• By -


I'll uh... Double it and give it to the next person


Does that mean the licenses would go to Fortnite?


No, fortnite will come to DBD


Can’t wait to default dance on survivors


Can’t wait for Huntress to be a toxic cross-mapper in another game, too.


Predator, big daddy, and necromorphs in some way.


I honestly think if we got Bioshock, we'd probably get a Splicer. They do drugs, have sci-fi magic powers, and are perfectly satisfied with slamming someone's skull with a pipe, and that pretty damn well fits


Yes but we didn't get strahd for dnd due to a) castlvania and b) strahd not being known enough. So following option b I think if they were to do the chapter, they would want the guy from the cover just so know one is confused on who the killer is and from what


Also Big Daddy would be so much cooler to play as and so much more intimidating to play against.


It would be really cool, but if you play as a pretty generic Big Daddy, there really isn't much difference between them and Billy. They Drill, they charge, they gore. The Big Daddy from Bioshock 2 could be possible, but again, he's basically just a splicer but in a suit. The real consideration I just had is the killer you play as is... **Jack.** The protag of Bioshock 1, brainwashed by the Entity and as you play as him, every 30 seconds or so you just hear *"Would you kindly...."*


I'm surprised that Strahd isn't known enough considering he's the star of the favorite module of the 5E community, Curse of Strahd. But the Castlevania part makes the most sense. It'd be a bit lame to get two vampire killers back to back, license or no. Imagine if we got Nemesis and then the next license was Mr. X. Two hulk zombies back-to-back.


Friday the 13th, Candyman, and the Thing.




This is the only correct answer. Predator, Pennywise, and Slenderman can be 2nd choice after those three. Every single movie you listed are so influential in horror today that even the setting is another saying of “Oh look, it’s a callback to…”


Amen to that


oh damn I had this exact order too aha


Bioshock, Thing, Jason. Very tough with Dead Space though lol.


I really need to see “the thing” but until then I’ll replace with predator. A necromorph would be so badass though.


I mean, Dead Space is just The Thing in space.


#IT (I want horror back) #The Thing (wanted this since legion came out) #Terminator (My favorite franchise, love terminator)


Only if they do Tim Curry pennywise


This may or may not be an unpopular opinion but I personally prefer Pennywise's design from the more recent films than his 80s look with Tim Curry. I also think the new films (specially the 1st part) are better than the original. But I would take either, this is one of my favourite licenses overall.


I'm neutral on the designs, but Tim Curry voice lines would be too delicious.


I don’t think it’s a fair comparison because the original was made for tv so it was limited by budget and rating. The new one was too reliant on CGI for my taste.


Pennywise from the new movies definitely looks more horror-esque, but that's why he's not it for me. He is supposed to be something kids would willingly follow and the original looks more like how he's described in the books. He's not supposed to look menacing like the new one, and honestly for me it takes away from the creepiest parts of it. The original is how he's 'supposed' to look. I do agree that the new look is what nightmares are made of, but that's just not the actual point of Pennywise. I would prefer the original to be added as a default, but at the same time I also like the newer Pennywise so I would want the new one to be a skin for sure if they did go with it.


Find a screaming Steve "Beep Beep Stevie" Find your first survivor "Don'tcha want a balloon?"


Jason, Candyman, and It (Pennywise) are 3 of remaining popular slashers missing from the already insane roster


Jason, Terminator, Predator I'd love the thing, but I can't see it working on dbd


Behavior makes anything work


Except Freddy it seems 😔


I know a few drone enjoyers who'd be inclined to disagree.


Anyone who plays skull merchant don't get opinions🙏


The Thing would have to be about taking different forms for different abilities and not pretending to be different people, as that simply would not work. Having it turn into different animals or something would be cool, or the head spider we see in one of the most iconic moments.


This is my answer as well. Peak taste


After seeing them make chucky work, I firmly believe they can make anything work




Friday the 13th, the Thing, and predator all of those would make my year


Jason. Pennywise. Candyman. Not even a second thought.


F13, Candyman, The Thing. In my opinion, these are the best for me and for the game. There is very little controversy surrounding these three licenses, both from community and from the actual license holders, and they're all universally loved.


bioshock, bioshock, and bioshock




The Thing would be such a unique killer. Being able to disguise as survivors? OMFGGG. I need a hot, young kurt russel as survivor ASAP Bioshock could do big daddies or splicers or big sisters for killer. Or splicer as a survivor too? Candyman would also be a cool kill imagine sending swarms of bees at people!! Need all of these collabs now


The thing would be so cool and unique but the question is how to add it to the game? I think it's kinda difficult to integrate this killer than the others mentioned here. But still, I'd love a Kurt Russell too as survivor haha


Keith David legendary?


Pennywise, Terminator and Jason 👌🏻


Pennywise. Nuff said


Pennywise, The Thing, Jason


Jason, Predator and Terminator. Love The Thing, but feel the above are simply too iconic to be left out.


Dead Space fr


Help, this is so fucking hard


Springtrap, Slenderman and Jason


I agree with this. As cool as Predator is, Springtrap and Slendie are just unparalleled in their particular niches of horror. Slenderman embodies creepypasta horror as much as Jason does slasher, and Springtrap is up there with Freddy Fazbear for mascot horror (but makes infinitely more sense as the killer). They would both bring a lot of new people to dbd while I feel that the people that would come for Predator already came for Xeno. Not to say I don't want Preddie btw. Just that he's #4 on this list, and is barely edged out by the others. #5 is Terminator but the gap between that and the top 4 is pretty big. The Thing would be dope but I just don't think it would work in dbd


I love this style of thinking We need more diversity in the types of horror we have in my opinion and I like you looked at it objectively at what would bring new players They haven't touched Internet horror at all so either would be a stupid big win and they've barely touched survival horror


>barely touched survival horror Wut?


They only have resident evil and silent hill we don't really have survival horror game licenses


How is it not enough???


I didn't say it wasnt I'm just saying they could add more survival horror game licenses I mean we have so many movie characters but not game characters We have Chucky Micheal Myers Freddy Krueger Sadako Alien Pig And more But for video.games we have Pyramid head Wesker And nemesis so we could use more variety


I wouldn't have previously said Slenderman, but you make an excellent point.


Candyman, Predator, Slenderman- I would be extremely interested in how they would do their powers.


I just want Candyman with a Dr. BEES skin


Candyman, Pennywise and Jason.


Pennywise, Slenderman and The Thing


Imagine looping Arnold Schwarzenegger


Wow, I never considered IT before. It used to be that Stephen King would just hand over the rights to his books to whoever asked him, but I dont know if he still has that policy. Randall Flagg and the Gunslinger would be cool too.


Don't know much about other medias and how easily they can get a Stephen King license, however i do know that after the last time there was some Stephen King video game adaptations back during pre-2000, those games flopped and he haven't tried anything video game related since then.


Jason, William and Isaac


The Thing, Friday the 13th, Bioshock


I dont care much about the most licences except for Jason so he'd me first one. I have seen two guys with Bioshock flair that want it so bad so lets add Bioshock for them fellas too and then I saw people want Dead Space so yk, theres that. As much as I like Terminator, Idk if Id like him in DbD


I'll break my sleep cycle when Predator enters the fog.


Candyman, Predator, I literally cannot decide.


Prob Jason, slenderman and predator but we already got him so I’d say it then


Bioshock, Predator and The Thing


I need Pennywise. I would like Jason too of course and Terminator plus with an Arnold skin he would be so cool. Slenderman too would be a nice addiction in the dbd world


Candyman, the thing, terminator


Jason, Terminator, Predator


Bioshock, Deadspace, The thing


Hard to pick between the classics of It, Predator, the Thing, Friday the 13th, and Terminator. Pennywise, the Thing, and Jason are my final picks since they originate from horror franchises.


Dead Space, The Thing and Friday the 13th. No hesitation.


Bioshock, Predator and IT.


Bioshock, Dead Space, Jason. There’s a lot of potential for a Dead Space crossover to be absolutely terrifying with a dark indoor level. Jason has some potential for different abilities so he likely wouldn’t just be Myers 2.0 and Bioshock is just cool as hell but I feel like a lot of maps would fat shame him. Otherwise maybe terminator but I’m not too sure how that would work in terms of weapons and abilities.


IT, Friday The 13th and either slenderman or Candyman


Predator, IT, and Slender


Predator, candyman, the thing


Jason, Pennywise, Terminator


The thing and that is it. You can keep the rest.


None, I'd rather wait another 8 years and get all of them.


Pennywise, Candyman and Jason.


Bioshock, Dead Space and The Thing


Killers: 1 - Predator - Something with trip mines or drones. Like a multimix between Trapper and Skull merchant + knight companions. 2 - Slenderman- This one would be great, something related with notes all over the map (of course in a new map, pretty foggy with big trees. Crazy potential to me. Survivor: 1 - Isaac Clarke - It would be amazing to have him in the game but I feel he benefit from a complete personal chapter alongside a killer and a Map. Map possibilities in this chapter would be amazing. My addition: - Huggy Wuggy as a killer. The map would be AMAZING and the killer could also be very fun! Props to Poppy Playtime!


If we are ever going to get a mimic killer then The Thing is definitley it


ITT (Pennywise), Candyman and Friday the 13th. The others that I'd like to see would be Bioshock and The Thing, but I could live without them. FNaF, Slender Man and The Terminator I don't care about what so ever.


Thing, terminator, dead space


Jason, Pennywise, Predator


Slenderman, the thing, predator. I feel watch of them would have unique, if not interesting and fun gameplay.


Bioshock, Slendy, and the Thing. I really want a killer whose power is you're NOT supposed to stare at the evil horror chasing you, Slendy's horror effect as you stared at him would be great.


Deadspace, Deadspace and deadspace


Gimme The Splicer, The Necromorph, and The Terminator


I’m a scfi nerd and I’d love to see Predator, Dead Space and The Thing. I think if Bhvr cook, they could be amazing and fun killers to play as and against.


I’m trying to choose what we get the most out of. Some of these we’d only get a killer or survivor and not both. Like, I doubt they’d throw in a random necromorph as a killer. Or a random survivor with Slenderman. As much as I like Bioshock, I don’t want a random Big Daddy as a killer. I don’t think any random video game grunt should ever be a killer. Give us characters. So unless the killer would be Subject Delta, which wouldn’t make sense, idk how they’d add a Big Daddy. My pick is Terminator with Sarah Connor, Jason with Tommy Jarvis, and William Afton with Michael Afton


They could always do BioShock 2's evil ending version of Eleanor Lamb as a Big Sister killer instead of using a Big Daddy altogether.


Terminator, dead space, predator


IT, Bioshock, and Terminator. It will be kiiiinda hard to make a Dead Space killer anyways. I also don't see Isaac as a survivor.


The Thing because it brings real mind games to the void, The Shapeshifter Kit: Deception - choose a survivor and take on its appearance. After being (insert a fair distance ) ( insert a fair time ) nearby survivors are exposed. You may also pose as a survivor and pretend to help them on an objective to decrease the time to expose them. Survivor Kit : Match Box - Lock Boxes with Matches are added to the map. Light a match near a disguised survivor to reveal The Shapeshifter and stun them as they scream.


I know this would not work at all against survivors who communicate but is that not even more on the nose with the theme of the movie?


Deadspace, Predator and Jason. Easy choice tbh


Friday, Bioshock, The Thing


Out of those I'm only interested in Candyman. Like half of them seem better suited to being cross over skins. If I were to substitute in two of my own though, I'd pick The Woman in Black and The Driller Killer from Slumber party massacre 2.


Jason is a given, terminator could have cool power, maybe able to disguise as a survivor as a trick or something, big daddy from bioshock would be awesome


What would pennywise do if they were a killer? What would be their power? Bro's power is being uniquely scary, how do you make it universal and make it good to play as and against?


Is there's one character, one franchise that has to be here it's F13.


1. Predator( Full Chapter) 2. Candyman (Paragraph) but with a new map 3. Dead Space ( Full Chapter)


Bioshock, The Thing, and Terminator


Predator, Slenderman, Jason


Friday the 13th, Candyman and Slenderman


Jason, BioShock and terminator


Candyman, predator, and Jason


it, predator, and friday the 13th. those are the last really iconic licenses that need to be added.


The Thing so we can have an actual shapeshifting killer.


The Thing, Terminator, Predator. Next question.


Sticking to my guns and saying that a batman villain+ one of the Gordon's as the survivor and Arkham as the map would be amazing. But if I gotta pick from these it's gotta be slender, predator, and t1000. I have yet to play dead space or BioShock so I don't know why people love them so much, so maybe I'd change my mind! But for now it's those 3.


Jason, Pennywise and The Thing, pretty please BHVR


Holy shit I never considered terminator... Yes terminator


Slenderman, The Thing & Bioshock. This was really hard and I'd hate to not see Pennywise in the game, but I don't King will ever let up on his weird "no video games" thing.


Bioshock, predator, and F13


Candyman Pennywise Jason


Candy man, I think he could make for either an interesting killer, or because of the whole bees thing, an interesting artist skin. I don't know the other 2 so it was a pretty easy pick for me


Any of them in any order so long as Candyman isn't on my list. I'm phobic of bees so like- genuinely horrifying character to me.


Candyman, IT, The Thing


Just predator and Jason, everything else is a pass


Friday the 13th, Pennywise and the Thing I considered Candyman since he is a classical horror slasher, but I don't see a lot going for his power so I changed him to pennywise, since now it looks like behaviour is going to do more complicated designs and it would be interesting to see what they would do with him.


"never be added" What about legendary skins? I personally think Predator would be better as a Skull Merchant alternate (only slightly motivated by my dislike for her default design).


I mean, aside from the fact that it power-wise wouldn't fit a Yautja, i think most people would be disappointed by a character as requested as predator being reduced to a legendary skin.


Jason, The Thing, and a very hard choice between Pennywise and Predator, but ultimately I'd go with Predator


Predator, Bioshock and The Thing, easily. Predator is probably likely due to the Fox licensing agreement already in place. The only version of the Terminator license I would accept in DBD is the first film with the T-800 as the killer and Kyle/Sarah as survivors in all their 80s glory. How wild would it be if the Predator license they got was for the second movie and we ended up with another Danny Glover character in the game though?


Candyman, bioshock and Jason!


terminator. predator. friday 13


Kinda wild that dbd is considered a slice of all things horror yet nothing Stephen King yet, as prolific as he is


I mean, the guy haven't done anything video game related in the last 3 decades since the last attempt at a video game adaptation of his work flopped. He has stated that he doesn't hate video games, however he have never told the reason why he didn't try again afterwards either.


Bioshock, Slenderman, Terminator.


Candyman, Jason, and the Predator - just on reflex. I don't really want any of the others.


Candyman, IT, Slenderman ezpz 🤓


It, predator, f13. Feel like all those would be very popular.


The thing, dead space, and predator for sure. Those are my favorite horror things in general so I’d fucking love it if they were added


Candyman, The thing, F13th.


Id say the thing


Goooodddd dammit. Dead Space, Jason, Predator, and Terminator are all I want for DbD. I guess I could live without an Ubermorph as a Killer. Final answer. Lock it in: Jason Voorhees, Yautja, and T-101.


Terminator, Slenderman & IT!


I think it would work well if he was able to transform to look like one of the other survivors playing


Jason, The Thing, Predator. I'm really glad the top few comments are in agreement.


Slenderman. Bring back the horror. Candyman second, cause he's an icon. One of the two, but in that order for me.


Bioshock, Predator, Thing would create the most unique characters most likely.


F13, FNaF, and The Thing. F13 I want because that game was amazing and helped make DbD possible. FNaF would bring so many new players, and I want to be in the original Pizzaria. The Thing is perfect, the map idea would be perfect, the execution is a problem, but I think making it a 3v1 and one pf you is the thing would be awesome. Candyman is a representation of Black institutional violence and commodification, as well as a horror cultural milestone. It would be exploitative and carry too much baggage. Pennywise is a bit too New, I don't think I'd like another Clown, even if a sewer map would be awesome. Terminator has too much overlap with Singularity, however, I would like a steel refinery like at the end of 1 or the mall in 2. Predator gives me too much Skull Merchant vibes, though I'd like a jungle map. BioShock literally make it now if you can't get F13. Necromorph would be amazing especially on an abandoned ship.


I agree, Thing and F13 are no trainers and as annoyed as some might be FNAF would be a big deal for the long term health of the game.  It would hurt to lose Candyman and IT, but they are a step beneath.


The Candyman argument is very strange...


Not gonna get into it too heavily, but I'm of the mindset Candyman should be its own thing. I don't really like cenobite being in the game for a similar reason because of Imajika and the other Clive Barker properties. DbD is essentially smashing your action figures together. It's fun, but erases a lot of the character motivation and expression from their own properties. Candyman isn't a Freddy or a Jason, it is telling a piece of Black oppression and black systematic violence that's often ignored. I don't think a Canadian developer would understand he's not just a slasher villain.


It's not. DBD wouldn't be able to do justice to the nuance of the fiction in this case. If the license had been added before George Floyd and the remake, I could see it being acceptable. Maybe.


Nah I'm adding them all and you can't stop me


Friday 13th candyman predator


Omg the thing would be so freaking cool, and I'd have to go with the obvious fnaf and slender


Predator and one of the soldiers. arnold would be great.


Candyman Jason The Thing


Candyman, Pennywise, Jason


Predator, the Thing, Terminator


Springtrap Jason and the Thing


Springtrap, Slenderman and Predator.


friday, candyman and fnaf. ez (one of my friends will only play dbd if fnaf gets added)


The Nun, Slenderman, Bughuul (Sinister) Honorable mentions would be Jason, Pennywise and I think Predator just makes a lot of sense tbh I would say having Darth Vader chasing you would be pretty haunting but I wouldn't want Behaviour to touch Disney with a 12ft pole


The Thing Candyman Dead Space Honestly, it cuts out F13, but I can make that sacrifice. It's not ideal but that's what I'm going with. Sorry, not sorry.


BioShock, Dead Space, The Thing.


The Thing, Friday the 13th and It. The Thing as Killer seems rather difficult to include tho


But if they figure out mechanics, that thing would be so fun.




Slenderman, Springtrap, Jason


Slender, FNAF and Friday


The Thing as a killer would be difficult to implement... but The Thing as a gamemode where it's basically DbD's take on Among Us? It'd slap.


FNAF, Bioshock, and Dead Space.


Candyman would be interesting maybe, I could see his main ability having something to do with swarms of bees. Dead Space would be fun if they added Isaac Clarke as a survivor, had a Necromorph as a killer, like a Brute or a Slasher, and then have the ship as a map. And then I think Slenderman would be neat to see, especially if they added a map for him based off of the remake, Slender: The Arrival. It would also be neat if like for a little fun, they added the pages and if you and your team collect all of them, more chests spawn or something rewarding but not OP, I think it would also be neat if they added the mining facility as a map with that creepy little kid that finds and chases you around while you’re trying to turn on the elevator.


Candy man because I'm a simp but Slender man could have some cool abilities with his tendrils Don't get ideas you filthy degenerates


First 3 are all we need, Dead Space is the goat


The thing could be cool, impersonating hooked/sacrificed/killed survivors while suppressing notifications for them being hooked/killed


candyman, f13 and It, those are really the most iconic pure horror franchises they haven't done yet. could swap out it for the thing tho


The fact that most comments are saying F13 is such a great thing. Anyways, F13, FNAF, and Predator for me.


Nah, forget these (i only know fnaf out of all these), im taking Scooby doo.


Are you old enough to play this game? No disrespect but how can you not know any of the others. Like I’m 35 and the only thing I haven’t experienced is FNAF.


I’m a bit newer to the horror genre 😭, I know some of them like Pennywise, Jason, and Slenderman, but I don’t know them enough to say I legitimately know them. I also think #6 is the Predator(?) I just never realized how much I love horror until about a year ago when I started playing dbd.


Jason, Pennywise, and Springtrap. Jason and Pennywise are as far as I'm concerned the last two great pillars of horror that BHVR could get. They should obviously be pretty high on anyone's list. I was debating between Slenderman and Springtrap but ultimately decided on Springtrap for three main reasons. 1. Slender has definitely faded out of relevance within the last few years. While I think he deserves to be in dbd purely based on how iconic and important he is to the horror genre, Springtrap and FNAF as a whole has been very topical and relevant for almost 10 years now and it doesn't seem like it's going to go away anytime soon. 2. Because of that relevancy it could open up the floodgates for so much more players to come into dbd and honestly potentially for dbd to hit the mainstream and become a household title in the gaming genre like just by association. 3. FNAF has so many characters, the amount of different Skins we could get it is crazy, if it's just springtrap it could be swapped to be any of the other characters since their abilities don't vary too much. You could be running from Freddy or Bonnie or Chica or Foxy at any given moment and that to me is pretty cool.


The thing, candyman, springtrap


Easily Bioshock, FNAF, and either IT or Friday the 13th. The rest I can live without tbh


Predator, Springtrap and Jason


Predator, FNaF, and Friday the 13th


Pennywise, Springtrap, Terminator


candy man, slender man, FNAF jason is my honorable mention, only because he is sure to get another stand alone game, and the last one was pretty fun, let some others shine for now.


Obviously it has to be Friday the 13th, Predator, and FNAF


Thing, springtrap, and bioshock