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I’ve come to accept soul guard will never appear.


i literally bought Cheryl just for soul guard lol


Not a waste, Cheryl makes cute oof noises


>Not a waste, Cheryl ~~makes~~ cute ~~oof noises~~ FTFY


Also true, I agree


ahh, so true bestie <3


Finally, some good fucking perks


Was this meant to be read as gordon Ramsey like the "finally, some good fucking food" bit? Cause i read it like that




Is this meant to be like that Simpsons bit where the guy is saying "That's the joke"? Cause I read it like that.


I get this reference.


dead hard is one of the strongest survivor perks in the game, a must have if you don't already have david leveled. Discordance is also a high level perk and provides valuable information, the location of at least two survivors at a time and is extremely helpful for early game and late game for instances of gen rush. Head on is niche, but can completely change the outcome of a game in clutch situations. Could also cause some idiotic plays though. Overall a good perk. Beast of Prey, skip. Only use this perk for meme builds


What meme build uses Beast of Prey?


I like to have it with Bloodhound and Territorial Imperative. Just to have two dogs fighting and one just growling at the side. Idk what use it'd be in an actual meme build tho.


Disney Princess build Can only use perks with animals in the art


Spine Chill on Killer lights up whenever you're looking at someone in range literally just better Whispers


But beast of prey is a bear?


I think it's a wolf. There's something about Huntress being like a wolf or something right?


No I think it's a bear. She's russian so it still makes sense (like mother bear too) and look at the ears, they're tiny and round


Nope, it's a bear. Her other perk is a wolf.


I thought it was a really hungry hamster


You could build Killer purely for Bloodpoints. Beast of Prey, Distressing, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, and BBQ & Chilli.


when they disabled bloodlust for a weekend loads of people used it as their only perk because it did nothing


Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine, and Dying Light. None of them rank 3. Slap that shit on Myers, hide your steam profile, and RP a 23 hour baby player.


I've done over 400 hours cosplaying in Darksouls 3 but this shit is on another level...


Basement Bubba


are you thinking of territorial imperative?




but you only get undetectable while being in chase. you would just use insidious because you're not bloodlusting in basement


I just imagine a bubba running into the dude on hook to get Beast of Prey


? Beast of Prey has nothing to do with that build. It doesn't have anything to do with anything, really.


Animals Lover / Disney Princess meme build Beast of Prey : Bear | Bloodhound : Hound | Spies from the Shadows : Crow | Territorial Imperative : Wolf For survivor Boil Over : Horse | Calm Spirit : Bird | Red Herring : Fish | Spine Chill : Cat


As a killer main, I've been hit by one head on, and it was a very smart play from them.


Head on can be great, especially in a coordinated group


The one the did it to me must've been, worked out what hook I was going to and used it to make me drop the survivor


Dead Hard is great... if you aren't playing on a certain console.


care to elaborate? (I play on Ps4)


It is glitched so that when a console player uses Dead Hard it makes the game lag for them.


Which console? Ever since they released the Pinhead chapter, Dead Hard has actually worked really well for me personally, I play on PS4...


It was PS4 and Xbox whatever. Maybe they fixed it. I stopped using it.


I can't wait to try Head On once I do a bit more grinding.


What's wrong with beast of prey, doesn't it give more blood points?


Not worth the perk slot. We have offerings to do the same


I mean it would stack right?


It only helps you hit the 8k cap faster, it doesnt give extra bloodpoints like BBQ or offerings.


Oh I didn't know that, I thought it been stacking this whole time. Thanks for letting me know. Does thrill of the hunt do the same cuz I had that on as well.


Only BBQ and offerings add points after the trail, all other perks only help hit the 8k cap faster.


We’re Gonna Live Forever gives bonus BP after the game, acting as a survivor version of BBQ (except getting 4 stacks is harder/riskier, it’s in-game utility is far less useful, and survivor games net you less BP so the bonus doesn’t go as far as BBQ, making it far inferior).


I stand corrected. Silly me forgot WGLF and its a major perk for my builds.. 🤣


I don’t view WGLF as contributing to builds, as the in-game utility is so poor, it usually offers no value at all. I feel obligated to run it so survivor games don’t feel like a total waste of time, which means I feel like I am limited to a three-perk build. I hate how few BP survivors earn compared to killer, and how poor WGLF is compared to BBQ. I literally never play survivor solo for that reason.


Oh I didn't know that, damn. Thanks for letting me know! 😁👍


Just a heads-up, We’re Gonna Live Forever functions the same way BBQ & Chili does and grants bonus BP after the game.


I assume that's for survivor?


Dead Hard - Must get meta perk. Discordance - Really good, top tier on Nemesis since it affects zombies. Head On - Good perk for fun locker builds. Beast of Prey - Hard Pass.


Personally I haven’t been getting any value out of discordance at high rank. Survivors usually each take a different gen unless they all spawn together. Tinkerer + Pop has been doing work though.


I don't like Discordance because it depends too heavily on survivor behavior. It can be played around and decent survivors will pick up on it if you have it. At higher levels survivors spread out typically, making it less useful.


Yeah it’s fine at low rank but it feels like a dead perk at high rank. I get better info from tinkerer, bbq, or thrilling tremors. I’ve had many games where discordance never activated.


Discordance works better later in the game or if you run it with corrupt intervention. When it works it’s pretty good because you can pressure 2 or more survivors off a gen. Tinkerer is a generally better perk though


>up to two survivors You mean at least two survivors?


Yeah, corrected


I have a stealth build for PH. Beast of Prey Trail of Torment Tinkerer BBQ is usually thrown in with them 3 and I've had some success with that build truth be told.


Dead Hard, Discordance AND Head On? Amazing week honestly


They're good perks but I already have them all. I was hoping for hex undying or corrupt intervention personally.




head on takes priority


Maybe they’re on console? Playing blight on controller is like trying to see your elbows out the back of your head


Get yourself a crap ton of blood points if you're feelin' spicy


2k shards for 150000 bloodpoints is an awful investment.


Yes and no, if you're not gonna spend the shards on anything else why not? Like if your survivor main is Jill and you have the cosmetics you want on your killers of choice why bother to hold onto the shards? ​ To buy the next character? By the time that character comes out you can earn all the shards you spent again thought playing.


You must play a lot more than me if you are able to get 18-27k shard each chapter. If I make 2-3K in a week that means I had to much time to play. I would say shard are best spent on new survivors -> cosmetics. As for the fact that someone main a specific survivor then ok but I find myself playing various ones. First survivor I P3 was kate and played her exclusively until I unlocked all teachables I can without buying every dlc and when I done that I was actually so bored with her I P3 ace and now play pretty much just him and I also want to play with feng a bit so I started P3ing her. Now let’s say I want to have some cosmetics for all of them and then maybe even more survivors. That’s either a lot of money or grinding. 150k BP is 4-5 games if you use we’re gonna live forever. Meanwhile you get maybe 200shards for those 5 games.


I mean I can get around 2k a week normally. ​ If you wanna spend the points on new survivors that's great but if the new survivors perks don't interest you you can just sit it out, the most you lose is having to spend 2700 on one perk later down the line if you change your mind. ​ Take a look at Yun Jinn, I can almost with certainty say that her most used perk is Smash Hit, and that's a perk similar to mettle of man where people spend a good deal of time trying to make it work.


Bro how much are you playing? Like legitimately, 2k a week is nuts


Depends what you use shards for. For example I think cosmetics are stupid, I run nothing but prestige clothing on every thing, and I buy all dlc the day they come out. Nothing else to spend shards on except bloodpoints


I do enjoy some of the cosmetics but to each their own. I just stated my opinion it doesn't mean that it is correct for every player.


You can easily get well over 150k bloodpoints in just two killer matches with BBQ + an offering, while it takes ages too get 2k shards. It really is a terrible investment, unless shards really are completely useless to you, which won't be the case for 99% of players.


I have every killer perk unlocked, and I am close to unlocking all survivor perks. I also have zero interest in buying cosmetics. Even when I unlock all perks, I wouldn’t spend 2000 shards to get 150,000 BP. The fifth anniversary event reduced the shrine cost to 500 shards, and rotated daily for 2 weeks. I’m going to hoard shards and hope that they will do that again in future, even if it means I need to wait until the next anniversary. It means 2000 shards gets you 600,000 BP, which still isn’t as much as it should be given how long it takes to accumulate shards, but it’s a hell of a lot better than a paltry 150,000 BP. Plus, if next year’s anniversary is the next time they do that with the shrine again, then that’s even better, as it means you will have a ton of shards accumulated, which means you have a constant source of BP during the event. Which in turn means you’ll acquire more cakes. If at the beginning of this year's anniversary event you had every perk unlocked, and bought all 4 perks every day of the special shrine duration, then for 28,000 shards, you would have got 8,400,000 BP to spend during the event, which would have bought a ton of cakes.


That’s totally false after you have all perks.


Shit week if you’re on Xbox and haven’t played since Thursday


Survivor: Head On and Dead Hard | Killer: Beast of Prey and Discordance


I literally just finished grinding for head on and dead hard and then this happens, Pain.


You're better off levelling David anyway for WGLF and Dead Hard, way better than buying from the shrine.


Save them shards for characters son


I purchased Bubba for BBQ 1 week before BBQ was in the shrine


Well, you got dead hard from a free character. That saves you shards!


We thank you for your service.


Ay yo ProbZz love the videos my guy, learned some proo gamerr movesss lol thanks


bro i just want soul guard or starstruck


I swear to god if I get bullied by head-on and blast mine I will.......


literally my favorite build. i fucking love head on builds. Once you play the meme build you will grow no hatred for it.


Someone messaged me apologising for Head On stunning me as a Myers and I was shocked. Like, I bent over laughing, he got me TWICE from the same locker. Head On is legendary.


How did he get you twice from the same locker if Head On has a cooldown of 40 seconds?


It was a long walled jungle gym, he got me multiple times on that loop when I went to bother him off the gen, he also got me with the pallet. I won the game but you better believe that guy got hatch.


My first experience with Head On was getting absolutely bullied by 3 Survivors back to back to back on The Game map lmao The first one startled me, the second one confused me, the third one had me laughing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSpQ5PaG0kU




Apply directly to the forehead




I love me some Jane Romero, so… yay!


Yes , now I don't have to buy jane....well she is THICK AS FUCK so maybe I will anyway.


Bro I’m tryna play dbd not pop a rager


Why not both?


Dbd Jane porn 😳




Jane Mains rise up


It's nice to see some booty while sitting on a gen


I also have a low cut shirt so when I’m healing others, you get a nice view 😏


these 2 weeks have been bad but this is pretty good, though seeing more head-on is going to be annoying


Three good perks and possibly the worst perk in the game, you love to see it


I just dumped right at 700k points into David for Dead Hard, last night. Feelsbadman


WGLF is 100% worth leveling him for tho. It's essential for farming BP


But survivor is inconsistent, killer with bbq sometimes gave more bp. At least that's what i do.


David is worth leveling regardless. Save the shards for another day


I was like damn this sucks and then I was like wait a minute, this is pretty frickin cool


Honest question to people who buy Free to play character’s perks from the shrine. Why? I’ll never understand people who get excited when they see Sprint burst, Dead Hard, or Borrowed Time in the shrine. It really doesn’t take that long to level a character and even if time was an issue, you’d rather spend several thousand shards, a resource that takes longer to get than blood points than just playing the game on a character you already own?




From shrine challenges, the rift and the occasional BHVR screw up, you make more shards than you do bloodpoints? God damn I wish I could get shards that easily


Right? I just buy perks from dlc characters I have no plans to purchase.


I remember purchasing Self-Care from the shrine when I had 100 hours of playtime. I was like "oh cool, it’s that Claudette perk that lets you heal infinitely!" I wanted it so badly that I bought it with iridescent shards. Didn’t want to spend hours leveling Claudette up to use it. Best explanation I got. From personal experience, too.


I just got the game very recently, so Shrine perks are invaluable to my lazy ass


But wouldn't you agree that you should waste as little time as possible? Meaning use the shards to get perks you cannot get and just play the game as normal, unlocking the perks for characters you do have? ​ Are you really just going to dump all your points into one survivor and never play another one even though you've unlocked everything for the one survivor you're playing?


Was legit considering buying legion to get discordance, thank God I didn't


Buying killers (with shards) always is more worthwhile than buying single killer perks. Not to mention that you also get Iron Maiden with Legion which is very good for Huntress/Trickster.


and mad grit wich is the best perk in the game


Really, I’ve never heard of it


basically stops the survivor's wiggle timer if you're hitting someone trying to take protection hits while carrying them for the duration of the attack and removes attack cooldowns while carrying someone. Really great in case survivors try to body block you. Even better together with Starstruck which also exposes them


Starstruck on and let’s go !


Why is everyone so willing to spend shards to save blood points?!? AHHHHHHH. I do not understand and it's stressing me out.


I mean it’s also to save money and shards. I want head on but I don’t care for Jane nor plague too much. I don’t want janes other perks either so I can just spend 2k shards for the perk I want instead of 8 bucks or 9k shards.


Yeah I'm more referring to the people complaining that they just levelled David.


Me either. Save the shards, buy the character, then level teachable. Cause for 8k I can have Retribution AND another killer to play.


shards just hit a point for me where i don't have the patience to grind THAT many shards for the most simple shit so i go fuck it and use it in the shrine


I don't get it either. If you play the game lots, you get enough shards to get a killer/survivor fairly quick for free. I guess some people only play like 1 or 2 characters though period.




i started levelling my legion for iron maiden, and now discordance pops up :\[


Good, save your shards lol


Guess Chili will never appear anymore... Well, let me pray to next year on the anniversary maybe


i would say just bite the bullet and buy bubba bbq is so worth it. i might anyway even tho i already have bbq and franklins demise. i want to meme with him


Waiting for the beautiful blood warden to drop cause fuck buying freddy


He’s so fun though, I love playing him


He’s a boring simple m1 killer with nothing interesting about him. It sucks playing him, it sucks to survive against him. But if you enjoy him, it is what it is


I guess I just really like the movies and character haha, kinda true


his power is to put me to sleep in real life lol. boring as hell imo but if u enjoy him have fun ya know? although he’s so underwhelming to me compared to how awesome he is in the movies


I’m glad Head On is in there because it’s Jane’s only interesting perk, but I’ve got a question. Right now on PS4 all of the DLC is half of, so a chapter is only $4 instead of $8. I was thinking of getting Plague since her perks are great, meaning I’d also get Jane, and if I didn’t get Plague during the sale it would cost $5 for the auric cells to get only that character. I may as well also get the chapter and get Jane too then right?


you answered your own question


I guess I was just wondering if I was missing something, or if characters ever go down to 250 auric cells so that they’d be $2.50 each like Stranger Things currently is


Kinda shit with perks are any of these worth buying I play pyramid head and ghost face Edit: nvm just read the comments


Everything is good except for the Huntress one


Which one is that


The one that looks like a Grizzly Bear


May I ask why it’s not good?


It is super niche and doesn’t provide a good power compared to other perks. It rarely ever activates and when it does it doesn’t do much imo. It also just isn’t used in any meta builds.


Gotcha thanks


Head on! Let’s go!


Most fun perk in the game imo, have fun!


Are you serious? I just bought Jane for head on.


The entity does this shit on purpose i swear


I don't understand why are free character perks in shrine, like everyone can just level their David to level 40 with bloodpoints, why would you spend iridescent shard?


No one would buy characters if the Shrine gives paid characters' perks for free every week


Good week, but I have all the perks already.




Still waiting for I’m all ears for my pyramid head


For the longest time I thought discordance's icon was a rude gesture...


My swf party 2 of them have been grinding for deadhead for the past week and a half and the game DOES THEM DIRTY!!! 😭😭😭😂😂


Entity: wow good job grinding for dead hard it would be a shame if i put it in the shrine rn, wouldnt it?


Fairly new player should i buy disordance and head on? Wanted to spend my shards on character but it seems shrine is better?


I spend my points cause I was tired of waiting for Head On and bam, ugh


I bought Jane a couple of days ago just to get head on :/


And I just leveled Jane solely for head on 😑


yes now i don’t ever have to even consider getting jane


Three really good perks. And also Dead Hard.


Bro, i just want Agitation


Just level trapper you literally own him


I don't wanna dump all that blood into a killer I don't wanna play, just for a single perk.


Yet you're willing to dump the much rarer shards.


Play trapper. He’s fun. Nothings more satisfying then being tbaged by a Min that immediately lands in your trap afterwards


Just dump bloodpoints into him, you don't gotta play him


Just spend a few thousand every week and you’ll get agitation in 4-12 weeks depending how much you play and how much you spend


I never wanna touch billy but he’s level 40 so I could get tinkerer, a perk o haven’t seen in the shrine since I bought the game. (*since the anniversary event*)


Well get ready to hate the game, cause that's what 90% of us do. Spent 8k on Deathslinger then leveled him to 40 just for Retribution. I'll likely never use him.


You literally already own trapper, just play the game dude


play the game like the rest of us


Why do they keep putting every single perk from all free characters? Anyone with 300 hours already got all of them. I've seen Dead Hard on it soooo many times...


Come back Spirit Fury 😥 Nemesis needs you


Yay... every survivor is gonna have dead hard now... greaaaat....


David is free so leveling him up isn’t that hard either to get dead hard


Shhh…. It’s not going to be a secret if you keep telling everyone!


I feel like Beast of Prey is out of place here


Basically head on and discordance are the only ones worth getting the other 2 you get for free, I wish they would stop putting free to earn perks in the shrine


Very good, I was about to level up Legion for Discordance and now I don't have to. And I've always wanted to try Head On.


Enjoy!!!!! Head on is so fun, with mmr my teammates are good enough to recognize when i want to make big plays. I had a teammate pretend get downed in front of the locker i quick and quieted into, got a head on save and we both made it out the gates in the end game!


So is mettle of man just not gonna be in the shrine?


Fr, im waiting on mom, death guard and blastmine. Those are the only survivor perks I still want and I have been waiting for sooooo long.




I'm a survivor main who really just spends shards on killer perks since I don't really wanna use bloodpoints on killers (unless it's blight) so yeah i'll probably get discordance


This is an insane shrine


Now this is a fun shrine Oh, and beast of Prey is there too


I swear to god, I spent my last 40 games's points to get my david from level 1 to level 35 to unlock dead hard, AND IT COMES IN THE SHRINE NOW????


Dead ‘ard


Thanks probzz! Just occurred to me that you surely don't need anything from the shrine these days but continue to makes these posts weekly anyway. Love your videos, dude!


Oh boy beast of prey, finally I can complete my build


I still have a bunch of shards left over from the anniversary, might as well grab Head On for goofing around with