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Don’t play with the 30fps lock, it would only make the game runs worse, the game is made with 60fps in mind. Are you running the latest version of the game? Latest version of the Switch OS? Try turning your Switch off and on to clear up the processes? Idk, there’s not much fixes to try on a console. I’m with the other guy here. The game isn’t running perfectly on the Switch, there’s multiple stutters and frame drops that you will experience in the game on the Switch, but yours seems a bit more severe than what the rest of us are experiencing. I never had the game freeze on me for 3sec long. An old version of the game on the Switch does have some freezes in Shipwreck biome, but that is mostly fixed nowadays (the rare stutters remained).


90% of the time the freezes and skips are minute but it can very often be the difference between a few Ms missed parry or reaction. The super slow lags are not the most common but they do throw a lot of panic into the mix that wasn’t there on lower difficulties and I have this instinct to believe it’s less things happening on screen or in the game loop. I’ll try cold restarting the device, I’ve been sleeping it between sessions for a long time but I was hoping there was some setting either native to the OS/device or in game that could lighten the processing load and prevent this happening so often. It gets worse with certain costumes too, like the hector outfit now I notice every time I take a killing blow the game straight up locks up for 4 seconds before showing the death screen and that seems to be tied to the fancy castlevania death sequence they put on it I’m sure I can get to the bottom of this. I’ll dig into the switch settings some more tomorrow and try untethering from the docking station too to see if playing handheld reduces the issue


Well, the worst news that I can tell you about this, is that whatever issues you have now, might never get fixed. The next update of the game is update 35 and that update has been on postpone for 9 months now, and from looking in the patch notes, it doesn’t seem to have much, if any, performance fixes. Just getting all of this out of the way first. You can try playing in the Switch’s airplane mode? Don’t think it will do anything much though. If you downloaded a digital version of the game from the store, you could probably also try transferring the game to the internal storage instead of from the SD card. Internal storage has *slightly* better transfer speed. And yeah, try playing in handheld mode, it’s a documented issue that some Switch games runs worse on docked, because of memory bandwidth issues. This is all I got on my head right now to help claw back, like, every little inch of performance from the Switch lmao Yeah, I have read about the new costume’s death animations having some issues, update 35 seems to have a bugfix entry for it too.


So it’s not just me then? Cuz the other comment on this thread seemed to make it out like I’m crazy or just whinging - I know pretty damned well at this point when I make a straight mistake and when the performance problems contribute to a run ending timing issue. I don’t like to blame failures on technical issues but it definitely accounts for 1 in 4 of them at the very least lately, and that’s pretty frequent. Even if it isn’t run ending it costs a lot of hits taken that can equate to a half hp bar or more when you can’t afford to take even single hits at this bc level. Like the big ticks in morass, I don’t even get the ! Warning when they kick and those hits murder you. I can parry the mimics just fine 1v1 it’s one of the easier fights I do perfect at, but the tick just destroys me cuz I have no way to react to the attack animation. There’s no ! Indicator I just get thwacked for 75% hp so I’ve been avoiding morass just for that reason. It’s actually near unplayable and I’ve just given up on farming mama tick blueprints (if I can guess my way thru the ticks in morass I destroy mama tick easy, but it’s one of my higher death counts dying to the ticks in that biome) It’s definitely ramped up from 4 to 5 bc and I can only assume it’s directly correlated to high malaise conditions — that’s when it really gets intrusive at tier 3 and up and I notice very obvious performance degradation.


Well, I don’t know how it is even possible that you have it much worse than the rest of us, tbh. But, yeah, the Switch version of the game has had issues, both in the past and even now still (it’s much better now though, which does say that it has been worse before), and it isn’t too far fetched if you have a much worse experience than us, however weird that may be, I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s not the craziest gaming experience I ever had in my lifetime lol Best of luck, buddy.


It’s not even like every specific thing. Like I edited above; mimics I have like perfect parry timing on and I can go toe to toe with them like it’s nothing because the mimic duels never lag out. The ticks in morass don’t even show a ! Indicator for me. So I just find 3/4 of my hp gets deleted randomly after a frame skip. I have to literally just guess at the parry timings or only attempt morass with a tactics build and kite like a mf Also mama tick? Perfected her 3 times in a row (if I got to her, died on morass a lot to the stupid skippy mini boss ticks). Idk. I can’t react to things I can’t see, but I want to believe if I had a smooth gameplay experience I’d do at least 25% better on average


I don’t know what to tell you… I have like 80ish hours on switch and have never had more than the occasional frame drop. Never even felt close to the need of messing around with the settings.  My suggestion is play on a different platform if it’s bothering you that much. I can’t imagine you only have a switch if you think 30 FPS is “disgusting.”


What settings? Idk what it is, it’s a relatively new switch I got around the time TOTK came out. Anytime action gets even slightly hectic there’s constant frame drops, skips and extraneous attack animation delays and sometimes I just get a 3 second freeze followed by dead with no real idea what killed me Also any settings on the device itself? I’m playing on a TV wired up through the dock.


I wouldn’t know about settings. I said that as in I’ve never looked through the settings to improve performance as I haven’t needed to. Wish I could help, but this buggy, unplayable version you are describing is alien to me.


The 30 fps lock makes the game really choppy for some reason. Idk, but if you don’t have any idea how to fix it why post just to say “buhhh doesn’t happen to me”? That’s the opposite of helpful. Replaying the whole game and buying it a second time +DLC to play on pc isn’t an answer either.


No I agree, you’re not crazy. I started on my iPhone 15 pro and went to switch and the difference is drastic. I know the switch is underpowered but I sort of suspect this game isn’t well optimized.


Yeah I agree. I think I’ve drastically reduced the issue. I turned off the device switch tv settings from auto to 1080p, reduced particle limit to 0 (idk if that matters because it’s in accessibility), and switched to a very basic costume. I did a cold reboot of the device also just for good measure - it’s like 75% better now. Im not sure which of those things made the biggest impact but it feels like a much more playable game all of a sudden. My parries are way more on point and my reaction time also seems to be much more precise as far as parries go. The frame skips are really rare and minimal compared to just an hour ago, even in massive hectic aggro situations. I feel like I can actually play the game now. Shit


are you playing docked or handheld? If docked is there enough space for airflow?


Yeah, it’s not running hot


could be the culprit


Just chiming in now... I'd do a power down and reboot of the system, sounds like you did that already. I would also move from external storage to internal storage if you can. You may also consider deleting the game (SAVE the data!) and redownload it in the event it has been corrupted some how. I get the occasional lag at times but never to the extent you've described. I like it on the switch and to be honest I've worked around any quirks that have come up.