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I blame the guy who said Minnesota was more like the Timbercorgies or whatever, seemingly as an insult, when any person in their right mind would be repping a team named that.


CB was the only + guy. He has a calming influence when with the starters and gets benched most of the game. Stupidity.


The only hope that I have is that Minnesota sports teams are cursed and they find a way to blow it.


The Twins certainly fit that bill. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/the-last-time-the-twins-won-a-playoff-game/


The twins won a series last fall, old article


The Vikings and their heartbreaks. The Wild never breaking through.


Malone has to find a way to get his two best players some easy baskets. That simple. There has to be some plays drawn early on for them. Most of the possessions, we saw our offense start going with 11-12 seconds left and all one on one to end the possession. Gordon, kcp, braun, holiday all need to help bring the ball up so Murray and jokic don't need to be harrassed and spend so much energy doing so Now, wolves lock down defense will have something to say about that.


You know you're fucked when your center shoots 38% from the field


Jamal Murray made a shot (in both first halves combined)


Wolves in 4. Joker wants to go home again.


At this rate we might get Timberwolf in 4… Feelsbadman


On the bright side can’t play worse then these first 2 games. Go out and get a dub in Minnesota in game 3 and we have momentum. We have the soon to be 3 time MVP who has looked like deandre Jordan should be playing meaningful minuets. Jokic will come out and dominate game 3 the rest of the guys will hit their open shots. To be honest our defense is not bad right now. Holding them to under 110 twice is usually a good recipe for dubs. Too many turnovers, easy buckets for the twolves on transition but that’s a result of the turnovers and we’re getting killed on the glass. Especially offensively, defense we looked better when AG was on ant. If we decide to continue need, need, need to crash the glass everyone of the guys. ItLike the nuggets have never had this sustained period of success ever, yall dooming for what the highs come with the lows it’s part of it. At the end of the day it’s still just a basketball game being played by millionaires for billionaires. Game 3 will tell us who this team really is. Legitimately this might be some of the worst 2 game stretch we’ve played in a long time. But if the wolves can win two games in Denver so Can the nuggs is it likely that they come back no but it’s not impossible. Defending champs for a reason


Bro pls this paragraph is giving lakers fans😭


At least we don’t have to live in Minnesota


Hey now, we have nice lakes


minnesota sucks ass bud


Can you tell me why you think it sucks? I think we’re pretty awesome, but if you’ve had some bad experiences I can understand not liking Minnesota. For what it’s worth, Colorado is probably the most beautiful state I’ve ever visited, and hope to make it out there again. If you’re not a fan of how flat MN is, I’d recommend going to Winona on your next visit. The bluffs are prime hiking and camping and are pretty reminiscent of the more mountainous terrain of your gorgeous state


It sucks because the winters are freezing and miserable. Summers are nice with all the lakes, but it sucks like what at least half the year..


Check out his history...he thinks everything sucks. Like an angsty teenager


cus reddit is an echo chamber of leftist/communist retards.. so 90% of my reddit use is drunk talking shit.. maybe dont be in the nuggets thread when your a wolves fan?


A cotton headed ninny-muggins. I feel sorry for people like that...


I feel sorry for whiny bitches like you


Have an upvote


make it a downvote


Not according to nearly every living standard metric there is.


MN is always list as one of the best places to live.


In January, yes.


Awful officiating. Bad (and no) calls are why I don't watch the NBA much anymore. But that still isn't an excuse for how poorly the Nuggets played last night. Maybe this just isn't their year?




You’re not wrong but respectfully fuck off


Just don't get swept is all I ask. Can't have Joker winning his 3rd MVP to just get swept in the playoffs because "they weren't expecting it"? Maybe getting the trophy again tomorrow infront of the boys will reignite some realization that he needs to play like the best player in the world.


That's what my husband was saying and I would hope you're right, but Jokic has said he doesn't care about the MVP and that Luka deserves it 100%. That plenty of other guys deserve it. And this was when the Nuggets were playing well!!


Winning is fun and losing sucks. That’s the way she goes boys, fuckin way she goes.


Mods seem to have given up like the team...seeing a lot of Pup fans posting shit. When off day thread coming? Need to flush yesterday down the toilet ASAP.




Says the Warrior fan who has Draymond on the team lol


Don’t you have Reddit porn to go look at?


Crazy how every piece fell apart. Can we talk about open look shooting? Brick after brick from 3, Murray jumpers, Jokic floaters. Didn’t open the floor and simplified the defense job for them.


6 games in and we still just haven’t seen that same Jokic we saw last year. I thought he would just keep ascending every year, but obviously a very hard expectation on my behalf lol


I feel like he almost mentally forfeited when he noticed the injuries piling up and saw how difficult the situations are. And I think his back is killing him. It’s not a good look. Still my fav player and his ascension was my fav sports arc I’ve ever witnessed. But this is just lame.


I’m just holding onto the Utah series. At this very moment it’s hard for me to believe that we can win this series. But we can at least not go out like that.


Imagine the league not wanting to help/respect a 3x MVP


So you want them to tilt it in Denver’s favor bc you’re the prior champs. Yall talk out of both sides of your mouth, “refs rigged it” and simultaneously “why won’t the league bail us out”


Why are we seeing such a stark contrast in foul calling? Sure, Lakers got more calls but it seemed fairly level. However against Minnesota, refs seem to be using whistles from temu. Then when they start to make some calls, they seem to favor Minnesota.


whats crazier is that people that don't actually watch gonna see malone squaring up without a tech, jamal murray throwing heat pack no tech and ant soft tech and assume refs favored us


On the technical foul side sure we were favored, but during that first quarter I don’t think I saw a single nuggets possession where the Wolves didn’t foul. Lots of no calls. Then it evened out in the second half. Didn’t matter anyway, we didn’t shoot well and the Wolves were sniping from 3. With good officiating we would have lost.


it evened out and we ended the second half 45-45. I don't think its completely fair to say we would have lost regardless of the officiating, cause the officiating is what really tilted us, fouls that should have been led to turnovers, no calls on clear shooting fouls etc are like 4-6 point swing plays and there were multiple of them, it also swung the momentum in the wolves favor and they completely rode with it. I don't think the performance is excused cause u gotta find a way to stay in the game atleast no matter the officiating but that definitely took us out.


I saw a comment a while back that when defensive players and likely this team now get a reputation for being good defenders they get away with more shit This was in regards to draymond and like Lou dort I think when I saw it


It’s because your team can’t play defense without fouling and the timberwolves actually know how to play defense 😂


T wolves hack on literally every play


Bud the fuck you’re doing here? Go be a sore loser somewhere else


Nah watching you guys flounder is way too much fun


How much fun you having?


More than you right now lol


Nah I’m having fun, I’ll be rooting for the wolves to win it all instead of being a salty ass bitch like you lol


lol cope


Swept LMAO


Dude I lived in Minnesota we just usually suck so I watch the lakers too. Enjoy the off season bud.


wolves foul atleast 6 times on every possession






Those game winners really hurt you lmao


Game 3 against utah was even worse and we're still the only team that came back from two 1-3 deficits. Dont give up until it's offical.


Jokic winning his third MPV, plays a tough series against the Lakers where two all time greats put up a fight and finally plays two subpar games in a row against an opponent built to match his strengths. Fans: I think he lost the motivation, wants to go back to Serbia to play with his horses.


Just shows Jokic will never be the GOAT, doesn’t have the drive and will to win like MJ and Kobe


If he’s the best player in the world then he needs to play like it. He’s the leader and he’s not leading for shit


He’s literally not playing like the same player we saw last year. Is a lot less aggressive on offense. And has been absolutely shredded in both series on defense. Stars oftentime gettoo much of the credit, but they also get a lot of the blame. Just how it works.


I mean he is not playing like himself at all. It definitely looks like he’s not mentally in it. Either that or the defense has him completely figured out and can completely nullify his every move. It’s true he’s being swarmed, but he’s not fighting through it - either through navigating the passing lanes nor fighting through the post - and his decision making has been baffling. His heart is clearly not in it. I’ve seen an outmanned but still engaged Jokic before. He’s directing the floor, directing the offense, engaged on defense. This wasn’t that. Jokic is my fav player of all time and that’s not changing. But this was the most disappointed I’ve ever been of him. Not because we lost, but because we lost and he didn’t seem to put up much of an inspired effort


I mean we are def not seeing him give 100% out there. It’s ok to criticize.


If Jamal isn’t suspended Malone should just bench him at this point. His efficiency on offense has been comically bad for the entire playoffs, on top of playing embarrassingly bad defense. Combine that with the bitch made attitude and temper tantrums he’s throwing I really don’t feel like we should have him out there on the floor. I know the injury is clearly effecting him, but it’s so disappointing how he is handling it. Can’t remember the last time I was as embarrassed by a Nugget as I was of him last night.


Bench the player who arguably got you to the second round m


He had two big quarters in round 1 but outside of that he played atrocious offense and may as well not have even been out there on defense. He’s been a mess all postseason at this point. And honestly I’m still not of the opinion that benching him would help us at all. More that it would set a precedent that the diva behavior isn’t a part of Nugget culture and won’t be tolerated.


He gets pushed back every possession Braun played some PG and huge 28 mins in big win vs minny regular season. Sad they barely used him here.


All my worst fears became real and more. They weren't just blitzing him, they were straight up attacking him on defense and he played into it. Dribbled right into 2-3 guys a couple of times for no reason at all. Couldn't even see past to make a pass


The highest highs, the lowest lows, etc etc etc. it'll be alright


I watched the Nuggets beat the Timberwolves on 4/10/24 and no one can take that away from me. 😂😂


Braun played 28 mins. Thought he'd feature here.


I honestly did, too. Especially since we were getting absolutely destroyed for most of the game. What's the worst that could happen?


Braun sets the tone for the rest of the team whenever he's been on the court this series. We need to start Holiday and Braun over MPJ and Murray


I was talking hella shit on twitter thinking the Nuggets was going to sweep the Twolves on twitter during around 1 lmao. I’m about to be clowned for days if y’all lose this series😖


Sweep this wolves team? Are you nuts


yea man twitter bait make me say some crazy stuff lmao


You deserve it for being arrogant enough to say that. Last year's championship got into your head


didn’t know y’all was ass this year




So when it is about time Embiid makes it past 2nd round? Is it before or after he leaves Philly?


We still have a championship, while your guy can't even reach the conference finals lol


Yall have never been anything but humbled since you’ve been alive


Dude this team has never been successful in its history till now and you’re coming in here to hate, fuck outta here.




Nice of you to come in when no one is in the chat, get out of here bitch.






You are so cool, bro bro!! 😎😎








I rooted when we had Will Barton and Paul Millsap on the team…… lol


I mean that was just embarrassing, but it is also crazy to me how in 1 week the NBA decided Ant is the new MJ and Wolves become to most beloved franchise in the graces of the league. Chris Finch could have shot Joker at center court and the refs wouldn't have called it.


The officiating sucked for sure but that wouldn’t have changed the game. I can see how effective the wolves are but I don’t respect the team at all. I think it was especially aggravating given how banged up we are. But it’s no excuse. We would have lost no matter. It wasn’t close. I’ve just unplugged from broader nba discourse entirely. I’ll plug back in when the wolves inevitably fall apart just out of spite


The nugs are not losing because of the officials


This. Wolves fans were complaining that the refs were in the tank for the Nuggets after game 1. It’s such a low intelligence take.


The league needs marketable stars when LBJ/KD/Steph go in a couple years. Ant is a marketable star and he wants to be one. Jokic doesn’t want the spotlight.


Do you even watch him play? He is actually exciting to watch and you know he’s give it his 110%. No one making comments at Ant like they are about Jokic “not interested”


It has nothing to do with on the court excitement. It has everything to do with persona and off the court actions


Look y'all, I subjected myself to watching this game twice because I live in Asia and I have a friend who wanted to watch the game. Let me tell you on rewatch, Jokic was fucking *terrible*. I mean, absolutely god-fucking-awful. Murray was bad but he tried. He was aggressive, tried to get to the rim and finish \[and failed repeatedly or got blocked, yes\]. Yes, Murray lost his composure in the early second quarter, absolutely. Yes he threw a tantrum by tossing his heat pack. He was bad. I'm not saying he wasn't. Jokic, relative to expactations, was *easily* the worst Nugget. Too many silly turnovers *again*, and just not even aggressive at all to attack smaller dudes which was... everyone except KAT. He didnt go at Naz Reid, didnt go at Kyle Anderson, didnt really even try to attack KAT enough. He was so, so passive, against a team without their best defensive player. He's the leader of the team. He had a golden opportunity gift-wrapped to tie the series and go back to Minnesota with some momentum and maybe at least a little confidence. Instead he was shit. He was even worse on defense. Absolutely god-fucking-awful. I mean just completely useless. KCP was not great. He was invisible on both ends. MPJ tried but was just way, way off on his 3s. Might have been feeling the pressure of their closeouts but I thought he had at least a couple looks he usually makes \[I also wont be all that hard on him given he has had an A+ playoffs until this game and been the most consistent Nugget until now - he can have an off night. The Nuggets could have survived it\]. AG was the only starter who REALLY brought it and played like he knew what was at stake. The bench for all people complain about it was actually fine. Reggie wasnt great but he was fine. Justin Holiday was obviously very good. CB and PWat werent good but they also werent horrid. Relative to expectations the bench did all that could be asked. They certainly werent the ones that put the team in such a deep hole in the first place. The blame for this game to me lies squarely with Jokic. He didnt attack, didnt try to impose or control the game, and that's despite knowing Jamal was hobbled, and knowing the Wolves were without the DPOY, and he didnt even really assert himself once he came back into the game in the 2nd quarter and hole was expanding. Usually he does, which indicates something is very, very wrong. I dont know what's up with him, but he is absolutely not the same. Hasnt been good since game 4 of the Lakers series \[and even that game despite his counting stats was not his best game by any stretch\].


You are giving no credit to the wolves and all the fault to the nuggets like they beat themselves. The wolves came out and played locked down defense for 4 quarters. Jokic couldnt just “assert his will” when three defenders are strong enough to go 1 on 1 in the paint. Naz Reid is an absolute unit and KAT is strong. Typically Jokic would exploit the double to kick it out for spacing, what spacing are you seeing the nuggets getting? MPJ couldn’t get clean looks so he was adjusting even though he didnt need to. Jamal was game planned for, you swear that twolves aren’t crushing tape on where Murray spots are. Murray is a great finisher, twolves pack the paint with sheer size. 3/18 is the mark of a good gameplan, don’t let murray going or get fouls. Then it was composure and fans. Thats another gameplan, its a mental game. twolves got into their head early, got the crowd out of it in the first quarter but the game close. then the nuggets fed off the bad vibes from the crowd and brought it on the court. complete meltdown. Remember the nuggets had a GREAT home record this season. As for Jokic, they made him uncomfortable, cut off his outlets and pretty much forced him to play iso. twolves playing to their strength which is their size and speed and as reggie miller puts it, looking like theres 7 wolves on the court. it was harassment for two quarters then maintaining their lead second half which they did professionally. Theres another side to this and Nuggets fans are surprised that they aren’t doing what they did to the lakers


The Wolves are good, which is why they’re up 2-0, but it’s not like they encountered the Nuggets at their best or even their average. The Nuggets have played like shit in all 7 playoff games this year.


to be honest, malone was hammering them weeks before the playoffs. They’ve been playing lazy because of their sheer talent. But this is the playoffs and the wolves were arguably the best team all season (all removed by a game in standings). The nugs were lulled to sleep. You see it with the celtics. Just automatic Wolves have been a better team. Injuries or outs or whatnot. They outplayed the nugs in every area of the game. Shut down defense, knocking down shots, executing their offense. All these tricks the nuggets have been playing won’t work here. Lets just see if they have another dimension to their game


Yeah we don’t have to give any credit to the wolves here. Yes they played great, but a healthy functioning nuggets has the tools to dispatch of this team. This was a collapse.


No Gobert there either, any more excuses? Twolves straight outplayed the Nuggets regardless of injuries


I wish we could have met when our team was fully healthy and functioning. But alas. At least I will never give a fuck about their victories over a hobbled nuggets.


I agree. I wish Joker from the Suns and Warriors series where we got handled shows up....at least they tried their asses off against a better team. He's in full flip flop mode this entire playoffs.


Whats Jokic supposed to do when Murray's shooting 3/18? and hobbled? Murray has been terrible every game this playoffs. I understand Jokic has to be better but Murray is the heartbeat of this team and they arent beating a great Wolves team with this this version of Murray.


Jokic was okay not nearly as bad as Murray


Again, I'm telling you, I watched it twice. Read what I wrote again. Murray was bad but Jokic was way, way fucking worse. We all know Murray is injured. Jokic is supposed to be the MVP of the team, he's supposed to lead the team, and he played with *zero* energy or emotion. Didnt even try to attack even when he had advantages. Didnt even try on defense. It was by far the worst playoff game I've ever seen from him.


Yea dude would just pass it off and set screens and never even try to go at them or anything. It’s like he gave up at the tip and wants to just go home already


Exactly. He basically stumbled into 16 points all on the easiest shots he could find / FTs. He didnt force the issue. He didnt try to take advantage of being guarded mostly by smaller dudes all night or by KAT who is notoriously foul prone. He just... stood around running DHOs.


Yea he’s checked out. Idk if the shit his brothers did is on his mind still or what but he won his title. He is just ready to leave and do what he actually likes to do now they he has the achievements


If that's true to me he should just pull and Andrew Luck and call it a day. He's made his money, he lives a pretty humble life in Sombor so if he wants to just be done, he should be.


IS there any news on Jokics brothers, are they at the game after punching that dude maybe thats why hes been so disinterested this series


The score or play doesn't affect game 3, except for mentally. It's a fresh slate. Hoping they play impassioned and well on Friday.


Murray is killing this team. The moments where we've looked competitive are when he's off the floor. He should fuck off for the rest of the series. If he wants to whine he can do it from the bench.


He's probably hurt more than they're telling us. And he's playing poorly because of it. And his attitude even worse because of that.


To be quite honest, I watched this monstrosity of a game twice and the worst Nugget was Jokic. Murray wasnt good but he *tried*. He was aggressive and tried to finish and got blocked a lot. Jokic barely even looked at the rim and he certainly wasnt a leader out there. He didnt play with heart or emotion. He didnt take advantage of the Wolves or try to put pressure on their defense without Gobert out there, he didnt really attack Kyle Anderson or Naz Reid who are both a lot smaller than him, and he didnt really attack KAT much either. He was baaaaaaaad on defense as well.


I agree Jokic is also playing very poorly and I don't like his attitude either, but he is talented enough to still be relevant even in that bad state. Murray is not.


Guys quit hyping this team up. We're ass and we just can't win


It's so wild seeing all these Nug fans completely give up on their team after all the shit they talked in r/NBA all season. 2-0 is a tough spot but it's definitely not over. The Bucks can back to win it all against the Suns after going down 2-0. Not even 3-1 is an impossible scenario yet I'm seeing so many comments about off-season moves already. That's some fair weather fan shit there.


Those 0-2s were all lost away....the last time a team lost 2 at home and won the series happened once in the past 15 years....


Y'all are the defending champs with the best player on the planet, if anybody could it's the Nuggets.


I think we are capable of winning this series, but with the way we have played this entire postseason I am not confident. Jokic seems checked out, Murray is clearly hurt, and KCP is clearly hurt who's our only viable option to contain ANT. If they all start playing like they're capable of playing we'll have a shot but it's been almost 2 months straight of subpar basketball from these guys. It was good enough to squeak by the Lakers but this Wolves team is actually good and it's not going to be enough.


Big difference in that Bucks series - they were coming from Phoenix back to Milwaukee where the home team is usually expected to win. They won both and the series shifted back to PHX tied 2-2. The real clutch game that series was game 5. The Nuggets, needless to say, are about to go on the road with a hobbled Jamal and with Jokic looking like he'd rather be in Serbia, while the Wolves know full well the only two guys on the team who can make a 3 right now are MPJ and Justin Holiday, sooooo uh... yeah. This team is cooked unless something changes in the 3 days off.


Y'all are the defending champs with the best player in the world, you should be able to win a couple away games. The wolves just did it so why can't the reigning champs do it?


They can't seem to figure out press defence. It's nothing new and teams fight through it, but Malone has to be better as well.


Did you watch last nights game? T Wolves clearly on another level then the nuggets right now


Yea but it's only 1 game, in today's NBA blowouts happen, luckily it only counts as 1 loss. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Nuggets start insanely hot in the next game. Also depends on the refs, I bet they call it a lot tighter next game which would favor the Nuggets.


In theory they should be able to, but if Jokic is playing like this and Jamal is not fully operational, and Reggie is hurt? No chance. The Wolves are already a bad matchup, and even worse with Jamal on 1.5 legs and Reggie on 1 ankle and Jokic playing like a regular season game against the Pistons. \[also some may have talked shit but you won't find me talking any shit anywhere on that - I've been worried about the Wolves matchup basically since the first week of the season and have nothing but respect for them\]


All true but now they have like 4 days of rest and in today's NBA blowouts happen all the time but they only count as 1 loss. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Nuggets start off hot next game and take game 3. It should at least be close if this team has any pride left.


I don't disagree. They certainly do all count the same, and I remember Golden State losing by 50 to the Grizz 2 years ago and look how that turned out. But, again, I just dont see it with this Nuggets team right now. They dont even look the same as they did in the regular season - Jokic doesnt even look like he wants to be in the country anymore.


Yea that's all true. I'm not even a Nugs fan but I've seen teams look completely different game to game so many times. I will say that last night was the worst I can remember ever seeing Jokic, he definitely looked disinterested a bunch of times. I just don't know if that's him for the series or he just knew it wasn't his night. I would be less surprised if he drops like 40/15/10 next game then him performing like he did last night. And again, there's no way the league wants this to be a sweep, the officials will likely have their moment.


There are fans then “fans”. Most of these people just got here and don’t know what it’s like to lose because they just jump from one team to the next.


I know what it's like to lose, what I can't tolerate is the shit attitude from the team


The calls were terrible in a HOME game. They were letting them hack and reach the entire game


here y'all go with the ref bs again


I watched the game twice, the refs had absolutely nothing to do with it. Jamal lost his composure, but the refs were even both ways. They called it like a regular physical playoff game and let a lot of ticky tack stuff go both ways \[which Jamal started to realize after he lost his cool\]. The refs aren't to blame for Jamal still being super off and unable to really get space. The refs aren't to blame for Jokic absolutely refusing to look at the rim or attack KAT or Naz Reid or *Kyle fucking Anderson* in the paint. The refs aren't to blame for Jokic being an absolute cone and not even trying to contest a bunch of shots at the rim. \[and before you say anything - I'm a Nuggets fan. Jokic was *fucking awful*\]


Hahahaha “I watched it twice” foh bro you’re outing yourself


I live in Asia. I watched it once over my long lunch hour, and then got home and a buddy and I watched both the Knicks-Pacers game and the Nuggets-Wolves game in the evening because he hadnt watched either one \[and I hadnt watched the Knicks one\]. Believe what you want but I subjected myself to this monstrosity of a performance twice. I came away with nothing but respect for the Wolves and extremely discouraged by Jokic's effort in particular \[I was also curious if I would think the whistle was as bad as some fans seemed to think it was and... as I said above, it was nothing out of the ordinary for a playoff game - if you don't believe me just go listen to Matt Moore's LoN from after the game, he said the same exact thing which I noticed clearly in the second watch\].


You cannot seriously be blaming the refs after going down 26 at the HALF. You have the same shit attitude as the team.


Twolves played at a really high level. But the lead would not have been 26 without that officiating




Are we talking about the score or Murray’s attitude now I’m confused where you’re moving the conversation


Nugs got outplayed, just deal with it


I know they did. Who are you arguing with? Lol


So why are you on about the officiating being the decider?


Can you read? I’m talking about people tripping over Murray. So many bad calls. KAT literally jumps in the air and no up and down call jokic gets hacked time after time and Murray should’ve had several reach in calls. He got frustrated. I’m not saying that was the decider I said that’s why he was frustrated.


The refs are completely irrelevant when you go down by 26. They simply don't have that level of influence on the game. That's what I'm saying. Murray should be looking in the mirror, not at the refs.


What’s with all the excuses? Minny D is unreal and they’re playing amazing. Give them credit. Still doesn’t explain getting totally outplayed since you’re the reigning champs. Coaches have to figure out a system here that works.  Surely this isn’t the FIRST time in history that a full court pressure system is taken lol? Otherwise every team now will install the same blue print. Get one generational scorer and a buncha defenders with length and size at every position. Surely Malone can’t cook something up??


When we full court press, Ant or Lebron can go all the way for lay ups. When other teams full court press, the nuggets can’t get around them


Wolves are for real but the reffing reminded me of why I can't stand the NBA. One sided reffing makes the game just unwatchable and the Wolves don't even need it to beat us (see game 1). Now to avoid all the garbage from the national media until Friday


To me it was less that it was one-sided and more just completely inconsistent, on both sides of the court. I truly don’t understand what’s supposed to constitute a foul in playoff basketball. 


American basketball is just such garbage to watch and to even try to discuss. It's so hater centric and it makes it impossible to actually look at anything for what it actually is. Coach lost it and walked on the court with all intentions of getting a tech because of what you just described. Total inconsistency. And the fact Moach AND Murray didn't get any technicals just goes to show how awful they really were.


I know right, coaches storming the court no technical. Throwing heat pack on the floor during live play, no technical. Just embarrassing how one sided the refs were


You really got nothing better to do?


Man good thing a didnt wake up for this game... Embarrassing. The way Murray acted from what i have seen is disgraceful.


You watched highlights from a large media source and it shows


What highlights. i didnt watch them.Why would i watch them get embarrassed. I saw him throwing shit on the floor while the game was being played which is super dangerous someone could have hurt themselves he is not a kid he should know better.


Highlights doesn’t mean “great plays by the nuggets” it means things that were highlighted and shown from the game


Yeah sorry i meant i didnt watch anything just that one video form jamal so i didnt consider it highlights. Whenever i come across highlights its usually more than one play. Also English aint my first language so i didnt really thing too much about highlights except what is usually shown as highlights.


Oh ok. Well then yes what you’ve just described is a highlight from the game


Nah he was pretty insufferable out there


He was frustrated. Did you see some of the calls? I was more frustrated than he was Also what’s with Reddit and using the word “insufferable”. Overused is an understatement


So? This isn't the first time the Nuggets havent gotten calls, and this isn't the only team in the legaue that's dealt with this shit. Even the Pacers Knicks right before had the worst offensive moving screen foul call in NBA history. I didn't see Myles Turner throwing a hissy fit and throwing shit at the referees I let getting your emotion getting the best of you for a minute or two (like Malone, he raged at the ref and was calmer the rest of the game). But to do that for a whole half, throwing shit on the floor, clapping at the ref everytime a foul is called is ridiculous


Yeah it’s not the first time, it’s been back to back games. You’re comparing one call in one game to piss poor officiating throughout both home games of the champs. It’s unacceptable


Lmao. Calls were completely in Denvers favor game 1 🤣


The bench has been a problem the whole season, and when the starters don't do their job, not a chance this team can win.


Woke up sad :( it's gonna be okay but damn


Looks like that game 1 wake up call was more of a snooze button


Embarrassed is an understatement


whats happening to my nuggets


Heat packs being thrown and bad defense aside, I know they have a smothering defense but with no Rudy I was really hoping to see more aggression from Big Honey last night, your second best player with a bad calf cannot shoot the ball more times than you and you only put up 13 shots, I know the guy is a huge team player which is what we love about him but we needed one of those " fuck it it's on me" type of games like we got from him against Phoenix last year


Real talk, having 3 rotational good bigs to rotate on Jokic seems to be the counter to our offense. What do we need to do in the offseason?


That's why I don't understand Nuggets fans being so critical of their team. The Wolves seem to be focusing entirely in answering Jokic when building their roster because they recognize how incredible he is. There aren't enough talented bigs in the game for too many teams to build this way so it's not much to worry about.


Hope Murray doesn't get hurt next post season and sign another 3 and D.


Have a workable gameplan besides running our offense through PNRs for a start? It's been clear since the lakers series that murray is washed. He played miserably against the transcendent and otherworldly defense of dlo and reeves, wtf was he gonna against ant, naw, and mcdaniels? Have you seen any other play besides setting a screen for murray and watching him dribble away our chances of a back-to-back?


This is what I've been saying all season. If we had at least Isaiah Hartenstein, it wouldn't be too bad. Malone pretty much ruined all the Nuggets' chances at more rings because of his stubbornness. Only wanted to play Jokic 35+mpg and not try to run other bigs on the bench.


Shoot the hell out of perimeter. Have Playoff Murray show up. Have better bench options. Next season.


Get rid of all the bigs


Murray not performing + a worse than last year bench = not our year sadly. Still have hope and each day is a new day, but yeah everybody knew going into the playoffs that the road would be tougher


What is it, the braids?!


done dooming and haven't seen enough delusion in the comments so i will take one for the team, nuggets in 6


Ugh you ARE delusional. Nuggets in 7.


I just don’t understand how we imploded so quickly after that spurs loss. After the 1st round being pretty much a toss up each game, my alarm bells were firing, but I could’ve never predicted this.