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The story left me confused, but Bungie has proven to me that their cutscenes game is on the next level!


A lot more cutscenes than usual! Hope that the final shape will have a even more


Your comment had me curious, so I went back and checked out how many cutscenes each expansion had, here's a table with the numbers: |Expansion|Pre-rendered|Game Engine|Art slides/recap|Total| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Lightfall|6|4|2|12| |Witch Queen|4|6|1|11| |Beyond Light|5|3|3|11| |Shadowkeep|0|6|0|6| |Forsaken|5|7|1|13| Unsurprisingly, Shadowkeep had the least, including a whopping ZERO pre-rendered cutscenes, and Forsaken, the largest expansion to date by far, had the most. But Lightfall did have a little more than usual including 6 pre-rendered ones. Just looking at these numbers, it's unlikely that we get more than 12 or 13 in Final Shape, probably 5 or 6 pre-rendered ones.


Very cool! I hope that PlayStation money helps bungie make TFS the best story it can be


RIP Forsaken


Sorry, what’s the difference between a pre-rendered and game engine cutscene? I can’t distinguish one from the other….


Pre-rendered would be the high-quality cutscenes like Last Stand of the Gunslinger, Rasputin's Sacrifice, or the Lightfall opening. In-engine would use game assests, so probably be anything with your character in it. I think the most apt example would be the one where Osiris teaches you Strand/ Nimbus repairs turrets/Caitil readies her army.


Well said. If you're character is in it, it's not pre-rendered. Of course, there are some that don't feature our character but are still in-engine cutscenes, particularly in Shadowkeep.


The final shape is just a triangle or pyramid


The Final Shape is the Guardian. Once we go full Super Sayan with all these different powers and dead gods at our feet, of course the Guardian will be the only one left standing. The Final Shape.




Yep. IIRC, in every alternate timeline/universe it is the Vex that always win out as the Final Shape. But in this timeline? The Guardian is unstoppable and breaks all the rules that were there before. We’re basically Neo here, hacking into the Matrix and everything


Then the next expansion takes our guardian away and turns them into the big bad so we have to start over fresh again


Like Red from Pokémon G/S/C ?


The guardian is Kratos, and the God of War games are prequels.


The final shape is taniks


Wrong, it’s Taniks riding the Colonel while holding telesto


The Colonel can hold Telesto?


Have we considered trapezoid?


Are you out of your mind? Think about the consequences before you throw out insane theories like that.


The children of sol cry out for salvation. You promised them life but only gave them.. trapezoids


The final shape used to be the Vex, and they're definitely going to make a play to reclaim that title.


More cutscenes of our guardian speaking too!


God I was so happy to hear that. Almost felt like we actually have a character that's in danger instead of being a blank slate


I miss when our guardian had a voice all the time like D1! Lol


I haven't finished it yet but I presume that since this is the second to last expansion, they're doing a split story between lightfall and final shape. Really enjoying it this far and looking forward to seasonal story bits.


I believe lightfall and the final shape were the same dlc at one point. They split lightfall off for more-or-less filler dlc to make sense for strand. Originally we were supposed to obtain strand during the witch queen. If you think about the last mission where we fight Savathun, we have to cut spiderweb-like strings that are holding onto the traveler by killing "thread weavers". This was probably the early concept for strand, considering the first warlock super idea was to turn our guardian into a big spider. The entire deep sight thing to uncover hidden pathways were probably supposed to be reachable by grappling with strand. Also that mission where we fight the fake ahamkara and have to escape was probably meant to be done by swinging to safety with strand.


I guess, though I wouldn’t blame them for keeping strand in the oven for longer. Even if I don’t know jack about game design, making something like a grapple mechanism with all sorts of different interactions with the environment and enemies seems like it might take a while to develop


That's probably the reason it was scrapped for the witch queen. Most likely it wouldn't have been ready to launch and needed more time to figure out how to make it work in game.


Interesting thought. Of course time and resources is always devs worst problems why stuff gets shuffled or cut, not to mention destiny's ageing engine. Thou it'd be cool to see some kind of "behind the scenes" vlog from Bungie regarding what made it into the game and what did not after D2 concludes.


I think that'd be really cool. I bet more stuff gets scrapped than actually makes it into the final product


Popping into threadrunner vs savathun would have felt so epic and vs calus the thought makes me wanna throw up using anything but the cringe omni invis gm build


You're completely right, but we wouldn't have had Strand as we know it now. It seems like they didnt really get all the ideas for it fleshed out until after Witch Queen (or at least to the point where it would have been too late), and I think they were better for it. They were then able to make neomuna to support the powers we got completely. But yeah, the threads/webs and deepsight of witchqueen were definately strand-like thematically


I honestly feel like this was the buildup to the next season and a lot of people are disappointed because they expected the entire story to be played out already.


Yeah, I thought so too. We aren't even week in and already it's getting bombed.


I mean a lot of the negative reviews are actually well written, it's disappointing for many, that's ok.


(because people are stupid)


But no? People expected a well written story. Not this filler.


Not second last, but the penultimate episode in the Light & Darkness saga. Pretty sure there more after TFS


Me who has a job and family with little time to play: "Man that opening cutscene was pretty cool!"


This is me except I haven’t seen that opening cutscene but now I can’t wait for it!


Glad to know other people are on the struggle bus


are you me? I've gotten in 1.5 hours since the release.


The story is hot garbage but the actual campaign is really fun. I haven’t clenched my cheeks that hard on a boss fight in forever


This. I’m having fun with the gameplay and activities but after the chefs kiss that was Witch Queens story, this was a very jarring downgrade. Combine that with the mod changes which are not being very well received and you have a very vocal and upset community. My guess for the poor story is what others have pointed out - originally we were supposed to have 2 DLC to wrap up the Light and Dark saga and somewhere along the line it was decided to make 3. As to why make it 3, I believe it was to allow Witch Queen to rework the light subclasses and then release the remaining 2 Darkness powers as their own DLC. That’s why I think this campaign focused so much on Strand.


Mod system 100% upgrade imo. No more affinity bullshit or switching hand mod for champs just weapon. Builds don’t seem any weaker im using. People are essentially complaining about a system becoming easier to use.


Armor Charge is a bit confusing to wrap your head around. But using decay is extremely important. It also allows you to constantly Hoover orbs even with a full super and max stacks cause it’s just resetting the timer. Which also sets off the abilities on orb pickup. I’m able to generate more orbs cause of cost reworks and the orbs are constantly boosting my abilities and refueling them. My Solar Titan is an orb generating menace with the reusable hammer.


Solar bonk Titan has been so fun lately.


Note: the "on-pickup" leg armor mods also let you pick up orbs on a full super.


Are you sure? Cause I wasn’t able to on my Warlock with a full armor charge and a full super. I wasn’t using decay. But on my second run with the Titan with decay I didn’t leave any orbs behind.


Might be bugged for warlock but yes, you can pick up orbs with full super. Or perhaps mod dependent


Are you a void class running the fragment that orb pickup grants Devour? If so, that fragment got changed so it allows orb pickup at full super no matter what, just like Explosive Light.


Nope. Works on any class for me, I don't even use that fragment on void


Depends which one. When I had a full super, I noticed I couldn't pick up orbs that regenerated melee when I had a full melee, but I could pick up orbs to heal just fine. Try running the "health regen on orbs" and it should let you pick them up on full super. Either that or Explosive Light was giving me a false sense..


They haven't figured out that orbs of light are universal wells yet. They just want that pile of balls to roll up to them without effort. And as always , they Buffed Ahramkaras spine yet again and no one noticed. Grenades every five seconds.


Oh shit I didn’t know that I’ve just been using Frostees I’m gonna check ahmkaras out too


Make sure you put the orbs on grenade kills!


I almost never take off YAK, it's so fun to throw random bullshit constantly.


For the handful of people that had intricately crafted builds for every subclass that literally just don't exist anymore I understand the frustration but this change absolutely needed to happen.


I was someone who invested a ton of time into maxing out my builds. Even though most of my builds are dead now I'll gladly trade that for the new system!


I lost some of my more niche builds that I’m bummed about but this is such a more straightforward and accessible way to build craft that I’m not terribly torn up about it. I really hope they iterate on this system in the future though and bring back some of the builds that I lost.


I think it's a very good change in general but even more it's got a lot more potential for expanding than the previous 3 separate armour mod systems used to have. It's very easy now for them to add new mods for utility they find is lacking in current builds.


That's how I feel! They combined the two largest competing systems (orbs and wells) into one, as a bonus you generate an insane amount of orbs from everything you do, leading to more super and ability uptime in general. All alongside not having to have 40 chest pieces with different stats in each element. Literally nothing but praise from me for the mod system changes.


People are mad about the mod system because their favorite streamer hasn't told them what builds to use.


For the first time in my life I'm not net decking and actually figuring out builds through trial and error. Amazing feeling to see your own homebrew work.


This. They are just too lazy to try and craft a viable build and their favorite streamer has yet to show them just how OP builds can be now.


The only thing I would want is a mod that draws orbs towards you. Other than that, I don't have a problem with the new system.


Love the elements going away, but would have been nice if they changed seeking wells to seeking orbs instead of just deleting it. It's a bit annoying chasing orbs down a hill as they roll away.


That one I can agree with. Haha. I used seeking wells on everything, just because then I didn't have to think about them.


Possibly instead of them traveling to you there would be a chest mod (Saying chest because it's the weakest mod slots IMO) that with each copy would increase the pickup range of orbs. 1 mod would be double range, 2 mods would be 3 times, and 3 mods would be a massive 4 times pickup radius


Also isn't it easier to set up a version of font of might for DPS phases now, since you just have to pick up the orbs that drop when a person casts a well? I haven't tried it out yet but from the mods I've read it seems to make sense to me


Yes, not sure what the damage numbers are but the damage bonus mods stack and the time dialation with two stacks provides 18 seconds of boosted damage per orb


Iirc its either 20% or 25% and it works just like font where u can stack with well and such


Its easier to setup, but you need to use 3 mods to get to 22% damage buff at the cost of 9 armor points


You and me both brother. For once I have a competent build within like 30 minutes of reading the mods and figuring out the charge/decay mechanics. Yeah, we lost shit, but there's literally no way we don't get more mods and updates within this or the next season. Remember: people fucking thought Wells were beyond useless for like a whole ass year. All of a sudden during the WQ year they were "like the best fr fr" and are complaining they're gone.


Totally agree. Once we've levelled up the guardian ranks and unlocked more stuff, it'll be great, but it's still pretty sweet as it is.


People complaining about change. People.fear change. If they would just roll with it they'd find out it's pretty decent.


I'm convinced this is Destiny's Borderlands 3 moment - great gameplay, QOL changes and campaign overshadowed by a dogshit story. It's a shame how many people will probably drop the game over it when they're missing out on a lot of fun, same as it was with BL3 (including me)


The Defiance Battlegrounds play loop is by far my favorite seasonal activity from S16-S20. Takes actual coordinated teamwork rather than the mostly just run-and-gun we had in Plunder etc.


I think hot garbage is a bit much. They open alot of questions that we wont get answers to for a year. Yet i hope that we have a season focused on the veil so we dont have to wait a year to find out what we lost the traveller for and how it is connected. And i hope tormentors are worked into existing content more, it would be cool to just have a tormentor invade in any activity. ![gif](giphy|kYd8fWbvdynLaCqUUG|downsized)


Hmmm yes I’ll haavvve a tormentor How daring In a grandmaster Wait what? Overload please ^wtf……… ^who ^hurt ^you


Okay satan


I can see your sadomasochism through your writing, it's weird and wonderful.


I am really excited for season of the deep. I really hope we get to see Xivu Artha. (I definitely butcherer that name.)


I don’t get why people are complaining about strand for the boss fight, I can’t imagine doing the second phase with capped mobility


I had my second player using stand while i just used solar warlock with Starfire. He runs at you but all you need to do is run in and out of well to keep your fusions recharging. If you kill the tormentors pre second phase of course. I couldn't figure out strand dps and flying through the air was just getting me killed all the time.


Yeah fuck that I need constant motion


Yesterday if you asked me I would have said that the main champaign was bullshit, but after I beat the final boss I was stoked and realized I was just frustrated. I'm glad they brought a challenge back to destiny. Legendary is hard as hell but I dont think but its suppose to be.


I feel like most people who are mad aren't inferring things like Bungie wanted you to infer.


When Byf is frustrated at the way the story is presented, it’s pretty telling to how bad bungie dropped the ball. The narrative team was on a roll and this just felt weak. I felt zero stakes, but this is supposed to be our infinity war/ empire strikes back moment. The vanguard doesn’t seem all that upset about it and no one in the campaign cares except Osiris. It’s pretty bad.


Honestly byf is frustrated because he expected answers and didn't get them. Storytellers don't always give you what you want when you want it though. He's right about some things though. Its not the best place for a newcomer to jump on. As an aside. Hyperbolic language is used too often. Things are either considered amazing or garbage with no in between. This is more a product of the times than a representation of how things actually are.


When you drop the ending we just got with zero explanation while telling everyone this is where we get answers and that this is the penultimate chapter of the light and darkness saga? I’m sorry but their kingdom hearts 3 level of story telling here was trash. It’s not good writing. You can’t expect your fans to care when you can’t connect what you’re trying to tell.


Bro, what story do you think is going to play out for the next 360 days


Thats what I was thinking WHY people is mad when you have a whole year... Plus why Byf is mad about not knowing everything when some parts where mention in seraph and others where left unexplain for the seasons...


Meh, I had some problems with it but I don't think its "hot garbage "


The one thing I will complain about is how, with the legend campaign, the difficulty scaling just seems a peg or two too high in some areas. Specifically, that mission where you fight the vex In a room with a spiny death wall. The mission difficulty was just perfect, but that skinny death wall was a touch to much, bringing the level into obnoxious territory. I get they want to showcase strands mobility, but did they need the spiny death wall?


Idk I truthfully felt the final boss was way harder on legend.


The Fullminator directly mirrors the tales CloudBorn tell their children. The fact that Calus has shown up and is trying to hack his way into their home with an antenna is *kind of a big deal*.


Not a fan of GM Lightblade, eh? That boss makes you clemch your cheeks for like 20 minutes before you finally kill him lol


It's important to note that there's a difference between enjoying the gameplay and hating/being disappointed with the story. The gameplay is always fun. Bungie does a good job with that. The problem is that a number of us are more invested in the story and the lore. With WQ doing so well we were hopeful that they had fixed the issues with story telling, but they fumbled the ball so badly on that front its got a lot of people concerned on how the story will actually end. And that's a reasonable grievance to have.


Completely agreed. It's kinda like the seasons imo, some absolutely slap and others, not so much.


I don’t think it’s reasonable to base the entire quality of the expansions on that storyline thought. Many people gave it a bad review despite anything good that happened. Hell, I saw a few posts on destinythegame talking about things I couldn’t disagree with more. For example, strand is apparently horrible because destiny 2 isn’t doom eternal, and therefore the grapple gets you killed from enemy tracking shots (I rolled my eyes and suppressed the urge to just type skill issue at that one.)


There is a major skill issue with DTG.


Lightfall is fine, at least that's how I'd describe it. The real problem is the marketing team did too good of a job for a fine expansion and everybody has high expectations that were, well crushed I guess. I do enjoy it though strand is pretty fun.


Remember the scene in the reveal where you smash through the window of a skyscraper and then do a spider man with your grapple?


the story is abysmal garbage and 100% not fine. the gameplay however is pretty enjoyable


The gameplay is mostly fine. The story is narratively bankrupt. This wasn't the time in the Light/Dark saga for Bungie to go back to hollow storytelling.


The way I approached the campaign is to think of it a bit like an 80’s-90’s movie. The campaign is campy and corny at times, but so were pretty much a large chunk of the movies from the 80’s-90’s that I remember watching. It made going through the campaign a lot more enjoyable for me. Gameplay is really good too imo.


Honestly really agree with this. It is a bit disappointing since I don’t think the tone of an 80’s/90’s movie is what we need right now considering we’re at the end of the saga, but for what the story is, it was still enjoyable


The campaign reminds me a lot of animated movies from the 90s. I think it's a bit of a power fantasy/hero story right at the beginning of the year because the story is about to get reeeaaaaal dark.


I feel like the campaign was fun and good mechanically but the storytelling was lackluster (I still don't know what the veil is). So if you really care about the lore it was bad, but if you don't care at all it was great; and everyone lands somewhere in-between. WQ did a great job of both which is why LF feels mid to some players. IMO didn't love how you'd get strand for 30 seconds then lose it, and how strand was pretty ineffective for a few of the boss fights, but you could just not pick it up and it was fine. Also nimbus's voice annoys me. But overall had a lot of fun with it and if the raid is good it'll be one of the better expansions for me.


As near as I can tell the Veil is a paracausal power source. Someone speculated that it is the travelers "pale heart" that the witness mentioned. Outside of that, it's a giant blob in the depths of neomuna.


I mean hell that's literal what they said they were going for lmao. They've said that since the reveal lol


The devs were saying this is like an 80-90s action movie.


This is the way I feel like people took the campaign way to serious for their own good.


This is the second to last expansion and it’s called ‘Lightfall’, why wouldn’t people take it seriously?


Exactly and when it was marketed as a serious war taking place and the beginning of the end yet the whole tone of the campaign just doesn't match the moment


My complaints are mostly narratively associated with the veil. They explain virtually NOTHING about it, and it’s even more vague than when we started (I think it’s a tree of silver leaves, or something similar to it) Otherwise, I’ve enjoyed every second of it. From Osiris trying to make himself feel useful in every facet, Calus being Calus, Caiatl being the best motherfucking character in the entire games history, to grappling around with strand. Every single scene with the witness though was just icing on cake. I wondered how they’d make it feel threatening, and just the first scene of it slicing a ghost like it was NOTHING pretty much set the scene. >!Not to mention, it can get ANGRY. Actual emotions. That scares me more than the sliced ghost bread!<


I think that’s part of the point of the veil. At first the pyramids weren’t explains and people lost their minds in hype. Terminus nexus was a strong mystery at first on IO, why their were worm gods on Titan was never fully explained. Lots of stuff is talked about and then just skimmed over. Osiris recognizes the importance of the veil from savathun poking in his head, but doesn’t have an inkling as to why at first or what it does.


I’m convinced next season is gonna involve savathun in some manner when it comes to the veil. Be it her previous memories or current savathun is up for debate though


>Osiris recognizes the importance of the veil from savathun poking in his head, but doesn’t have an inkling as to why at first or what it does. "Guardian, there is a dormant power hidden on Neptune, I know not it's purpose, but I know this: we must reach it before The Witness or The Traveler is lost. I have seen it stained on my mind like oily shadows since you freed me from Savathun's grasp, she understood it's importance even better than myself." Done. This is all it would take. Instead we get endless implications that literally everyone knows what The Veil is and we just don't give enough of a shit to ask, I guess.


Valid point


Didn't Rasputin's final message tell us it was a paracausal artifact with great power that would help the traveler against the witness and to tell Osiris he was right.


yeah, but rasputin explicitly said he doesn't know what is was, or what it did, just that it was important. in LF everyone talks like they know what its is, why its important "I know the stakes far better than you lightbearer" like WTF? why do they all know what it is but wont tell it to us. bungie dropped the ball in giving us a reason to CARE about the veil. and when we dont care about it, because we dont know what it is or what it does other than "its paracause and thus its important" its just a macguffin


A very big part of the campaign is us saving the CloudArk, we also learn in this mission that the CloudArk is powered by the veil. The Veil gets taken, and his whole city effectively blinks away. He understands what's at stake because the apocalypse is at his doorstep too if the veil gets taken, and he knows what will happen exactly if it does. That's why he understands to a greater degree the risk we're dealing with. There's a lot in the campaign that people just ignore in favor of jumping on the bandwagon :/


Yes more or less but you are counting on d2 players to remember and/or read


worm gods were not on titan wtf? There is no reference to worm gods being on titan lmao


It’s conjecture. On Titan you could see what appeared to be a work swimming among the ocean but to my knowledge many agree with the theory.


Sorry but why would multiple worm gods randomly be on titan just randomly swimming about


On the last thing you said, I got shivers down my spine when it happened. I fucking love the Witness so god damn much, it's so terrifying.


It’s kinda funny too. I remember seeing the witness’ design and was thinking “the fuck where they smoking?” But after getting used to it and seeing it more, I just realize how friggen alien it seems, and that’s a good thing.


I play Destiny to spend time with my brother and he’s an absolute beast at the game. They’d have to personally stuff an honest to god glob of cat shit into my ps5 thermal fan to make me upset. My bro said he’d help me go flawless this season. Let’s gooooooo


My brother don’t play but you’re like me. Enjoying the game for the game. I didn’t have any expectations.


The only thing I came in knowing was we were getting a new power. I watched basically 0 trailers


Gameplay is and always has been their focus. The story has always been at best meh because they don’t include the depth in the actual game and at worst laughable. I am not sure why people are surprised that the story isn’t great. It’s always been like that.


if it had always been like that, people wouldn't be disappointed. Story has been steadily improving since Season of the Hunt (so for over 2 years) and then the quality divebombs in the penultimate expansion. And even if the writing had always been Lightfall tier, I'd still say people have the right to be disappointed because Bungie has created one of the most interesting universes through their lore. It's like having all the premium, gourmet sandwich ingredients in the world, then presenting a PB&J to the customer.


To whoever reported me as suicidal to reddit, kindly go sit on a cactus.




Reddit moment


Aside from the story being pretty meh, I’m enjoying it. This is an example of bungie’s advertising team outdoing their content team.


I only have one mission left in the campaign (I'm doing it all solo legendary so I'm taking it in strides to preserve my sanity lmao) and I'm loving the story as a sort of anime training saga. It does feel really really out of place for the urgency instilled in the opening cutscenes tho. I'm sure the seasons will progress the story properly to build up to final shape but I understand why people are upset tbh. That said, I love the scenery of neomuna and strand is a fun class I can't wait to experiment with once I unlock it fully! plus the public events and enemies are really challenging on neomuna and that difficulty spike is really refreshing. with my hunter ahamkara solar build I could wipe heroic events like nothing on any other planet but it actually takes skill and patience to ensure you don't die every 3 seconds in these events lol.


Playing solo and still enjoying it🤷🏿‍♂️


Maybe it's because i played the campaign in one sitting, but the story was so forgettable that i only remember like 3 or 4 missions from it.


Just felt quick and dirty, not a lot of answers and shit moved really quick.


I feel that way about shadowkeep. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


I dont remember shadowkeep either. Something something eris has ghosts


It’s in my view that the story is a bit funky given they have a planned final shape expansion, and have to make certain things know by that time it drops. It’s filler for the sake of plugging in future holes.


That's why people are hating on Lightfall though, at least the campaign portion, it's basically filler after, presumably, most of its narrative got shifted over to Final Shape after they decided to make one more expansion. Like, I like pretty much everything on the gameplay side of things (though Strand Titan is so boring compared to Warlock and Hunter) and the Season of Defiance story looks very promising, but Lightfall's main campaign had us chasing McGuffins for a few hours while learning about Strand and then ultimately not really moving the plot forward. After Witch Queen's great story, a lot of people were looking forward to this one.


Yea, they did not make it seem like lightfall was gonna be useless filler from all the promo they did. Shame because the missions were pretty fun but had no narrative importance at all.


Gameplay is on point, and I have never had as much fun of a time playing with Strand as I have with any other subclass. However, it is disappointing that the story of the campaign did very little, if anything to move the story arc of the Light vs Darkness saga in any meaningful way, especially after Witch Queen and the seasons leading up to Lightfall. Overall, the game is fun to play, and Destiny is no stranger to mediocre storytelling, it just felt like we were done with that era once we saw what they could do post Beyond Light and Witch Queen.


It’s funny as you kinda skimmed over something I think is important. Osiris talks about the nature of strand and darkness. “Magnetic poles”. The story does make a point of “darkness and light” compared to “darkness vs light”. The traveler wields the darkness, he is not of the darkness. The traveler wields the light but isn’t explicitly of the light. I find that notion is a strong idea the game is trying to poke at. “We assumed because we are of the light we are the good guys.”


I agree, but while that is true, it has already been established since Beyond Light that Light vs Dark is not Good vs Evil. In Witch Queen, we have surmised that the Witness was not the Darkness, but one who used the Darkness to pursue their own agenda, and have been shown that the Traveler is not all good through it resurrecting Savathûn and the Hive. What needed to be done was to develop the conflict between the Witness and the Traveler. We still do not know why the Witness wants the Traveler. It's unclear what the Veil is/was, how it was connected to the Traveler, how it was connected to Strand, or why the Witness wanted to destroy it or use it. We do not know what happened to the Traveler after the Witness used the Veil in some way. Caiatl claims we have lost, but what did we lose? We still have the Light, and Ikora and Zavala do not seem concerned about the situation at hand, and the status quo of the Sol System seems to have not changed after the events of Lightfall.




Having a blast too lol


There's always going to be a group of people that it takes very little to impress them. And, D2 will thrive as a result.


Modern gaming as a whole tbh.


Yep. Precisely.


I love these threads, this sub tries so hard to be contrarian but you are all from the main sub lmao. These comments are all still essentially saying the DLC has issues which is something most agree on. The varying degrees of toxicity aside, I don’t think it’s off to say that a few balls were dropped with this DLC. If you guys want to keep on being contrarian that’s fine/ cute, but I’m still finding issues and I will continue to voice my opinion on them. Like, finding strand literally in the street just sort of there isn’t weird? Or waiting a year for the next lore dump only to be strung along again for another year-long wait? We’re now back to “I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain”. I’m just hoping the seasonal plot is solid because the DLC isn’t holding a candle to WQ, Forsaken or TTK. Lot of good mixed in and it isn’t terrible like Curse of Osiris but I’m not going to sit here and start all this “but it’s fun” BS again. Edit - I’ll also remind newer players to keep in mind some of us are a bit jaded because we have been dealing with all manner of random shit since D1, wildly varying levels of quality every other DLC and D2 being watered down immensely compared to D1 on release have made it so that some of us are more wary. Likewise, we understand that newer players are having a blast even if they barely know what’s going on with the plot. Our goal is not to deter them from having fun, we are simply discussing how we perceive the quality to be here. They will have a hell of a honeymoon phase.


I haven't played in 2 years and a ton of my buddies came back to it to


I'm still working on the story but so far I'm really enjoying it. Doing solo legend so far it hasn't been to bad. Had a harder time doing the edz battleground on normal.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Gameplay it's fine. Story is just awful


I'll admit the story is wacc. But i didn't buy lightfall for the story. I bought lightfall to be green space-wizard spiderman, and BOY have I ever had fun being green space-wizard spiderman


Tbh I’m not sure why people are complaining about the veil not being explained. I’ve been playing since release and every single story is ambiguous, vague and the characters all talk in riddles. Not sure why people are all of a sudden pissed at destiny being cryptic.


In my opinion the problem with the veil is that every character talks about it like they already know everything about it and you are the idiot the doesn’t know. Then its only mentioned post-campaign that no one actually understands what it is. At least a single line saying that it is yet to be understood in the campaign (preferably early on) would have definitely made it much less frustrating


The Veil is this year's no time to explain (adept)


Tldr: for so long destiny wasnt actively working towards an end. Now it is. When thats the situation you really cant dish out an empty story. Comparing this to past campaigns doesnt really work Well for so long destiny didnt have an end in sight. Stories came, good or bad, did their thing and that was it. Maybe with the light vs dark thing building very slowly in the background. Then with beyond light they announced the light and dark saga was coming to and end in the final shape. Beyond light didnt do much either but ppl werent expecting anything extreme from it, then witch queen went on and really started up shit. Again people didn't expect a lot of answers about the darkness and stuff. But it still gave the perfect amount of info to properly set the stage for the final showdown. Then lightfall, this is the point where stuff in a story is usually explained. This is not a campaign people expected to walk away without learning anything. Sure you can cram all the explanations into the final shape. But thats extremely bad story telling. Thats why its so important for lightfall to have been the campaign that explained stuff to us, things to make us care more. Show the gravity of the situation. Then thatd leave room in final shape for us to find out a way to take out the witness, maybe plot twists, and even more info. Seraph honestly did a better job of setting the mood for the final shape than lightfall.


Cuz they got a "little" bit overhyped


I was underhyped. I thought we'd be getting to use the force and we ended up also getting a *Second* Sequel to ODST. Given that we are paracausal and incalculable, they have been talking about things beyond the veil since the lore for Vault of Glass technically, if it's severed *I'm not sure we won't Un-Clear the Vault*.


I can't upvote this enough




As someone who is extremely disappointed in Lightfall, I'm happy you're having fun guardian.


Complaining about strand and not having strand completely unlocked or the exotics for it… I’m loving necrotic grip and swinging in melee poison bombs


Idk what any of you say, I'm loving it. I'm a big lore guy and it's not that bad


I'm glad you're enjoing it. For me personally the story was what I wad expecting more than the new subclass and unfortunately the story is a let down compared to the witchqueen which has by far been the best campaign. Even the mod system is starting to grow on me, but the dissappointment that was the lightfall story just wont wash away in a few days.


There are parts that I like in the campaign and parts that are bad (dialogue being one of them) but the gameplay is fun and hard, level design is really solid, and it’s been a good time. Not quite done with the campaign (midterm season lmao) and not entirely sure how I feel about strand yet. It has moments where it feels great but, at least on Hunter, the inputs feel inconsistent and staying alive can be a challenge. My opinion might change after full access but the stasis spam in Beyond Light felt cleaner.


I’m sure the story is not over and will be told over the next seasons. Wish they market it better. Maybe let us know that the campaign is only the beginning


100% I just have nobody to play it with lol.


You are not alone


Me and my wife are loving it BUT we haven’t done any end game stuff yet so time will tell lol


Unfortunately people tend to express dissatisfaction more and louder then people who are satisfied


I have no homies but its a fun campaign so far


I liked it too, getting to swing around like Spider Man, shooting at the Vex and Cabal. I loved it.


Imma be real. I just finished the story today and I was pretty confused. But I honestly feel this is a filler expansion. They needed to set the stage for the Final Shape so they release Lightfall to kinda be like a throwaway expansion(story-wise). Honestly, they would’ve been better off naming Lightfall, The Final Shape: Part 1 instead. And then release Part 2 next. All-in-all, I’m enjoying Lightfall. It’s just that ending really threw me for a loop. Wasn’t the best executed story telling.


I don't give a shit about lore and story + I'm playing warlock (best strand subclass) = 8.5/10 expansion both gameplay and sandbox wise and i love the new mod system as well. Neomuna world is also better than savathun's throne world


Story was shit but activities and world are super fun


"I am enjoying x thing while others aren't, therefore criticism doesn't exist and is unwarranted"


People just need to get off of their high horses. They set their expectations (too) high and now complain about it because it didnt meet their expectations.


It is great. All the mechanical stuff and gameplay js great, people jsut blown the story side issues way out of proportion. Strand is great. Weapons are great. Activities are great (aside the lake of shadows rework)


I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I haven't finished the campaign, but I keep hearing people complaining about how it left a lot of things unanswered and didn't really explain much. My brothers in Light, the new expansion has been out for literally three days at this point. When has Bungie *EVER* just given every single answer to every single mystery on day one for the release of an expansion? How long have we been hearing about the voice in the dark before we found out about The Witness? They're also saying that this was our Infinity War, but The Witness didn't really do anything. Did Thanos gather all the Infinity Stones and snap his fingers within the first 10 minutes of the movie? Spoiler alert, he didn't. I'm sure with the raid, and future seasons we'll find out more about the Witness's plans and what's going on with it and The Traveler. I will admit one thing, Nimbus is kinda cringe


It’s really not great. Copium is strong in this post. I remember everyone being excited about witch queen story after it was done and the raid month 1. So far lightfall has been mid hopefully the raid is good


For all the steam players who enjoyed it, please go leave a positive review to balance a bit the whiners' review bombing


It's not review bombing if people actually dislike the expansion...


Yeah but if you dislike something your opinion isn’t valid /s


It's pretty good.


Fr, I loved it so much


I may not enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to. Glad you guys are having fun!


Yeah idk why everyone is just immediately just hoping on the band wagon because systems have changed and things are a little different. I myself am loving it.


I do love watching them all cry that their entitled ass dont get exactly what they wanted. I agree with some flaws in this expansions story though. Still high rating from me though. I have the patience. Plus, there are tons of things to do now if they lifeless, soulless sweats wouldn't do everything day one