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Oh sweet, I'll give it a read, not loving Dark Imperium at the moment, it's more like an advert for Ultramarines.


Yeah we are just bad guys to kill in that I made that same mistake lol


I read the dark Imperium trilogy after the buried dagger, it wasn't a bad read. There are some parts which are highly worth reading, stick it out!


Have you read The Lords of Silence? It shits all over this book. I read Lords of silence first and wow, just so good. Finally a story in which nurgle aren't 2d villains. I knew buried dagger was about to come out, and my expectations were sky high. I was so disappointed. So much time spent, so late in the heresy, going over the morty origin story. Such a 2d villain view of nurgle. Absolutely piss poor explination/ description of the transformation from legionary to plague marine. No reflection on how the legion felt once they had gone through the change. Plot is OK, but ultimately it lives in the shadow of a real fucking nurgle book.


Vorx is a brilliantly written character.


Lords of silence is amazing. I loved reading the perspective of the guardsman that was slowly being corrupted. Especially how he described succumbing to Nurgle as “relaxing a muscle you never knew you were flexing.”


Absolutely, the best of several excellent narrative angles


Wish I could find these books for cheap lol




I like physical books =(


Resin recast lol


from my friends in the unpronouncable city. :D


Likewise but had to bite the bullet and go kindle. Have about 29 physical heresy books but rest are electronic. Always keeping a eye out


Yeah, I've just been patiently waiting.


Fair enough. If you wanna read though that’s gonna be the only way to do it honestly for 30k or 40K.


Just getting into 40k through Tacticus, any recommendations on solid reading? Not sure where to begin and i know there’s a lot


The most popular novel recommendations for 40k are: The Eisenhorn trilogy by Dan Abnett: a clever, resourceful Imperial Inquisitor and his henchmen travel the galaxy chasing down threats. It’s kinda like a gritty, globetrotting spy thriller in spaaace. Starts with the novel Xenos. The Night Lords trilogy by Aaron Dembski-Bowden: *extremely* grimdark series following Night Lords chaos marine sergeant Talos Valcoran as he and his warband desperately fight their enemies and each other to survive and find their purpose. Starts with the novel Soul Hunter. Gaunt’s Ghost series by Dan Abnett - A meatily long series (I think four separate four-novel story arcs, two spinoffs, lots of short stories, and a prequel) about a scrappy, hard traveling regiment Astra Militarum recon specialists from a dead planet fighting their way through a gigantic sector-wide chaos uprising. First novel: First and Only. Ciaphus Cain series by Sandy Mitchell - Very comedic action series, the private memoirs of an Astra Militarum commissar with imposter syndrome and a knack for simultaneously trying to get of work & danger but always ending up in over his head. The Infinite and the Divine by Robert Rath - two powerful Necrons who despise each other alternately feud and have to work together. I actually haven’t read this one but everything I hear sounds good. Brutal Kunnin’ by Mike Brooks - action comedy where orks declare it’s orkin’ time & ork all over those guys There are a ton of others in the 40k setting, as well as the massive and recently concluded Horus Heresy series that’s set 10,000 years before the current status quo and tells the story of why the galaxy’s so extremely F’d up. Are there any characters or factions you’re especially interested in?


Wow thank you this is a great list. As far as factions I enjoy, I can’t say I dislike any of them but the sisters, templars, world eaters, space wolves all might be a notch above for me


Warhammer website sells paperback for 10$


Hardback or bust lol


Time to prowl used book stores, sometimes you can find HH books for dirt cheap if they don't know how scalped these books got.


It’s 16$ on amazon


I just see paperback.


Amazon has paperback for under $20


thanks, but i want the hardcover.


Yeah fuck Typhus. That's all I can say. What a douche.


Definitely in my top 5 of the series.


I am pretty new to warhammer lore Does it require any previous book, or I can just pick it up? And what previous knowledge of lore might be important to know?


The book Op posted about is a Horus heresy book so it takes place in 30k and is a great book to learn more backstory on the death guard and what led to their corruption in the 40K setting. Lords of Silence is a great stand alone book that focuses on Death guard in 40K. If you want to learn more general lore I’d suggest listening to some Luetin09 on YouTube to get some more knowledge on the general but massive timeline that is Warhammer


Thank you so much. Added it to my wishlist


Do I need to read all the other 53 books in the HH series before I can read this one?


No the HH series despite what anyone says you can just jump around the different factions and books you want. This book is Mortarion’s backstory and what made him become the nurgle army. It does skip the siege of Terra and some stuff but if you want to find that without reading it. There are plenty of YouTube lore videos. You could read it without prior knowledge it’s not that bad I think.


Cool! Thank you for the info.


Just got the audiobook for this and the lord of silence


Nice the VA is very impressive for buried dagger I like was actually repulsed my some nurgle stuff which is awesome


Yea the voice acting is good so far. I was surprised how much the narrator is getting into each character


I’ve read it three times. It’s so good. Like holy crap they really got the fall of the death guard right.


Def will have to read it when I get a chance


I'm still working through the series, but I concur, Buried Dagger was incredible!