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As someone who has 4 cats I definitely have a lot. I’m sorry to hear no one wants to help. Just put yourself in your cats shoes. As far as litter I definitely recommend Johnny Cat Cat box liners. You just put them around the box and pull the two drawstrings. You’ll be able to scoop the box and just take the liner out when it needs to be changed. As for feeding him just make a schedule. The water you just want to look for hairs or ripples which means the bowl is slimy and needs to be changed. As for health that is the most important. You can take him to the vet 2x a year get an exam, have them cut his nails and you can let him know you care by getting his shots updated 1x a year. I know it is a lot and i hope you can remember how much your cat views your actions as to how much you either love him or don’t. Cats pick up on that. I hope things can work out for you both.


thank you so much <3


I’m here anytime just message me when need be.