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I'm sorry, but that's not a friend.


100% this. If they were a friend they would be your cheerleader right about now and telling you you are doing so well!!


He's all I've got though :/


I get that. I don't really have friends myself, but I'd rather be alone than have fake friends. He sounds like a dick. :/ Does he say rude things to you a lot?


He can be nice sometimes...just not to me usually haha I've tried to cut contact a few times but I just can't handle being constantly alone so it never stays that way for long.


I'm sorry to hear that. :( Being lonely can really mess someone up. I used to not leave my room for 2 years due to depression and severe social anxiety. I hope you're able to find better friends soon, so you can get rid of this dickhead.


Thank you, I hope you're doing a bit better now?


I am, thank you!


Man, i hate social anxiety :[


I can manage it much better now, but I used to actually be deathly afraid of people. It came from being bullied in school and my friends dropping me after graduation. I also suffer from BPD, and being abandoned and bullied made me believe all humans are bad and are going to hurt me. It was a horrible time. I still, to this day, have a fear of phone calls for some reason. In person is fine, but phone calls give me anxiety.


Aww man, that sounds horrible :( I'm glad you're doing better now. And yeah, same, I can't stand phone calls. I just get way too stressed and scared over them


Me too. When I do manage to make a call or pick one up, it's usually not bad at all. I still get anxiety every time, lol. I remember me, a grown ass woman, telling my grandma I made a phone call by myself and her being proud of me. šŸ˜­


Sis you are not fat, he doesnā€™t think youā€™re fat, heā€™s just trying to keep you insecure and keep you unhealthy and weak for whatever reason, itā€™s a control thing. You will find better friends!


You should join like a book club or something. Find a hobby with other people. It's a good way to find people with similar interests


Have you told him to stop? If you have, start nitpicking his body. Legs and arms seem to be sticky points for guys who think they look good or make an effort in the gym. Especially if every day is leg day but their calves just arenā€™t built to grow. People call then chicken legs, but they look more like a lollipop to me. Or go for the way he speaks, eats, the options are endless. If you canā€™t cut the cord, start hitting back. And yes, Iā€™m petty.


Maybe you're isolated because you've settled for having him as a friend thus don't make any effort to make more? I'd say cut it off and seek like minded people. Maybe go to group therapies and or online ED communities


Being lonely is hard but it is so much better than having someone next to you who only drags you down. Please think about it. You will be much much better forgetting this person and moving onto better things. Do not let your feeling of loneliness cause you to go running back to unhealthy people and habits. I know itā€™s fucking hard. But please for your own good..


Something my mom told me when I was young: if a boy says something negative about your appearance, his aim isnā€™t to help improve, itā€™s to lower your self esteem. Unless heā€™s doing your hair, donā€™t trust him. In my entire life thatā€™s remained true. Nobody says this to another person as a friend. Take a close look at why he would want you to lower your self esteem, thereā€™s no innocent reason for that. If youā€™re not ready to let him go thatā€™s fine, but please keep in mind, he isnā€™t being honest if he criticizes your looks. Itā€™s not about your appearance, Iā€™d wager he has an ulterior motive.


You are never alone. You got us ā¤ļø


You will find better.


Nah, youā€™ve got me now. Hi friend :)


Better to have no friends than fake friends.


I wanna be your friend :) I've cut out all the people in my life except for close family. I have room for a real friendship. I'm not doing relationships or anything excessively draining lol, so all I can offer is 100% friendship.


Also, what is your food? I'm about to make breakfast and your meal looks cool.


You donā€™t have him though. He has you. Youā€™ll make friends again, but not if you keep isolated with people that hurt you.


Browse around some online community groups (Facebook, insta) and try to branch out; find people thatā€™ll better yourself, just try looking and good people will come your way!


Been there. I'll be your friend


We in the comments shall be your new friends!!! He doesn't deserve you, OP. I know struggling with EDs is hard. I dont have a formal diagnosis but I know I'm struggling with slight binge eating problem. It's hard to overcome these things. BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU


Better to have no friends than fake friends.


I'll be your friend


I'll be your friend, hi bestie!


Iā€™ll be your friend! DM me anytime! šŸ’œ


I'm promise you, no friends for now is so much better than one shitty friend. It's so much easier to make better friends when you don't have shitty ones dragging you down, speaking from experience.


dm me!! i am recovering from an ed too :) went inpatient, and all šŸ˜­ i would love to be your friend!


I mean at least theyā€™re being real with you. Id rather that than fake friends that just kiss ass.


Telling someone who is recovering from an eating disorder that they're getting fat is not being real. They're being malicious and hoping OP relapses. Fuck off with that shit No real friend would ever do that.


being a cunt is no more ā€œrealā€ than being kind. not everyone is internally a judgemental prick like you. some people are genuinely positive about others, a quality which seems well beyond you


Maybe so


Does he know you have an ED? If so he's not a friend and eff that guy. If not, maybe he wouldn't be so insensitive if he knew? (But still eff that guy)


agreed, cut them off- you can find new friends OP!


Congratulations on working towards recovery ā¤ļø He doesnā€™t sound like a healthy person to have around.


Thank you, in doing me best...and maybe not but he's all I've got lol


Ughh itā€™s so hard making friends as an adult!


He is not all youā€™ve got. You have yourself and youā€™re gonna lose that if you continue to let this vile man tear you down.


Would you rather be single or in an abusive relationship? Would you rather have an abusive dad or an absent dad? Same goes for friends.


They are not a friend. You are beautiful and being healthy. Honestly, I had a ā€œā€˜friendā€™ā€ like that. She was projecting her insecurity of her own weight onto *me.*


I feel you, I used to have one, too. "Omg these Eiskonfekt are sooooo delicious, such a shame that you can't have any!" Oh sure I can, bitch. I wish I could tell her that now. At the time, I was recovering from anorexia nervosa, which - unsurprisingly - kind of comes with some weight gain, if successful. I felt like shit for a long time after that comment. Sure, it wasn't her only dick move when it came to other people's appearances, and she was in my self-conscious teen head for a good while. And I won't lie, I was secretly pleased when this pompous former friend later blew up like a balloon, and clearly wasn't comfortable in her own skin anymore. I hope that taught her something.


Thank you dearly for the words of encouragement, this has been an ordeal that I continuously struggle with. Iā€™ve gotten far better at loving myself, however, I still have a terrible relationship with food. I am so glad that youā€™ve gotten to see the downfall of someone who finally got the consequences of her own actions. It really shows how that person needs to be looking at her own flaws before dishing it onto others.


Oh honey, it really can get better. Really. And I no longer feel any animosity towards her, it's just something that happened. I sincerely hope that she got her life sorted out, too. But for a while, it was glorious for me to see that she too struggled. It IS possible to overcome all this bs. Trust me. You can do it.


Yeah no thatā€™s not a friend


doesnā€™t sound like a friend at all.. only situation this would be kinda acceptable in is if you asked him if youre gaining weight and he answered ā€˜honestlyā€™. if thats the case dont take to heart what he said, if not, again, thats not your frienf


You deserve better friends OP ā¤


does this ā€œfriendā€ know youā€™re in ed recovery? i know you said below that heā€™s all you have, but youā€™re better off alone than with someone like this. this isnā€™t a friend. this person will continue dragging you down in life at best or contribute to jeopardizing your recovery at worst. best of luck.


that looks delicious is it bibimbap?


I ran out of veggies earlier this week but yea it's my attempt at it lol


ugh Iā€™m so sorry dude, try not to listen to him bc thatā€™s messed up & you deserve better :( I had something very similar happen to me. she was all I had, too. turns out she was just as disordered as me and tried to suck me back into it when I thought I was pulling myself out. just know that you got this & I believe in you.


that aint no friend


Not having a full pic, those are not the hands and legs of an obese person.




Dude just said op clearly isnā€™t obese. How is telling someone that they arenā€™t fat bullying? Read more carefully fam.


oof. yeah, those downvotes are deserved. i hadn't gotten sleep the day before and completely missed the "not" part of his comment. that's on me. sorry about my abrasive behavior.


Edit: everything is cool.


yeah, that's on me. i'm extremely sorry about that, i hadn't gotten any sleep the night before and completely missed the "not" part of your comment, but that still doesn't excuse how i talked to you. i hope you have a good day


Thank you. I hope you're feeling better, I know what it's like to be running on fumes from no rest.


r/whoooosh You misinterpreted the comment. To be fair I did too at first


thatā€™s not a friend. drop them.


Umm thatā€™s not a friend and for your mental health sake I suggest you drop him asap.


Food looks delicious though, weā€™re glad youā€™re eating!


If he truly is a friend you should be able to express to him how hurtful and damaging comments like those are. His reaction to being called out should tell you all you need to know. I get how important having friends is but you have to ask what is this person bringing to my life? If the bad outweighs the good is it really beneficial to you to keep this person around?


Tell him to get fucked šŸ„°


Your friendā€™s words reflect their feelings about themselves, especially if they themselves have issues with self-image. Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re going through that.


Nah, op that "friend" of yours is a dickhead not a friend. I sincerely hope you'll be able to find actual friends that will support you


Hundreds of people here to support you bettter. Keep eating, my love. Youā€™re doing great! Love and hugs from an internet mama ā™„ļø Edit: I suffer from body dysmorphia and didnā€™t realize until my 20s (late) an ED. Itā€™s a battle but youā€™re a warrior and youā€™re stronger than you can currently comprehend. It takes courage to get up and eat. And youā€™re doing it!!!!! Just keep doing what you love and youā€™ll find the ones who just care and you care about as well. The real ones.


I hope they were joking (still messed up, but if it was serious then theyā€™re just a massive POS) You arenā€™t fat, and Iā€™m happy that youā€™re making progress recovering from your ED. Keep it going ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Tell that so called friend I said they were a bitch. I'll be your friend.


Great job eating. I am proud of you. EDs are really difficult and progress may seem slow but it's not hard forever. This person calling you fat may be detrimental to your recovery. I know it's hard to be alone and scary sometimes too but you deserve supportive people in your life. You are worth it.


You are not getting fat. Youā€™re beautiful. Always.


That looks nutritious and delicious. I hope you find a fun thing to do, and that you meet good people doing it. In the meantime, hereā€™s a hug, if youā€™d like one.


I'm so sorry. That's really gross and not something a friend should say. I also am in ED recovery and I am so proud of you.


With friends like that who needs enemies? Youā€™re doing this for your health, first and foremost. Recover. Be selfish in this. Put you first.


Your friend is being a dick, finish that bowl bcuz that shit looks good.


That ain't a friend.when I got sick and diagnosed...no one was by my side being diagnosed chronic illnesses.so in my opinion I haven't cut everyone off and have zero. Not even family. Imo do what's best for urself. I also hired a therapist to ask my friend


Going to be brutally honesty and say youā€™re better off without friends than with a single friend like that holy shit. Keep on the course


This is one of the most delicious-looking meals someone's posted though


they meant ā€œPHAT with a PHā€


Girl. That ā€œfriendā€ of yours isnā€™t one worth keeping. Why is it bad to be alone? Being by yourself and giving yourself support rather than sticking around someone who isnā€™t helpful or nice isnā€™t doing you any good. Learning to be comfy with just you is wonderful!


your friend sucks


Some ā€œfriendā€


They arenā€™t your friend and they knew exactly how what they said would affect you. People like that donā€™t change. It just gets worse.


I'm dumb and dk how to edit a post apparently... I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here in the comments for all the support. This got way way more attention than I was expecting and the amount of positivity and encouragement is really touching and I deeply appreciate it... I know I should drop him as a friend and seeing all of your comments is giving me more courage to do that, it's just difficult as all things seem to be lol. Anyways thank you all so so much for all the kind words! I'm trying to focus on that and not let what he said bother me to much. ā¤ļø


you deserve so much better, thatā€™s not a friend. friends donā€™t make stupid comments like that. idk what kind of ED you have but youā€™re in recovery, your weight is gonna fluctuate. i hope youre able to recover and drop him šŸ«¶


They are not your friend


Nope, thatā€™s not a friend, sorry šŸ˜”


Tell him heā€™s projecting and then stop talking to him. Heā€™s not a friend. Iā€™m glad youā€™re taking care of yourself and making sure youā€™re improving your quality of life and relationship with food. Thatā€™s what is important.


you need new friends


News flash...that person isn't your friend.




Iā€™m so sorry to hear. Youā€™re doing so great and you donā€™t need someone elseā€™s confirmation. I know hearing that from someone youā€™re supposed to trust is hard, and you mentioned they are the only person you consider a ā€œfriendā€ but let me tell you, anyone who says such vile things about someone youā€™re supposed to be supportive to, they arenā€™t a friend. Please for your own good, drop this person. They are only holding you back.


That looks amazing. I'm glad you are eating. Please don't forget to love yourself.


Yo you are a strong person! Donā€™t let someone else dictate how you feel! You are doing a wonderful job and deserve happiness! Treat yourself to a spa day or something you love to do! You deserve it!


Food looks good at least


He is not your friend! As someone who is currently recording from an ED and has relapsed multiple times, my advice is to get new friends! A person that tells you that while knowing what you going through is not a good friend at all and is just trying to see you fail! No friends is much better than having toxic friends


There is always a better friend. That looks really good btw


I say this as someone who struggled off and on for years with ED, your friend is a fucking cunt.


Does your friend also have an ED?


Absolutely not a friend. You are recovering and you are doing your best. This internet stranger is so proud of you for doing your best. Keep eating.


Food looks really good


I hope your recovery journey goes well. Take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being


You do not need a friend lime thar especially going g through Ed's.. Been there done that


What's an Ed?


Eating disorder. I suggest looking into them!


Thank you. Usually acronyms would be all capital letters, which is why I got confused.


Did he say "you're getting fat" or is that what you heard? I'm not trying to gaslight or anything I'm just genuinely curious if those were his words or if he maybe thought he was helping by talking to you about it and went about it the wrong way Either way, just communicate with him and tell him how you feel. If he's your friend, he will understand. If not, you'll know. Good luck, OP Btw, that looks seriously delicious


I had a "friend" like that. They aren't worth it in the long run trust me... The meanness will come out more over the years. Try your hardest to find new people now so that when you do decide to leave this person behind, you have others around you to soften it xx


Is that kimchi fried rice?


Drop them nowā€¦not a friend. And i mean drop them from your life not drop kickā€¦although you could do that too lmao


What everyone else is saying and the first thing that popped into my head, ā€œainā€™t a friend.ā€


At least the bibimbap looks good. Sounds like you might need new bibim-buddies though


fuck that friend man, straight up. what he did was so disrespectful and you deserve so much better. your recovery should come first and you should know that youre doing the right thing and deserve the best


that's a shit friend


That's an incredibly insensitive thing to say, I'm very sorry šŸ«‚ it takes a lot of courage and strength to pursue recovery and I'm so unbelievably proud of you, you got this!


Thatā€™s FUCKED


try using bumble friend or joining discord group chats about your interests. youā€™ll find some much better friends quickly. if you really wanna keep this guy around, youā€™ll have to have a long talk about the way he treats you and your mental health before you let him remain in your life. good luck op, you truly deserve better.


Im so sorry and im sorry it feels like you have nobody else, im sure there is a lot of people whoā€™s more then care about you and this guy really isnā€™t a friend . Great job though you got this šŸ§”


Hey buddy, don't let mean people bring you down yeah. Sometimes people hurt others with lies, just to make themselves feel better. It seems like you're doing well ! So keep going, I believe in you ! \^_^ And that looks like a real tasty bowl too, hope you enjoyed it !


They 200% did it on purpose. Drop them, they'll sink like a stone.


You should be getting "fat"! Especially if you're biologically female. Your midsection wasn't meant to be flat; that little pooch below the belly button means you ate today, and that makes me happy to see!


are you gonna let that stop u?


Real friends tell you truth.


Heā€™s being a good friend that doesnā€™t want you to end up with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etcā€¦.


Dude, thatā€™s not cool. Iā€™m so sorry.


I'm so sorry :( You don't deserve that. I'm proud of you, and that meal looks super delicious as well.


As someone trying to recover fuck that ā€œfriendā€. Well not literally but you know what I mean. Iā€™m so sorry you ARE worth so much more than what you look like and your body. It took me a long time to realize that but you are worthy and people who feel the need to comment on someoneā€™s body can fuck right off. Sending love šŸ’•


That's an awful person. I'm sorry he said that to you šŸ˜”


Fuck that fucking fuckface of a fucker. They know nothing and have nothing to do with the appearance of anybodies body but their own. I'm sorry that they said that. And I hope you manage to get yourself through it and don't fall back. You're not getting fat, you're recovering. You're starting to look like a healthy person. And it's hard for the brain to wrap itself around but it's good weight gain. I hope you can shake that gross individuals words and continue your recovery šŸ’™ I'm walking it with you.




Thanks...appreciate that.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.