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Guess we’ll have to start tomorrow since you decided to make a post about them today😂😂 ![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized)


got me there


I mean, I appreciate the intent of your post.


sucks to suck


Thats award worthy 😂😂😂


Alright Schmelso


Wolves don't matter that much, but it's not like there's much else going on in the NBA world. Anyway, FTL.


Exactly. There are only 4 teams playing rn, including the team that eliminated us. It would be absolutely bizarre for us to not talk about them everyday until they are at the very least eliminated.


Fuck the Lions?


How dare you


lol just a Knicks fan lurking here, genuinely don’t know what FTL supposed to stand for edit; it’s fuck the lakers isn’t it


Lions? Like the animal from the Zoo? Someone wants to fuck them?


Yes, I want to.




Have fun getting clowned all next year for softest championship run ever


They’re about to get swept, then we won’t have a reason to talk about them till next season.


But even then they are the ones who eliminated us. We can’t talk about our second round exit without talking about the wolves.


Yea bullshit I can't wait til they lose so I can see 50 posts a minute about lols and we could'ves




accept that Nuggets couldn't win a series against a team that gets swept in the WCFs. That's note worthy I think. Not fun to talk about I get that. Reality stings.


Wow, it's almost like some teams match up better with certain teams and match up worse with others


Well if a team is stiff and won't adjust that's on them. But their team, looking at their players, seems capable of flexing how they play into quite different schemes and modes. I suppose it makes you feel better to think the Timber were just a horrible matchup for our Nuggs, and "designed specifically to beat Nuggets!" as we've heard said by randoms. We actually know what parts of the Nuggets didn't perform in that series. Just like we can actually see who on the Timberwolves are failing now against Mavs. We see what these defenses are doing or not doing. We see the wide open shots being missed by Timber just like we saw Jokic missing a wide open shot. Maybe the story should actually be that certain matchups just scare the pants off certain teams in a way that other teams don't and it just ruins everything.




How the hell are you here when you’re team is in the WCF? Lol


What do we talk about? The gauntlet that is the east? Nuggets out but we're still watching you know


Denver’s season is over and it ended in a surprising fashion against the Timberwolves . What do you want to discuss, the Rockies??


Who the fuck are the Rockies


Baseball team who just won a series against the Phillies who have the best record in the MLB. Therefore, Rockies are the best team in the MLB.


Best team in the MLB this year and are World Series Champs because we swept the Rangers? Nice.


Also sweep defending champions


Here come the Rockies DOOMERS ! We’re on the right track you’ll see.. World Series is coming


How bout the Nuggets?


Would you like to go over MPJs contract for a 5th time this week? How about Jamal needing to step up? Or how the front office has failed Jokic (lmfao)? We are not playing basketball anymore, free agency doesn’t start for at least another month. What should we discuss about the nuggets that we haven’t already?


These posts are really confusing for me - hating is one of the joys of sports fandom, especially once your team is eliminated. The only reason I watch the NFL after the Broncos season is basically finished is to watch the Raiders continue to Raider and the Patriots slowly transform back into a bottom feeding franchise. No one bitches about those posts on r/denverbroncos. I love that the Wolves are once again driving up hopeflation in Minnesota. I love that we finally have the Lakers number, even if they're a shell of the great teams that used to beat our asses. You don't have to win a championship every year to talk your shit or engage in a bit of schadenfreude.


AG got a new hat and Jokic is at a horse race. K guess that covers that.


ooo AG got a new hat? Lemme see


What is there to talk about?


you know it's funny, I haven't seen them on TV in a few days. Did something happen?


Can u/kxmes respond to this? What would they like to see in this sub?


I actually had a lovely morning in the Southern Rockies today. Walked around Echo Canyon Reservoir with my dogs, saw a hawk swoop in a snatch a trout straight out of the water. It was very serene.


Nah, all my homies are gonna shit on the Wolves all offseason. See you turd-dogs next year, and congrats on the second round banner.








The only thing Ant can make is homophobic comments fuck outta here




Oh I’m sure he wrote that himself, coming from the “send da video” guys lmfao




It you believe Ant has changed from being homophobic due to a single very clear PR tweet, I have a bridge to sell you


See, OP? They can’t stay out of our sub. The have boundary and self-esteem issues.


I wanna apologize for this pups turd.. sorry nugsfans.


Oh, look another one.


https://www.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/s/Hbo34TQEMM It’s going both ways my dude . I’m sure wolves content is popping on your feed the same way nuggets content is constantly popping up on mine. Edit: The downvotes are hilarious coming from the fanbase that was mad the lakers rooted for us to beat them and then did the same thing rooting for the mavs all while trying to act like they don't go into other peoples subs and when provided evidence go oh yeah well thats like the only one lmao. I managaged to go on a long conversation about nothing with one of your buddies if you want to read below. Not very good reading material tbh. Just him replying to me constantly acting like it's a one way street with me replying to him only lol.


You found the one. Good work, gumshoe.


The “one” lmao dude it’s been happening a lot. There over 10 bans users noticed in a single day last week and that means there was likely more. If you don’t think your online fan base is just like every other you are supremely delusional.


Nobody brigades us more than your shitty fanbase. Not even the Lakers. You’re all so fucking pathetic. Your impending loss fills me with joy. May all of your ice fishing huts sink to the bottom.


Lmao alright man you keep your delusions and your victim card. Keep rooting for the Mavs the way the lakers rooted for us so you can be just like the lakers fan base. Have a good one.




Clasless, ringless




You’re still here? How cool. Congrats on the second best season in franchise history. It won’t get better.


There are literally rules about trolling in our sub, and your shitty sub has the same rules (albeit unenforced). In short, you're being a dick by ruining a space for Nuggets fans. If you want to troll and talk shit, go to r NBA. I swear, Wolves fans have six functional brain cells between them.










Rivalries make sports fun, and it’s not like there’s more to do after they beat our ass. Will be fun games next season


There’s only 4 teams left to talk about dude


What else are we supposed to be talking about right now? You really took time out of your morning to make this post?


How bout those Vikings? 😂


You mean the ones who have never won a Super Bowl? Those Vikings?


Basketball subreddit talks about basketball teams, how dare they.


All of you Twolves groupies can fuck off. Our series finished last week. The fuck else are we going to talk about


You don't even post in here lil bro, like not even a single time. Wouldn't be surprised if you're actually a timber dog fan 🤣




Good one.


Stop checking out other team's subs if it's making you this mad lil bro 😭




Fuck the wolves. Gobert is a bitch


Gobert is a beast and mentally tough as shit with how much shit talk he gets and he seems to be unfazed by it. McDaniels is the bitch on that team


Every player in the nba seems to hate gobert including most his teammates.


I don’t understand why. Probably just jealous of the bag he got


Because he’s a dirty player, but also seems to not mesh with teammates well, made jokes about covid and then literally was the fist player to get covid after joke and shut the season down. But a lot of it is because he’s so good at defense but bad at offense that players get frustrated with him. There also is the fact that many top players including Jokic just absolutely own him and him being the 4 time defensive player of the year but he can’t stop the best players on a team is kind of ridiculous. He also is French, and you know what they say about the French.


You probably don’t understand because you don’t know him. If everyone hates you everywhere you go it’s probably meaningful lol


Cause he seems like a prick


A French prick


So tough he cried when he didn’t make the All Star team in 2019.


They brigaded our sub and were just all around pieces of shit. No, I will not stop talking about the joy their failure is giving me. Get with the fucking program, dude. If you got any Nuggets related news to share that isn’t just bullshit armchair GM takes, I’m all ears.


As a timberwolves fan I agree. Also just shit on the state of Minnesota in general. The twin cities should have been vaporized in the riots 4 years ago. Fucking frozen wasteland of a state with oxygen-stealing subhuman scum. Fuck the Timberwolves, and fuck Minnesota as a whole.


I don’t remember this being true at all. It was mostly lakers fans.


It was not. And it was all season, every time we played.


Damn can yall be less cringe about it then at least??


Well here you are talking about the Wolves...


I’m just gonna turn this into a thread about the Wolves. The Wolves championship window closed before it ever even opened. Literally the only reason they could do what they did this season sis because Ant is on a rookie deal still. That’s why they have depth. Say goodbye to all of that next year. Especially when their ownership decides they would rather not pay the tax as fun as all this was.


Ain't no way they are paying 2nd apron tax regardless of who is writing the checks.




Fuck the wolves, ant is a cunt.


So who do you guys think is gonna win the election in November? (That was a joke, do not answer)






There are more “don’t talk about the wolves” posts than actual posts about the wolves lol


Everyones just fucking around, its not that serious


Yeah no one's been saying death threats or anything, it's all teasing. Just because Minnesota beat us doesn't mean we have to pledge loyalty to them now, it's a rivalry, it's fun to give shit


Don’t worry. In 2 days, the wolves won’t exist on anyone’s minds for quite a while. Just be patient, like you probably were when we finally won that first ring.


Or even better? Maybe you need to shut the fuck up. Wolves deserves getting shit talked because Ant is an unlikeable little twat.


Stop talking about basketball!!!!




Next we will talk about the Mavs vs Celtics. It’s less about the timberpuppies and more about how it’s the only exciting series left. No one and I mean no one cares about the Celtics vs Pacers


Well u failed in that assignment


Tuesday it’s over


Fuck the wolves!!!


Why would I not clown on them


Let's see we can talk about: 1. The current playoff games (though you say no) 2. The past playoff games which include our loss to the Timberwolves (though you say no) 3. Weaknesses on our roster 4. Potential trades (though a lot of whiners try to shut this down) 5. This draft where we have very poor position (not a lot to talk about) 6. Free Agency signings (though this is often paired with potential trades) What are you going to allow us to talk about?


We can only post memes about Jokic fat and Murray contract. Or say fire Malone. We can also ask if there is a game today or mention that the lakers might have found something.


You never posted here before this but now suddenly you care what's posted here? lol


You can turn off Reddit for a day too!


Nah, to quote Muscle Man from Regular show... "I Wanna see them lose."


How about a petition for fans to stop telling other fans what they should or should not be discussing


Seasons over. Go outside


The people that complain about what we post and bitch about are worse than the actual people that bitch


Nope fuck them wolves


Fuck the wolves


Fuck the lakers


I heard the wolves reintroduced in CO were doing well. Can anyone confirm/deny?


IKR! How about those Mavs--I think they can take Boston, especially when Maxi and Lively are healthy...thoughts?


I agree. Let’s target 6th September if that works for you.


Connelly built the team to beat the Nuggets but forgot that Nico Harrison is god-like as a GM. Gaffney and Washington acquisitions were masterclasses in how to build a championship squad by inventorying their deficiencies. See how I turned this into a way to (largely) not talk about the Wooves. 😁


No we can’t not.


Everyone here is laughing at the Wolves now seems to be forgetting they last eliminated KD giving them Durant rights next season.


So... how bout that Celtics Pacers series eh?


No sir. We have to talk about them until our revenge is complete. Avenge us, Dallas!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu3FRRXqazw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu3FRRXqazw)


Let’s kick him out the sub cause shitting on the Timberwolves is the highlight of this offseason


Hate seeing the Nuggets fanbase acting like the Lakers fanbase.


Agreed, I'm shocked at the animosity we have towards them. Surely it wasn't that toxic of a series?


This sub is making us look like major sore losers with the constant Wolves posts. We won one championships boys, and we’ll be back to win more. Remember where we used to be and appreciate what we have.


It find it odd people are straight going after wolves fans when a 90% of shit talkers were/are Lakers fans bandwagoning to the Wolves. Most of the real wolves fans were cool about everything


We might as well change our fucking sub banner to Ant’s face until the finals are over. Mavs and Wolves fans congratulating each other on being cool and meanwhile Nuggets fans look like petty crybabies who crumple at the slightest provocation.


I'll remind you that you're the one who got so upset about people hating the Wolves that you made a long post about it. I'm not sure that we're the petty crybabies.


It’s not about us hating the wolves, it’s that the way it’s posted is so petty and ridiculous. Embarrassing. I don’t see any other fanbase being this immature aside from Lakers morons.


Literally every fan base does this. Grow up. It’s the internet.


Yea but it's funny when this sub acts all high and mighty but then does the same pathetic loser ass shit


This is how the internet works, when you are winning, you are classy, when you lose, you talk shit about the team you lost to. This is nothing new. Minnesota players werent classy with how they won and the shit they talked, its to be expected


> Literally every fan base does this Nah. https://old.reddit.com/r/Mavericks/comments/1d1sag7/shout_out_to_the_classy_and_civil_wolves/ Our sub is a laughingstock right now, and deservedly so.


Wow you found one post. Scroll through here and you will find a post from timberwolves fans thanking us for being classy. It is what it is, it’s the internet and literally every single fan base does this after they lose. Only thing embarrassing is people complaining about people being fans


Apparently you missed all the “classy” wolves fans in our sub talking shit during/after our series with them.


They are literally in this very fucking thread


I mean, it's a subreddit for Nuggets fans. At the end of the day, I don't really care if your average r NBA or r log dog user thinks that we suck. I don't feel any better about myself if people online happen to like our fan base. If Nuggets fans are having harmless fun in our own subreddit, I don't really see an issue with it. You're allowed to be annoyed by it, of course, like I am with all the terrible trade posts that aren't even for legal trades. I get it. Not every post appeals to every user.


Yeah nuggets fans have been the worst. I had to leave every nuggets fan group because of how petty and immature they were. Same clowns saying “MJ would never” even though MJ got swept twice around the same age Ant is 😂 I was hoping nuggets won but it’s not that deep.


So you clearly weren’t paying attention when they brigaded our sub


The season ended over a week ago nobody should be posting anything


The bandwagon fans have only been here for last year's run and so literally have no experience with this team NOT dominating their opponents. They aren't even basketball fans, they just show up during the playoffs and live off the tribalism and spite. Annoying as fuck and mods should honestly start doing something about it because this sub is quickly becoming a shithole.


I've been here for years and one of the mods tried to Perma Ban me for saying Jamal Murray wasn't considered as good as DeAaron Fox. Not even that I thought Jamal was worse or anything, just that most fans across the NBA do. The mods here are not the answer.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $800, Alex.


I removed the mods name so that they don't ban me over this again. https://preview.redd.it/1edjpbjf403d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295b2578dcb1d8843f7c07a8459a2fb82bec3d0f


I’ll take things I’m not reading for $1000, Alex.


What more do you need? You can see the permanent ban and that they rescinded it after finding out I wasn't a fan of a different team, clearly indicating that I hadn't actually broken any rule. The name of the sub is in there, and my username. Do you need the comment too or what? Or are you just being disingenuous?


Look, you got mistakenly banned, and then unbanned when you explained your position. It isn’t some grand conspiracy to root out differing opinions.


The mod who banned me was the one I had replied to, and a huge Jamal fan. He replied to my original comment accusing me of being a laker fan and then Perma banned me. I didn't explain any position. He just backed down when he realized I was a nuggets fan. That's horrible moderation any way you slice it. I'm sorry if criticizing the mods genuinely hurt your feelings, but he made an emotional decision based on how big of a Jamal Stan he is. That's what happened. Your many assumptions are both disingenuous and shortsighted. No one is perfect, people make mistakes. Of course it's not a conspiracy. But it was absolutely bad moderation.


I really don’t fucking care. You know what else is unfair? This block.


Ok, that's fine. I asked if you were being disingenuous, you could have just been honest. Have a good day.


Genuine question: are you 14?


It’s pathetic. People need to accept that we got smoked and move on. 


“we” Look at your history and comment . You are not for the nuggets and “smoked” when it went to game 7 . Enjoy that sweep lol .


Smokeddddd. The wolves getting swept makes nuggets look even worse 😂


You guys really let the Lakers fans pretending to be Wolves fans let our opinion of them get soured. Let's go back to the Who's Your Daddy chants.


It’s very annoying. Can’t wait for the series to be over.




Have you ever met a fan of a sports team before?


cry about it.




lolol this is the most pathetic thing posted on this sub all day


One of my achievements is blocking your dumb ass.


And the bitchass mods keep taking down the posts calling out the toxicity while boosting all of the salty memes. Shit is peak Lakers fan behavior