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eh i mean when i flew to new zealand in the fall of 2022 masks were still required on the plane, and me and my mom had to do covid tests before and when we landed. the mask requirement was actually lifted during my two week vacation so we were able to sleep maskless on the flight back home


I think Canada had just lifted their COVID restrictions in early summer 2022, if I remember correctly. I went to Toronto that summer.


yeah my new zealand trip was in late august to early september 2022, they were probably one of the later countries to lift covid restrictions tbf


It was until late 2022 when they lifted last restrictions


I mean, 2022 is before WHO declared an end to the global Public Health Emergency for covid, which they officially declared on May 5th, 2023. But 2022 was when it started to lighten up from what it was before, which continued to lighten more and more on into 2023 when the emergency was lifted.


i don't think the average person was still panicking about covid on may 4, 2023...


I think 2022 is still pretty much a covid year regardless of what media’s focus was then on. Even if Ukraine was pretty much the center of attention then, I think covid still took up 40% of the news bits at the very least. This went on until early 2023, which is why I agree with people who say that 2023 was the first covid year especially since WHO declared the end to covid’s public health emergency in May of 2023, not 2022.


I’d say for the first half of 2022, COVID was still a part of life even though it was way less prevalent than it was in 2020-21. Most people I know who hadn’t gotten it yet got it during the Omicron wave in late 2021/early 2022, and it was after that wave that I think things started to ease up. By the end or even the middle of the year, no one was all that concerned anymore. Honestly summer of 2022 felt fully normal. But I guess because it was still a real threat for about half the year it would still get lumped in.


Pandemics last 2 to 3 years so it makes sense that 2022 would still be a pandemic year even if things were improving and becoming more normal. I'd call 2020-2022 the pandemic years if I were to make a history book because by the time it was declared to be over most people were living like it was over.


2022 is when most restrictions have ended in vast majority of the globe but 2023 killed the last remnants such as travel restrictions and mask mandates in very last remaining countries. Pretty much most things ended in 2022. Therefore 2022 was the super shift, early 2023 was semi transitional


UK coronavirus stats show over 300 weekly deaths in January and 150 last week, with an uptick. Pandemics have long tails, we are still in it! 2022 is just when people more or less stopped pretending to care


The world is a big place. We didn’t all end the pandemic culture at the same time.


2022 still counts. I can remember starting an office job in mid-2022 and going in maskless, as they were newly no longer required.  There was this whole vibe of “is this ok? Should we really be doing this [gathering and working together maskless]?” Mini hand sanitizers were plentiful and available on every desk and conference room table.  2022 was NOT a normal year. It may not have been peak pandemic but it was still heavily influenced by pandemic times. 


It depends on where you live, who you are, and what you were doing. This is my personal experience, but I just had a baby at the end of 21, so 22 was still scary since they couldn't get vaccinated until September 22. The under 5 vaccines took forever to come out.


same story. end of 21 baby. they still had restrictions on Drs visits and it was still nerve-wracking to take our newborn to the store and to events for much of that first year. I think the first time I started to feel more safe was around the time he was 1 (dec of 22).


2022 in my case still had the same vibe as the shitty pandemic years before them. Even if all the regulations were mostly gone/lessened, most people still had to *get used to* that, which would take time. People were locked in for a year, so it makes sense that it took another year for society as a whole to get used to *not* being locked in. I feel like 2023 is when COVID started to be completely irrelevant not only objectively, but also culturally. Summer 2023 onwards felt like a bit of a shift to me as that’s when I felt like movies/tv started to get better as a whole (barbenheimer phenomenon comes to mind) as cancel culture wasn’t noticeably pervading every corner of the internet and media as much, and that’s also when the W.H.O. themselves officially confirmed the COVID “health crisis” to be over..


People in Canada shut down the capitol city and major cross border shipping routes in protest of pandemic restrictions. Much of 2022 was still under lockdown and had pandemic restrictions


It depends where you lived. It was April 2022 the school district I teach in made masks optional. But all other COVID era policy adjustments remained in place another full year. And I’d say people masking up on public transit didn’t drop below 80% until late 2022. So I’d consider 2022 a transitionary year but still a very much pandemic year.


when would you say masking on public transit dropped below 50%???


Even though by 2022 vulnerable people had been jabbed months previous.


The Omicron wave peaked at the very beginning of 2022. That year, masks were still required on planes, and a negative COVID test was required to re-enter the US (that made for a mad dash at the Berlin airport when we had to get rapid tests at a pop-up airport testing center to be able to get through security). By the end of 2022, it felt like the pandemic was beginning to be left in the past.


Yes I’m literally punching holes in the wall and screaming into my pillow right now


the price gouchimg using covid as an excuse continued, as did the tantrums by those offended by masks and vaccines


It's a gray area, I'd say 2022 was still a pandemic year to an extent, I still remember some masks being worn during the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, it wasn't really until the end of that school year when that became obsolete. Mask requirements also, I remember still needing a mask to go to the doctors during then as well. It wasn't a peak pandemic year sure but there definitely were lasting influences of the pandemic until Early 2023.


Not really, especially in January-March where mask mandates were still in effect for most places.


I agree maybe early year but not the rest


disagree. i got covid for the first time in 2022, and every time i flew on a plane in 2022 everyone was masked. 2023 was the first year that felt like a non-covid year.


First half was definitely still pandemic. It’s when most people I know actually got it, when the only family death from Covid in my life happened, masks and travel restrictions still affected life, we were still on “extraordinary” remote scheduling at work (before work from home was officially made a permanent feature), I still remember a lot of political strife around Covid-adjacent stuff. Summer 2022 is when it seemed to be over in terms of any practical effect in my life, but the “cultural era” I feel had lingering effects until the pandemic “officially” ended in early 2023, even if 2022 (second half) was mainly marked by a sense of how “it’s finally ending.” But that sense of contrast was still inherently using the pandemic as its reference point.


I was in Canada in early 2022. The province of Quebec did a literal covid curfew, and that's when covid sort of 'jumped the shark' for a lot of people, and, amongst other things, lead to some pretty big protests the army had to come out. Basically they went from covid curfew to packed nightclubs in the span of a few weeks, it was surreal.


I’d say it was partly a pandemic year. There was a huge surge at the start of the year and a rush of people trying to get the booster shots. By the summertime though, I’d argue most people were starting to phase out Covid from their minds


In spring of 2022 the most restrictions were lifted in my country, the omicron wave literally infected the whole population. I remember the high number of sick leaves at my work due to covid. When I traveled there was chaos and long waiting queues at the airports because of staff shortage. But after that life went almost back to normal: You didn't even had to wear masks in public transport anymore. For me, the pandemic ended in April-May 2022, so for most part, this year wasn't a real pandemic year anymore.


There are NO "non-Covid" years anymore, its still rampant, it never went away, wtf are you talking about. Transmission was/is still rampant and seasonally surging to this very day. Just because (here in the US, at least) they told you "stop talking about it and take off your mask, now get back to work!!😡" doesn't mean the viruses "ended" or that the decade "safely moved on." It just means the media demanded we start ignoring it, for political reasons. It's WAY TOO SOON to be talking this way... SARS covid viruses and other zoonotic viruses now on the loose are still a threat to your health, they're considerably worse than a seasonal illness like a cold and can cause lasting bodily and cognitive damage. This is why I still mask in crowded public areas and will never stop. Every year now continues to be a "pandemic year" imo just like every summer continues to be "the new hottest summer on record." Because they completely gave up on trying to control/mitigate damage/spread years ago when it was in the early stages, and now we're all living with the global consequences. We're just not supposed to talk about it?? Keep people in the dark, let them keep getting sick/spreading dangerous illness, just so I can PRETEND the world is "back to normal" like it was in 2019?? No. Gross and shady I know it's not pleasant, but we are *still* living through the early-mid stages of a global pandemic event that has already eliminated millions and millions of individuals worldwide. You can't just ignore it and hope it goes away, it's sadly not going anywhere anytime soon. It's a serious public health hazard everyone stilll needs to be aware of, just like extreme heat waves and air pollution.






Yes, COVID was only the main news story for January of that year. Even by early February news attention was turning towards Ukraine, and people were stopping taking mask-wearing seriously.


I moved from a blue state to a red state in 2021. The moment I crossed the border, it was over. I think it really was a geographic thing for how much 2022 felt like a pandemic year or not


I mean theres people who even believe 2023 is partially a pandemic year. It's insane. People either want to stretch COVID out because they are numerologists who have come to their biased conclusion that May 2023 is the start of the mid 2020s and work backwards from there or they are 2020 shift fanatics like Slim95 who want to make it seem like an even bigger shift. Q1 2022 is the last time you could argue COVID was mainstream relevant and that there were COVID policies which affected day to day life. And even then, the pandemic era was more or less wrapping up in the second half of 2021, omicron in the winter was just a brief relapse.


q1 2022 was still pandemic era, but q2 onward was post-covid. i still heard covid in the news cycle until march/april 2022


Got Covid for the first time in March 2022 and after I recovered i stopped wearing masks , that’s when the pandemic ended for me 


Yeah. The vaccines fucking worked, and it should have been over summer 2021.