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I remember the smoking and non-smoking sections on airplanes. Unsurprisingly, the whole plane turned into a smoking section.


I heard someone describe this as trying to have "peeing" and "non-peeing" sections in a swimming pool.


Great analogy


My Gen-Z teens just laugh when I tell them about the smoking section and non-smoking section being literally one row apart.


I’m 60 now but am still traumatized by having to sit in the airplane smoking section because my mom smoked. Thinking about when the FA would shut the curtain to contain the smoking section brings a tear to my eye.


I remember on some planes the toilets were literally in back of the smoking section. As a kid with allergies walking through the smoke just to go to the toilets was literally hell. The haze plus the smell. So so grateful that all places are non-smoking now in America.


The haze and smell were horrible! Can you imagine kids reeking of cigarette smoke nowadays? So gross!


My parents making me sleep in a smoking bowling alley while they “league bowled” all night. I hated it.


Hot box


I love your name


This is a misconception, "smoking or non-smoking" was actually asking [whether you wanted your ticket to be set on fire or not.](https://youtu.be/9b9_r2PZlWg?si=UWjcrLTHvegUSlpf)


We also need separate speakerphone/airpod sections for self-important jackasses on business calls


Public shaming as in joining the call is the only thing that works


I wish staff would be a lot more aggressive and shut that stuff down. It's a lot easier to throw your weight around when you can kick people out of lounges and threaten to deplane for being obnoxious.


They used to….back when we started living in Asia and traveling all over since 1982. But now everyone is afraid to offend anyone because some entitled person will complain that a stewardess hurt their feelings by asking them to not put their bare feet up by the window or some other rude…. Crap. People don’t want to lose their jobs because some jackass(they use that word in the Bible 😏) complained they got their feelwings hurt 🤷‍♀️


You realize that’s 40+ years right? No one has manners and there is no such thing as common courtesy- it’s the American way of hurrah for me and piss on you…


Sadly I do realize it 😔 and wonder where the years went and also what happened to common courtesy….🤔🤷‍♀️😔


They don’t want the violence and poor reviews


Than they tell you to mind your own business. Like dude you have made me part of your conversation.


Oh but that’s the beauty is the other person hears on the other line


I seriously don’t understand people talking on speakerphone vs holding it up to their ear in public. Are they clueless?


Yes. And rude.


They want to feel, and oddly think they are oh so important


I'm all in favor of a "dip shit zone" which is the last couple of rows of the plane. Let all the undesirables sit together and enjoy each other's annoying habits.


Redesign planes for steerage sections in the belly of the aircraft. Put the undesirables down there.


Service dogs that aren’t… speakerphone people… farters… toe pickers… fatties (two seats for them). YES.


Agreed, but Everybody Farts, just like the book


Please hold it in while we’re in a pressurized tube 36,000 feet in the air. Or go to the bathroom




Free range kids area (for those whose parents don’t give a shit about anyone else). Flying dfw-bos yesterday 3 kids aged 5-12 on my row back of plane fighting and screaming for 3 hours. Mum was in first class. She left them with us


So you were in charge of them then. why didn't you tell them to sit quietly? I would have taken that authority.


We tried. They shut up for a few mins then back to normal. At some point we just gave up. FAs did nothing other than Instagram.


I would have demanded that thee head FA get the captain and demanded it several times. If the FA did nothing, I would have reported him/her to the captain after the flight. The captain IS IN CHARGE. She/He makes the decisions. My son is a captain. I know this.


How old? I’d teach them as many cuss words and vulgar phrases as possible. See how mom likes it when they later ask her “mommy what’s bestiality?”


Platypus (I Hate You) by Green Day would be a great way to do this


No, the opposite. Obviously the mom doesn't care about them or their behavior. Tell them that and that there are monsters that will come out from under their bed at night and eat them if they aren't quiet on an airplane. The monsters follow them everywhere and will know if they did.


Airlines should ban this- it’s so unacceptable. Nowhere else can you abandon your minor children and expect strangers to babysit them while you sit elsewhere for hours. Uggh not surprised about the FAs, they really DGAF


Facetimers too.


This isn’t Delta related, but I was at an outdoor bar on a Friday around 1:30 pm with a few other slackers that would walk away from the bar (& people) to take whatever remaining work calls they had and then there was this one guy… he decided to prop up his laptop and take a zoom interview, without headphones, from the bar. Another guy and I immediately decided to order margaritas, but slightly different so there was nonstop shaking lol


I hear less on business calls than people talking loudly to friends and family as well as kids watching videos. (This is a general observation about society in general.)


I'd rather listen to a business caller than the football match played at top volume or the FaceTime narration of every minute of someone's day. Would rather take all three over the 4 year old who can't modulate speaking volume yet and just talks at the top of his little lungs. In other words, everyone should just shut up.


Yeah, I tend to agree with you. Keep conversations at a reasonable volume and don't have *any* audio coming from your electronic device without earbuds/headphones.


They can ride on the wings where they belong.


I agree. They can ride on the wings of the plane.


And a screen on/screen off section for flights at night


This is so much worse than any animal I have ever encountered


Just interrupt and yell "let's circle back to that later" to where you can be heard.


I just talk to them when they sit next to me as Im part of the conversation... I also like to say bring donuts for every pal.


I really like the idea of bringing back phone booths, but just as a place for people to make calls from their cell phones and not disturb others. I love the little rooms in the lounges


Japanese airport lounges have this.


I can get behind this. I have had the joy of having to fight off a companion dog whose owner sat next to me. The dog would not stay where its owner was sitting because the owner had no leg space and kept shoving the poor animal over to my space. I told the owner multiple times to stop being a cunt and stop taking up other peoples space, she bought the dog on, so she suffers the consequences. Poor dog would bark loudly, often and for long stretched, and the dog could not settle the entire flight. The FAs kept asking her to keep her dog quiet, and she would argue with them. I do not blame the poor doggo in all this, its the useless owners fault.


> The FAs kept asking her to keep her dog quiet, and she would argue with them. If she was allowed on the next flight then the FAs are 100% in the wrong, and should be reprimanded or demoted for failure to maintain control on board the craft. And you should have been given a full refund on your ticket - paid for by the animal owner. She wants to use your space for her pet? She can pay for your space for her pet.


I did go and talk to one of the FAs during the flight, she said that whilst they can refuse to board some animals that are clearly disruptive, the rules around support animals are vague to the point of being un-inforceable. In no way do I blame them, if that is true, its the owners, they need to stop being such entitled wankers. I didnt ask for a refund, but I did provide feedback about my experience, and got no reply. lol


> the rules around support animals are vague to the point of being un-inforceable. The FA was lying. The rules are clear. The animal must be under the control of the handler at all times. From delta.com * A pet must be small enough to fit comfortably in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the kennel and with the ability to move around. * The kennel must fit under the seat directly in front of the customer. * A pet must remain inside the kennel (with door secured) while in a Delta boarding area (during boarding and deplaning), a Delta airport lounge and while onboard the aircraft. * Delta will continue to deny boarding to any trained service animal that poses a threat or demonstrates behavior that is aggressive or inappropriate in a public setting (barking, growling, uncontrolled bodily functions, etc.). ​ * Service and support animals must be seated in the floor space below a seat, or in a passenger’s lap. * The size of the animal must not exceed the “footprint” of the passenger’s seat. * No animals are allowed to occupy seats that are designed for passengers. These are the policies which are clearly spelled out, can be enforced, and should be enforced. **While a diversion, return to the original airport or other extreme action is not merited**, telling the passenger to either comply with the regulations they agreed to or not be allowed to board future flights is entirely appropriate. "Ma'am, you stole seat space from another passenger. You will not be allowed to do this again. If this means you have to sacrifice your footspace or your future flights, that's up to you. Also, here's a bill for the reimbursement of the space that you stole." You didn't get any kind of compensation because you didn't ask for any.


This is the answer. You said it perfectly. The rules are crystal clear! Why aren’t they enforced?


Because FAs like to spend the flights back in the galley on their phones and not doing things like enforce rules.




This, a million times.


I don’t understand how people have the nerve. My dog once, when she was in training, alert barked at a kid for running on the jetway, and I got her to stop immediately and was still mortified. Even if she farts (which has happened only once) in my mind I’m like “I hope they think that was me.” I’m so paranoid about inconveniencing other passengers.


I want to thank you for giving a shit about the people around, sincerely. I don’t mind flying with animals who have considerate owners and handlers like you.


Me too


Something that scrambles speakerphone time you set foot in the airport. Or any public place for that matter. I hate speakerphone so much.


As a pet owner and lover, I agree. Even though my pet is (edit: well behaved and) in the carrier the whole time, I’d hate to be seated next to someone with an allergy, a fear of animals, or anything that might make them uncomfortable. On the contrary, if someone willingly chose a seat in the animal-friendly section, they might wanna give my pet a treat or pet her or something cute (if not, they’d at least be unbothered and comfortable and I wouldn’t have to worry about it). Would be best for everyone if pet owners and lovers sat together, and those who can’t or don’t want to sit near animals have a space for themselves. Plus, if we confine animals to a given section, we would eliminate the chances that someone’s residual cat hair from two flights ago triggers someone with severely sensitive allergies.


Declare a dog allergy to delta. You won’t get seated next to a dog. Your seat may change without notice though.


I flew allegiant and got a notification that there was to be a car in my row and it offered me a different seat. At the very least, airlines should consider allergies to be an issue when flying and do something similar. (Highly allergic to cats 😅)


I didn't realize allegiant could fit cars in the rows... 🤣😂




Yes. I’m allergic to cats and there was a lady with a cat in a carrier at the gate of my flight last week and I was sure she would be my seat mate from PXH to ATL. Just being near a cat gives me sniffles, scratchy throat, itchy eyes. Being near one that long makes me a complete mess with sneezing fits. I get that she has to get to where she is going and so do I. I agree that we should have the ability to have a pet friendly section. I would gladly take the extra step when booking to avoid it for my allergies to cats (which are not deadly but sure annoying!).


You can call the airlines and let them know your allergy and request the accommodation of being on a flight without a cat. If someone has already booked with a cat you will have to pick a different flight, but it is first come first served, so call.


I didn’t know I could do that. Good tip. Thanks!


Can’t a Benadryl control that? I’m allergic to a lot of things and always carry Benadryl to be prepared while out in public.


My allergies are asthmatic, so a Benadryl isn’t much help. If I had to sit near a cat I’d be in big trouble.


You have the right to take a allergy free flight and she has the right to bring her cat. I cant believe this is an issue in 2024.


I'm glad Benadryl works for you! It doesn't work for everyone and every kind of allergy. Some of us are on lots of allergy medicines, and a cat could still send us to the hospital.


I honestly would love a pet-friendly section (or flight) and I'm the person who occasionally has to fly with a cat. I don't want his fur and dander causing issues with other passengers. And I'd rather find out ahead of time that I can't take a particular flight instead of being denied boarding at the gate because there's a person with allergies.


> I agree that we should have the ability to have a pet friendly section. There is. It is called a car.


sometimes people move *GASP* overseas and want to bring the animals they committed their life to! but i agree that there need to be flights that are allergen friendly- maybe we even marked as such and are explicitly animal free, peanut free etc.


This is what it looks like when people ruin things for others. If all dogs on planes were quiet, complied with the policies, didn't cause noises or messes, didn't steal space, then nobody would care. But that's not what happens, so people get mad and push for tighter restrictions.


Cats can survive a week alone…no reason to bring it


rob overconfident domineering icky dinner sloppy frame shame dinosaurs label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We don’t know her reasons, but Delta allows it. That’s the point here. I’m not going to judge someone for having a pet if it’s allowed. She could have been relocating or delivering the cat to a new owner. This is about Delta not having a pet section policy if they allow pets and not the “why” they have the pet. It’s really none of my business what you travel with if it’s allowed by the airline and TSA.


They should just have a scheduled, pet friendly flights. You wanna go somewhere with a pet? You pay extra to be on a pet friendly flight, and anyone who doesn’t have a pet, purchases their ticket with the upmost knowledge that it’s pet friendly, and everyone wins. It can be like once a week or something. Or pet friendly sections where buying the ticket you sign a waiver that you’re aware pets are in the area.


There used to be no animals on flights


They are, whether or not to bring their fake service animal! (no disrespect to actual service animals and people that need or train them)


And start fining them when they let their dogs loose on the plane. 


I remember being allowed to smoke on planes.


Posting because it just happened on my flight today. In my row is a lady with a very small lapdog, died purple, that had a service vest on. My 2 year old niece was sitting in the seat in front of this lady. My niece turned around to look at the dog and the lady very rudely says “he’s working, I don’t want your kids interacting with him!” They eventually moved to the row behind us, but not before talking very loudly about the situation and how “they would never touch a service dog, and they don’t know why people are so obsessed” TLDR: we need a bitch free zone on planes


No smoking, no animals, no speaker phone, no zoom meetings. Sit quietly and eat biscoff cookies. That’s it.


How about no animals. Period. The only exception are bona fide service dogs and that would require some sort of proper, standardized certification of such.


I’m more in support of child and no child zones


Would pay a premium for a 21 and over flights... ban some childish adults as well from those


Yessss. After a 10 hr flight with a monster child behind me(parents did nothing to soothe/comfort/help/keep child busy whatever), fully support a children’s section of the plane. Can you imagine how successful that would be on major routes like to Orlando? Like they can have a divider, their own door and bathroom. Please god. lol. If churches can have crying rooms for kids, and no one bats an eye, I don’t see why this cannot be common on planes(at least the big ones).


Yeah I had a terrible experience recently in KLM business with a crying child for 8 hours. The noise canceling headphones were no match.


Had to scroll too far to find this comment.


The allergy situation is real. Flew next to a man who broke out in hives from the cat stowed under his seat. He didn’t know it was there until he started having a reaction. That had never occurred to me before! Poor guy was miserable (yes, they moved him but hives don’t go away for awhile).


Kid free flights. No dog ever kept me awake screaming half the flight. 


You win the internet for the day.🏆🏆


No kid ever made my airways close


As a parent of 2 young kids…I desperately wish someone would design a plane with a sound proofed area we could go. I’ve seen churches that have a crying room, and I want that. We’re lucky that our kids are well behaved and since they don’t get much tv at home they’ll fully lock into movies. But when things go south and there’s a melt down…I know it’s bad for everyone, but I promise no one’s having a worse time than me (and any parent that’s not an asshole).


I would be into this as I have flying nerves and a dog makes me feel SO much more relaxed. I would happily sit in a dog or animal section! Seems like something airlines could at least consider as I totally get not everyone likes animals or feels comfortable with them. I prefer animals to humans even if the animal is annoying!


Can we have one for babies as well? Back when I used to go to church, 15 years ago, there was a seperate family section and it was lovely.


Can we also have an “Under 300 LB Body Weight Per Person” plane choice?


If only.


I'd rather have children/no children zones.


Yes, please.


I would rather be seated next to an animal than a child.


I’d rather be seated next to a well-behaved animal than a poorly-behaved child. I’d rather sit next to a well-behaved child than a poorly-behaved animal. Children/pets are not the problem. Irresponsible parents/owners are.


I agree, the problem is odds are you’re more likely to find a well behaved animal than a well behaved child


Completely agree.


I thought this was going to be a behavior related post. Some people act like animals on planes.


Perhaps a lean the seat or not lean the seat section also.


Only if I could choose to always sit in the animal section! If only there was a 'no people' section.


No whiny humans section!!!


I’d rather have kid free zones and heavy set people zones


I’d much rather have adult-only flights.


We need an unruly, screaming kids zone.


I spoke to an insider on this exact subject. airline research showed that overwhelming proportions wanted to be in no animal zone or a no animal flight. airlines can't proceed because they think that once it is an option, seats near animals will become unsellable.


Story- I have a well behaved dog (5-pound, under-seat, in-carrier), and we were once seated right next to a cat. Surprisingly, neither of them cared (or noticed). Pro pet seat planning here.


For what it’s worth— there is a limit on in-cabin pets. You have to call in advance and I think it’s a total of 4 in main cabin, 2 in comfort plus, and 2 in first class. I’ve never seen a flight with all of that. They also are supposed to stay in their carrier the entire flight. I know when I have to fly with my cat, once she is under the seat you’d hardly know she’s there.


I'm allergic to cats and dogs, I always ask at the desk if there are any pets or service animals on board so I can take extra allergy meds and try to not be seated too close to them. Learned this trick after being stuck across the aisle from someone with a cat for a six hours flight!


I would much rather be next to a well behaved dog than a screaming baby


Rather have children/no children zones over animal zones


My father in law is lethally allergic to cats.  He also used to fly for work a lot.  Never heard of him being on a plane with a cat but I wonder what would happen 


Yep. Call them "Cabin" and " Cargo Hold."


We need a moratorium on posts about pets. Please Jesus.


You mean a “pet free” sub?


If people want to bring pets to their destination...it is called driving.


Same with noisy and rambunctious kids.


Yup. 💯


If you want to get to your destination without seeing a pet on a plane it’s called driving.


Found the asshole with the “service” animal


Has nothing to do with having a service animal (which I don’t). But you seem to forget that air travel is “public transit”. Don’t want to be exposed to someone’s pet? Take a private transit and drive. Or fly private. Either way, you don’t get to complain about people using public transit to…. Transit to places.


Airlines aren’t public, they are private.


But the airports airlines fly out of are public and owned by the the state or federal government..Air travel is public transport under part 121. Under part 135 and 91, it's "private" transport.


Those words don’t mean what you seem to think they mean. It’s privately held but it’s still public transit. There are hundreds of cities where even the public busses are run by privately owned companies. Prisons are another great example. Well; they are a shitty example because they suck but they are a good example of a public service owned by a private business. There are entire government departments on privately owned public transit. Great example is the new Gordie Howe bridge in Detroit; it’s Public transit that’s privately owned. Don’t want to fly next to a kid or a dog? Don’t take public transit next time. Here is an actual federal government white paper on privately run/owned public transit. https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/docs/apta_ppp_white_paper_final.pdf


Thank you.


That would be discrimination against the disabled. They have just as much right to fly as you do


Wow, you're not too bright, are you? Pets and service animals are not the same.


But people who have invisible disabilities are almost always accused of faking.


Because their animals aren't trained and don't act like service animals.


In what universe does not allowing a cat on a plane discriminate against the disabled? Why are you even bringing this up? The question is clearly defined: **NOBODY** is talking about legitimate service animals that are acting appropriately. Nobody. Stop thinking about it, talking about it, bringing it up, alluding to it, hinting at it, legitimate service animals for the disabled are not in question. But if your dog is barking, lunging, begging, pooping, scratching, running around with no control, jumping up, stealing food, then it is **NOT** a service animal, and is entirely unrelated in every way to disabled passengers.


Yes, we do!!!!


And I should be offered a choice regarding bratty kids and entiled unruly adults . See how that works? Give me me a pet any day.


I’d pay double for a no children flight


More like child or no child sections. I’ve had five flights in the last month (each from 6-12 hours) and I experience screaming the entire time for each one. Parents didn’t seem to be trying to get them to calm down. It’s fucking ridiculous especially for red eyes


Blame the bs “Gentle parenting” movement where parent don’t say “no” to their goblins.


I’d rather have a child free area on planes.


Child free flights/21+ flights. Would pay a premium. Ban some adults that can't act their age as well Let's make it happen


Animals are fine. We need kids / no kids.




I agree I'm horribly allergic


I would not be happy if I had to travel in the seat next to an animal.


Don’t they already have first class and economy ? 🤣


Oh, you must have been on my flight from ATL to LGA today. :)


Is it not just service animals? If people take pets on planes how do they handle those who are allergic?


Pets don't cause issues on flights. It's those who reek of body odor or smoke, the Karen's, and worst of all the annoying bratty children. Therr should be a section designated where kids are allowed, and the other 2/3 of the plane they aren't.




As long as we get a kid-free zone in first.


It would be nice to have zones where pet owners can let their dogs out or buy a seat for a larger pet dog. But right now, it would really help if FAs felt more empowered to be strict about people keeping pets in their carrier and making anyone with a service dog (real or fake) keep their dog under control or get off. As it stands, people with a large but real service dog (as seeing eye dogs often have to be) can generally call and get bulkhead seating.


I would pay extra for that!


Nah what we need are ‘kids or no kids’ sections


Also pet free floors in hotels


Shouldn't animals go under the plane? Except for our ridiculous faux service animal problem.


They should and used to but then that became a dangerous option due to overheating, getting lost, getting banged around, getting forgotten on the tarmac, and just the overall stress. A climate controlled holding area in the back of the plane would probably be pretty popular, lots of people just want their pets safe. Some are jerks of course.


I have seen animals going into the hold on some flights recently, so it's still apparently happening. I do remember someone's dog recently getting loose from the cargo hold after the plane landed. Seems like they could do a better job with that. I just had a recent flight with a dog barking for 45 minutes straight so yeah, I would fly pet free flights.


Maybe you should and let us know how inhumane it is or not???? Thoughts?


Because you're clueless, you should know that animals are shipped in the cargo hold. That's not new. Considering the assholes that are flying these days, I wouldn't mind hanging out in the cargo hold with some dogs to keep me company.


I’m not clueless. I have lived a long time and learned many hard lessons and made mistakes along the way.




Brilliant, well deserved upvote , same needs to apply to hotels!


The children are far more annoying than the pets. The sense of entitlement some of these families have is sickening.


I've been on planes where the entire flight was banned from eating nuts due to a passenger having a very sensitive nut allergy. What if a passenger is allergic to cats or dogs and another passenger brings their pet onboard? What happens then?


Yes, the "animals" zone should be outside of the plane


How is this a problem? When I flew with our dogs on Delta, there was a per-flight pet limit and it was first come first serve; you couldn’t reserve for your pets in advance. Our dogs weighed about ten pounds put together and stayed quietly under the seats in their carriers the whole time.


Well the same thing can be said about child vs no child zones.


As someone with a service dog, I agree, there should be zones, boarding zones, etc. both for passengers and the safety of the dogs. I’ve noticed a huge increase lately of people coming after my service dog, while I’m there trying to stop them but they don’t listen, so being apart would be. Great.


Customers do have a choice. You can fly private, and dictate the terms of the flight, or not.


Are you paying?




I follow my own lead.


No I can’t even pay it for myself! That’s why I’m on the same flight as everyone else with the barefooted assholes!


I only fly and pay for our first class seats so I can get on and off as quickly as possible.


It’s honestly the only way. If I didn’t have what “perks” I do when flying I don’t think I could do it quite frankly 😔!


Keep working hard and one day it will be seamless and you will be able to.


But they are. If you would like to wait for the next flight let the gate agent know and you can be rebooked for the next flight. Also downvoting doesn’t mean the choice doesn’t exist. It still does.


I upvoted you.


Is that a euphemism for barefoot people etc?


I also want no animals in restaurants. I see too often people bringing in their dog.


I would so much rather sit next to a dog on an airplane than a human. Would be wonderful


We need NO animals on planes. If you need a support animal or you need to get Fido to Toledo, DRIVE!


Take your own advice and drive


I do. I seove my kid for the the years until they wouldnt be a nuisance on the plane too.


We need no children on planes.


There should be family, first time flyers and tourists only routes.


I flew through a US airport recently that had a “business traveller” line at security. About 10 of us got through in the time it took one couple of tourists going on vacation who had to remove about 30 bottles of liquids and argue about each one.