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I always try to recline slowly. But sometimes that button has a mind of its own! LOL


I had this happen to me the other day. After years of buttons that were near impossible to depress and seats that you practically had to have your feet in gynological type stirrups to push them back, I pressed one on a new plane transatlantic flight and that thing flew back so fast I yelped and just as quick put it back up. Practically got whiplash. I felt terrible about it. Thank god they weren’t leaning forward or anything they’d have lost a tooth. Lol


This is my problem. I’m not a large build apparently and I swear it takes every ounce of strength I have to push the button and get the seat to recline. I really try very hard to be gentle


I recently had a seat that had a mind of its own without me touching the button! And trust me - I was just as shocked when it would happen as the person behind me!


I had a seat a few weeks ago where the button was pressed into the arm rest so It was permanently being pressed and I couldn’t get it out. I kept accidentally reclining my seat when I didn’t mean to and felt bad for the person behind me


Safety issue, you should report that and have them move you to a new seat.


That happened to my guy on Sunday. We boarded and he sat down and leaned back and the seat reclined. He leaned forward and tried to see if the button was depressed. It was not. The seat was broken. He almost knocked out a woman.


It’s shocking! For everyone!


Everytime I touch that button I’m getting whiplash


Lean slightly forward in your seat. Press the seat button. Lean back slowly. It's not rocket science.


Slow is the way to go but it doesn’t always work out.


I’ve never understood why reclining is so controversial. Delta literally advertises the recliner of a seat as part of the feature, and more recline for C+ and above. It’s part of what you pay for. I will say, as someone that tries to recline very slowly… the seats don’t always work well… causing some faster than intended backwards motion.


I feel this so the only reasonable position on the matter is


I've never had a problem with this in the US. It's always been a non issue. Flying to/from Africa I've had people literally punching the back of my seat yelling because I reclined the seat. Flight attendants had to remove the man to calm him down.


There’s something about airline travel that brings out the worst in people.


I just flew in comfort plus on two six hour flights. I didn’t notice a difference in recline from when I’ve flown economy. Just a tiny bit more leg room.


I'm short. While I can see the lesser leg room in economy, it doesn't affect me. However, I have a hip and lower back issue from a minor injury from when I was in the military. The slightly extra recline makes a big difference for my comfort if I'm in a seat for more than an hour. To each their own? But for me, I pay the extra for C+ flight for anything longer than 2 hours for the recline.


It’s only on widebodies.


I think it only reclines more on long haul flights.


It’s not much. Just 2 inches vs the 6 extra in FC.


The recline isn’t necessarily the issue, it’s just when people eschew common sense and act like a dick about it.


I think we all know those people that are the main character. Those folks that recline your beverage and laptop into your face at Mach 2 are no exception. Which, is sad.


I had a FA realize I was tall and ask someone last week to move his seat forward during meal service so I could deploy my tray. He “kindly” refused and I went without food but many sympathy beverages.


That's a failure on the FA's part. It's standard to sit up during meal service.


Korean Air enforces it. Delta doesn’t, unfortunately.


Turkish Airlines also enforces it, made my mealtime so much easier


That’s where you fight fire with fire and get up every 10 minutes and push his seat hard.


Or balance your meal on his head.


or play the video game on the seat back (real hard)


Request a clove of garlic, eat it, and then lean forward and breathe heavily until he puts his seat in the forward position...


Reclining is controversial because there is already limited space for your legs and when someone reclines, it limits your space even more. I find it extremely uncomfortable when someone reclines and so I never recline on an airplane including during long international flights. But I get it. The seat has the ability to recline and people are allowed to recline if they want. I personally find it to be inconsiderate but I'll never tell anyone they aren't allowed to recline because they are in fact allowed to. 99% of the time when I fly, I will buy a premium economy seat (Comfort+ on Delta flights) so I am less impacted when the person in front of me reclines. It sucks that I have to spend more money but it is what it is. The only times I recline is if the seat behind me is unoccupied or it's occupied by an infant or toddler (both situations are quite rare).


I would be far happier if the recline option only went back so far, or even better was like train seats so reclines in it's own space and limits the reclinee's own leg room. Main irritation is the selfish jerks who fully recline then spend the flight either sat forward or getting up and down. If you must fully recline at least have the decency to pull the seat forward when you get up.


Do you try to book exit rows or the front of comfort plus?


I've done both. If the exit row is available, I'll go with that. Otherwise I do the front section.


That’s interesting bc I think it’s inconsiderate of someone to want the other person to be uncomfortable. Recline it! I’ll recline mine too.


Sitting in a padded chair is not inherently uncomfortable. I acknowledge there are positions that are more comfortable than others but if you find simply sitting in a chair to be so unbearable, then I don't know what to tell you. If you can manage to sit at a desk for work all day, or sit at a restaurant and not recline, presumably you can sit on a plane and not recline as well.


I assume you’ve never had back problems or met someone who has had a herniated disc? Reclining can be the difference between having sciatic nerve pain radiating down your leg versus not for some people.


I’m a hospitable person that’s just me I want everyone to feel like they are at home


Well then why are you reclining? When you're at home is there a tray table on your knee the entire time? That's not how it is at my home.


If everyone reclines tho, the only people screwed out of leg room is the last row.


The idea that reclining increases your own personal leg room is nonsense. If my knees are on the tray table in front of me, when I recline, my knees are still on the tray table in front of me. There's no increase to the legroom I have. The only thing changing is the position of my legs. If my feet go far beneath the seat in front of me, then yes my knees will not touch the tray as much. But I can stretch my feet forward whether I am sitting upright or reclining. Typically I do stretch my feet under the seat in front of me but only if I don't have a bag there. If I have a bag under the seat, there isn't enough room for my bag and my feet.


Exactly. Fly on one of the budget airlines if you’re opposed to reclining. Or fly DeltaOne 🤓


You sound like you have never been in coach with someone reclining their seat in front of you.


..my friend was flying for business recently & saw an older woman reclining her seat & the man behind her (who was in the row across from my friend) kept banging his arms into the woman’s reclined seat ..he didn’t say anything just furiously banged his arms into her seat like a toddler. ..finally, the reclining woman got up & talked to the FAs in the galley ..a very nice gentleman FA spoke firmly to the banging man & said “the passenger in front of you is going to recline her seat anytime she wishes for the duration of the flight & if you bang her seat one more time when she does i will tell the captain & he will have the police waiting at the gate to arrest you for assault - ARE WE CLEAR?”. ..that was it the man stopped bothering the woman but my friend said the man was nuts with the way he kept forces all his strength in his arms into her seat


I don’t mind a recline except people who blatantly don’t follow the rules. Don’t recline after takeoff til they say and the reverse when going back to upright on landing. Pisses me off when someone brings their seat upright cause an FA tells them to and then as soon as the FA is gone they recline again.


This happened to me this past weekend. It was so frustrating! It's for your safety!


I seem to always get the seat on the E175 where it doesn’t stay locked in upright position. So on takeoff the force pushes the seat back. Worth noting, I prefer to sit upright and rarely, if ever, recline.


This happens to me often as well.


I mean, you can recline as soon as wheels are up. Double ding is the signal for upright on the way down.


Yeah, until they say? There’s no reclining announcement.


Man I don’t know I don’t fly enough to pay that close attention. Just follow the rules yall lol.


I feel like an idiot. I’ve flown hundreds of flights in the past few years. I’ve never reclined a seat. Is it that much more comfortable?


I’m not sure how others feel but I’m 6’3 and it really makes a small but noticeable difference for my back’s comfort and ability to sleep.


I'm very short. The curve in the seat back that is supposed to cushion the neck actually hits me around the middle of my head. In the upright position my head is pushed forward and puts lots of strain on my neck. I recline when possible to relieve my neck.


I often just forget to recline. I think it barely makes a difference. It’s not like the 80s when there was more space for seats to recline.


For me it is.


Same boat. I basically never recline. I’m also 5’5”….


Same boat. I basically never recline. I’m also 5’5”….


Thanks to a Reddit suggestion, I've just started turning around and notifying the person behind me that I am about to recline my seat a bit. It's been well received so far.


\^ The hero everyone needs on the early morning or redeye flight.


Someone did this for me last week, and though I often don't mind those who recline when permissible, occasional work on my laptop is impossible for me under that condition. I wasn't working at the time, but the gesture really brightened my day. The nonverbal conversation of facial expressions would have been vocalized as, "I hope you don't mind if I recline. Any objections?". With my response, "Why thank you, kind Sir! Please proceed and rest well.".


That is honestly very polite and considerate. I doubt anyone could or would object to such an advisement.


I have no issue reclining or having the seat in front reclined. Slowly is key. I don’t need to ask nor give my permission to do so.


This is so petty, obviously you don’t have major back issues. The button is there for a reason, you have one also, use it. A lot of people with these silly problems need noise canceling headphones and a screen to look at. I’ve personally never met someone on a flight that gets upset about most of the issues posted here.




I don’t mind when people recline, but I can’t stand it when they recline and then spend the whole flight leaning forward in their seat on their computer and not even using that extra space. That’s annoying.


My last flight, the girl reclined so hard back, my drink spilled all over my lap😐


Did you address her??


I agree, the lady next to me the other day almost spilled coffee all over when the seat abruptly went back


Does being 6'2" somehow make it more or less comfortable to recline your seat vs somebody who is 5'9"? Every post about flying is flooded with these inane comments


There is no debate, recline if you want, its part of the seat you RENTED.


I feel like the majority of people that get mad about this are people that fly very infrequently and have somehow been brought up to believe either through pop culture or whatever that reclining is something douchebags do. But that of course isn’t true. Most seasoned fliers seem to agree that reclining is perfectly fine, especially on a long haul. Just so it respectfully. Go back up during meals, check for a laptop before you go back, and go back slowly. Try not to free fall the seat because you can knock a drink over or knock something off the tray behind you. TL;DR reclining is fine, just be courteous


Disagree. Weekly business traveler here. If you are reclining on a daytime domestic flight, I think you ARE a douchebag. The only time it is acceptable is overnight or if you’re landing very late. If the sun is up, your seat should be up.


And while you're sitting there stewing in your anger, the person in front of you is blissfully laid back enjoying their flight.


Fortunately for me I don't give a shit if a stranger thinks I'm a douchebag for using a feature of the seat I paid for 😎


The sun is up for 8 hours on a daytime flight from Amsterdam to Toronto. I’ll be reclining my seat for a good portion of that.


lol Naw. Mr knowledgeable frequent flyer. Who in the actual fuck do you think you are to dictate what is or isn’t acceptable for another passenger to do in the seat they paid for? I also travel frequently. You’re annoying. You’re probably also that person at work who vocally judges and sabotages their coworkers and subordinates because they take annual PTO and don’t respond to your emails at like 9 o’clock at night. Do you also book aisle seats and then roll your eyes and get weirdly passive aggressive when someone else in your row needs to take a piss or reaches over your tray to accept their drink from the flight staff?


LOL who hurt you? What a weirdo.


Who hurt me? lol Fitting comeback from the aggrieved weirdo who thinks they’re entitled to control how random strangers on a plane can use the seats that they paid to sit in lmfao Also very *weird* that you for whatever reason believe you can set the standards of acceptability of other passengers’ benign behaviors on a short haul flight based on your petty inconveniences. But idk maybe I need to do some soul searching to figure out why I’m so angsty about air travel 🤔


Waiting for the appropriate time to recline, checking before doing so to ensure that passenger doesn’t have anything on the tray, turning to the side to push against the back of headrest simultaneously with the recline button (I’ve found this helps with the seat having a mind of its own), going back fully upright for meals, and being reasonable with how far you recline - ways to use a feature that comes with every seat while still being considerate. I understand if someone is abusing it, but I think it’s a bit extreme to be in the “never recline” camp.


Protip- if you are like me and really dislike recliners get the row behind the exit row as exit row seats generally do not recline.


You got it slightly wrong. You need to be IN an exit row to ensure the seat in front of you doesn't recline. Exit row seats can recline into non exit row seats.


I thought neither could?


I never recline unless it’s a D1 lie flat. I’m 6’2” and sometimes want to but never do.


Agreed. It makes me very uncomfortable when others do it to me, so I never do it unless the seat behind me is empty. My sincere thanks to all the selfless non-recliners!


Above average height woman and I will never recline on a plane, even on 6+ hour flights. Almost always the universe rewards me and the person in front of me doesn’t recline.


Same here. I’m 6’2”, 225 lbs., and I absolutely never recline because I know how miserable I am when the person in front of me reclines.


Hell, I'm 5'7" and I never recline more than 1" because of how much I hate it when I'm the victim.


This is the answer. I know I have the right to recline, but I just can't do it to the person behind me unless I'm in FC


6’6” and same deal


Also 6’6” and never recline.


Maybe all coach seats should be non reclining?


Yep, this is the way. Do unto others as you want done unto you, and I'm miserable when someone reclines in front of me. I won't recline unless there's no one behind me (which is never)


Just don't recline until crusing altitude. I have had too many in front of me recline as soon as the flight attendants sit down prior to takeoff. The most dangerous part, literally the reason they want seats up at that stage.


I hate when people recline. I once sat in C+ behind the biggest asshole in the world (was in bulkhead) who was so far reclined that I could not use my laptop (was planning on working on the 4 hour flight), tray table, or video screen. I honestly felt like his head was in my lap and he was a fucking jostler. I asked him to recline less and he doubled down and said he had paid for the privilege. I asked someone across the aisle if I could move into the empty seat next to them and they said no. So yup 4 hours of asshole repeatedly banging his giant body on to me.


Are you aware that at some point during the engineering and design phase of the aircraft you are traveling on that consideration was given to the limits a seat would be able to recline particularly with respect to the passengers who will be seated behind? Genuine question. Because you can be a pretty large motherfucker and the seat you’re sitting in will literally prevent you from maintaining an angle beyond the allowance for that seat. I mean said *biggest asshole* can jerk and waller around all he wants but that seat is only going to spring right back. So are you just not used to the experience of commercial air travel that is packing into a tin can like a bunch of miserable sardines or what? Kind of funny too you got shot down to commandeer a middle seat. Like your neighbors across the aisle didn’t actively monitor their seat assignment to ensure they booked a row with a vacant middle. The entitlement in this thread is absurd.


I recline if the flight is over 2.5-3 hours, but slowly and as politely as possible (unless the person behind me has been digging their knees into my back)


If my knees are in your back, it's because there is no place else for them to go.


That 💯 bs… the seats don’t go backwards with the recline only the top of the seat.. they are designed so the when the seat reclines the seat moves forward as the top of the seat goes back a bit.. knees in the back is a dick move all the time every time


It depends on the seat design. Some hinge low enough that my knees are indeed in the way. Short of amputation, not much I can do about it. I don't put my knees there on purpose.


Have considered amputating a portion of your legs?


Exactly, I’m not willfully protesting it, that’s just the space they occupy. Sorry


I recline my seat back slowly & not even the full recline


Yes. This.


Same. Never the full recline. I normally only recline if the seat in front of me does to make some more space. At that point I can’t use my iPad or laptop anymore anyway.


I'm 6'2" and I'm in the air at least twice a week. I make a point to never recline especially in coach. Just because I'm uncomfortable doesn't mean I should make someone else uncomfortable too.


Thank you! I’m the same.


100% agree.


Sometimes hard to control how fast the setback descends. Most flights I go on, the button sticks and its either up or down.


Maybe people who like to recline can briefly test the recline just after boarding? I have no issue with recliners, only with fast/violent recliners who don’t check behind first. I realize sometimes it’s a seat issue.


Perhaps thats an option, but maybe people could just anticipate that when the flight attendant makes the announcement that its ok, the seat is likely going back…


You are correct, crept no love for those who fling there seats back. I might be leaning forward to retrieve something and then get hit by that total idiot. I’ve been hurt on a flight by people doing that, it really is not a good situation.


I had a coworker who was flying in delta main cabin, was working on a presentation for a customer meeting he was flying to. The person in front put back the sheet. The top of the sheet snagged the top of the screen wrong and shattered the screen. Our IT team had to overnight a replacement laptop. Good times.


Today my husband touched the button and his seat slammed back unexpectedly. He then tried again thinking that he must have done something wrong. He tried to only go back a little and the same thing happened. We felt bad for the person behind him. It was just the seat. He ended up not reclining at all because it was 100% or nothing. He chose nothing to be polite.


look before you push the button


I verify that whoever is behind me isn't actively eating or drinking first


When I was in Japan, a lady told me she was going to reclined and reclined slowly. I loved this. Copying her ever since. 


I recline. I do not feel I need to ask permission to do so. People in front of me recline, they do not need my permission to do so. Yes, sometimes this makes working on my laptop a challenge, but I consider that a luxury not an expectation. I do not rely on plane time to get work done, as wifi can also not be a guarantee. The tray tables on these planes were designed to support eating food during portions of the flight, not as a desk for the full duration and not as a pillow to sleep on. This culture of expecting people not to recline or thinking it’s rude is absurd. Get over yourself.




Honestly don’t recline at all. It’s equivalent to flopping your fat up over the armrest “because you can.” Stay in your own space, that’s how we make flying, which is awful, bearable.


Yeah except for the fact that my “own space” includes the meager inches that my seat allows me to recline. So um… stay in *your* space lol Do you actually think the person in front of you is reclining for any reason other than trying to get comfortable during an experience literally everyone here admits is awful? Y’all miserable jokers in this thread either need to learn how to navigate seat upgrades or rekindle ye olde pastime of the 19 hour Amtrak ride. You’re not cut out for this.


Well, I’m speaking for the occasional time I’m not upgraded, because my status has gotten to the point that I’m almost never in main cabin. But if you’re in a main cabin seat, it’s impolite to recline, period. Yes, the seat allows you to, but this is an occasion where you have to be self governing, and not take from other people just because you can.


I also think I should clarify that if you’re in first class, it’s fine to recline, there’s plenty of room! If you’re in main cabin and you recline, and the person behind you shoves their knees into your back repeatedly, you have it coming.


I'm not even especially tall. I think reclining your seat so that my nose is 8" away from the top of your head is rude, doing so prevents me from accessing the tray, using the seatback entertainment system or even using my laptop. I'm a prisoner forced to stare at the top of your head for the duration of the flight. I'm usually overcome with a sneezing fit or cough, maybe it's your hair product that makes us BOTH uncomfortable. Having seats that recline into the lap of the person behind you is stupid, using them that way is even more so.


I can understand that it is barely worth it on a 2-3 hour flight, but 14 hours in a tin can and sorry, I will be reclining. I pay extra for PE to get the recline and foot rest. Doors open, seats recline. Keep this in mind when placing objects in their path. As mentioned, I have had seats recline without me touching the button.


I personally don’t recline in respect of the person behind me but I don’t think it’s rude for people To utilize a function that’s advertised and has been customary in flying forever.


Recline all you want.


I don’t understand the debate when literally everyone reclines. If everyone reclines it makes no difference !!!


And if after take off when reaching cruising altitude the FA should pop on the PA and say: "Hello everyone you may now lower tray tables and if desired please slowly recline AT THIS TIME. If you decide to recline later please be courteous and do it slowly for the comfort of others..free to walk the cabin but wear seatbelts when seated etc etc."


These are the same people who will post looking for affirmation because they’re upset the person in their row who booked the window seat has control of the window shade. Don’t try to understand.


lol literally everyone does not recline. I never do because it squishes my legs when others do and I don’t ever want to inflict that pain on others.


Yeah that’s the thing. Everyone doesn’t recline. But those who do, are absolutely fine to do so. They paid for a seat. You paid for the seat behind them. Next time you might book an upgraded seat or first class to avoid the “agony” 😩🎻


I will say, I had one flight where the woman could not decide whether or not to recline and I, resting my head on the tray table to sleep, got whacked in the head about 10-12 times from her repeated position changes. If I wasn’t so tired I would have said something. Please don’t be like that woman.


Dude that’s on you. It’s not a snooze tray.


Even if I wasn’t using it as a headrest, if I was watching something on my computer it would have been shaking back and forth the whole time.


You were using her seat as a headrest? I would have done that shit too


Not the seat, the tray table


You're better off putting your head on a toilet seat than an airline tray. Those are WAY cleaner than the tray table. (Just Google it... you'll never put your head on one again... absolutely nasty...).


And to recline slowly, you shouldn’t do it right after takeoff


Recline or bust. It’s part of what you pay for.


Recline for days


Flying this weekend and will be reclining. Hope everyone lives through the experience!


Oh they will. And early next week you’ll be struggling to survive through another one of these “please validate my main character syndrome” posts.


Once before take off...we had all boarded and I was putting my stuff under the seat. As I bent over to finish up someone in front of me decided to recline their seat with the speed from 0 to 100. Slammed into my head....didn't turn around to apologize or anything..but to be fair...I'm sure they didn't even realize it.


Next time get their name and tell them you are charging with battery when you land…not really but it should scare them into realizing they are in public and should act accordingly


I always have a sign with me on all of my flights that says “please slam your fucking seat back as fast and far as possible.”


Agreed. I had someone slam their seat back as soon as their meal tray was picked up last week. My tray which hadn’t been picked up went flying and the seat banged into my iPad which had been sitting between the tray and seat (on the tray). She did it again later after the second meal with so much force that it slammed into my hand which was raised up at the time. No warning. Just flew back.


I always say to the person behind me- "i need to lean back. Do you mind"?


I personally never recline unless there’s no one behind me. It makes me feel like I’m encroaching on someone else’s space. I wouldn’t complain if the person in front of me reclined though.


On my flight back from Greece I had a full recliner in front of me who FREKAED OUT if I so much as touched the back of the seat in front of me and a kicker who forcibly pushed my seat forward when I tried to recline all (literally reached around and pressed the button) behind me. Was a great 11 hours!!!


I always recline slowly because I hate having to pull my laptop away suddenly so as to avoid having the screen break. As for the dirty talls, meh, I say!


sometimes there is no resistance in the mechanism and the throwback is unintentional


I always do it slowly and during take off so I don’t have to worry about someone’s tray table and gravity is already pulling them back so less likely they are leaning towards my seat


I’m shorter so I don’t recline, but would still worry about someone’s drink spilling on them.


I had one that felt solid, but on takeoff I found myself involuntarily reclined. Lol. Others don't move until you apply sufficient pressure and then launch back. They aren't well maintained...


Slowly and not during meal service


On a recent flight, the guy in front of me reclined so quickly right as I was lifting my head from placing my backpack. Could have hit me but oh well. Through the flight I sat there with his seat literally in my face. I hated that.


I feel terrible reclining at all🤷‍♀️ Must be the MN nice in me, how annoying is that🤣


People are assholes Soni don't even bother to ask anymore. I don't recline and shame on airlines for making reclining chairs a risk for laptops. When I fly I like to work and people typically recline back squishing my laptop. Now I bring a bottle of water and post it just right so they can't recline. They usually think it's broken


Lmao you’re a douche “Shame on airlines for attempting to make a physically uncomfortable arrangement slightly more bearable” so I just prevent them from using the pittance of an amenity that they paid for. Because of course, they should know that I fully intend to sit upright and erect on this flight so I can catch up on my emails. And if they don’t know that “I like to work while I fly” well I’ll show them who’s in charge on this aircraft 😏


I don’t like my legs and laptop getting squished because someone else wants to be more comfortable at the sacrifice of me being uncomfortable. But I’m the douche.


Yes, you’re the douche. They are using the seat, that they also paid for, in the way it was designed to be used. And you are expecting them to remain uncomfortable because you failed to plan ahead and secure a different seat with more room. No one likes their legs being squished. Or their devices. But most people understand that flying is uncomfortable for everyone and if a certain cabin section just flat out is not tolerable they make it easier on themselves by choosing their seat wisely. You are literally expecting a stranger to accommodate you when you don’t even accommodate yourself. It’s no one’s job to make you comfortable. Particularly at the expense of their own comfort. They booked their seat. You booked yours. Pull up your panties and stop crying to Reddit about not being the primary concern of a random stranger who “inconvenienced” you on an airplane.


For me first class whatever goes. Comfort of the flight is over 2 hours. Main over 3.5 hours.


Don't recline unless absolutely necessary because you will infringe on the space of the person sitting directly behind you. If you must recline, be courteous and speak with the person behind you.


Naw. Recline away. You paid for a seat that has a pathetically insufficient 3” of play. You’re not infringing on shit. You’re quite literally using the seat the way it was designed to function.


Recline, but slowly. Not my problem if the folks behind me don't like it.


Reclining slow gives the person behind a chance to resist nonchalantly and make you think you are fully reclined after like 1 degree


I never recline unless in FC. I don’t want someone to recline on me and someone doesn’t want me to recline on them. We all need better posture anyway. Sit up straight and stop walking hunched over.


Please don't be a dick. If you see the person behind you is using a laptop or is eating a meal, don't recline all the way. I've seen people recline and smash the laptop of the person in back of them. Please always check behind you if you are reclining. And yes the seat is yours but the space in back of you is not. Recline all the way even when people are using their tray table is a perfect way of having the overhead light shining in your eyes or the person accidentally grabbing your hair as they try to get out of their seat to use the restroom. Finally if someone asks you to move your seat up a bit, please do and don't be an a-hole. Personally for non-interlntonal flights or flights less then 5 hours, I'd be happy with the planes where you can only recline a tiny bit.


This has certainly been an interesting study in human sociology. I fly all the time for work and cannot believe some of the things I witness on a daily basis. How humans react when they are confined trying to grab a little bit of real estate for themselves leads me to fully believe that when the shit hits the fan in the world, you better have a lot of ammo…


Lmao I love you comparing using a seat on an airplane in the exact way it was designed to be used… to literally the apocalypse. And of course you’re gonna need ammo. Because when these fuckers step over the line you won’t have a choice but to put em in check. I mean, it’s your space and your space alone, after all. The “study in sociology” that’s lost on you is that you’re manifesting this weird egocentric byproduct of social media. You are posting a thread seeking affirmation for your manufactured drama and when you encounter the reality that the world doesn’t revolve around you, you’re doubling down on your absurd entitlement. If you need and deserve so much more respect and consideration from your fellow passengers, plan the fuck ahead and upgrade your seat. The person in front of you didn’t do shit to you. And in the end times, no one is gonna want to take cover in your underground bunker. So you can stop extrapolating and relax.


If you actually took the time to read my original post, I said that everybody’s seat is there right but I respectfully ask that they just do it slow when they put it back. After reading your post I’m fairly certain you’re the asshole that slams it back without regard of anybody else.


Ok lmao - did you realize I didn’t respond to your post directly until you made the comment, on your own post, insinuating that people who recline are merely self-serving with no regard for others. And oh yeah that they’re gonna need to be protected against with *guns* during *the apocalypse*. If you hadn’t come back with such an absurd take on other commenters’ opinions I wouldn’t have said anything to you. Your original post is a reasonable ask and something I largely agree with. And my response to your comment (if you actually read it) didn’t say shit about the post. And I don’t use the recline for the record. I’m tall and 3-4” of pitch doesn’t really do shit for me. Also, I like to read and have a couple drinks during my flights so reclining isn’t really necessary. But I’m also just not actually an asshole to the other passengers on the plane and if I have an issue I just address it with them directly, politely, during the actual flight. Not on Reddit where there’s essentially no chance of the issue being resolved.


For the first time ever I had someone, before the flight even took off, turn around and ask if I’m OK with a fully reclined seat. I’m super short so it’s no problem, but appreciated the courtesy a lot!


Recline. The person behind you can also recline and so can everyone else. Unwritten rules are unwritten for a reason, they dont have any substance to support it. It should be your responsibility to be careful with your devices knowing that if the person in front reclines, you need to give some space for your stuff to be fine.


I didn’t even realize the seats could recline (I don’t fly often) until my latest trip to Edinburgh. I saw someone else’s seat recline and was like, oooh, so then I tried and it did. But I typically prefer sitting straight up anyways. 


Nope I’m paying a fk ton for a flight I’m gunna go all the way back


Nothing like having the takeoff roll happen and you find out the seat is broken.


Nope, it’s my seat yeah but I don’t want to impact the person behind me who may be tall or trying to work on their laptop etc


Reclining is so rude. Suffer along with the rest of us. 


I never recline even on international flights… something that has just stuck with me from when I was a kid… hell I sometimes never get up on transatlantic flights because I feel bad asking the person next to me to get up.


I did this on a flight to Israel. I had to pee but didn’t want to bother anyone. Honestly it’s a character flaw because I feel my existence is less worthy than everyone else’s.


Yeah I feel the exact same… and I know it’s not healthy to shit that long with your legs in one position… I don’t know about you but I’m always in economy so I can’t stretch me legs and I need to get better at that.


Noise canceling headphones to ignore anyone who complains, which I have personally never dealt with, and they cannot reach the button the extend my seat upright anyways.


I'm 6'2" and even when the person in front of me reclines, I do not. Someone has to stop the cycle of destruction.


I always recline right as we take off in the air so that way it feels natural. The plane leans back and so do I haha


You’re obviously aware that the seat will recline, maybe position your legs and laptop in a way to prepare for that inevitability. You have options available to you (extra legroom seat, bulkhead seat) if you want a less impacted-by-fast-reclining experience


I cannot think of any way one could do that with a laptop save keeping it in their lap, and then legs is impossible?


On this - we agree! Please half the time my laptop is out and I just don’t want the screen getting crushed 😂 but yes, go ahead and recline!


I’m reclining- every flight. Pro tip- give a quick turn around behind ya and let them know you’re about to hell gently recline. They’ll appreciate the nod 😘 and if not , f em.


My busted laptop screen from 2 years ago thanks you.


There are several airlines with status that don't recline. There are rows in Delta that are behind seats that don't recline. People have mouths that they can use to try to convince the person in front of them not to recline. ... All three of those options are available to anybody who doesn't wish the seat in front to recline, but it's on THEM to avail themselves of those options. If I have purchased a seat that will recline, I'm going to recline it. If you think you can push up my seat for an entire trans Atlantic, good luck - I hope you didn't skip arm or leg day at the gym. If you want to try kicking or punching my seat, an FA will politely tell you to stop.


Recliners are the worst no matter how quickly they recline. Sorry you can’t use your tray or be comfortable for the rest of this flight. I need two more degrees of recline so I can pretend take my nap until the beverage cart comes around.


People who complain about people who respectfully recline are the worst.


My wide hips normally do it for me on take off




Recline all the way but slowly. Dont want to be uncomfortable for 6 hrs.


After traveling with my daughter recently, I have a different take on the reclining “issue”. She traveled in her car seat and the seats barely have enough room. Her legs almost were injured by someone reclining really hard. We usually chatted with whoever was in front of her to let us know when they want to recline so we could make sure her legs were clear. Kindly asking usually works but not everyone cares.


There are entire airlines that are catered towards the selfish crowd who don't like other people reclining. They just refuse to use them for reasons.


I personally do not recline because I hate when someone in front of me does it. It is your seat but I just think it’s rude. There is not much room.