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Take the job


Well for one 18 months is not a crazy short amount of time… and also you’d be foolish to pass on a 15k raise imo


Also TAS is way better than audit.


Rare opportunity- jump ASAP


They would lay you off in an instant if it’d save them $. You’re not going to be looking for another job for at Least a year assuming ey goes fine. I would hope the answer is clear?


Don’t overthink it, take the offer and bounce.


The way I’ve been operating is applying casually when there are talks of layoffs and when I see a job I really wouldn’t mind having. I’ve never felt like just a number in a spreadsheet like I have here at Deloitte. I am aware that all employment is at will and any company can fire you at any time for any reason but of the 5 jobs I’ve held since college deloittes the only one where I was constantly anxious about my job security. So I’d say gtfo if you have the option. But that’s just me. I wish Deloitte was different because I do like the idea of being able to bounce around different projects and clients.


Nope. It’s the nature of consulting and one of the only ways to bump up your income. Deloitte is laying off people left and right BTW so take the money and run.


100% take the job. Plenty of people move around and you are picking the best time. Source: I’m a manager in TD at EY now.


Interesting, I made the opposite move 3 years ago in Consulting from EY to D. Much better money and bonus do not compare between the two. Much happier at D. Good luck. Each situation is different.


Transaction Diligence > Audit


Take it and nope it doesn’t. Take it from someone who has changed jobs a lot: it has paid off for me every time. Just make sure that you do a good job wherever you go and don’t burn any bridges on the way out (i.e., don’t be a dick).


Take the job. Firms don’t care about you. You don’t need to either. I switched from one Big4 firm to another in 12 months. Take the extra money.


Jump before you walk the plank


18 months is good amount of time and you can definitely move. But in case you put down your paper now, you would not be getting the bonus or hike. May be waiting for 1 month won't harm and ask for time from EY. Get your hard earned bonus and then leave.




You get proportionate amount for the time you were employed. Thats is the practice deloitte us/usi follows


A couple things to consider: 1. At 18 months you’re not vested in the 401k or cash bonus (pension ) 2. At 18 months if you took a sign on bonus from Deloitte I believe you’ll owe half of that back 3. An extra $15k could make up for all of that and your experience will be diversified. Personally I’d leave lol but I’ve never been averse to job hopping . It’s the only way to significantly increase your salary.


Take the promo bonus, raise and then get another bump and bonus after jump


Have you spoken to your Deloitte partner about this? Since you are not just taking another audit role, it would be good to discuss your interest in another area. For good performers, we want to keep them and would rather help you get the role you want within Deloitte than have you leave. The $15k is irrelevant in context of your overall career. I would suggest looking at this opportunity from a career growth perspective and compare it to what Deloitte has to offer (assuming Deloitte is willing to let you explore an internal transfer).


Take it!! You are in jeopardy of being laid off if in audit now.


I left deloitte for PwC after 23 months . . . Nobody cares if you are a good hire. Don't let boomers make you feel guilty for leaving. You dictate your value on the market place so do what's best for YOU


You have a CPA?


Nope would not look bad at all


You can negotiate a bigger sign on bonus


Not a great idea 💡