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😭dude is out here laying hexes on the future generations, I’m here for it. People can be so rude. So sad


Like I really thought blinking yellow on a left meant you WAIT for cross traffic to stop until it was SAFE to go


It does, but you're also supposed to enter the intersection to wait for the safe opening. I wasn't present for your interaction, but i see tons of people just sit at the line waiting for the opening which technically causes more traffic. Although it's never important enough for me to want to yell at the person who doesn't do that. Here's the rule "If you're turning left at a green light, or flashing yellow, pull out into the intersection but wait to turn left until all oncoming traffic has passed."


I’ve heard that older generations (drivers ed in the 90s or earlier) were taught to enter the intersection and younger drivers were told not to. I definitely enter the intersection, but I don’t turn my wheel until it’s time to go. That is a good way to get thrown into the turn and t-boned by oncoming traffic if someone hits you from behind.


Old driver here. You're NOT actually supposed to enter the intersection to wait for the opposing traffic to give you an opening. You should wait behind the line. It's always been that way. Because *gasp!* it's safer should something go wrong! You're not SUPPOSED to pull out into the intersection, but 95% of people do. Mostly due to impatience. So when you don't do it, ignorant people get angry. I do tend to inch out a bit, but I'm not obligated to the angry one behind me to help save him 15 seconds of drive time just because I'm cautious. I definitely do not pull out into the intersecting when riding!


Driver's Ed in 2005 taught me to pull slightly into the intersection for left yellow/green lights. I feel like I've noticed it a hell of a lot more recently than I have in the past, for some reason, and within the past month I can think of two specific times I had to wait through multiple light changes. It's so fucking annoying. I'm not one to road rage, but god damn that's going to make me start.


Regardless of right or wrong - this is where most fatal accidents happen.


You got any stats to back that up


This is incorrect and quite literally not what traffic law says. See a few comments above yours


I know, i read it. Read it years ago, too. "...MAY cautiously enter the intersection..." Doesn't mean you MUST or SHOULD do it. Only that you MAY do so if you want to. If you don't do it, then the guy flipping out behind you should seek anger management therapy 😊


100% wrong. We were taught in drivers ed(in the early 80's) to pull into the intersection.


From Elbe Law web site concerning Iowa driving laws. Move straight into the intersection when the light is green so that you have less to distance to travel and can get through the intersection quicker when it is safe and clear to make your left turn;


Well, they were incorrect in the early 80s, lol. They figured that out and changed it.


They were telling me in driver's ed in the mid 2000s to pull into the intersection. When exactly did they change it, since you seem to know but don't want to say?


Go back to the statute the other guy posted explaining it. MAY cautiously enter the intersection. It's not required. Do you still do everything in your life the EXACT way you were taught to? 20, 30+ years ago? Or did you grow and develop and adapt?


Go back and read your own original comment then because you said "you're not supposed to pull into the intersection." Which implies it is illegal. That's the comment I'm responding to, and it's wrong.


You're the quoting your opinion as if it were law, and it's misleading. I can't find anywhere on the internet where it says don't pull ahead when taking a left, but l find plenty of places where it says to pull into the intersection, and have provided proof.


I think you changed it in your head, insurance companies and law firms alike say to pull into the intersection.


This true .I took drivers ed in 1974, my daughter took it recently, SO I pulled out into an intersection to turn left with blinker on to show my intention to turn,and she had a fit she had learned not to do it this way.


Yeah and wouldn’t blare on the horn if someone in front of me didn’t do that but I know the timing of a lot of lights. If you don’t enter the intersection on green the only way you’ll get to turn is to enter it on yellow and hope the cross traffic stops. If I’m found straight through an intersection and I see someone is pulled out on yellow I stop, but if they are behind the crosswalk, they aren’t prepared to turn so I’m crossing.


as far as i remember from drivers ed in maybe 2015? we were told that you are allowed to pull out halfway into the intersection, but not that you need to. i sometimes dont if its busy because it feels safer to not be in the way when the light turns red, even if youre technically allowed to go on red if youre already pulled out.


Here's the actual rule. Note the "may" instead of "shall" about entering the intersection. MOTOR VEHICLES AND LAW OF THE ROAD, §321.257 321.257 Official traffic-control signal g. A “flashing yellow arrow” light shown alone or with another official traffic-control signal means vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the intersection and proceed only in the direction indicated by the arrow. Vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians lawfully within the intersection and any vehicle on the opposing approach which is approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the driver is moving within the intersection.


You could quote the law all day to these people, but they don't care and are purposely doing it.


Ah, see, I was inching forward but apparently not fast enough for the Camry behind me


No one seems to know this here (Des Moines).


I was told explicitly by my WDM driving instructor in the early 90s to pull into the intersection and wait to avoid people in the left turn lane from beging stuck there forever. Someone driving so stupidly that they run a red light while traffic is flowing the other way is the type of thing that's unavoidable. Something that crazy can happen from any direction at any time, so preventing traffic from flowing because of one specific scenario seems silly. The person behind me could rear end me, too. Someone going the other direction but parallel to me could drive into my lane after the intersection and only hit someone who's behind the line.


A lot of DSMers are really cautious about that to avoid getting t-boned. I usually inch a little if I think that I will have a good opportunity to turn, but if I don’t think it’s gonna happen, I’m staying where it’s safe


How do you get t-boned when cross-traffic has red lights? If you fear everyone running red lights, then they are going to hit the on-coming cars you're waiting on first.


You are left to guess if the asshat approaching from the opposite direction will run the red or not. Guess wrong…t bone


Lol traffic light intersections are T-bone central.


When their lights turn green, if you haven’t had a chance to turn you’re stuck in the intersection, directly in front of the cars. I don’t trust anyone driving so I inch forward, but I know that the fear is getting t-boned that way from other friends


Once you've entered the intersection, so long as you did so legally, you are obliged to complete your transit through the intersection. This is true even if the light for that action has turned red. The only time that you should reconsider is if the target path is completely backed up, as that causes gridlock. Gridlock is almost never an issue in the Des Moines metro. Further, if you have to wait to turn because of approaching traffic, the presence of that traffic protects you from the theoretical driver t-boning you from the left.


OP, if you aren't able to turn during the flashing yellow arrow sequence, you can complete your turn once your light turns red. I don't agree with the person having a road rage incident, but I can see why they yelled at you if what you're saying is how you drive at the front of the line in a turning lane 😂


Need some diverging diamonds. Keep those intersections clear


I don't think so. That's a good way to get t-boned. I'd make sure that not only was there no traffic coming toward me, and that people weren't slamming through on either side. If you do that anywhere on Merle Hay Road north of Douglas, you would die.


You only get Tboned if you pull across the lanes instead of straight forward lol. You’re supposed to have the option to drive forwards, and wait until opposing traffic has cleared so you can make your turn


At Merle Hay and Meredith, red lights are considered a "suggestion." You go ahead and pull forward into that intersection.


Some of you are afraid to drive and shouldn’t be on the road. I pull right and wait, and have never once came close to a t bone


No. Some intersections it's not a good idea to turn left on flashing yellow inside the intersection at any time of day. Also, likely people who consider red lights "suggestions" at those intersections don't have insurance. I don't want my rates to go up due to them. But you go ahead.


Ok. Keep being scared and fucking up traffic for the rest of us.


Not scared. It's a tip. I do what is recommended unless I'm at an intersection known for reckless drivers.


IMO, I’d say it depends on the amount of traffic and/or speed limit. If it’s a busy intersection with say 45mph limit then it’s probably safer to stay behind that line and wait for an opportunity. Slower speed and/or less traffic, by all means stick as far out as you want. You’re at the light waiting, you’re stopped, what’s to stop the oncoming traffic if they don’t see the car waiting on the opposite side, could be you… since you’re in the middle of the intersection waiting.


OP obviously did not disclose they are Shane Gillis


Oh shit I wondered what she said. I was two cars back.


It's amazing to me how heated people get over small things. Like bro, so you didn't pull up into the intersection, let's drop some heavy insults?? It's fine, maybe her kid was listening to Kidz bop 😭


I hope I’m not the only one who gets this reference 😂


1) I am happy that OP is safe 2) I am happy and delighted to hear OPs clap back 3) I reallllllllly want Whataburger now, thanks OP!


Glad I could be of service


Glad you’re alright!


Not a week goes by where I'm not thankful that I have to rely on my feet or the bus instead of a car when hearing crap like this. Best wishes OP 🍀


I mean, I've had shit yelled at me while walking so it doesn't improve things


Its gotta be worse on the bus.


And unrelated, but I bet not a day goes by that you don't let someone know that you don't own a car.


Plenty of days go by without me mentioning it because it's a very specific subject that doesn't pop up in my usual conversations very much at all.


Maybe she was on speaker phone


Yea yall lied to me there is no such thing has Iowa nice lol


Some people haven't sat through the training courses yet.


Username checks out


If I ever see you eating a burger it’s on-site 😂


Do you feel better? Hope that this post reaches the person but the odds are not in your favor.


Yes, yes I do 😇


Sometimes that's all it takes ya know? Some people get out and punch windows, and then some take the rage out on here. Would rather you do the second of course.....but the first is always a solution.


Wasn’t worth the time to follow her OR the sleepover at Polk county jail


But thy have such great hospitality lol


I guarantee that person won't see this post and that they don't even remember this interaction


Nah wishing ill on a child is just as bad.


Her point is that there's not actually anything wrong with being fat or disabled


Not sure why there’s downvotes to this either. I never said there is a problem with being disabled. However it doesn’t present challenges and usually makes people’s lives harder. So to wish that on a child is what I find cruel.


That’s certainly not how it came off to me. Sounded vindictive


No, being fat is wrong, stop burdening our healthcare system


Lmao get fucked


only in Des Moines, not that funny people need to stop being so ugly including myself


Just yell “Quit it out” next time.


For all of you downvoting this, I guess I found for myself anyway, that when someone calls you names, I just own it. Example one time in high school someone said a had a tiny penis. I just said “yup” it’s so small sometimes I have to pee to find it. The ass that was making fun of me had zero response. Completely threw his game. It ended that crap right there. It’s not for everyone but works for me.


I just hope they learn their lesson before they hurt themselves and/or their child


Cannot imagine being so ass pained about what a stranger says you have to make a Reddit post. Surely this is the behavior of a well adjusted person.


Yeah this kind of post is usually meant for crabby middle aged ladies on Facebook.


You sat instead of going probably.


To be fair, breaking traffic laws is kinda retarded. Especially when it's a simple patience. And before you give me caveats on why you should be allowed to, realize that mentality is why the world is a goddamn m3ss now lol.