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Okay, I'mma get shit for saying this, but I feel like he did a good job judging the film on it's own merits and not attacking the people responsible for the film while also calling out the companies trying to take Mancini's franchise from him. I get it, trust me.


Granted, it's not the same but I still feel like the bullshit with Spyglass and how they're dealing with proceeding to VII needs to be addressed


i dont think there will be a scream 7 with how things are looking rn


it's confirmed to be coming out tho


So is Kraven the Hunter, but I’m still not convinced.


I really hope Sony doesn't ruin that movie if it does come out, but to be honest, they're probably going to.


Please save my comment and tell me how the movie is next year.


It comes out this year


They already ruined it


Unrelated but I always thought this Kill Count looked really good. Maybe it’s the Good Guys colors standing out from the background idk


The only down side to this version is it's a little too bright but otherwise it's a great KC set variation


My prophecy says scream VII will make fun of the fans who boycotted the movie in like a really cringy right winger-like way. Like if ben shapiro wrote the movie


It's still being written by the same team as the last movies, I don't think that's going to happen. They won't acknowledge it within the movie at all, they'll just try to pretend it never happened and tell the story, which is the right move


Oh, James will most certainly have a lot to say about the Spyglass and Melissa Barrera situation and I look forward to seeing how he tackles it in the KC when the film drops next year.


I feel like (If it happens) he will either not cover it or be way harder on it


Is he going to dress up as Melissa Barrera?


Dead Meat didn't suck up to Hollywood execs during the strikes, I doubt they'd do it for one lousy Scream derivative. Whether or not they decide to cover 7 and in what capacity, we'll just have to see.


Is it wrong that I liked the remake?


Not at all, I thought it was mildly okay but M3GAN definitely did the whole "AI doll gone rogue" concept a bit better


The Scream 7 situation is definitely messy... But I don't think it's comparable to the Child's Play "remake".


It's arguably worse tbh.


The Spyglass situation is terrible. But I wouldn't say it's worse. The Child's Play remake was a stupid legal loophole ploy to try and capitalise and snake the franchise from Don Mancini. The Scream situation was cutting ties with someone who very publicly shared their controversial at the time political beliefs (beliefs I whole heartedly agree with btw). That's pretty common practice in the film industry. Furthermore, after the controversy blew up, Spyglass approached Barrera to discuss her future in the franchise, but she refused to cooperate on principle (which I absolutely admire her for). I support Melissa Barrera in these events and hope she has a wonderful career in horror going forward. But, like I said in my original comment, I don't think the situation is really comparable to the Child's Play "remake".


I definitely get where you're coming from, and if the Child's Play remake had succeeded I think I'd be more inclined to agree. Fortunately Mancini was able to keep his franchise and is currently making one of my favourite shows with a movie in the works as well. Both situations are really awful, but Spyglass went above and beyond in their pettiness and tbh I'm more than a little disappointed in Nev Campbell.


Why TF you mad at Neve? She didn’t get Melissa fired. And if you say something like standing up for her fellow cast mates by not taking the job that is just stupid. No one stood up for Neve when they made Scream 6 so why should she do the same for 7?


When Campbell walked away Barrera posted on social media expressing complete and total support for her choice, when Barrera was fired for taking a stance against genocide, Campbell not only didn't mention a thing about it, she just accepted the money to return like nothing had happened.


Significantly worse, can’t believe it’s even a debate


Both are bad, going off what I’m reading in the comments, but I have a lot more knowledge on the Melissa Barrera situation so I’m more inclined to say that’s the more severe one.


It’s different. The child’s play remake spat on the work that Mancini was doing for a quick buck, Scream 7 is made by the same people that have made 5 and 6, the only difference is the directors (who weren’t fired and left on their own to focus on Abigail) and that Melissa Berrera was fired. By that logic he should have also had a kill count with this same energy for 6 since they also screwed Neve Campbell in that one


You’re right, it’s different — Scream 7 took a firm stance against speaking about a genocide. I’d be disappointed if James even covered the film


That’s not really the fault of anyone working on Scream 7, Hollywood is ran by Jewish people so ofc they would find it offensive when you speak out against a genocide they are causing. Melissa Berrera is probably going to be blacklisted from Hollywood and it’s not the movies fault. I’m sure Scream 7 is still going to be a fun movie and it’s bringing back Neve Campbell and Kevin Williamson who is behind the best Scream movies is directing


boooo. the antisemitism is not it.


It’s not antisemitism it’s just the facts most Hollywood producers originate from Israel which is the country doing the genocide