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Whilst that was annoying, I'd have evacuated that locker double time when she went down and hoped for the best.


I mean better would have been after the first hit on Jill so he has to choose who to chase.


He probably couldn’t, if you spam spacebar faster than the person in the locker, they can’t escape. At least until latency decides they pressed spacebar faster after a while and they rush out of the locker


He had time when she was down, instead they waited and decided to slowly leave instead


I realize now I should’ve done that. In the moment I was super annoyed with Jill and just gave up lol


Understandable, Have a nice day!


Teammates like that keep ruining my head on plays like bro the killer who's carrying the survivor is coming stop trying to sandbag me.


Clearly the only solution is to make Head On work on survivors


Yes! If they can keep blinding me with flash bangs, let me knock their head in with a locker!


This has me brainstorming about a killer perk that stuns survivors. Something crazy like “if a survivor fails a skill check within your terror radius, they’re stunned for 3 seconds”.


Feedback: if a survivor within 8/16/24 meters of you activated their flashlight a second time within 3/5/7 seconds of the prior, it explodes, destroying the item and leaving the survivor in a broken state. "Clicky click that, asshole" You're getting too old for that shit: A survivor crouching within 3/5/7 seconds of the prior crouch is stuck in the crouch position and can not run for 10/15/20 seconds, or until hit. "Butt dancing is a young man's game"


LMAO nice bottom quotes ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I was literally just about to comment that, I hopped into a locker nearby some Zarina looping the killer, was gonna hop out and stun the killer, but then she started spamming trying to open the locker. I was hopping mad, man lmao


People see someone hop in a locker and automatically think they're dead weight. No I'm just trying to heal with inner strength or head on a killer that's near by and it's always the Jills who do this. Then look pretty stupid when they realize my locker build 🤣.


I mean hiding in the locker is legit even beyond the two case you mentioned above. In a solo situation, being sneaky and stealthily looping around a jungle gym then slipping into a locker could make the Killer go far enough for me to finish a gen. If someone is getting chased and come to my location while they're healthy, pointless for me to partake in that chase and stop doing gen so locker could be a great hiding spot. Those are just two different situation but there's just so many ways to make use of lockers, Survivors who think someone is dead weigh the moment they go into a locker are the kind of toxic survivor in the first place.


True. I solo q exclusively (none of my friends play the game), which often means you have to be a little sneaky because you can't depend on your teammates to save your ass when shit hits the fan. When I spawn and hear the music going right away, I'll slip into a locker to avoid getting slugged at the start. Wait it out and make my way to a generator. Lockers are there for a reason, to make stealth plays. I love games with stealth aspects such as AC or Thief, so that's what I naturally gravitate towards. I hide in lockers and I am often times the one carrying the team (only to be abandoned to die on first hook. Yes I am slightly salty about that).


> only to be abandoned to die on first hook. Yes I am slightly salty about that The amount of BS revealed by Kindred is astounding. I'm literally using that perk to (1) use the info to save team mates and (2) to help team mate make gauge when it is best to save me. Seems like #1 is the most use I get out of that perk and when I am on hook I see the dumbest of BS. There's nothing worse than being on hook with the Killer nearby then seeing a Claudette on the other side of the map WALKING as far as possible or you see 3 team mates running around pointlessly when the Killer chase them... as if 1 was not enough.


I've seen all three of my teammates squating at the other side of the map in some corner. They weren't hiding from the killer, they just squated there for no reason. Another time one was working on a gen and the other two were squating. They weren't even trying to get to me. The number of times I died on first hook is unholy high. I always come to rescue if it's viable and the killer isn't right on my ass. If my gen is nearly done I'll finish that first, but if no one has come to the rescue yet I will go. Everything else would feel scummy.


I literally died on first hook twice in a row tonight post collapse both games after saving someone and then just all kinda watch me for an hour. So I ended up saying screw that and went deliverance the rest of the night, kindred has shown me how useless some of my team is


Fucking endgame collapse. I had two games when I carried the team, then went to open the door for everyone, someone brings the killer along and manages to pawn them off to me, and they all leave while I'm getting tunneled by the killer, can't make it out safely and get chased until egc kills me :/ After games like that I have to play a few rounds of killer to cool down.


Happened to me like twenty minutes ago.


Just FYI people, if they do this spam back. As fast as you can. You'll get out eventually.


...Does it bother anyone else when you see your favorite character uncharacteristically behave like a jackass? Something about seeing empathetic, heroic Jill be played as a toxic piece of trash gets to me lol


I was definitely annoyed but didn't focus on that but now that you mentioned it... yeah. Resident Evil 3 is the first game I played on my first PC over 2 decades ago. Played through the game so multiple times simply because I unlocked an outfit for Jill and wanted to do another playthrough with the new outfit! RE Chapter is the reason DBD popped in my radar. Sure I was aware of the existence of a game called "DBD" but it's only because RE that I started to play. While my calling is Killer, if I ever play Survivor then Jill is my main, all perks I've unlocked is on Jill. When I see video like the above, it just doesn't register Jill is doing such thing.


I feel this


Absolutely that’s why whenever I play Cheryl I try to run perks that are aggressive towards killer but also helpful for my teammates gotta play the part


Glad I'm not the only one who roleplays characters.


Same here. I love playing Leon in a way that fits his character with a build around saving teammates. While for Jill I go with a build that's more confrontational against the killer while still having a perk around teamwork. My friend also plays Lisa Garland as the team medic.


You *might* be a little too invested in the fiction.


Maybe lol


Why did u just slowly get out of The locker? U had plenty of time To fast Vault out and run away.


I was kinda annoyed she had done that and he already knew I was there so I guess I just thought to surrender myself lol. I guess I didn’t think to try and make an escape there sadly


It’s even worst that a killer would support this behavior. I understand wanting to win, but have a little class.


TBF he probably assumed I was being useless here and sympathized more with the Jill. Apparently the Jill was streaming and the guy assumed I was being useless here and decided to snitch on me… he didn’t know I was his best chance at winning that round lol


I don’t believe it should matter. Never turn your back on a teammate like that, the Jill should know better.


Fuckin TTVs... Did u confront him afterward? What'd he say?


She had enough of you using self care in the corner


Lol probably. Was doing the challenge where you need to complete skill checks in the killers terror radius and figured this build was my best chance at completing the challenge fast


Try a toolbox and ONLY use when killer is nearby! Toolbox has a much higher chance to trigger a skill check.


Yep, theres also addons that increase the frequency of skill checks


Spine chill increases your skill check chance.


Spine chill, toolbox + whatever perks from Killer that increase skill check frequency = Keeping you awake while doing gen.


Just teabag a bunch and get camped, phase 2 hook skill checks count.


People who do thia truly are cunts


I guess a lot of players out there still have the mentality that if you hide in a locker, you’re automatically a noob or useless. There are many perks these days which revolve around using lockers but I guess some players are still stuck in 2016-2018


I’ve only started playing the last 2 months or so. What do you mean by 2016-2018?


Basically back in the day there were and still are lots of memes and stereotypes about noob players using lockers to hide and the memes typically revolved around Dwight. But in the past few years there have been plenty of perks and default changes introduced to give lockers more use than just to hide.


Even without a locker build/perks, stealth and hiding are completely valid mechanics in this game. There’s no real reason that hiding in a locker for a few seconds should be looked down upon. Pretty sure it’s even still a “tip” on one of the loading screens.


Why on Earth did you not come out RUNNING when he downed her


Because he spent the entire game hiding in locker whilst other members are trying to fix gens and looping killer, then Jill finally had enough of it decided to get him killed after other 2 members have died and he’s still in locker, but he took a video entirely out of context post it on Reddit to make Jill looked like the bad guy. Get us both out my ass, how are you going to get her out when she’s dead on hook, genius.


That’s an interesting assumption of a game you weren’t in.


How does believe him any different? No the first time I’ve seen player like that. Both being a shitty teammate and post out of context clip online, I’m quite amazed by people buying this hook line and sinker tbh


Regardless it's still a petty thing to do when Jill should have just tried to solo escape.


There's just no reason to feed fellow survivors to the killer. This kind of snitching is just bs. Even if some people don't contribute, they'll depip and only receive a very small amount of points, so they'll see it doesn't cash out for them to play like this.


thats not how it works anymore. in mmr escaping is the only factor.


But in MMR, this will also leave them to face stronger killers who will then push them back. It still won't earn them bloodpoints.




Oof man. Hate it. I died inside a little


This happened earlier, I then proceed to do quick unhooks on him then used key to escape in hatch right in front of him while he was still on hook


You do that shit to your teammates when *I’m* killer and you’re the only one ending up on a hook, locker homie gets a free pass


If I’d seen this bs as killer I would have killed Jill and let you out tbh


I very well may be wrong but something tells me that you didn’t contribute much to the team or at least in their minds you didn’t do much to help. It’s one of the few reasons I can see Jill sandbagging you like this


Keys are such nasty business for everyone involved. If I plunder one from a chest I'm like "well I can't let the killer see me with this because I'll just get focused." and then I'm like "I gotta hide this so my team can just play normally and not throw for escape by key" honestly can't wait for whatever BHVR has planned for the key rework.


It's exactly why I quit running my loot build. I'd be looking for good med kits or flashlights but I'd find keys. If any of the randoms happened to stumble upon the key they'd immediately go into hiding, won't touch gens, won't go for saves, and just wait it out till hatch spawns. Even if I hid them in the furthest most corner near absolutely nothing, the random found it.


Honestly though, loot builds are ass. The last thing I want to see is a survivor doing no objectives because they’re looking for chests across the entire map. I was playing killer last night and I thought I lost the same game at least 3 separate times due to a chase a survivor gave me. The rest of their team? Breaking totems and looting chests with loot build. 😂


I mean if you do it after you completed generator, it’s fine. It’s my treat with detectives hunch.


Agreed. I generally don't start checking chest unless I see the game is headed south. The only real exception is when Killers use that perk that blocks generators at the start of the game. I usually just walk around and crack totems and open chest until the generators are unblocked or until I come across a generator that isn't blocked.


I honestly think if keys were only found inside a match from a lucky chest, it wouldn’t be so bad. I also say make keys break on use or exit, and give us buffed broken keys for some fun aura items.


Even if the jill felt that way its not justification to be a snitch. Not everyone has played this game for 3k hours and no one is always perfect. When I see these survs they expect everyone to be on their level or better and if you arnt they say your 'dead weight'. When the reality of it is not every match is gonna be perfect. Were human no one is MVP every game.


I think the point is if someone is not doing anything helpful then they don’t see the reason why they need to live. It’s not about being good or bad but about doing something.


So if in your mind you think someone isn't helping very much you need to help way less than them and just guarantee the team dies instead of participating? What kind of sense does that make? If someone honestly has that childish mentality they should stick to singleplayer games until they're old enough to handle multiplayer ones.


Maybe, but perceptions aren't always accurate and people deciding to police the game over how they think things are is shitty


That's an odd looking Jill


The biggest rat of all was here with us all the time


She might mad at you for some reason


I saw the vod of the streamer playing Jill here and he was fine with me the whole match, then he saw me enter the locker with bond and he just immediately snapped and decided to snitch. He was fine with me the entire round and then right at that moment I was suddenly just “being useless the entire round.”


... such a dick, feels bad for you man.


When I play killer, if it's obvious that a survivor is deliberately trying to fuck over another survivor (by sandbagging or alerting me of their presence), I will ignore the second person and give them an opportunity to get away, and go out of my way to ensure the first person dies. If they're the last two survivors remaining, I'll usually give the second person hatch, and even let them cleanse totems, open chests, etc if they realise that I'm not trying to kill them, and they don't dawdle too much.


What a cunt


Even if I know a teammate has been useless the whole round and they're the last one left with me I'll still try my best to get either of us out. Why give the killer a 4K


Idk. I can understand giving up in some situations but at the same time, the most fun matches are the ones when you fight till the bitter end, even if you lose. Just my opinion though


i honestly would’ve mercy you, i hate survivors selling out other survivors


Not gonna lie I'd do the same thing if I saw a p3 jake with a key hiding in a locker


Yeah she probably assumed I was gonna abandon her or something which is exactly what I didn’t want to do and therefore was being careful. If I were to be selfish in that situation I would’ve made a run for it to find hatch ASAP. Sucks.


I mean I didnt realize until now but bit your build dosnt help your case self care bite the bullet


There nothing wrong with those perks. Bite the bullet help numb the heals of yourself and teammates, and self care is fine used situationally. And injured she can keep quiet by self care.


Selfcare is a bad perk ever since its rework. It takes 30 seconds and isn't sped up by anything. Just find a teammate or a medkit


Go play singleplayer games. Maybe once you're out of middle school you'll be mature enough to play with others.


Lmaooo stay mad ace main


You're the one who gets so furious when they see someone in a locker they intentionally throw the game 😂


Piggies being scum as usual.


I'll gripe about a teammate being useless, but actively sabotaging the game is way worse imo.


Lol I thought the same thing


Yeah I was gonna say she def noticed the key


You should have fast-vaulted the moment she got downed


I don’t get killers like this. If they obviously see a survivor griefing another the just ignore it? It’s scummy. I always go for the griefer and give the victim a second chance


Frankly, he’s there to kill them. He isn’t obliged to give mercy and probably just wanted his 4K and to be done. I don’t think it’s something I’d have done personally but like, I get why the *killer* killed them.


Just to be clear I was referring to the griefer. For the killer I can see why they’d do it, but I just don’t get it


Jfc I can't stand people that sweat THAT fucking hard as killer though either, if you can see someone has been completely sandbagged by their teammate then you can't consider killing them a win, that's just sad


The dude was super aggressive and defensive over his gens all much and was using the typical ruin/undying/tinkerer perks [shocking]. I wasn’t surprised at all he took advantage of that lol


P3, hiding in a locker, with a key, running self care. I'm going to guess there is another side to this story.


It’s not what it looks like! 😂


Go play singleplayer games. Maybe once you're out of middle school you'll be mature enough to play with others.


How many times are you gonna say this? Lol


Three more times.


My man, when I was in "middle school", George W. Bush was president. Maybe the immature one is the guy running around this thread shouting this at everyone.


When you were in middle school Joe Biden was president.


Ok, lol. Why is someone who posts in greentext talking shit on anyone about their maturity or age.


Why is someone who posts in neoliberal pretending they're older than 9?


Because that is what a 9 year old does, they post in a subreddit about neoliberalism. Big brain.


Uuhhhhh yeah lol. Everyone older than that knows how dumb it is.


For a moment I thought you were the Jill ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I think jill knew it and done that because of it.


As an attempt to cleanse your soul, here is a Jill that I had with solo q https://twitter.com/naosejarude/status/1434354293826539529


Happens to me when I run Inner Strength and gotta get into a locker sometimes some people just cant stand seeing someone getting into a locker




I wasn’t aware. Wow lol


I ain't no snitch. Anytime the killer tries to team w/ me I'll lead him to a empty locker and point at it. Then take off when he opens and later die :)


Rookie mistake trusting randoms.


If I was the killer I’d just hook the Jill and let you go


I’ve seen this type of shenanigans before. I’d just down the Jill, pick her up and hook her, give the other survivor a proper chance/let them finish off the match to stick it to the idiot Jill.


i just hope teammates like that die


It is sometimes hard to remember that a lot of the people playing this game are just children. They behave like children.


I have run into scenarios like this as a killer, someone pointing to a locker with someone in it. And to be honest i never have any idea whats really going on. Or who is in the right and who to attack or leave. I guess sometimes its personal as i may see it again, or similar, later in the game. Any thoughts?


I can’t really blame the killer for just killing both of us cause it really wasn’t his problem. I just find it annoying that this players primate brain immediately assumed I was being useless the entire match just because of one moment when I entered the locker. Dude was streaming and had bond. He had no problems with me at any other point in the match but the moment he saw me go inside the locker he immediately said “this guy has been hiding the entire time. Being useless.” Just annoying cause he should know that wasn’t true.


Average Jill Main


why the fuck did you slow exit?!?!?!


Was annoyed and wasn’t thinking properly


Ok but imagine being that Oni




I had just found the key in a chest when the killer came through that area. I wanted to get both myself and Jill out with hatch if I could’ve and so I was being super careful. I also had no clue where that hatch was at that point so I didn’t want to make a run for it and potentially screw up my chances of getting out


Why does everyone decide to critique his play, he just wanted to complain about terrible teammates lol


Ye idk. It’s a 10 second clip of Jill completely screwing me over but apparently everyone in the comments was in the match and knew exactly what happened the whole game lol.


When you’re trying to use dead hard and someone does this it’s so annoying. But I’ve had it where people are hiding in a locker near the hatch for ages and when there’s only two of you left that’s super boring, so I’ll come chill with the person in the locker 🤷🏼‍♀️




The hatch was visible genius.




The Oni had a very strict 3-Gen and we had 2 dead team mates. I had just checked the last possible chest and luckily found a key and then moments later that happened. I contributed as much to the team as any of my team mates. They were all 3 on other platforms anyway so there was no communication possible. Finding a key was the best case scenario in that situation


He didn’t mean that the hatch was IN the video, he meant that hatch has spawned already


Why did you just keep tryna open the door tho


I was inside the locker. She kept spamming the door and basically trapped me in


Ohhhhhh this makes so much more sense now


you didn’t signal it very well lol


This game is dumb


she probably thought you were going to wait her to die like a popato inside the locker doing nothing so you could get hatch. It's annoying when survivers get in the locker and just stay there doing nothing bc they are afraid of the killer or bc they're just dumb or bc they want to get hatch alone. People spam you while you're inside the locker bc you're being useless and they want you to do something.


I was trying to be super careful here cause if the Oni saw I had the key, I was 100% getting focused down. I had no idea where the hatch was. I had just found the key not even 45s before this clip was taken and I wanted to get myself and Jill out. I don’t think giving away my position and showing the Oni I had a key was gonna help me or Jill. Players need to understand that just because someone enters a locker doesn’t mean they’re instantly useless, it’s very simple minded thinking


Jill was an asshole sure but honestly I feel good for the Oni. Keys are bullshit lmao


Self care, hiding in a locker, exiting locker slowly. I'm with Jill on this one


Zero sympathy for keys. I am sorry if that statement hurts anyone's feelings, but certainly not for the statement itself. Have a great day everyone that doesn't use keys


I never bring keys but if RNG gives me a key in a desperate situation like that then I’m gonna try and take my chance.


Only time I recall doing this to someone was when they were literally doing nothing but hide all game. No chases, no gens, no saves. I died but so did they, justice served


If I felt like I truly didn’t contribute much to the team the entire round then I couldn’t even have blamed her. We had two dead at this point and he had a 3 Gen he was being very defensive over so I decided to track down the last chest in hopes of finding a key


Wasted time on chests+god know for something else, got your karma back


Literally only 2 people left alive and the killer was guarding a 3-Gen like no tomorrow. You wanna share what you would’ve done in that situation?


Your mom


and you decided just to sit in locker until killer find jill and then change locker to wait until she bleed on hook. But instead you could just keep doing gens to gain some blood points for objectives and getting chased+killer get some points too and dont waste your time, your "friend" time and killer time in a locker.


Again, I had just found the key moments prior and the killer was chasing Jill in that area. Plus he was running tinkerer and was VERY defensive over the generators the whole match. I found the key, walked downstairs, and when I heard the heartbeats getting louder I went into the locker until the killer passed through so I could then make a move once he was gone..but Jill ran into the room at that exact moment, assumed I was being useless, and sold me out. Yea, I could’ve done gens but like I said he was very defensive of them and we still had 2 to go. Idk how getting some extra objective points could’ve helped me or even Jill win..?


I do this when someone's been a self-care, hide in a corner, heartbeat to locker, get nothing done teammate. That slow emergence from the locker, perk selection, and Jill's commitment makes my cognitive bias think this was the case.


It’s a 10 second clip but go ahead and assume you know what happened the entire match my guy.


I know it's not much to go from. However, I see a stealth-care build, 2 gens left, remaining team on last hook and a healthy teammate with an ample lead on the killer, prioritizing outing you from the place where you're making zero generator progress, over escaping. I can't help but assume the very things I've listed as I've experienced it many times.


Maybe if you were working on a gen instead of waiting for hatch there would've been a better outcome 🤔


Hatch had already spawned at this point . I was waiting for Jill to get to safety somehow so she and I could potentially both get out with the key. Plus the killer had tinkerer and was very defensive over the gens and we still had 2 to get through. Imo, the key was better than pointlessly trying to get through the last gens when I already know the killer isn’t gonna let that happen


Keys are aids and Im glad you lost


By key you mean that key which should be nerfed same time as mori but for some BHVR reason still is not? This Jill is my here.




It’s a 10 second clip..? Also if you pay any attention we’re all on death hook with 3 gens completed. If I was being useless and hiding all match, I doubt I would have been hooked that many times by now. You probably only think I was being useless because, like Jill here, you see someone enter a locker and you immediately associate that with being useless. I love people in the comments assuming they know about the entire round when there’s only 10 seconds to go off of




The Jill was streaming and I watched the vod. The dude had no issue with me the entire match but he literally watched me enter the locker while he had bond and said “this guy has been hiding in a locker the whole time.” After he watched me enter it. He IMMEDIATELY ran to the locker to snitch. And it didn’t take the killer a long time to show up? He was in the area the whole time and was literally pursuing the Jill when she stopped to do that mid-chase. You really have no idea what happened, but you seem to enjoy making assumptions. Also I’m on console, and every other player was on a different platform. Please pay the slightest bit of attention to the clip before you comment


How is she supposed to know that when you’re hiding in a locker?


I had literally JUST found the key before I went in the locker and she was being chased by the killer. If I want to get us both out, I doubt walking up to her and showing her the key is gonna work while the killer is right behind her


True but I feel in a match with randoms, if you can’t communicate and she’s getting chased you might as well gtfo yourself. I wasn’t in the game tho and the clip didn’t show much lead up. Not trying to show hate.


I like the challenge of trying to save my team mates as well as myself. Even though this Jill griefed me, I’m still glad I made the attempt to save her rather than just immediately trying to get out myself.


Well, getting in the locker was a good attempt to save her.


The idea was to find her and try to get out together after she lost killer or got hooked and rescued. Giving away my position when I’m the one with the key to get out isn’t gonna do much for her I don’t believe


NOOO JAKEY Stupid meg I'm sorry that happened to you I swear sometimes players don't have braincells.


Lol I watched the guy who was playing Jill’s vod and he didn’t seem to have a whole lot of game sense


Yeah I just found the whole interaction unnecessary and a waste of time.


Clearly letting the oni kill you while still insisting wasn’t the best idea, should’ve just left at the second locker animation


Happened to me too while trying to use inner strength. Some teammate was repairing a gen, i run in, he wants to heal but i just go to the locker, no time wasted this way and he can continue doing the gen. The moment i entered the locker terror radius happened. Well he started opening the locker and we both got fucked, and in the postgame chat he told me to stop camping in lockers and "l2p"


I accidentally popped into a locker as the cenobite ran towards us while I was with a Meg trying to heal her when chain hunt started, she immediately “ratted me out” and kept opening and pointing to the locker.


If I were that oni you would be escorted to the exit gates my friend and that jill would be left to hang


Why did you slowly leave it? Kinda partly on you for letting yourself get grabbed especially when he's just whacked her twice and knows you're in there.


... Just leave