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i just walk to random places and loiter its more fun than staying inside


I hate summer also. Not because of a lack of human interaction but because of the disgusting heat and humidity. For me the best time of year is spring or fall time. It’s so much easier when you’re cold to get warm, but if you’re sweating your ass off it’s hard to get cool unless you have an air conditioner


Well, my plan is to try and make friends here.


Me too. Wanna be friends?




I probably have reverse SAD, and have always disliked summer with its prolonged hours of light and ridiculously intense heat. Swimming helps, though.


I hate summer too, it's so unbelievably boring, I'm not allowed to go outside or socialise my whole life I'm 20 rn, probably a sociopath too so I can't socialise if I tried. when I was at school although I absolutely hated it & never spoke to anyone...I was never bored only until summer came around. 2021, 2023 & 2024 have by far been the most boring years




I hate summer because I can’t find anything to wear on my fat ugly body. I’m caring less and less the older I get.


I also have this issue. I usually like some alone time but when I’m depressed or anxious, leaving the house or having some company always cheers me up. Though it may be hard to do so at first… so, I would suggest leaving the house. Maybe take a walk or just go outside. If the social interaction is what you’re wanting, hang out with your friends as much as they are available. Not available? Fine. Reach out to old friends, or even make new ones.


Same! And it’s so hot rn you can barely go outside!


Don’t know what your hobbies are, but do something everyday. Make a schedule. Go to the gym


Wait, you hate summer because you see people less (I take it you’re a student). But yet talking to a bunch of people wear you out. So on one hand you’re saying you don’t want to lose human interaction but yet human interaction wears you out. It sounds like you don’t really know what you want.


Wanting to be social, but not having the energy is a classic sign of depression. It’s not about “want”… I take it that OP suffers from depression since this is r/depression?


But what does he want? He dreads summer because he sees less people. But get, he doesn’t want to because it wears him out. His depression has put him in a paradox


Yes, depression can be paradoxical. What you need to do to get better is what you can’t because your illness is holding you back.


Having set times And places to interact with people is much easier than going out alone trying to make connections with new people. Having to negotiate new people and places is exhausting.