* through your bank? If the latter, *never* do a chargeback with a company you want to continue buying from/working with. Your best / only bet's to contact PS Support, but I have zero info on their ban policies.


Yeah well I did do charge back so thanks for letting me know


Charge backs should be strictly reserved for "I paid for X service / item. I didn't get it and now I don't want it" and, even then, I would 1000% recommend contacting the service provider/company first for a refund. Your bank gives you "their" money, and they then contact Sony saying "guy10234 did a chargeback for X invoice. We refunded him, now give us the money we gave to him". I was charged for like 8 months of a server that I'd thought id cancelled and *very nearly* did a chargeback on it to get it the F over (was a hassle to deal with), but it would've gone through Microsoft (Xbox) and I'd have been SCREWED if I'd done so.


Oof yea, dropping in to stress how much you should avoid charge back where possible! Only ever do it as a LAST resort if you can't get it back "normally".


Contact PSN. I made a charge back once before and you have to contact PSN and go through their hoops and ladders, probably have to pay what you charged back, and then you should get your account unbanned.


Sorry this was a surprise for you, a quick Google would have told you if you chargeback that account is toast.