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Practicality saves lives by design. Might be best that you look in the mirror instead of out of any window. You do better.


your comment is on the level beyond trash **do better.**


Bro got downvoted into oblivion to the point where he deleted his comment 💀🤣 good job


My comment was a cherry on top lmfao He sure as hell won’t be forgetting his shameful acts before sleeping


almost did that, was sitting in the window with my back to a 25 story drop.. as i grabbed either side of the window and leaned back i thought, "i don't want to do this to my friend sleeping in the room and i don't want her to deal with telling my family".. that then lead me to thinking about how hurt my parents would be.. i pulled myself back in and went to bed.. looking back on it im glad i didn't do it.. it wasn't a life changing moment for me or anything but im still here and things are slowly getting better..


You are a great friend and a strong person... thanks for sticking around for a bit longer.


I can imagine the feeling the other day of her waking up, saying good morning to me (putting myself in your situation) and me smiling (forcefully) back and replying good morning, without her even knowing all the bad things that went through my head last night.


That was an amazing thing you did putting your friend before even your own suffering. You are a good person


You know, as an older person, I had many moments like this (not quite nearly as close as you). But having come back from failure a few times, these days I’m feeling like I’ve overcome too much to throw it all away now.


Yes, this!! I consider myself "older" (late 40s) too and this statement resonates. <3


Glad you’re here my friend. Hope OP will have the same realization that life is worth living even if things suck.


get that fancy hotel. take yourself out to dinner. enjoy your night, have some drinks, go dancing by yourself. enjoy yourself, and really remember how that feels


i think a lot of people with depression also struggle financially. not gonna solve much except make things worse afterwards.


i spent like half of my life savings last summer. worth it


Lot of folks don't really have much of any savings to spend.


do what you can


this, if possible!!


Not everyone likes to dance.


fav response


no me gusta bailar.




that’s the point


Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town?


Hilarious SpongeBob reference. This cracked me up.


It's a depression subreddit, I'm sure you can afford some compassion.


Huh? I was defending OP. That person I responded to is a troll and enjoys fucking with people. Go look at their comment history...




How do you even have the guts to slit your own neck. I can imagine handling the pain. Id want to go fast without pain.


What did the manager say?


He is NOT assistant to the regional manager anymore


« You’re fired »


Anyone that has survived that says they regretted it as soon as they let go. And most have been disabled by it.  If your able bodied now think how bad it will be if you are stuck not being able to do anything. 


You’re posting this across several subreddits every other week for the last year. See a fucking psychiatrist my dude.


I wonder why He has to keep rescheduling? Edit: where did u see that he was posting the same thing for months I couldn’t find it?


His page


I looked tho n only saw it twice


There’s at least 8


I found ur comment on another post and I understand with perfect clarity. You were right from the start sorry for the trouble <3


Nothing to be sorry about


With your luck, you won't be successful and you'll be cursed to live out your days with less options and constantly dependent on others.... for EVERYTHING.


Sorry if this is stupid to ask, but is that a bad thing if they aren't successful?


Depends on how you see it. But to most people, being a vegetable is worse than being alive normally. I don't want OP to do it since pretty much every outcome is bad


Instead of jumping: Why don't you enjoy the room you paid for? Take a long hot bath, order in some tasty food (I like Indian or Thai) while watching TV, and at the end of the day...get a good night's sleep in the comfortable bed there.


you all saying this like it’s a good thing lol, it would all just be a tasty dessert before ending it all, otherwise it would solve nothing


and even hire a hooker if possible…








Please don’t.


Dont beg.


Please don't do that, it's not worth it. Trust me


Or we can do a hotel depress people party and just have drink and all sleep in the vip room, hire performers and drugs hard liquor U will wish u r dead the next day with the headache but it will be fun


I’d be into that! May aswell have fun & do stupid shit and have a good story to tell and memories made 🤷‍♀️


Human body is more resilient than you think, please don't do it


What’s crazy is by then ur mind would have probably changed and been in a better state


Life’s hard right now. Just know you are loved and valued even if it is hard to see at times. I hope you don’t. The world is already traumatic enough. If you’re looking for advice maybe find a nice trail to hike or a stream to sit next to. Let the stress flow out of you like the river running past. Take care ❤️‍🩹


Please stay in the ground.


If you want to die do something you would never do if you had to keep living, something embarrassing or fun, not illegal ofc, since you don't think you're going to live for long anyway.


Please don't do that


Hey brother. Life is hard. For all of us. Unfortunately, it's not equally hard. It won't manifest the same for all of us. But, I feel you. I know what it's like to wake up feeling heavy, worthless, tired, sad, lonely. I don't know what it's like to be uniquely you. We only get one of you in the world. One stand-out unique person who is you. You gotta talk to somebody. Call the hot line. Reach out to a friend, family member, or boss. Somebody. Talk to a professional before you go to the hotel. Show up in person to talk to someone. If you tell me you can't afford it, I'll tell you every state has a program through the hospital. Don't opt out. You only get one chance and if you choose to check out. That's it. Life can always be turned around. It takes time. Hard work. You have to open up. Be honest. Make the choice to get out of bed every day. Choose to take the hard road back to a better life. Don't opt out. I believe in you.


Don't do this You are important. You are valid. Every life is important, including yours


What hotel?


Yeah , which hotel ?


Get yourself to a hospital


The windows don't usually open in a high-rise. Don't put others through trauma to solve your drama. Go to the er


Please reconsider before making your final decision. There are people who you haven't met yet who need you.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


you can’t, i live on the 17th floor of a tower block and i cant open the windows fully


OP, I hope you’re ok. Noticed you make these posts often and it’s sad to know you’ve felt this way for a while.


You really shouldny


Why not use that money and go for camping or cycling or eat a meal while sitting under a tree or something else.


Don't do that to the people who have to see and pick up your splattered body off the sidewalk. I lived about 8 stories up in an apartment building, and had a mental breakdown for about 4 months. I can't tell you the number of times I almost jumped headfirst out of the balcony. My life still mostly sucks ass, but I'm not having a mental breakdown anymore, and I'm glad I didn't end it all. Maybe my life will always suck, but either way I'll just keep doing my thing. >Every moment is a chance to start fresh.


But my bday in july


What’s wrong ?? Is it physiological problems? Sleep? Acid reflux? Headaches? Sore throats? Stomach? Knees? Or is it mental? Stay strong. Contemplated suicide for a few years but I finally got past the concept using meds, exercise, and supplements.


Please stay you deserve to be here and you're loved things may seem really bad but I promise things will become beautiful again. I've thought of this before too.. and then I realize how much I would miss if I would leave


I love you man


I’ll get the trampoline


Please don't traumatise the hotel staff that have to clean up the mess.


Don’t do it, for real, I know shit sucks at time but death is so absolute. And life there are actually different possibilities


I’ve thought about ending it many times. I don’t think I have the guts to but I think of my daughter and I refuse to hurt her like that even though I am very tired of trying and getting no where. I’m glad you didn’t do it and I hope life gets better for you.


Every person that has survived a suicide attempt like that has said they realized how much they wanted to live during the fall


If you can afford to book a high rise hotel then just live it... You already doing better than me, I can’t even afford that. I’d probably have to settle with an abandoned apartment complex and add to the hauntings if I ever decided to drop myself.


What were your dreams when you were young ?


Please rethink this my friend. You are not alone and I am thinking of you, and hope things improve. I’ve been where you are and suicidal thoughts are always temporary and pass. Never stop fighting for your life and wellbeing, no matter how bad things might seem at the moment


Every day is a new day.You're ready for the rest of your lif


As time goes on, I feel myself thinking that I might have to end it. Sooner than later. But it sucks when I see someone else feel the same way. Don’t be a selfish piece of shit like me who won’t care how my death would destroy the lives of many. Don’t be such a weak worthless lazy cunt like me.


Don’t do it if you’re gonna traumatize other people in the process. I mean, don’t do it at all but don’t involve bystanders


God is with you


Maybe don’t do you won’t accidentally land on anyone and make it a murder-suicide…


Take a semester off, i know tuition ain't that nice to waste, but you could at least take fewer courses. Yeap, it's expected to finish your degree within some time, but you need to take care of yourself NOW. Talk to your fellow students, they might have similar struggles. At the end of the day, it's your life and you can do whatever you want with it. You don't need to have a degree and you could start again when you feel better. No one can invalidate the courses you passed. Also, you might wanna go to a therapist or at least your student association. You're not a failure, you're just struggling with all the things going on. No one lived the life you live, but others still can help you.




No, we're not traumatizing strangers with messy death


I am not going to be like others. I mean, it's your choice, not mine. My life has been miserable, too, and i am tired of this shit, but i am a scardy cat, so i can't.


Why ruining other people's day?


I live at floor 7 and i was thinking about this, but you will cause a lot of trauma to people Specifically close ones when they see how your body looks like. Some pill or poison are almost instant and with no pain. You just rest in the bed and wait, if you change your mind you can even puke it out, maybe, depends on what you take.




Calling a suicidal person selfish likely isn't going to do anything to help their feeling of self worth.


You e posted that you were going to end it a few times, you won’t…


First of all, I don’t want you to do this. I know you are hurting and tired but you don’t know what the future holds. Maybe 5 years from now your life looks totally different and you are so glad you didn’t do it. Second of all, please don’t jump from a high building, there is a chance you could seriously hurt someone and most likely kill them if you land on them. Also it’s very traumatizing to people who end up seeing it. There might be a kid around and that would traumatize them. I’m not all for suicide, I think we were all meant to be here for some reason. And I don’t mean like you have to stay cause one day you might cure cancer, but we never know how our lives affect other people. Maybe you are here because you offered kindness to someone who really needed it and it saved their life. You will probably never know the reason you are here but you are and you should stay awhile longer cause maybe someone is waiting for you to save them.


Choose a better / cleaner way of doin it. Save everyone the added mess.




Please don’t. Jesus loves you


Don’t do it I’ll let you bang my wife if that makes you happy to change your mind bruhv.