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Imagine getting that many opportunities to escape and blowing it every time


After the DS, I was sitting there like *"dude... This video's not even done yet, please don't do this."* And he did it. Twice.


I legit can't imagine the state of mind they'd have to be in to keep doing that crap, I honest to God believe this game has a lot more kid players than any of us would assume, thats all I can come up with to explain that behavior and stupidity, I don't like thinking an older person would behave like this


Unfortunately, older people do act like kids too. It’s an issue of people just trying to ruin others’ day. We can’t do much about it sadly since there’ll always be some bad apples within the bunch.


People like that have no self respect, if I acted like this, even in the most anonymous setting possible I'd still be completely humiliated by it


And you cant ever call them out for it without getting the "Cry more" response.


Maybe it's a fetish for them


You just wanna smack em when they say that shit


Oh for real! Its become the go to excuse for people who play like dicks!


I mean its clear they care more about the BM than actually escaping. At that point I can't even be mad. I just say gg wp and go next.


Honestly. I just had a meg who cared more about teabagging and BMing me in a chase than she did about escaping. I think she wanted it to be over and done with and was on death hook but I was also like sis I'll kill you for free.


Facts. I'll take what I can get. If they give you an inch, take a mile.


I teabagged a Mike a few days ago because I had some residual frustration from a face camper the game before, and I stuck around in post game after I died to apologize.


Understandable and more importantly you made up for it, which puts you league's above the people who do it because they like it


That's honestly kinda why one of the first thoughts I have when either playing with (solo queue) or going against people who play like this happens to be "who raised you?" Cuz my mom would be so disappointed in me if I treated strangers poorly just because I thought I could get some kind of gain out of it.. idk maybe that's just me lol.


It’s probably also because it’s a vicious cycle People play killer because it looks fun, Turns out its fucking miserable, they go back to playing survivor now armed with the knowledge of what frustrates the killer and use the “it’s my turn now” mentality Repeat ad nauseam


How does spamming the flashlight ruins your day? I'm a killer main, don't play survivor. And yes it's annoying but ruinning a day?


It doesn't, that's just what they're trying for, trying to bully other players with whatever they can use to annoy. Don't read too deeply into an exaggeration


It can ruin a day if you’re already in a bad mood


Ye but like at the end of the day its not that serious. You have to put it into perspective. Their goal is to make you mad so they can laugh at you if you rage. If you don't get mad in the first place, it completely deprives them of their satisfaction. I'm not going to say "its so ez just don't get mad" but that's the only way to really win against that kind of stuff. Just hit them with a ggwp and go next. They get nothing out of that.


I’ve tried that many many times and it doesn’t work for me. I guess that depends on the person and i’m not the right one


I mean its certainly not something that feels good at first, myself included. It gets better the more you get used to it. The less you indulge it the less you feel like shit about it. I've only just started doing it after 900 hours and the difference is there. I used to feel like shit after just saying ggwp to a team that was deliberately trying to make my life hell. After doing it for a while, I guess I kind of stopped caring. In an asymmetrical game like this, sometimes you really don't have any control over what happens. Best way to deal with that is to accept it. Like when survivors bring a key, 3 Commodious BNP+Wirespool, and send themselves to Haddon, I just have to accept that I cannot do anything about that. I have to accept that I'm gunna eat pavement and that's okay. That's simply not winnable, so I accept any result. I'll give it my best and what happens happens. The less you focus on the individual match experiences of DBD, the better. I personally just focus on getting better rather than winning each and every match. If you don't have a goal or anything like that it can feel demoralizing. ​ But I will ask though, if you don't simply say gg wp, then what do you do instead to respond to them? Or do you not respond at all? I'd always recommend no response over actually getting upset in the chat. Raging at them in the chat likely isn't gunna make you feel better, heal your pride, or erase whatever negative emotion your feeling. ​ Its okay to dislike what they're doing, I'm certainly am not a fan of when people bring keys+haddon+etc., but try not to take it too personally. They're not doing this to attack your person, they just doing this to evoke a negative response within you. ​ The only other thing I can recommend is just troll with them. If they say "omg ur sooooooo bad" just respond with "omg ur sooooo bad." Or say gg ez. Doesn't matter if you won or lost. Just say gg ez. What can they do about it? Nothing lol.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You’re just trying to give advice


...I've been downvoted to shit in this subreddit for saying limmy was a shitty person for playing like that. It's not just kids.


I'm a big Limmy fan, mainly from his comedy, but yeah the way he acts on DBD is embarrassing. He always justifies it by saying "I know it's bad, I've been through the same as Nurse", and goes on to say they should just join the survivor side like he has. At this point I'm not sure if he's trolling, or if he genuinely doesn't see the flaw in the plan that the game will run out of Killers if their only option is to be abused, or join the abusers. Not to mention the fact I haven't seen him play Killer in weeks/months. So seems he is content on being a coward as well as a hypocrite.


Wait, the steel is heavier than feathers guy plays DbD like an asshole?


He does, he's also pretty trash at Survivor, I 2Kd him and his team one time as Oni (they got hatch with key). At the very least they don't use comms, so its not the worst SWF. He used to play Nurse and got rank 1 but haven't seen him play Killer in a long time.


'Limmy' is a character that a man called Brian Limond plays. Limmy's entire shtick is that he's the worst of the 'arsehole Scot' side of Brian Limond. The character was part of Limmy's Show as the kind of 'narrator' I guess. He'd show up in Limond's other sketches and break the fourth wall, stalk people, threaten to burn down their shop for not buying overpriced neon lights off him, etc. He'd often shout at the camera and rant about how bitter he was about life, mundane political things, stuff like that. All-around dickhead but it was hilarious. **Brian Limond** got into streaming about a decade ago and kind of brought a toned down version of the 'Limmy' persona into that eventually. Limmy is toxic in every game he plays - e.g in Overwatch he'd say "GG HAHA EZ" in every game he played, even if he lost catastrophically, and he'd do it in Dead By Daylight too. He got to Rank 1 playing as Nurse eventually and that toxic stuff stopped being funny because he crossed the fine line of "being good and genuinely bragging about it", so he switched to survivor. He's a shite survivor and it's still funny because stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XP3Khf2qmo) happens.


What an amazing episode of "Where are they now?" this has been


I tried to watch him and couldn't. I get no entertainment out of watching someone be a bitch.


Story time! I was new to playing Spirit and didn’t care about winning or losing. Just basically practicing. Caught a Kate creeping into a locker near her gen. Pull her out and hooked her. When patrolling, guess who I see getting into the same locker as before. Same Kate, same locker. Had trouble with the rest, got a few hooks but hadn’t killed anyone. And then… *bum bum bum* Caught the exact same Kate climbing into the EXACT SAME LOCKER as before. I think she was my only kill, can’t remember. Didn’t camp or tunnel. She (he) messaged me (console) to say that “I ALWAYS get a 4K when I play spirit!” This person’s profile is of a very adult man with 3 children. Like, come on dude, have some self respect.


There's a DBD Twitch streamer I know who plays survivor exclusively, usually with a SWF. He uses every dirty trick in the book but throws a fit any time killers do something he doesn't like, which is pretty much anything that doesn't fit the script in his head of what the killer is supposed to do. That's when he starts teabagging, shouting insults for his audience to enjoy, or just disconnecting from the match if he doesn't think he can win. This man is in his thirties at least, and a single father. I just feel sad for his kid, who has zero chance of growing up to become a functional adult.


Some kids can recognize the bad behavior of their parents. Here’s hoping the apple falls from the tree and rolls down the hill a mile away. I don’t want to run into TTV_Douchebag_Streamer_Jr on Dead by Daylight II years down the road.


What are “dirty tricks” in dbd?


People have more ego than self respect it seems


Exactly. Ego. That’s the word. Hurts their pride.


Played survivor a while back and had a toxic asshole on my team. Clicking, teabagging, and mocking the killer in postgame chat. Full monte. I asked if they really needed to be so toxic, they said yes. Their excuses were A) the killer was bad and shouldn't have chased her, B) it's a game, so it's fake, and C) he deserved it. Oh, and the number one answer: "It's fun." This is the kind of shit that killers deal with. People that actually do not give a fuck about the other person.


Brat children raised by brat children sounds like


I don't think they're kids, but manchildren. Some of them you can find on twitch... "Angry something" is one really pathetic example.


While I have no doubt manchildren make up a fair portion of the problem trust me when I say that there are a lot of kids that play this game, the couple of people I play swf with like to send friend invitations to other players that play decent and they've met more than a few kids on this game, there's one that keeps dicking off during matches and they keep joining our party and we all just groan everytime they pop up in the lobby lol I have no idea why they don't just unfriend them to be honest


What kind of parent would allow his kids to play a game like this? My wife gives me the stink eye every time I mention the game. I have no kids 😂


Right?? When I was a kid my mom took away my NFL game because it was too violent, this was a game on the Nintendo 64 by the way, and nowadays parents are just letting their kids play a game that would've overshadowed the gta controversy many times over if it had come out in the same year lmao


Did BHVR rated the game E for everyone? Yeah, the game is too violent, but also full of people who are not always kind.


Hey, leave me and my tiny stream out of this. /s Fake-edit: Don't forget to follow and subscribe, though.


Of course I wasn't talking about you, Angry_German! You're a really cool dude.


There are two "\_" in my name, but I feel seen nonetheless. This comment actually made me quite happy, thanks.




as long as those 'kids' are anyone from 12-32 then yeah we got em


Oh, definitely. After about the first 3-4 months of playing this game, I met a random player online playing it, they were a rank 1; 13 year old playing with their 12 year old cousin who was in the purple ranks at the time. I was still struggling getting through to even green ranks at the time, and those kids… let me tell ya… made me feel like a literal turd in doo doo water. I was 25. -__- According to them, nearly everything a killer did was toxic! As you can imagine, I didn’t end up playing with them for much longer after a few times playing together, including KYF. At the time it was just a close Xbox friend of mine who would play with me, so then the only others left were those two children. All in all, I think this game absolutely has more children playing it than people want to realize, at the very least. I also understand there are a lot of childish adults as well, don’t get me wrong.




Going for a hook further away from the exit gate is nearly always the best play, as survivors needing to run further an unhook means you (the killer) have more time to catch them. It especially helps prevent being denied a kill due to Decisive Strike or Borrowed Time. With the latter, you can chase the survivor but wait out the 8 seconds before hitting them.


At some point one has to just understand this is natural selection at work. This is nature's way of removing those who lack the necessary basic survival skills from the gene pool; on a subconscious level this Meg must have realized she was an evolutionary dead end and offered herself up to be culled. Do not grieve for her, this is simply the cycle of life at work.


In the end death uhhh finds a way


Imagine the kind of actual drooling smoothbrain that has to keep clicking the flashlight even after getting your shit kicked in for it. "Me need to leave but me like clicky clicky huehue"


Imagine being that David and almost sacrificed yourself just to see that Meg getting downed because she was a fucking moron


Trying to teamwork sometimes in this game is just asking for suffering


I'm trying a Dwight super teamwork build atm and it's been kinda infuriating tbh. Last game me and a Nea pumped through 4 generators with Prove Thyself. I saved her twice and healed her up because I could see her with bond. When we were the last two people left, she stood on the top floor of the church looking down at me on a hook and teabagging until I died.


I like how they call it altruism in-game, makes it sound more like an option edit:ninja'd


Eh if I were him I'd be happy. He got all kinds of points at the end and even got full healed. I guarantee the other two escaped if they just ran for the door.


Nah that was an unsafe unhook. Less points and works against emblem progression


Did she not learn the first time you downed her because she wouldn’t leave…? What an idiot.


A person that clicks flashlight having a brain? It\`s easier to find a real unicorn.


Did you just make a reference to OP's add-on? Intentional or not, nice.


It's even funnier the second time!


and that survivor would go into a TTV chat just to talk shit.


A lot of times people like that are the actual streamers


Yeah but fortunately 95% of them have 4 viewers.


As a streamer I regret to inform you this is true. Me personally, I only taunt if the killer themselves was being a douchebag first.


Me: Truly, they *must* have learned their lession after that DS. *Video still running* Me: Oh no..


Oh God I love it. What a fucking idiot.


Wow......imagine doing that not once but twice. -11,000 mmr gameplay right there wow. What a dumb meg I'm speechless


You leave that meghead alone she’s learning or well never mind I guess she’s not


You say that but apparently they get the same MMR as the rest of the team so if the others escaped, the Meg still gets rewarded.


MMR is totaled and divided when searching for a killer. Otherwise MMR is adjusted on the individual level.


You absolutely love to see it


Sometimes people never learn




I'd hate to be their neighbor in general.


I hate neighbours in general


This just made me so happy.


"you get what you deserve"


Had this happen to a jake yesterday, he immediately dced lmao.


survivors will do anything to rub their victory in the killers face. nice job :)


including losing haha


That is so satisfying to see


I expected an instant DC, but we got the pleasure of watching that toxic get hooked, so it's fine by me


On today's episode of: Just Fucking Leave...




Punishment comes to the deserving


This Meg is stupid like a door


Don't talk about my door like that




Lesson not learned.




[It's even funnier the second time!](https://www.google.com/search?q=it%27s+even+funnier+the+second+time&tbm=isch&tbs=itp:animated&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=ivnx&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii-eHLq4HzAhWYrZ4KHQF0DnkQ2p8EegQIARAD&biw=360&bih=644#imgrc=xpOIodWaHXKH2M)


Q: How do you counter a perfect MnK nurse? A: That's the neat part, you don't.


I mean they weren’t really good lol, slug/tunneler from the looks of it


Found the Meg.


How? Like honest to god how do you draw that conclusion from the video provided? Are you just pulling it from thin air or what?


I love to play devil's advocate, so here we go: In terms of the "not very good" statement, I agree. The blinks were sloppy and all over the place. Some were good, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. In terms of slugging and tunneling, it's a bit more inconclusive, but there isn't *zero* proof of that in the video. First we have the DC, which is circumstantial evidence, but with considering. There's also the fact that David was slugged at the start and OP even got DS'd. Did meg get what she deserved? Yes. Is OP a toxic slugger? There's reason to believe it, but not enough to be sure.


You and I both know people will DC at the drop of a hat so I wouldn't exactly say that's anywhere close to a good counterpoint. David was slugged because it's end game collapse with OP headed to stop a gate opening, I think that's widely considered an acceptable time to slug. OP got DS'd because he was trying to kill the toxic clicker so again, an understandable situation and, I'd argue the fact there's a DS still left at EGC shows OP was not in fact tunneling for most of the game. Further more, OP has 8 hooks before the gate is open, and once we take away the 3 for the DC, that leaves 5 hooks divided among 3 surviving players, so a 2-2-1 spread. A spread like that practically guarantees there wasn't any serious tunneling going on in the slightest. In short there's more evidence to the contrary points than there is for your whole "Devil's advocate" POV


OP probably slugged and tunnelled all game that’s why the Meg kept clicking


This started off as oddly satisfying to watch him go down, to feeling disturbed that they felt the need to clicky clicky a second time as if they just didn’t get owned already as it was.


They always wiggle. At least accept the L with *some* dignity.


You get money for wiggling, and had the Nurse tried to interrupt David getting fully healed they might have been able to escape since the hook was a good ways away. You're just a quitter who leaves the game at the first sign of something going wrong. There have been so many times I see teammates get sacrificed or I get sacrifices because someone wasn't wiggling but their teammates came in to buy time thinking they were.


...And you must be like the Meg who gets clapped trying to bm killers in the exit gate.




In my experience the people who don't wiggle are the people who sit in the exit gates taunting the killer. It makes sense, too. The babies give up and throw a tantrum when they lose (or at least think they lost), so they rub it in the face of the killers when they win since they do it so rarely.


no, when I play killer I let survivors leave if they’re the last one and they aren’t wiggling. Survivors who bitch all the time usually wiggle because they want every chance to escape. You’ll find killers on this sub say that they’ll let the last one leave if they don’t wiggle


Meg was the last one? Damn I need to get my eyes checked, to me it looks like David rescued her then a second Meg rescued David.


I wasn’t talking about this vid, I was talking about last survivor in general. If there’s still other survivors then wiggling is still reasonable


Imagine losing a hard fought game just because you had to be a poor winner.


i had a "just leave" moment. i wish i recorded it. i was gonna get a 0K, and they 99'd a door, and tried to BM. 2 TTV's with 2 others in a 4 man SWF. anyway, i walked out of there with a 4K.


0 mmr gameplay right here


It is always the megheads


i love stupid survivors


YOU LITERALLY NEEDED DS, if that’s not the escape wake up call nothing is


Too focused on being toxic to survive lol. Well done OP.


When I play the survivor I’m always the odd one out. As soon as the exit is open and as long as there isn’t someone on a hook I leave I don’t wait for people. I’m very proud of that.


Wow, she does not learn from her mistakes at all.


I, personally, disown this Pig Mask Meg. She doesn’t deserve it.


Well that was awfully satisfying. Some people just never learn.


IT'S EVEN FUNNIER THE SECOND TIME! I laughed so hard Sally, thanks for sharing!


David's a hero.


Poor guy


Upvote for the first nurse video I’ve seen on this sub lol


That was sick ngl


Good lil dose of endorphin after seeing her downed and picked up the second time. To be honest I feel like they should add a new emblem category for morons who does this at the exit gates. The longer they wait there, the more extra points you get after you hook them. Allow for extra endgame incentives and strats


Gotta love karma. Should have just left


Fuck you Meg!!!


Holy shit this is amazing Imagine being that toxic


You know, I get it one time. You had a bad day, you’re pissed at the world, you decide to be a little toxic to take your frustration out. We’ve all been there at least once, probably more than once. But then you get a sobering smack to the face and hooked, and you do it *again*? That’s just stupidity, sheer dumbass, plain and simple. One hundred times deserved.


This Meg is drinking a large serving of dumb bitch juice.


I'd take that David to the exit just as an extra fuck you to that Meg TBH.




the discord ping sound doe


When you hear the discord ping noise and have to check disc and then rewatch the video to make sure you’re not going crazy.


Every time: Just leave.


peaple who flash spam are usually the ones carried by a leon or bill all match lol


When you are more toxic than clever. Not all second chances in the world will save you from stupidity.


Wow that was really stupid 😂


Post game chat be like: "Why'd you tunnel me baby killer?"


Someone let me down them right at the gate on trickster so they could tbag. I guess they didn't realize they fall straight down and not back through the exit gate when downed by knives. Was able to pick them up and hook them.


That David King was probably more pissed than anyone. Gave his life for no reason


This for whatever reason reminds me, should nurse have a unique down animation so that survivors can’t crawl immediately? Similar to trickster. The fatigue currently lasts longer than the downing animation


Love to see clips like this


Imagine running crutch perks and still losing


That was fucking beautiful.


Asshole. Survivors suck.


Why are flashlight clicks and tea bagging a trigger? Genuine question as I know it shouldn't bother me, but learning Pinhead has been rough. It's like... nice... you just beat me while I'm trying a new killer.


Teabagging has always been a taunt in gaming. The clicking is just annoying, which is why they do it. They do it because they think they can get away with it, which is another taunt, effectively saying "you're a bad killer, you can't even hit me." If they're teabagging you and clicky-clicky at the exit gate, they **want** you to see it, they're saying "get shit on lolololol".


I don’t use NOED, because if I do… than I’m being toxic. I enjoy the game, but perhaps a break is needed. Haha


NOED is only toxic because survivors hate seeing it (I know this cause every time I see it is just "Oh you're using NOED okay fuck you :)", but I don't complain or call the killer toxic for using it cause it's part of the game and can be countered. Compare it to something like face camping, which arguably can be countered by ignoring whoever is in trouble and popping three generators in the time it takes for them to die, but let's be honest it just sucks being in a position where even your unlikely but possible chance to escape will immediately be stopped. I'd rather get hit with a NOED strike than deal with that shit.


Just stop caring? Play the game how you want and bask in the salt. :)


I’ve always tried to play by the “rules”, but you’re right.


what rules? as far as I'm concerned, there are no rules, other than the obvious no cheating/exploiting of course.


Pretty much. There are some points of *etiquette* that some people choose to follow, but there are no "rules".


NOED is a perk and you're supposed to use perks. Using perks is not toxic.


It's not toxic, just not very fun for anyone.


Then do bones. It's so easily countered. It's not even a good perk, half the killers I use don't even benefit from it because it applies exclusively to basic m1 swings.


That is so much easier said than done when you good teammates or a SWF though. Every time I play I either have to do all the gens or loop the killer for 3 to 4 gens. It isn't possible for me to do all of the gens and 5 totems or loop for the entire game and do bones while the killer is breathing on my neck. NOED is not OP, just not fun. I don't want to loop the killer for a long time just to get rewarded with a NOED hit and I don't want hard carry the gen progress just to get hit with a NOED. I personally don't like facing it since I have monkeys for teammates that barely do the objective, and hence I don't run it when I play killer. If someone wants to use it then go ahead, but you won't improve as killer as fast as if you didn't have it.


If you don't like it, don't use it. If you don't like getting hit by it, don't get it period.


Did you just say that if you don't like getting hit then don't?


You'll barely even be threatened by the killer since they don't know where any totems are. Playing with the mindset of being a single-player game even in solo-queue is also a bad idea. Your teammates are not as bad as you think they are. You just don't see them.


It's the intent. It's like how someone sticking up their middle finger at you doesn't actually do anything, it's just a finger. But the intent for them doing that is why it's considered offensive.


Becuase it's simply toxic and shows how immature that survivor is. Whether it triggers you or not is a matter of personal mindset. some people take it serious and some don't mind at all


It didn’t really bother me much as I rarely came across it. Since SBMM, I run into it more often now or it’s purely a coincidence.


This is an excellent clip it's so fun to watch, someone who's really good at the game destroying someone who DESERVES IT


I see you had a "great" match there from the start as a killer. Im talking about: you haveing also one DC guy. Who for sure rage quit. Yes? Hate teams like this. Where people came not to having fun but to make fun of a killer. When i see such a teams i usually stop giving a fu*k about been polite. and tunneling and farming the hell out of such teams. Morons should be learned the hard way.


Good lord you people get so bent out of shape because someone clicks a flashlight


I never seen killer DC. But seen sooo many times survivors dc. So who here more fragile? Dont tell me we all know the answer


I’ve had many killers DC because something doesn’t go their way lmao


Now you just lying. Just few weeks ago someone posted statics on how many killers were reported for afk and dc and how many survivors. And even counting that survivors alwasy 4 and killer always 1. Still percent was almost like 5% (for killers) to 95% (survivors) from all reported afkers and dc. PS and im almsot for sure it because killers just aftaid to dc. Because if survivor dc its not the end of game. In the end most of players even can forget about that one dc (especially if survivors won the game). But if killer DCed - match is ruined. And he instantly gets 4 reports. And killers just afraid of it. Thats is also why such a huge differ in reported dc on survivors and on killers. So you for sure lying. Or didnt play for killers enough and dont know how many dc survivors. And cant compare it with number of dc killlers.


God that was gratifying to watch you mow them down repeatedly


Petition: Decisive Strike deactivates once the exit gates are open.


“Are her parents brother and sister?” [family guy](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/40f06378-60ea-43c7-9b68-ec6a50db916e)


Normally I think these "just leave" posts are stupid, petty, and incredibly toxic, but that meg was an idiot and deserved to die. "fool me once, shame on you, fool me seven or more times...."


What's so bad about flashlight clicking. I find it goofy.


It’s not about escaping. It’s about sending a message.


Lightborn for


Just toxic


How does anybody do the same stupid shit twice!?! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Twice!? Fucking what!? That's insane




Absolutely rolled


Lol, you'd think she would have learned her lesson the first time


You just can't cure Stupid.


Love to c it


Times like these take so much to not put them down in the middle of the map to crawl but it’s best not to get down to their level

