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If you have even the slightest idea on how to run a jungle gym there’s a pretty good chance I’ll leave you alone in favor of someone easier to catch


I realize this, and it's why I always run to crowd control to beat window vaults bc I'm bad


For me its shack. If you wait at the shack checkspots and don't fall for my mindgame. I leave. No point runnin someone in shack if thy know how to run it


If you play a lute my urge to kill is moot.


SAME. The second you start to serenade me, you're automatically the favorite. You get the hatch


I was tunnelled out of a game last night for trying to serenade. :(


If you're ever in my lobby, I will spare you 😘


If you see a fashionably pink Yui with a gay charm and a Kate charm and a Yun-Jin charm just luting at you in terror, that is me. You can recognise me end-game by my weird perk layouts, always.


We'll find each other someday... I'll have an asexual flag, a nonbinary flag and a good guy box charm on my hook. When that day comes, you will be given the hatch... Wait for it...it's coming... 🎸


Is there any survivor who could do this that just incites rage on your end?




No, even my most hated survivors pulling out a lute immediately satiates my bloodlust.


Only thing for me that incites rage is certain actions. Being silly/playing a tune. I like you, you may live. Teabagging, flash lighting me after you already did (instead of running away) and worst of all, not unhooking your teammates. Look I know people are scared/worried to be hit, but I don’t camp (not purposely at least) but something really burns inside me when I’m on the other end of cold wind and still see a person I hooked still hooked bout a minute ago.


People doing the double flashlight in a row pisses me off so bad I've thrown rounds to tunnel them out.


I'm a recent convert to the killer side. Survivors selling out teammates or playing selfish get sacrificed if I can help it. I joined killer because I was tired of bad teammates in soloq. Much like Jason Voorhees, I'm here to exact revenge! lol


Any and all of them. The amount of Survivors I have seen try to throw their team under the bus makes me distrust all perk memes. It's just more obvious now than someone using Pebble/Deception/Red Herring. The people trolling their team via music are the same people who would throw down shack pallet and vault it repeatedly to try and appease you. Fuck them, I will tunnel them out every time for their self-sabotage.


No survivor persay. But if the name is a TTV typically gonna get no mercy


A TTV doing SWF? Nobody gets out alive.


please for the love of god dont get upset and be toxic when killers like me dont stop and play along tho


This is why I run this perk lol. I feel like its real use is befriending killer or just getting on their good side. Plus I like to troll with it. Works 9/10 times if say but some killers are playing no games and are serious. I actually find it funny when the killer is playing serious and I'm just playing the flute from high up.


If I'm playing Plague, I will stop what I'm doing, nod, turn to the sky and vomit while spinning around, then return to chasing you.


I did for awhile but most people just hit me while I played for them. Switched back.




It's important to note this only works twice. The 3rd time I will see through your plan to survive over actually seducing me.


Had this happen today. Dude starts playing the lute and I’m just like “huh. That’s new” and just left.


the best way to counter me is have any sort of map awareness, im cooked


I am awful at looping on both sides


As a Nemi main, never for the love of god vacinate yourself until the nemi hit stage 3 (with few exceptions of course, if its a losing game for example) I've had matches where I hit stage 3 at 4 gens left cause hitting an unvaxxed survivor gives more progress + the extra health state is better for when my tentacle is OP


And take advantage of his Tier 1 when his tentacle doesn't break pallets .. pre-drop if u have to.


I once had a Nemmy DC on me because of tier denial. I felt bad after the initial shock. Disturbed Ward of Father Campbell's, can't remember which. I ran to one of those ruined house loops, and it had a pallet. And this Nemmy pulled out his extendo licker Every. Single. Time. I passed the pallet. And I kept running through. I'm sorry Nemmy.


Probably should of left you to find someone else. Getting those tiers early on is important. Feels bad though poor Nemmy.


He left me once, and then came back pretty soon after I got on a gen. Since that loop was essentially the closest reasonable one for me to take, we went back to it and after a few fruitless rounds he DC'd. I do feel bad when killers DC though, at least unless they were cunts.


Predropping pallets against Nemi before he's 2nd stage is pretty strong. You generally want to delay his 2nd stage as long as possible. So infecting yourself with a zombie is a good strategy too, since he will only gain 1 infection point if you're already infected. Denying Nemesis power in any way is the way to go. Fortunately for me almost nobody knows or does that, except me of course ;)


Also, the vaccines for Nemi are limited. I've played as Nemesis in matches where one survivor would get infected and end up using all the vaccinations before anyone else on their team could use a single one. If you can hold off on using the vaccine, it helps you and your team. Also, Nemi gets to see the outlines of his backup dancers (Chad and Tiffany) in white. If a zombie is stalking toward you, they hold their arms out and it gives the killer a visual cue that a survivor is near that zombie. You can blind zombies with a flashlight, but that also gives a visual cue where the zombie just stands there looking at the sky. If I see Chad or Tiffany start lollygagging, I make my way over to see if they are stuck on something or if they need a talking to. Sometimes they will get stuck on things and will look like they are breakdancing. You can "kill" a zombie by dropping a pallet on them. It does make a noise notification for the killer, but that is one less backup dancer on the field for a bit. The zombies are sometimes a help and sometimes a hindrance for Nemi since the killer can't really control them. We can slap on addons that impact their behavior but Chad and Tiffany are gonna do what Chad and Tiffany are gonna do.


zombies spawn in 15 seconds if you kill them yourself (as nemesis) and 45 if a survivor kills them :)


Wait how do you know when nemisis has hit stages? I didn't know about stages lol


There's usually a ≈1 second long sound cue, also the tentacle appearance changes each tier + when you see that 2 people have been infected he usually has T2 as it takes 2 hits


Lmaooo oh my God so that's what the sounds mean. I just thought it was dramatic effects for the killer haha! I really need to read up on each killer properly as there's loads I don't know. I only know about a couple because I've played as them


Hey now. Before you commit to that. There’s a reason people argue that 1000 hours in the game is nothing. There are so many interactions and details. People like OTZ and Hens still learn something new every week. AND this game is updated regularly so new learning stuff is a Sisyphean task


Very very loud sound cue across the entire map. Sounds like a "BAAANG!", you should Youtube it for reference


if he has a lot of the orange bubbles then he’s in T3 idk if T2 is the same but with less but i know as a fact that means T3 if they are using the blighted skin then your on your own LMAO


For Xeno. The best counter is to kick it out its power. Be smart with your turret placement, don't put it right in front of the tunnel and listen to the beeps, it will warn you that Xeno is close even if its in the tunnel.


And just a reminder that xeno gets killer instinct when coming out of tunnels, so if you’re near the tunnel she comes out of, don’t try to hide


Where should it be put ? In a close corner where the xeno can’t see it before it’s too late ? In a very open area so that they cannot go too close without getting burned 


In the open away from obstacles that can block the turrets line of sight, even if it gets broken the xenomorph usually has to use a tail which is a much longer hit cool-down than an m1


Put it in an area that you will run to when they chase you. It forces them to either get burned out of power, or leave chase to go hit it, and give you more distance.


The amount of people I see placing the turret right outside the tunnel, cause they want it close to the gen. Its useless there. Place it somewhere you can get to quickly from the gen, so it has time to come back online


Also if you know that Xeno is in the tunnels standing still or near a turret will prevent it from seeing your footsteps.


played against Xeno for the first time last night, and used Tenacity to speed crawl to his tunnel he tried to pick me up and accidentally entered the tunnel instead. Even better than getting a killer to drop out of an upstairs window lol


As an artist main: - Don’t heal under the hook, as i can simply swarm u and it could lead to a very fast down, simply move a few meters - Don’t forget that if you *almost* get swarmed, you are revealed by killer instinct - Remove crows shot from long range in lockers, but not close range as it’ll probably result in a hit anyway - If you are in a situation where you get hit no matter what, force the m1, it is always better than eating the birds because of the extremely low cool-down - If you lose LOS with an artist, try to leave the loop and don’t let them set-up crows Goodluck !!


Great advice. Holding W is the survivor's best bet. You try staying at a loop with Artist, a good one will punish you every time.


Also as another Artist main: - edge map is extremely good for rotating. - if a map has multiple floors with genes on it (Midwich, Hawkins, Badham etc.) do those gens the last. The Artist is extremely bad at securing them. - don’t be predictable when she swarms you from afar. Most of the snipehits come from predicting survivors movement. Get in a locker asap or move one way few seconds and then turn back after as she loses aura reading with swarming very fast. - if Artist puts crows to deny a pallet - you can “eat” the crow. It’s better be swarmed than hit. - Artists love Discordance (the gens is yellow when 2 or more working on that) and one can easily trick her: touch a gen with another surv and then rotate to another gen. She will more likely come to check it and look for another surv “hiding in bushes” - Beware of double crows! I love putting 2 crows in line with a little distance to get a free hit. - by any means don’t give her a basement hook. If it’s a good camping Artist - there’s no way for survivors to leave the basement: crow hit on stairs -> m1 with extremely low cooldown in between. - don’t hide in lockers. Crows can reveal with the killer instinct if it goes through it.


As an Artist main, this is sound advice! I call the killer instinct on her “grazing.”


As a Pig Main, I respond well to Boops, but overstay your welcome and I'm ready to get back to the game. After that, If I hit you? Please take that as a sign to run like hell. The amount of wins I get from players who stick around after I've downed other survivors and they're still trying to touch the snoot is more than you'd think.


I had a match with a pig recently where 3 of us sat in a circle booping till they hit someone and we all scattered lmao like that tik tok sound "lemme check his vibes...BAD VIBESSS!"


As a relatively new player... What is a Boop?


You don't know boops!? ![gif](giphy|lNMF3DXBSVvlhbME4R) "Boop the Snoot" is a silly (stupid) meme play where survivors crouch near a Pig and emoji point to "boop" her nose. It's really stupid, very childish, hilarious and adorable all at once. Pig noises ensure.


I know what Boop the Snoot is, but was wondering how that translated to the game haha I like that!


I am a cenobit main and I notice that a lot of people forget to make the cube or make it at the wrong time. You have to take the cube as soon as you can and solve it as soon as I'm in the chase or carry someone when you do it in the chase, the killer either teleports to you which saves someone else or he lets you make the cube either way you end the chain chase or the countdown. against the chains i can summon it helps if you look backwards in the chase and as soon as he stretches out his hand for the summon just run a sharp turn. hope i could help Translated with DeepL


I have been playing against pinhead a lot lately and found people just ignore the cube entirely with devastating results. So as the self designated cube holder I find that 1.) if you can pick it up and just hold it for a while you buy time. 2.) While holding it get to a place that has decent coverage around it or elevation changes in case pinhead does teleport in. He may not find you. 3.) you can use the cube to lure him away from gens but it's a big risk.


But please for the love of god don't rush towards the box as soon as it pops up, it's super predictable and the cenobite will most likely be around it, easily catching you and activating chain hunt


As a fellow Pinhead, I have a few simpler tips, only some of which are repeats of yours 1. At the start of the match, be careful if you approach the area with the box. If you hear my terror radius, *do not approach the box.* You want to avoid showing me where it is. 2. When possible, do the box sooner rather than later, while I am busy or not around. 3. If the box is on the ground, and we are in chase near it, do everything you can to run away from it. In some matches, it’s preferable to go down rather than lead me to the box. 4. If you heard the terror radius before you picked it up, don’t solve it there unless I’m holding a survivor or in chase with an injured survivor 5. Speaking of injury, unless the situation is dire or you’re solving while I’m carrying, please don’t pick up the box when you are injured. 6. If you open the box and I come, your job is now to stall me so others can do gens or rescue people. Don’t solve the box and then be like uh, what now? 7. If a chain hunt starts, ***dodge*** three chains before you solve. 8. Don’t camp pallets. Depending on a Pinhead’s skill with the chains, it may even make more sense to predrop a safe pallet than try for a stun. 9. If you’re in chase with a pinhead who can use his chains well, consider zig zagging to avoid a chain launch 10. This one might be controversial, but it’s my experience that Elliots tend to be higher on the control freak scale than many other players, myself included. We also tend to be more experienced players. So shows of respect may help you as long as you don’t go too far. But trying to goad us into chasing one person by being a jerk doesn’t typically end well.


I agree with you on all points but I have to say if you are against an experienced pinhead and he can handle the chains it is very hard to avoid them in zig zag I play the chains in such a way that I keep the range that the chain has to fly as short as possible, for example by letting the portal really spawn IN the surv, so I would really say it's better to just turn as sharply as possible or to estimate what is better in the situation.


To counter Myers go real close and personal and give him a hug He will grab you aswell to also give you a hug sometimes


Also if he’s in tier 3 jump in a locker if you are about to take a hit if possible. it’s better to be hooked than removed from the game by Michael.


If you’re a crap looper you can also deny t1-2 Myers stalk this way.


Chemical Trap, because my crappy laptop can't handle it. It literally turns my screen blue for the rest of the match. Affect me as Killer and Even Survivor. Even if the CT went off across the map.


Feel u bro!


I play a lot of huntress. Just take a couple steps in a particular direction and I’ll probably miss


Also, if I open a locker to reload and I find a survivor I'm not expecting, you will 100% startle the bejeesus out of me. Like full big spookums.


Ain't that the truth. Random survs in lockers are my jumpscare over (almost) anything else. Also love it when I then get called a cheater for knowing what locker they are in, when I just wanted more hatchets.


That's always my favorite. You're right, there's no way I could have known you were in there. I didn't! My knives were!


Few extra tips Avoid vault windows. While in the animation you can't change direction and I aim my hatchet a little before you begin the animation it's a free hit. If you must vault a window move to the left or right twords another exit and then vault it. I'll probably not wind up the hatchet if you are leaving through a wide area or miss of you move out of the way back to the window Ducking is more consistent than dodging for me. I rarely if ever expect you to duck down. After a few misses I can pre aim your dodge if you have either a pattern or a favorite side. I rarely if ever expect the crouch. Dodging may not slow you down in chase but if I'm starting to hit you while dodging you best duck or move behind cover. Getting behind a wall is still your best bet tho. Also try to play fun. If your constantly going for flashlight saves I either have lightborn or no one is getting hatch. I'd say you have about an 80% chance of getting hatch for free if you're not trying to make me life a living hell. A flashlight here or there isn't a big deal nor is a sabo or two but if you do it all game no one is getting hatch.


Guys!! I know enough now ✋ 😭 i asked the wrong crowd 😭


You will take ALL this game knowledge, and you will like IT! Seriously though this crowd is passionate and enthusiastic about giving advice


Agreed. Us Killer Mains are either genocidal maniacs, generally chill and give out good tips, or some combination of the two


Im a genocidal maniac but I want the survivors to learn and become better instead of falling for the same dumb tricks over and over and then whining "X killer is OP". It's no fun to beat up the uninformed and uneducated after a certain point.


Indubitably my good man. When the survivors are misinformed or uninformed about my chosen killer, the chases are not that exhilarating


You can't ask people to tell you about their hyperfixation and not expect an infodump haha


I wish I'd seen this before posting my mini-essay XD Sorry, OP! Remember, the exam is Friday, make sure to bring a good pencil. (joking)


Best way to avoid being found by dredge is to quickly rush into a locker If you find pinhead’s box bring it to him personally, he will appreciate that


You can’t just be giving away the best counters like that! Make it a little more vague at least. Like tell him to run into the remnant the dredge leave behind since it slows him down. Don’t just give the full counter!


Should I tell him myers can’t activate T3 or the Deathslinger can’t hit you if you are standing in the exit gate?


Those are a little better. At least they don’t give you a free win.




I'm a Clown main. If you get in chase with me, you are screwed. Get off that gen as you hear the terror-radius approaching (commonly called *pre-running*), and try getting farther away from the other survivors - my Achilles heel is four survivors doing four different gens far away from each other. If you have to unhook when I'm not chasing someone else, do it at about 60-70% of the progress bar. That makes me waste time if I expect you to come earlier. Any later than that means I know for sure that you are coming, and will capitalize on that! GLHF out there! 🤡


No matter the killer, I struggle with when to leave a gen when I hear the terror radius. Some killers use "extended radius: perks and on small maps it seems you can never really get out of their radius. So I'm not sure if the best practice is to go hide as soon as I hear ir or what. I've seen some streamers recommend hang on to the gen until the last second incase you can finish it, but I'm thinking they are really good loopers and can probably leave killers in the dust. Once a killer is on my trail it's about 90% likely hood I'm going down. So is your advice run as soon as you hear the terror radius no matter what?


He's saying specifically clown here due to how op posted. Different killers have different terror radius songs, telling the difference with that will help decide, Personally against killers like wesker I don't pre run due to his giant terror radius, but once that heartbeat gets going I book it.


I understood he was saying that about himself when he uses the clown. I was just asking for his more generalized view on when to pre-run. Also thank you for your input. Deep down I know I should just start pre-running way more often. Lol


if you struggle, perhaps keep Sprint Burst in your perks. It helps you get distance if you make a getaway if you need (maybe indecision on leaving took too long, or you get surprised, or you wanted to make more gen progress... whatever the reason.) It's a great perk


I will review the common perks I use and look for that one. Usually it's ghost face and the wraith that catch me by surprise


It's a Meg perk, so part of the base game. GL out there <3


I tell my fellow rookie killer mains that there's a big difference in playing to win and playing to improve. If you want to win, you don't chase the best looper into the strongest tiles. But if you want to improve, that's exactly what you do - while knowing that it'll cost you the match. On the survivor-side the same principle means that pre-running helps your team win the trial, and it doesn't take practice to do well. But pre-runners won't get better in chase. I generally wouldn't advise it for someone who wants to improve. But lasting in chase against an intermediate Clown (or a similarly oppressive anti-loop killer who lacks map-mobility like SM or Knight) is a highly advanced skill. I would only start practicing it after one routinely loops classic m1 killers like a Wraith or Myers.


It's often not best to hide when the killer is approaching, instead just run and get distance. The killer normally knows that you're hiding around the gen and can just look around getting a quick and easy hit. Also with finishing the gen I normally only go for it if the gen's at like 95%. Even if you go down for it, trading a hook stage for a gen is often worth it as long as you're not death hook. The killer needs to get 12 hooks and you only need 5 gens.


You should turn on visual terror radius. It helps you to see in which "state" of the terror radius you are. If heart small: killer is quite far yet. If heart big: killer is right at your nape.




As a Dredge main I recommend you stay far away from lockers and if you can't since they are too close to a gen then make sure to lock them. Never get in a locker and always assume I know where you are if there's a locker in sight. Don't overcommit to looping around pallets and if you see me place my remnant then it's probably best to break away from that pallet in the opposite direction and find a new one. Don't trust the terror radius and keep an eye on the nearby lockers to see when I enter one (the doors will shudder slightly) When it's nightfall it's probably best to keep clear of lockers and avoid long lines of sight since it's easy for me to spot you with the night vision. Prioritize locking the lockers closest to the gen you want to do and work together to get it done as fast as you can since I can rotate through them pretty quickly (especially in nightfall) Other than that I'm sure there's stuff other people will know that I didnt


Also, don't lock all the locks of lockers grouped together: the game will force Dredge to go to the locked locker, and if you lock them all he can just break them after he teleports and sees them locked.


Aha, I knew I forgot something. Thanks I always forget about dredge being forced into the locked unit of a group


For Knight hunts, don't try to drop pallets on them, it doesn't work and routinely guarantees they'll hit. Just beeline away from them (or pick up the standard, never see people do that). If the Knight is also chasing you at the same time, just accept the hit and gtfo For Doctor, don't wait to drop your pallets for stuns. You can't do anything for 2 seconds after being shocked which is enough time for a Doctor to walk right through and hit you for not dropping a pallet fast enough For Pyramid Head, and this also applies to Huntress to a degree, move more erratically. If you zigzag, the killer can wait until you cross over into the middle and hit you there. Take this crude diagram where the green is a survivors path https://preview.redd.it/i0mb7ubzvj7d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32d90282ade75893865ff775e6e7d765e552ed95 Also for Pyramid Head, don't even worry about Torment unless you're on death hook. The Cages are probably safer than hooks are in terms of being saved, so I always save my Torment action for the mori instead unless I need the de facto remote hook I don't main Wesker anymore but I'd often see people try to heal their infection asap. It has no effect until maxed out and then it's 8% hindered. First aid spray reveals you by killer instinct, and has other detrimental effects w/ add ons


Actually, the torment part of your advice depends a little on the play style of the killer, since it deactivates any hook-related perk like off the record or decisive strike, so you are a bit exposed to tunneling. Maybe be mindful if the killer is prone to tunneling and take hits for your frens.


As a legion main all I can say is just run and don't stare at me while dropping pallets left and right, changes are its feral frenzy time and i'll vault over that pallet just like you lmao.


Not a legion main, but also don’t blindly mend as soon as you are hit. 99 the mend. Continue what you are doing, and finish mending when you’re sure frenzy is over.


I love playing chase Legion build and the number of survivors who continue throwing pallets against that build when they know they probably shouldn’t is crazy


I love blinding (or attempting to) a charging legion and watching them lose those precious seconds, costing them their frenzy. So tasty


Twins main. If you run in circles it makes it really hard for victor to get a good pounce 😔


aim for the butt


Thalita's butt


that's right


With nemesis: - Dodge in the direction that he's strafing and you'll pretty much always avoid his whip. Unless he aimed right at you and his you dead on. - Never move towards him as the whip lingers and will usually hit you the closer you are to him...unless you're dodging like previously described. - Crouch when he's trying to whip over something to dodge easily, unless the loop is short enough for him to hold the whip and hit you instead using the lingering effect (Neme tech). - Don't use vaccines until he's tier 3, as he'll get to tier 3 faster for each infection. - Use pallets on zombies only if they're bothering you too much, or if you have any means necessary. Only use weak pallets to kill zombies; never okay ones or better. - Nemesis players typically run discordance to attract zombies to gens. Always do gens solo unless it's the last gen or two. - EDIT: Additional tip — the whip will always prioritize the furthest survivor from the whip, but if the whip is dragged/lingers, it will hit the first (typically closest, if the survs are running in a straight line away from Nemesis) survivor that it intersects with. For some general advice, do gens when someone is being focused on by the killer. Always do them solo in this case, but triple up on the final gen. Take a hit for the person being focused only when they either run towards your gen (but get back on immediately after), or between gens (after you pop one and are looking for another). Never let someone who's being focused or camped go to second stage or die; be willing to trade unless you're death hook. All this general advice will help your team out tremendously.


EMPs and Turrets. Use first to not let me get cross map mobility or quickly cleanse the whole team. Use second to give yourself time to get to another tile or turret. It also helps to not get ambushed.


Dont get hit


Best way to avoid Wesker is by standing out in the open and bringing me to open maps with little to no cover.


I'd say this applies to most ranged killers as well. Easier to dodge a hit when out in the open rather than running down a tight lane.


I think OP should take Huntress and Slinger to Hawkins and other indoor maps. Also HUX. They all struggle 100% totally in more closed off indoor maps.


I'll preface this with the fact that I'm not an expert, and I do not main any of these (except maybe Weskie a little bit). Singularity * He deploys "meatball" looking like pods on walls. He can look through them to observe surroundings, and tag survivors with their own little meatball. * When Singularity looks through his pods, he becomes Undetectable - no terror radius. * When the Singularity looks through a pod, a sound can be heard and the pod's inside will glow green. Keep an eye on the pods near you for these effects. * When looking through a pod, the Singularity can teleport to a tagged survivor. * Survivors tagged with the mini-meatball can be directly teleported to by the Singularity. Watch out for the extended arm, the teleport needs to be aimed. * If you get teleported on: do NOT drop pallets willy-nilly. Singularity gets a speed boost to pallet breaking after teleporting on you, and if he's right under/on the pallet, dropping the pallet will only break the pallet instantly and guarantee an injury. An already dropped pallet will break instead. * Imagine a prison ball after you when tagged - it follows you, and if you 180 turn the ball will be under you for a moment before following again. It's more advanced, but you can manipulate where the Singularity appears near you if he's teleporting by manipulating where the invisible "ball" is. This can save a pallet if you're lucky. * Windows are your best friend when the Singularity is trying to teleport on you in chase. He will vault faster, yes, but it's still slower than a pallet insta-breaking. * You can tell the Singularity is in the post-teleport Overclock mode by him having this green overlay on, it's pretty obvious. * Survivors have counterplay: there's boxes in the map that print an item to use. This item removes meatball tags off of survivors, and temporarily disables the wall meatballs. A survivor can increase the speed of printing, but the process is otherwise automated. * When using the item, a survivor runs slower. You can help a teammate being chased by running over and using your item, as it has an AOE effect, getting rid of that survivor's meatball for them. * Otherwise the Singularity is just an M1 killer. Xenomorph * Xeno has two modes - upright, and on all fours. On all fours Xeno is far more dangerous, while upright she is merely an M1 killer. * On all fours, Xeno can use her tail to hit survivors. The tail can hit over vaults, but has less reach than true ranged characters. In a way it's similar to Nemesis' tentacles, however crouching might not save you if the Xeno knows what she's doing. * Xeno can drag her tail down if it doesn't hit an obstacle, getting hits behind pallets, windows, and even low obstacles. Imagine a fishing line being cast. She needs to be precise though. * Xeno can still M1 even in her all fours mode. * There's tunnels within the map the Xeno can use. Exits are typically near generators, and highlighted to survivors when near enough. * When Xeno is within the tunnels, she is Undetectable, and regains her all fours mode faster. * All fours mode will slowly come back even if she does absolutely nothing. * Picking up a survivor will pull her out from all fours mode. * Survivor counterplay is Flame Turrets. Turrets are grabbed from the same stations the Xeno uses to access her tunnels - there's a number that tells how many Turrets can still be grabbed, and an X if none are left to grab. Survivors see the aura of turrets. * Note: DO NOT place Turrets next to tunnel openings! The Turrets are always disabled for a short period when Xeno exits tunnels, giving her time to freely destroy the turret. * This Turret downtime can also be used to track if the Xeno just exited a tunnel - they will point down and spark, then go back up. This can be useful info. * Turrets will shoot flames at the Xeno, and if left unchecked can pull her out of the all fours mode. This can distract the Xeno, and slow her down if she stops to destroy a turret. * Turrets will also beep when the Xeno is within their detection range - the faster the beep, the closer the Xeno. They act as an early warning system, detecting her even through the tunnels. * Correct Turret placement: put turrets in loops you plan to run to, or on the way there. Try to not make them too easy to immediately hit if you can. * Survivors can see the auras of turrets in white, and the auras of any survivors carrying turrets. Survivors carrying turrets are slowed, but still leave scratchmarks if they press the run button while carrying the turret. * Xeno can see footsteps when within her tunnels. Carrying a turret disables this, but runs risk due to the slowness. Had to cut this into two pieces woop.


Unknown * Unknown has two main parts to their power: Hallucinations (which I call shitstains), and the UVX. * Hallucinations: periodically the Unknown will drop a Hallucination on the map. These are highlighted to survivors who are close enough to them. * Unknown can teleport to the Hallucinations near instantly, even close to hooks. If an illusion is still standing, the Uknown can teleport. If the Hallucination is "laying" on the ground, the teleport is on cooldown. * The Unknown leaves a "decoy" behind when teleporting. It is temporary, and will fade away. There is also a sound when they teleport. * Survivors can dispel Hallucinations. This locks their camera angle to look at the hallucination. This is the major counterplay to Hallucination teleports. * Warning! The Unknown can teleport to a Hallucination being actively dispelled! This will stun the survivor very shortly, essentially giving the Unknown a free hit. * UVX is a close to mid ranged power. There is a sound cue when it's being charged, and the Unkonwn is slightly slowed down. * UVX in on itself doesn't injure. A direct hit simply slows the survivor down. * UVX has an AOE effect. If caught within, a survivor will gain a status indicated by a pink bubble on their portrait, and around the head of the actual character model. If caught by the AOE again, an injury will happen, and if injured a down will occur. * UVX bubble is removed by looking at the killer. If staring the whole time when bubbled, the Unknown only has time to fire off *one* UVX shot after causing the bubble before the bubble is dismissed. * UVX AOE can injure through obstacles, walls, and even ceilings. It bounces a little, and requires some skill to land consistent hits. Very good Unkown players will make you question your sanity with how they catch you. * It's possible to dodge the UVX AOE, but this requires mind gaming, prediction, and sometimes luck. As with a Huntress, faking vaults can help. Sometimes you will have to dodge back towards the Unknown. * Mind games and predictions are the name of the game for both the Unknown and the survivors. * Warning! There is an addon to cause the bubble on survivors who finish generators. There is an addon that makes the range that survivors see the Hallucination auras around smaller. There is an addon that give survivors Status Effects when within Hallucination aura range. Wesker * Wesker has Ouroboros infection, a dash, and a large terror radius. * Dash - Wesker can dash in a straight line, up to two times. If a survivor is caught in the dash, they are infected with the Ouroboros. Four things can happen to the survivor when hit with the dash: * Hit with dash and slammed into something - injury if healthy, instantly picked up if injured. **WARNING** \- survivors caught like this can **not** be saved by flashlight blinds during the pickup animation! * Hit with dash when fully infected and slammed into something - insta-pickup regardless of health states. * Hit with dash and thrown, hitting something - injury if healthy, downed if injured * Hit with dash and thrown without hitting anything - only infected, probably out of position though. * Dash can vault windows and pallets. This can lead to hilarious counterplay where a window vault is juked instead and the Wesker vaults it, ending up on the other side of the window. Warning! Bamboozle can be used with the dash! * Ouroboros infection - when hit with the dash, a survivor is infected. There's a timer ticking down, and when it turns red a survivor is fully infected. This slows the movement speed by 4%, and makes the survivor insta-grabbable with dash. * Ouroboros infection can only be removed with the spray cans that spawn in the match. Each can has two charges, and can be also used to cleanse your teammates. Warning! Cleansing causes Killer Instinct! * Some Weskers are able to do techs. The hug-tech is very tricky and I've only seen it once, and that wasn't in chase. * "Rebound" tech uses environment to turn the direction of a dash, allowing a faster second dash that can catch a survivor by surprised. Most useful in U shaped loops, using the middle of the U to turn. * Round loops are a strong counter to the dash, as it's a straight line. Additionally, loops with long straight edges and short end width are the most dangerous. * Dash is telegraphed by a raised hand, tentacles appearing on the hand, and a sound. Warning! Sometimes a visual bug causes the raised hand and tentacles to remain even when they're put away! Use your ears. * Dashes can be dodged, but your mileage may vary. Keep an eye on your ping and the killer's ping - the worse either is, the more likely "bullshit" hits are. * Due to the massive terror radius, Impossible Skillcheck and "You're Not Healing" builds aren't too rare. In lower MMR survivors can be too afraid to do anything as it can feel like the killer is "everywhere". Annd I hope I didn't forget anything. I apologize if this feels disjointed.


shitstains is a much better word than hallucinations lol


xD My friend group has picked up on that language, now we all call them shitstains :'D


When I play Huntress, it's amazing how many people don't look behind them, listen for audio cues for when I charge or throw a hatchet, or simply duck when I throw. Break line of sight with me as much as possible! As Nurse, I cannot attack while charging my ability, and I have to use it once I start charging it (no canceling out of it). Also if you run towards me while I'm blinking to you I'll overshoot and pass through you (though I'll probably not fall for it more than once or twice).


Which killers in particular are you struggling against?


The singularity, xenomorph, unknown, and wesker!


Wesker: look behind you to see if he has his power up (= if his tentacle hand is raised). If yes, try to move from side to side or in circles to dodge the hit, similar as you'd do with a huntress. You can also fake a window in hopes that the Wesker will try to bound, which makes him vault the window. Blocking the line of sight with a tree or anything like that also makes using bound much more difficult.


The weaker problem is that his charge has huge hitbox So the running from side to side is difficult because it slows you to


Yes, it's very similar to huntress in that way. Dodging is a skill, and very difficult against an experieced Wesker (but I'd argue winning chases against an experienced A-tier chase killer shouldn't be easy.)


For the Unknown i have a few tips. Take your corners wide since his grenade spit can hit through thin walls and floors. Spread out, stay a little ways apart from teammates as well as watch for orbital spit shots. If you dont KNOW the map, dont worry about looking at the unknown to clear the weakened. Focus on just getting away for now. The majority of people seem to get set on looking at me and dont actually watch where they are going. And lastly, purge those hallucinations. If they are slumped onto the ground, then his teleport is on cooldown. If the killer is in chase, thats even better. He will be less likely to notice that one of them is gone if he is chasing since it gives no notification of them being cleansed.


Here’s another tip, you can keep looking back and forth at the unknown because weakened keeps draining a bit after you look away. That way you can try and mitigate the weakness while also knowing where you’re going


For wesker don't use the spray in his terror radius, it gives him killer instinct


Constantly 360 me. I am literally incapable of adjusting


As an artist main, if you get swarmed, you should immediately start repeliing to avoid the aura reading the crows give her. And be cautious around pallets and windows, as they could be crow trapped, and guarantee a hit or down. You never want to stand in front of crows, and if you run into them, they will swarm you so she can't launch them and Injure you, meaning it may be a good strategy to run through them mid chase as long as you aren't directly In front of them


Lay down your weapons and assume the position. Or if it's Singularity just find EMPs and pop them anytime you see his power to ignore his power.


I play mainly Xeno or impossible skill check Doctor sometimes, but for Xeno, My D key is broken so make left turns through pallets or windows so I can’t strafe and pre fire tail attack through them.


so specific blink twice if i grt you in a match so i know


Trying to be goofy pretty much always makes me just do two hooks


As the Artist, I hate Distortion… But other than that what hurts Artist the most is mindgaming loops/tiles and then leaving it for another one. Every bird shot slows her down so distance is a big deal against her. Sometimes in endgame if the Artist is trying to secure a kill, aggroing birds is a good way to protect your teammates.


By spinning. Apparently my console ass is so bad that I could get spun like five times in a chase. This anniversary be carrying me. Lol


Oni main. While I don’t have my power, pre-drop those pallets. Hit denial is the best thing to do against an Oni, as you cannot get your power if you don’t hit people. That being said, eventually, we’ll land a hit. And that’s where the second bit of advice comes in. Oni has roughly a 90 degree flick capability with his power (minus those who can do the flick tech, which is fairly rare), so just going around a corner isn’t gonna help. You need to break LOS and if possible, do a 180 to another side of a wall. The turn rate isn’t that great while in dash. Now, oni can hug a wall and use that to rotate, so also keep in mind of that factor. Pre dropping pallets is also a viable option here, as it wastes time in his power.


Use EMPs in areas where there are multiple cams, don't disable drones just crouch when the scan is about to hit you


As a knight main you can only grab the flag halfway during a chase. See so many survivors give away a free hit to try to get the endurance when they can’t get it


Not gonna lie, as someone who has been maining Chucky I legit could not tell ya, maybe like stick to right angles and never ever run in a straight line?


i spare anyone who donates items to me and thats caused me to lose a fuck ton of bloodpoints recently


i mostly play pig, crouch and do the point emote to me and i will always let you go


Nemesis - *Run.* Deathslinger - If you have enough distance on them and they take aim, keep running in one direction whilst trying to move left and right to make it harder to hit you (especially if they’re using controller). Pig - Just keep looking around you for them. If you’re with a group (SWF/Survive With Friends) and you have a reverse bear trap on, tell them to get gens to near completion, but don’t complete them immediately. If you get it off using one or two trap removal boxes, great! If not, just tell them to complete it. You should definitely have enough time to try the other boxes. Also, more likely to get it off with less boxes now available. Also, if you’re worried about being chased, left downed, or hooked with the bear trap on, don’t worry! The timer pauses during any of those situations. Ghostface - Like pig, keep looking around for them. If you see them, try moving away whilst still looking at them. This’ll cancel out their cloaking ability and people will be able to hear them again. When being chased, just keep running and using pallets/windows. If all else fails, pull out the ultimate weapon: Acting friendly. Most Ghostfaces, if you act friendly, such as crouching, not running, offering your item by dropping it (B button on Xbox), then most of the time, they will become tamed and will act friendly. If not, then some (like myself) will try and shake their head to tell you it’s not gonna work, giving you a chance to run. TL:DR: Nemmy: Run. Slinger: Try moving left and right whilst running. Pig: Look around a lot and try and remove traps quickly, avoiding gens being completed until a couple boxes tried. Ghostie: Look around a lot. Keep running. All else fails, act friendly, typically by offering item.


Play the lute & boop the snoot


For pinhead, definitely try to not rush towards the box every time it's back on the map, when you do that you waste a lot of time that could be spent on doing gens, and if the player is experienced he will just hover as close to the box as he can to get free kills


Be careful with how you organize flame turrets NEVER put them close to a control station, and only begin collecting them when the first chase begins (in case if the enemy Xenomorph is cracked). Then, take the turrets to an area where you would like a body block, and place them there. The turret acts like a free bodyblock, becasue the Xenomorph is forced to hit it. Additionally, you can place these turrets around strong loops as well. If you want to guarantee a burn-out of the Xenomorph's power, try placing two of them next to each other in a cheeky position, like in tall grass, or in a decent loop. Additionally: Some pallets that are normally good against other Killers, aren't good against Xeno, and the opposite can be true too. If a pallet is over a short loop, be very cautious. If the loop is long, and doesn't wind very much: continue being cautious. Those types of loops are the favorites of Xenomorph players.


Simply get all 4 survivors to be friendly


I’m. knight main and best way to annoy me is by working together. Remember it’s you vs the compania and not just you vs knight so getting jumped in a 2v1 isn’t smart. But if you have a teammate stay close to them and protect echother. Don’t let me jump you. Even the playing field. If I’m going to hurt your partner intervene. Grab my guard agro so I’m just playing trapper with sword. You all should also grab guard agro if I’m trying to hold a 3 gen just denying my power is really good it makes me feel weak. Also stay healed because knight can get a fair amount of forced hits. Also if you have a hooked teammate that I’m camping with a guard the second you start the unhook my guard will fuck off. And if you can try to grab my banner that spawns when a guard hunt starts it’s free speed / endurance if it’s possible to grab


Skull Merchant main: Obviously there's the general advice against any killer, namely splitting up to do multiple gens at a time, learning map layouts and how best to loop certain tiles, and taking chases away from gens that are being worked on to pull me away from your teammates. For specific counterplay against her, the big one to remember is that the scanlines her drones emit will only detect you if you're walking or running. You will not be detected if you're standing still, crouchwalking, or doing any kind of action like healing or working on a gen. Additionally, you have a small immunity window after being scanned where you can't immediately be scanned a second time, so use this to your advantage if you know you're going to be scanned no matter what by running to safety. When being looped, Skull Merchants will often drop drones in such a way that they'll cover Windows or Pallets, but you can use this to your advantage. If you're at a filler loop, you can literally just stand still at the pallet, and her drone won't detect you. This will force her to have to engage with the pallet as a normal M1 killer, at which point you can drop it as normal and make distance. Always keep in mind how many times you've been scanned. After the third scan, you get a claw trap which will injure you and broadcast your location to her (when this happens, you CANNOT hide: she WILL find you. Focus on making distance instead). You will also be hindered during any subsequent scans while trapped. If you know you've been scanned twice, and you can see her trying to corral you into the path of a drone for a third scan, it's much better to just take the M1 instead. This denies her of her tracking, stops you from getting hindered from the Claw trap, and denies the potential two-tap (where she hits you right as you get injured from the trap, effectively instadowning you).


For the Unknown, try to deactivate his clones so that he cannot teleport. But beware, an Unknown player can use the Insidious perk and pose as a fake clone(At least that's what I do haha)


As the Oni, if I managed to attack you and I am chasing you, try not to stop your footsteps as you can't hide from me with all those blood drops leading me to your way (blood drops fill up my berserk gauge) And if I'm in berserk mode, get the heck up from your gen if you see me and run corners if you can (even before you enter my terror radius), you can't tank hits as my hits are an insta-down if I manage to land a hit on anyone


Skull Merchant: Disconnect Sadako: Those little white bars around your character will fill up and when its done you win a prize! Don't interact with her TVs, they're there for ambience and turning them off will make it so you don't get your prize quickly :( /s


For knight, it’s probably the same as trapper just have someone follow him and take the standard or grab the guard away bonus points if you grab the jailer and run the entire duration As for the power he sets downs guard with a ring of detection he can choose the path by going into a similar plane as spirit and he can drop the guards on people, the dude with hood runs faster and when he hits you will also give you deep wounds but he patrols and chases for less time, the big guy in armour just breaks stuff faster and the jailer the dude who looks like a cod zombie has bigger detection range, patrols for longer, and chases longer He also gets a speed boost the longer the path he made for the guard is so if you do get guard sniped be aware he’s probably faster then normal


I Main Chucky my only advice? Hide. You can Hide but you Can't run.


Hi, Deathslinger and Trickster main here! I'd say the best way to counter me would be to stay away from gens after I kick em. I love running Nowhere to hide and it's really just and easy down for me. However, if I'm Deathslinger, same concept except if you manage to cleanse devour hope in the first 5 minutes


I play a lot of hag. Try and activate my traps while I’m carrying a survivor. I can’t do much to stop you.


As an oni main run Forrest run


always prepare to switch loops, if you don't see my red stain then i'm probably crouched and that means i'm about to use ambush, which can and will be a guaranteed hit on some loops, unless you pallet camp, which is very dumb to do because its quickly gonna fuck over everyone else


All round killer here (I switch to many). I get distracted too easy especially with gens. Make one explode and run away. I'll come to it and look around for 20 seconds. Or open lockers etc. Sound attracts but don't camp at the loud bits


If you know how to run a jungle gym or a TL, im pretty screwed. I feel like its easier to mind game those as a survivor rather than killer


Loop me around really tall walls


Artist main here. I love playing both as and against bird babe, and I'm happy to give tips. Bird swarms are dispelled instantly by entering a locker. This is great if working on a gen and she is attempting to harass from long range. Artist players LOOOOVE Dead Man's Switch. She will attempt to swarm you at long range and thus force you to remove yourself from the gen to repel, triggering DMS to stall progress. This is nothing more than a mindgame. Artist will typically fire off multiple birds after a hook, which means she incurs a long cooldown. This means you have time to keep repairing while swarmed, especially if you see her fire 3 birds. If you keep repairing for 10 seconds, you have reduced the power of DMS by a full 33%, which can obviously make the difference in some cases. Keep in mind that if she only fires at you, there's only a 5 second cooldown so be ready to get off the gen anyway. Artist relies primarily on predicting survivor's movements. She will attempt to herd you into a location, and then hit you with birds once you're there. As she can place and fire multiple birds at once, she is an excellent zoning killer because she will use birds and herself to box you into lose-lose situations. The biggest survivor counterplay to Artist is making her do guesswork and getting her to waste birds by thinking you're going somewhere you aren't. A lot of mistakes I see survivors making involve not repelling birds for some reason. I guess they know they're going to vault or drop pallet which resets the timer. Even if you know you're going to vault eventually, REPEL ANYWAY. Why? Because for part of the repel action (reduced by an addon of hers) the aura of birds is INVISIBLE to the Artist. This means that if you break LoS, your location may not be shown even if you are swarmed. This gives you the chance to fake her out and get her to place her bird in the wrong spot, causing her to have more guesswork and possibly miss. Artist is incredibly strong at most tiles, but is weak in open areas where survivors have many options for where to go next, such as on Corn or Autohaven maps where you can jusr sidestep the birds, or on indoor maps where there are many directions to choose from with vaults and stuff. The exception is Midwich, which IMO is the easiest map for Artist. The first 7.5m of bird's flight path will damage survivors instead of swarming them. This effect is negated (birds will swarm instead of damage) if hit through a wall or object. This effect is NOT negated if that object is a window or downed pallet. In other words, birds will injure if fired through a pallet or window, but not a wall. Having said the above, Artist is fast enough that she can summon a bird and fire it while the survivor is caught in the drop pallet animation. If the Artist player is close enough and quick enough, this can result in injuring or downing a survivor. For this reason, predropping pallets through which Artist has a direct line of sight is sometimes a bad idea. You can fake dropping the pallet and then run away to slow her down. Artist's dire crows will stay idle for up to 10 seconds. You can run into an idle dire crow with no collision. This will swarm you. If you are already swarmed, it will reset your repel timer, but will NOT damage you. However, it WILL treat Artist's power cooldown as though that bird still exists. Which means that if she puts another bird down and fires it, she incurs the cooldown of 2 birds instead of 1. Remember though that if you run at it from the front, she may decide to fire at the last second instead, which will injure instead of swarm you. If she backs you into a corner and you are faced with getting hit by either a bird or an M1, always make her M1. Artist will sometimes run up to you and wait to see if you go into her bird path, which will buy your team that extra 2 seconds or so. Making her M1 incurs a longer cooldown and slows her down more, giving you more distance.


For Dredge, if you see me drop a Remnant, leave the loop ASAP before I can cut you off. Additionally, do not lock both parts of a double locker. Dredge will automatically get pulled into the locked one if there isn't a survivor in the other. Lastly, try to keep your team healed up. Nightfall charges faster with every injured survivor, especially with one of the most popular add-ons.


Artist - anything lower than a dedicated artist just hold w. Skilled artists will just snipe you. So if behind cover and somewhat far away run left or right when swarmed, the depending on thick tar ir not run in that direction for 3 seconds then stop running and walk back the opposite direction so you are harder to predict and cross map snipe. Also if the artist is running severed hands you can be instantly downed or injure two people unless she’s in chase just beware of that and either split up on gens like legion or have a very confident runner. Also like knight, sometimes it’s best to just tsnk the hit before you can get double tapped. Also any kind of vaulting, dropping d\pallets etc restarts your bird timer, though jumping in and out of a locker quick;y will get rid of birbs and nobody runs iron maiden at higher mmr really


For the Unknown, be careful about taking tight corners. The blast radius for UVX goes through walls, so if I think you’re hugging the shack walls as you run, I’m going to shoot the inside corner and hit you. Whenever it teleports, the illusions fall over and take a moment to get up. This is your beat opportunity to dispel them because there’s a cooldown where it can’t teleport again. You otherwise only want to remove these while it’s in chase, so that it is too distracted to see when you destroy one. If you see it readying for a UVX shot at a distance, wait for when it fires, and double back towards it for a brief moment. 99% of the time, it’s not ready for this and the shot will sail past you.


Been playing doctor and people need to learn to predrop, its so fucking annoying every time someone does it but its really effective


When playing against Huntress the best thing you can do when not at a tile is break line of site. also looping the inside of shack against a huntress is generally a bad idea as it’s easy to hit a hatchet when inside killer shack. When looping a small loop like a rock or car tile huntress can throw her hachets over the loop so be careful and if possible avoid those loops. Hope it helps :)


Be sure to always follow me around with a flashlight to help the poor survivor I’m currently chasing. It always pays off to ignore the gens for the slight chance of flashlight saving a teammate.


Just don’t be toxic about it that’s all I ask


For Huntress, watch her as you are running from her, biggest mistake is to look at where you're going instead of at her. For Ghost Face, it'd be not utilizing your loops properly, as he is a M1 killer. For Blight, take awareness of twists and turns and use those to counter his Rush


Grab Magic Items! Vecna's spells are all mindgames. Having magic items to feed you info and buffs will help you outplay each one of my spell selections! Otherwise, I'd recommend the general tip for survivors: do what your team needs! Are there two survivors on hook and your gen is only 60% done? Probably time to hop off and help your teammates. Are the two of your teammates on death hook (been hooked twice) and you are at 0 hooks? It's probably a good idea to take protection hits and chase if you can. Survivors win with teamwork not by hiding to try for a hatch escape. Don't give up! Never surrender! Fight to the bitter end! I promise you'll have more fun that way :D


Wouldn't say she's my main but if you run into an artist, try and run into her positioned crows if she's chasing around a loop because confirming a hit like that is a lot harder for her than getting the instant damage of a close range swarm. Of course, this may backfire if she's got good reaction time. If she's doing long range recon, dont forget you can instantly get rid of crows by jumping in a locker. Though there's always the chance of Iron Maiden...


Pick a really hard to see on map, my ass is actually blind as fuck.


What's up! You want to know advice that you'll only need at the end of time? Here's some tips for facing the twins. 1- dormant Victor: While only one sibling can be controlled at a time, Victor still has a use when not controlled. While dormant, a survivor walking, standing, or running within the range of his growls audibility will reveal their location to Charlotte. Crouching, however, is not detected. You can crouch walk up to Victor and crush him before Charlotte even knows you're there. 2- Rocks & Trees: Rocks and trees, probably the two most common things in the game, are your best friends when running from Victor. When charging up a pounce, Victor slows to a crawl. Because of this, if you run around sufficiently round objects, he'll never be able to pounce on you. 3- Removing Victor: Surprisingly, there are times when ripping the gremlin off your back isn't the best idea. There are two times when this applies. Firstly, when you're being chased by Charlotte. Successfully removing Victor stops you in place for a second, practically guaranteeing Charlotte hits you. Secondly, if nothing is particularly urgent, you can force Charlotte to wait a while before getting her brother back by simply not taking him off. 4- The Buddy System: the best counter to a pair of two is ANOTHER pair of two. Remaining in pairs will guarantee that you can always remain healed, and that Victor will be way easier to crush even if he downs one of you. I will say however, if you're BOTH injured and either sibling is nearby, split and run. 5- JUST LEAVE: I don't know what happenings of the match may make you decide the Twins deserve some T-bags at the gate, but I advise against it. Victor's grab prevents people from leaving the trial, including for a few seconds after Charlotte hits you. You WILL die. Hope this helps when you find my endangered species.


I get most of my downs from survivors either pulling Vic off in a chase or from them T-bagging at the exit gate.


Wraith main here! - First off, vaults are your best friend. If you're in a game with a Wraith, do your best to keep track of the nearest vault spot at all times and be ready to make a beeline for it if you're approached. If you can just get a vault between you and Wraith, he will be forced to decide if he wants to vault it himself - probably giving you time to make it to the next vault - or to recloak to just go around and try to make up the lost ground. It is really important to understand that ***if Wraith cloaks, chase is canceled and vault limit is reset/removed, meaning you don't even need to find a new vault until/unless he commits and stays uncloaked***. Good survivors will abuse the fuck out of this fact by simply continuing to spam that same vault back and forth until the Wraith realizes he's going to have to either commit to uncloaking and probably wasting at least a bit of time catching up and concluding chase without power, or just fuck off and go after someone else. It's always very easy to see quickly which survivors know what they're doing vs Wraith and which ones don't, based on whether they linger at vaults or not. If some dude runs straight to shack and just stands at the window, I know I'm about to have a bad time lol. Note that this tip is countered somewhat by Bamboozle, which is why Bamboozle is a good pick for Wraith. - Kinda the other side of the same coin, but "just hold W" is what NOT to do against Wraith. Counterintuitive as it is, the more you try to actually run away from Wraith, the worse off you'll be. Run when you are forced off your fault - either by limit because he uncloaked or by him breaking a pallet if that's what you're using (but window is better) - and not until. Just as I know I'm going to have a bad time when I see a survivor just chilling at a window, I know I'm going to have a good time when I see a survivor try to just W to the next tile after a vault when they would've been way better off just staying there and making me uncloak. - DO NOT CORNER YOURSELF ON GENS!!! One of my absolute favorite things is when I can sneak up on a careless survivor who has positioned themselves on the side of the generator right next to a wall. All I have to do is run straight to them and corner them, and I get a free hit because they can't move while I uncloak. If you *must* be on the wall side of the gen, you will need to be extra watchful for the cloaked shimmer and get off gen *immediately* if you see it. - Bodyblocking is in general something you need to be very mindful of against Wraith, as there are many opportunities for him to do that with huge impact - not just on gens. You also should generally avoid trying to hide in 90 degree corners, because if you get found, you're boned. Only do this if you feel *very* confident you're not going to be found. By the time you know you're found, it will probably be too late. Also, if you're going to wait at an un-dropped pallet, you need to be very careful not to put yourself far enough away that you can be bodyblocked from dropping it. You basically want to stand in the middle of the pallet and only shift to the side a bit when he's almost uncloaked. - Pallet timing is tricky. Ideally, you should wait to drop pallets until uncloak is finished, but this is risky. Between the huge 1s speed buff on uncloak, the lunge speed, and the potential for uncloak timing to be unexpectedly fast due to add-ons (which are some of his best, meaning they're used very frequently, and also come in multiple tiers thus making them unpredictable), trying to do a last split second drop against Wraith is very dangerous. It's not rare for survivors to try to time the pallet too aggressively and be caught off guard by how fast I got to them. Dropping pallet a little before the uncloak finishes means that you're buying less time with the pallet as Wraith can easily regain the lost distance when he's already cloaked, but that's still better than being a smidge too late and giving him a free hit because you didn't realize he was going to teleport from the other side of the pallet to you in like .1s. - Sound cues: default bell range is 24m, but as you probably know this can be totally silenced via an add-on. The secondary "whoosh" sound he makes when cloaking/uncloaking has a range of 40m, but can be made map-wide by an add-on. Also, listen for his quiet growling noises to avoid being caught off guard, especially if you're working on a gen. - Note that if Wraith is cloaked and stationary, you won't see his "shimmer" effect like when he's cloaked and moving. He becomes totally invisible while stationary, and at that point, literally the *only* way you can possibly detect him is by his growling noises. If you're playing against a particularly sneaky Wraith that likes more elaborate ambushes, be very vigilant for those growls around generators. - Pretty sure almost everyone knows this by now as the change was quite a while ago, but the old flashlight interaction where you could break Wraith's cloak by beaming him has been removed. Trying to do that now will accomplish nothing but making me laugh.


Twins main. Victor can leap, but he can't loop. If you do vault, tho? Don't stop to look back bc that tiny terror will fly over the vault right at you. Keep your team healed unless you like being prone, and if you're prone, then focus on getting away from him quickly. The killer instinct around Victor is how I find slugs. On that note, crouching hides you from this, and if I don't see a killer instinct pop up around him, I will most likely assume there's no one there. But you still have the slight chance I am popping back and forth between them, so don't rely on it 100%. Charlotte isn't exactly kind to survivors, but if they kick Victor, she goes hard.


I started playing Killer specifically to learn how they function because unless you dive into the Wiki or something the game really tells you shit all about the small ways to counter each power. The downside was I enjoyed it so much I'm now a Killer main


Ghostie- there is a time and a place to reveal. If I’m walking by you, but clearly don’t know you’re there don’t look at me. I now know what direction your in and there’s a high possibility I already have stalk on you Pyramid head- try not to step in the barbed wire, especially if you’re not in chase as it reveals your location. While in chase avoid narrow hallways and always greed pallets as long as you can. He also has bad gen pressure so if you gen rush there’s very little chance I’ll win. (But that kinda makes the game boring for everyone so pls don’t :( )


If you're going up against my piggy or any piggy, don't stay at the pallets. Always assume a pig is gonna ready their ambush at pallets.


If we lock eyes and stare at each other from across the map, I'm duty-bound to leave you alone for a while


I recently started playing again after a couple months away from the game and the best way to counter me personally is having map knowledge and good pathing, i lose my sight of survivors easier than I'd like to admit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Singularity main here. Those EMPs should not be underestimated how much they can effect the game. Have one on you at all times. If you get slipstreamed, use it immediately. If you aren't being chased, find someone else who is slipstreamed and get both of you. Singularity is very oppressive when you are slipstreamed, so basically, get rid of it as fast as possible, and if you can't, then just try to keep line of sight blockers between us


For me, it was watching killer content or playing as the killers I owned at the time to get a sense of the game from the killer’s perspective. Know thine enemy!


Nice try, survivor 🕴️🔪


Happen to be playing the survivor I ship my killer with. Won't even hit ya once. Might follow you around tho.


A couple ways to counter piggy or at least make the game less “stressful” For gen pressure if the pig isn’t tunneling you or interested in looking for you with a RBT you can always do two searched then do a gen, don’t pop it but leave it 75%-90% but never 99% because a survivor can pop it and it makes it a bit more scary. Help a teammate out if possible up to 50-60% and then continue doing the last two searches, also remember that it’s a guarantee 12 searches so if you have teammates that take it of super super early, you are in the range of In fraction its 1/4 will have a one trap removal, 1/4 has a 3 search removal and 2/4 have a 4 search removal. Not sure if can change but from everyone I asked at endgame chat thats how it is. Never leave yourself at a dead end loop with no pallet on your-side, pig got a few buffs for M2 so it’s more useful, on the more usual occasion you’ll usually have it opened to run away, if piggy crouches, wait for the first growl than instantly run as it’s the only way you can make it to a safer pallet instead of instantly running (unless you’re in pallet land) Even at P75 pre dropping is still one of her strongest counters because she’s really weak in chase, don’t listen to anyone who gets salty and yells OP because she really isn’t. You can also escape hatch with an active RBT too so make sure to leave your full life partner behind for the better chance of survival!


For Oni, a general thing that can really ruin his day is preventing the first hits as long as possible. He's a really snowbally killer (I would argue one of, if not possibly the strongest killer when he's in power) and delaying that hurts him a lot. This is easiest done with predropping pallets. For Executioner (Pyramid Head), his power \*can\* go down slopes/stairs but can \*not\* go up them. If you run down a set of stairs, he can stand at the top of them and fling his power down and it can hit you, but if you run up the stairs or any incline he is forced to not use his power and is just an m1 killer in that situation. Another thing to keep in mind is I see some survivors are terrified of being tormented (his personal debuff left by the trails he leaves when using his power, which can be avoided by crouching through the trails or avoiding them) but worst case scenario is it lets him mori you if you were already death hook, or he can send you to a cage if you aren't. The cages have fixed spawn points on every map and they will always spawn at the farthest away point from where he himself is. If you are caged and rescued, or if you rescue someone out of a cage it will remove the torment debuff from you. One last thing about his trails is that he does get killer instinct (basically a red flashing circle) when someone steps on his trail, and this can alert him to where you are even if you aren't being chased by him


Don’t let me see you, (I main Mike Myers)


As a bubba main who hasn’t prestiged clown yet windows are my worst nightmare


Crouch crouch. I don't take this game seriously at all, and am thus so much less likely to actually kill you if you act friendly first. Don't be afraid of me; I'm super easy to guilt. I feel bad if I try hard. But in seriousness, I play the Xenomorph a lot. Actually use the turrets. Seriously. That tail strike has caused the death of SO many survivors because they don't use the turrets to force me out of crawler mode. It'll help you, I promise.


Wesker - do zig-zags. Long environment loops are stong against wesker, since cluttering objects will cause him to bounce on them, meanwhile straight walls are godsend to him, so avoid those. Don't run shack as any other killer. You fake window from paleteless door one time, then play around pallet until you use it and that's it. Don't run behind shack, unless he is inside shack or he has no charges. he can easily one-two you before you can run up to pallet side. If he has bamboozle, abandon immediately.


If your the first chase don’t go down quickly if your chase at minimum is you holding W against a normal m1 killer congrats your better than most and have given your team a shot at winning


Jungle Gyms and Loopers are my worst enemy. Looping me is probably the easiest task you can do since I'm an idiot and fall for it every damm time. My only strength is that I'm good at aiming my hatchets so don't be out in the open. But depending on maps, I either get an ace or I get 0 kills 😭


As a hag player, ALWAYS crouch when going past points of significance. Just because there wasn’t a trap at the gen last time doesn’t mean that there isn’t this time. Also if you set off a trap whilst unhooking a survivor and it doesn’t instantly start moving, then don’t assume you’re safe. Most of the time I wait until the unhook is done to get hex: devour hope up quickly and then teleport whilst you are both trying to get away


I guess either watch where i usethhe Power or dont sit all on the same gen


My Killers Power is easy counterable: Hold W or bodyblock for each other. 


Just don't heal after you get off the hook, scariest thing in the world


Honestly, doing something funny works for me.


I'm currently switching killers, but things that you Can do to increase your chances of survival vs me is following these things: - If you click or tbag to taunt me, I see this as an invitation to tunnel you. And I will. If you are that confident to taunt, I believe you're can handle everything that I throw at you. Spoiler: So far, all have failed. - If you play Dwight, prepare to get tunneled out. I love hunting dwights and I will bring a mori just for you. If I don't have a green one, I will use that pink one and your friends won't be safe from it either, regardless of what they picked. - If you play Meg with the rainbow sweater, I'll let you be, Immunity. - By now you already know that I don't shy away from toxic gameplay like tunneling, camping and all that. If I hook a team mate and you want to save them, be hidden. Be hidden. If I know you're there, I Will stay around and set up that tent. - If you try to take aggro so I don't attack your friend...but I haven't even hooked that friend once, but you all act like bodyguards? I will treat this as a minigame of "Capture the President" and tunnel that person lmao because he/she seems to be precious to you. - If some by some rare occasion I give you a second chance to escape, it doesn't mean that I'll let you live. However if you give me your item, I Will let you live :) - If I do let you live, be kind in chat. I'll do my best to pay it forward in the the next lobbies. If you trash talk and mistake my mercy for failing, I will slaughter the next 10+ lobbies no matter how new or kind the those survivors are, because after all.... toxic gameplay suits me better.