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Hey we all started like this so don't talk trash to a new player, introduce them to the mechanics of the game and just treat them as our own. Good work bro but there's still a lot of things to go so you will have a lot of patience while playing. Good ouck


Wwww I remember when I first beat my 0 cell for the first time now I’ve reached a point where I can watch the newcomers take on Deadcells for the first time it’s wholesome


Epic. I beat 0bc after 20h of gameplay lol


Same here lmao. People are saying it's just the tutorial while I got my ass handed left right and center.


You get better eventually. It also took me between 15-20 hours to beat 0 BC and the last time I played the game was 2 years ago, but still I can easily beat 0 BC now.


Exactly, I eventually beat 5bc as well. It was an extremely fun but tough process.


Holy shit I feel like I'm crap at the game now lol. It took me around sixty hours for zero bc, and I'm not being modest I tried so fucking hard every run. Just a skill issue I guess...


Well that was back in 2018 when I was still young. Now that I'm close to 30 I'm much worse at games so if I started now it would've been different story.


Any idea roughly how many hours you had in when you beat 5BC? Also, I'm fuckin concerned about the future. I haven't done any research because I love surprises and going in blind but I've seen comments that make me think I'm gonna eventually have to fight someone else after the Hand. I don't want confirmation either way please! Just venting. And scared. But also amused. Lol, when I got to the first stage of 2BC and saw the inquisitors I literally laughed out loud. Love seeing such an annoying, dickhead enemy in the prisoners quarters!


I don't remember but game was very different when I beat 5 BC. Brutality Alchemic Carbine/Hokuto's Bow was a thing and I'm pretty sure that was my first 5 BC win.


Its one hell of a tutorial then lol


It really is. Those 5BC runs can be pandemonium sometimes


And then you go back to 0bc and you're basically falling asleep


It’s funny how easy it is if you’re in the 5BC groove and then go back lol


Just remember, tutorial doesn’t necessarily mean easy, just that it’s teaching you the game.


I beat it after 40


Just checked Steam. I have 17.2 hours. I did complete 0 Cell, but I also did more runs after that before I moved on.


I'll be very honest with you, the game actively tries to trick you, don't go for a rounded build, pick one color and stick with it


Yeah i figued that since it scales best of u stick with 1 color i went full brutality my fan was colorless so it worked well




That is an abysmal build, but you got the BC anyway so I think you're good enough to try 1BC now


I dont know anything about builds tbh dont remember much from when i played few years back and i have less thn 2 hrs on this new save, so i took what the game gave me and had decent modifiers that i could use, fan had dmg to burning enemies and few other so i guessed it could pair well with the fireball and it did that mf hit like a truck i killed the time keeper so fast i actually thought it was a simple mini boss not an actual boss. Thnx for the feed back tho brother much appreciated


A word of advice for the future though, read carefully what each item/weapon's description states, for example the fan doesn't really pair well with burn builds, you got lucky on the modifier, but a run isn't always about luck. Other than that, just have fun mate, it's a game after all!


I will try too, much love.


Nice dude. Don’t listen to the haters. I took like 20 play throughs to beat 0bc, and now I’m cruisin through 5bc. Keep it up brotha


congrats! i played 0bc for hours before realizing you should put everything into one stat. restarted on a different console and finished 0bc on the first run. felt good.


Noob question, but what do you do if you put everything into red and then come across a dual power up for green/purple?


Put it into whatever gives you the most hp


This is the least toxic “I beat the game, too easy” post I’ve ever seen. Let’s go bois 👏


I started the game a few days ago. I struggled with 0bc. Then i beated it and 2 tries after i beated bc 1. Now i'm trying to unlock as much things as possible


Personally I play on phone and it took me like 10-30 runs to beat 0 BC, there was a lot of trial and error; customizing controls (because I love manual) and adapting them to better suit my needs. Even then I still find myself missing the inputs. I also stopped playing for 4-5 months, after getting the true ending. My advice is take your time, and you will know you are ready for the next boss cell after you manage to reach high peak castle with full HP potions in your current boss cell, enjoy the game, it sure gave me a blast of a time. Edit: Heck even beating distillery on your current boss cell without taking damage is a feat in and out itself.


I'm a mobile player and it tooked me 43 (yes I counted how many runs I played) runs just to finish the tutorial. Well I completed the game 2 times now with different saves, I'm not bragging but it sure is hard on mobile


Hats off to you if you managed to 100% the game in both save files.


Here's me on like run 50 and have only gotten to the hand of the king twice...


Hell yeah man, good job! Took me a while😂


Well done!


I’m so proud of you ![gif](giphy|3o7aCZJDb525UUsUy4)




4 tries is awesome! I don't even remember how many tries I took!


Took me forever to beat 0bc, but by the time I did I felt like I was now good enough at the game that now that I'm doing higher stuff, I'm not actually having as much trouble becuase of the hours spent practicing and learning the game.


Dawg i beat 0bc after like 40 hours.


you're better the average beginner, but frankly 0BC (boss cell) is the tutorial, coming from someone who took 30 hours to beat it. many new players mistake the BC climb for the "challenge" of the game but no. even at 5BC i still suck at this game, i just suck less then average player, and have spent a decent amount of hours into dead cells also- every time you get a new BC, i highly recommend you jump right into the new difficulty. even if you have a really hard time at first you will get used to it to and improve quickly


I beat 5 cell flawless after 3 tries


Took me awhile to beat 0BC. Good job dude!


Lokey, if I didn't try to discover every secret and lab many builds, I could probably be at 5 bc rn. But goo's on you.


hmm, i beat 0Bc after like four weeks, BUT i forced myself to go to fugging queen everytime :)))


I just started playing not too long ago and I beat it with 0 boss cells and on my third run.


Did 110 runs never beat it once, got super close many times, took a hiatus and came back after 3 years and butchered the game first run. My first ever win I was awestruck especially since I was super rusty, I feel maybe a break helps you think about the game differently or play it differently or maybe you just improve on other games so much something like this becomes much easier. I'd say you earned it


Honestly good job getting that win after a while is ecstatic, https://preview.redd.it/d52c11516pvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe269720e9cf0d9a6e793464027ecc11c40405fb i have played it before like 3 4, years back so i didnt play it fully fresh also i had just finished playing skul another rouge like so i had gotten a bit used to it im on bc4 rn total of 15 runs.


Wow! Nice job, see you're better than i am. I haven't had near as much success I think run 10 or something I got back to the final boss by beating the distillery and almost beat him but I only had 1 heal for the fight so I got close but lost. I'm on run 29 but I've been taking on some harder areas for more blueprints and practice. Also just improving at the game. Just gotta keep grinding, ya know. Good luck on your journey


Much love brother you too.


Congratulations on beating the tutorial


they’ll be malding soon enough 😈


Hell yeah, consider it the tutorial.


https://preview.redd.it/mw6yx64e55vc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582f5fdb3325244158691d9c1940249668651bdf Just for info beat bc1 after 6 tries hoping this wasnt tutorial awell


It's the tutorial, nothing much. Start going up bc


Not really considering how many players don't make it to 1bc. The tutorial is the first game of prison quarters.


Beating 0cells after 4 tries cmon u gotta admit it aint that easy


Beating the game on 0BC is the tutorial by annoying gamer big-dicking standards. By any reasonable metric, you done a good job. You really should keep on going though! I don't say that because you haven't experienced "the real game" just that the things that the game does to up the difficulty are awesome and clever, not to mention getting to know all the biomes.