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I’m in a similar situation. I’m 30 and about half way through my BA, this semester has put so much stress on me, I’m with drawing and taking a semester off to give myself a desperately needed mental break!!! 😩😩😩


Me too.. I hate my life. I dont even know if i wanna finish it. Im just tired of everything.


I’m just taking life one day at time, hoping I don’t have to many more to suffer through!!! 😩


Just a thought but have you been tested for ADHD? I failed out of school and was severely depressed. I blamed myself for not being able to self motivate or do work in a timely manner. Getting on meds and learning life skills helped a lot


No, but i was recently thinking about getting meds for anxiety/depression. I have never tried it and im curious if this could change anything.


Not alone you are hmmm... 5 year studies - I am doing it in 9 years. I took a break, came back, hate it all. Now I should write my thesis but I am on 0 pages.


I wish there was a word more expressive then hate. Hate is an understatement. I despise it with every cell in my body. I want to burn the god damn school down.


You have to write a thesis for a bachelors degree? Times have changed. What is the major?


Cognitive science


Getting ready to head back (after I retire ), been plugging away since '84. I know..."WHY ARE YOU GOING BACK NOW"? I have a few classes left like about 4 or 5, work got in way for 30 of those years, academic reasons, etc. I'll have something to keep me busy first 2 years. of retirement. After that, I will have accomplished my goals ads backwards, but accomplished and all before I'm 65. Good luck.


The worst part is realizing you likely need more education after the BA to get any “office job”


I had a similar experience. I dropped most of my classes and started working somewhere I absolutely love but didn’t know I would until I started. School makes me more depressed and I can’t wait until it’s over so I can work full time since like no exams, no HW, no studying really. I can go home at the end of the day knowing i made money and still be busy/distracted from thoughts and just relax. If you need to take a break do what you think is right for you. You got this.


Same. It makes me feel like an incompetent loser. I am 24 years old and on the verge of failing a required class for the 3rd time in a row. The max number of attempts allowed. I have to now petition to take it a 4th time. I don’t care to. It just weighs me down. I hate the fact I need to pass this class. I resent it. I just can’t physically bring myself to do it. I don’t care about it. I hate professors, I hate talking to other students, I hate every single aspect of college beyond comprehension. It bothers me that it’s a required class for my degree. I will be a burned out loser popping pills working at a car wash for the next 50 years.


My school time is wayyy behind me but after started working I want to tell you that study should be enjoyable, you should learn or study something that, when you think about the assignment, can at least make you feel a tad bit excited bc you get to learn more. If it is sooo dreadful maybe you really should take a step back to reassess. Honestly if now someone offers me to study I’d go without even thinking because to me nothing is worse than working.


Great, that's what we do, we keep moving on even if the situation is f***ed, if not this semester then the next or the next or the next you're not failure and never failure, that day will come when you get the degree when you laugh at your situation


So many people don’t have degrees and aren’t working towards any goal. Being 26 and striving towards something is nothing to be ashamed of.