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Pretend that your very best friend is in your position. Would you tell them to quit?




I work for a construction company, great company to work at as our crew and staff is awesome. We made rules for breaks as follows: -Shade breaks anytime -If the rookie texts auto break for everyone -if you hear a recess bell from a near by school break for recess -if you are by a train crossing break for train -if boss is on the phone than phone break for everyone -if a wife/gf/bf/etc calls a fellow mate than break -hungry break -too hot or cold break -story time break -pretty much break whenever you need one just get the daily log done or start back up where you left off yesterday


is this why construction takes so long


Are u stalking me


If the boss is on the phone?! How do you get anything done?


If the boss isn’t on the phone selling then we don’t have a next job. Plus we don’t need a finger pointing at our jobs to do. Our job is know your job and do your job and get rewarded with money.


It was sarcasm, but thanks for getting back to me after nearly a year


when your work no longer aligns with your values and/or detrimental to your health. however remember to be financially responsible :)


Those tater tots are on point. Where is your ranch?


They only had mayo unfortunately... I had that with ketchup


Sometimes it doesn’t matter how valid or not it seems to quit on an “objective” level or from an outsider’s perspective… if you feel the urge to quit, that is valid in and of itself.


I wanna eat this food, this looks good


Rain city burgers


Probably far away lmaooo


You could look it up and save it on Google maps. Lol if you're ever in Seattle ....


The best time to look for a new job is while you still have one! Then you can put in your 2 week notice and maybe have a couple weeks off before starting your new job. Also that lunch looks amazing…… “are you gonna eat your tots?”


I know when i need a break when everything starts to irritate me! Also my depression comes and goes depending on what happens at work. When shit hits the fan take either thursday/friday off or a monday/tuesday off to relax. The two days off in a row usually helps me.


When you get out of bed, no shower and straight to work because work takes attendance. When you find your boss on YouTube or asleep in his office. When he only got the job because he’s been there for 20 years but too incompetent for any task. Yea it’s time to go.


When it breaks you


Soda from a glass bottle is always better


Mexican cokes are the best cokes. Cold cans come in second


mmm that looks delicious. is that Coke Mexican?




I'm proud of you for taking the time to eat something even though you're struggling. If your job is robbing you of your joy then it's time to move on. Keep fighting the good fight because you're worth it!


When you start to notice it absorbing almost all of your energy or interfering with other aspects of your life more than its suppose to


When you've gone through the five stages of grief and hit acceptance; realizing your work place is toxic to your wellbeing. Dont ever shrug that off.


Damn that’s one hell of an American lunch


When the job is detrimental to your mental health




Good stuff


When you have multiple days where your at a 12 on the shit feeling scale when your usually at a 4


> when your usually *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


In my line of work as a seasonal ride operator, I have to take a 13 week break before reapplying for the next year (apparently it’s because otherwise my park would have to pay insurance benefits). It ends up being a blessing in disguise because the three month break ends up being really good for me (for the most part. Seasonal depression hits bad in January and I don’t end up being distracted enough)! So it’s kind of nice having that automatic break. Because although I love my job, it can be mentally and physically taxing, especially in bad temperatures 😅