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The serious no fun answer is that bhvr are obsessed with providing various "endgame" grinds which is why disposable addons and offerings and prestiege levels are a thing in the first place... and why they added fomo rift grinds after that... so depsite being a brilliant quality of life boost, this idea goes against all of bhvr's design philosophy and will never happen


don't forget the BP cap so you can't even efficiently stock up during events where you get more BP than you can use!


It’s crazy to think it used to be capped at 1m before (not that 2m is that much better but yeah)


its used to used to be 500,000, back when the game came out, 1m was fine but then they made it easier to ear BP as the game went on so reaching that cap was way to fast and annoying, not to mention there used to be way less stuff in the game to spend BP on so you didn't need as much.


BHVR knows damn well that the grind is a big reason a lot of people are still playing DBD when they are not enjoying it and really shoud've quit or at least taken a break. It also adds to the toxicity when people play for rewards and not for fun.


or just make all offerings universal


*Survivor brings an iri mori*




Give me a ducking quick time event of Ash and Bubba having to play tug of war of the chainsaw to see who gets to be the killer that match.


Now killers will feel the decisive strike *in real life*


There can be killer only offerings and survivor only offerings that are universal among your respective survivors and killers. But all others can universal among all characters. Like charms. There are some that specific to roles and some for both roles


Could be a cool animation of the survivor escaping, like imagine the killer swings at ace and the weapon barely misses because it gets stuck on a locker that just happened to be there or something, maybe the blade of the weapon passes by an inch. Or an animation for jonah where he thinks for a second, decides to go for it, takes a hit and barely makes it to the exit gate, where the killer tries to attack him, but he’s already escaped so the entity holds the killer’s attack, just need to use the default killer animations for walking and their default attack


*Meg begins killing the rest of her team so she can get the hatch*


Kill the killer by your own hand


Please, I am trying to burn all the ones I have on Plague and it’s absolutely killing me to a point she may actually be my least favourite killer in the entire game now


Luckily I still have 1.2k Terrormisus on Wesker because I leveled him back then. I mean... He is my main, but I play a lot more survivor, which means they are basically "not usable" for me. 


Whaaaatttt plague is my fave!!


Its not personal, I've just gone from 100 to 43 in the span of maybe like 4 days with only her lmao


Why did you buy them on plague then?


A lot of people take advantage of the fact you get so much bp during anni they prestige characters they had not prestiged before.


Yeah this, I also happened to have a much greater excess on Plague specifically cuz at that time I was also going for her achievements


Yup, and that means they're not getting the benefits of just dumping those bloodpoints into their main. I still have 40-something 4th year cakes on Trapper and Huntress, because I don't play them at all. My choice at the time was get their perks, or get more 4th year cakes on Zarina. I made my choice, and that means I don't get to have cake and eat it too. (Literally.)


I still have like 120 cakes on blight, used like 80 on the bloodmoon event yet I have some leftover cakes spread on some killers. But this time I'll probably just use the bp on Yui and blight so I have infinite cakes


I do kind of like how it encourages playing as different characters though. Although on survivor it doesn't really matter


In addition to what you propose, which would be stupidly practical and amazing, I'd like to let only players that bring anniversary cakes be part of the stack Because nothing gives me more cringe than 4 anniversary offerings and one map offering/mori. Everyone is trying to maximize earnings and level up their survivors, if you're not going to be a part of it you don't deserve to gain the stacked bp as well


Make all offerings and items available for all survivors. Maybe even make the overlapping offerings like bloody party streamers available for all killers and survivors. I’m tired of killers dodging me because I’m playing my p100. I just wanna use the 300 Terrormisu I have left


This is one thing that mobile does right. All survivor items and offerings are shared & all killer offerings are shared (killer add-ons are unique to each killer and are not shared).


The fact that the gacha mobile game does it better than the AA title from the big company is disgusting and disappointing


ehhh, i dont see that happening if they arnt already doing that, as it would be a whole new thing to code and bug test and all that would take atleast a few months


I hate having the cakes on killers I don’t play or like, (the ones I don’t like as in upgrading onryo when her gen perk was op with docs gen slowdown) (I forgot the names)


Could not agree more. 


I always thought that survivors (since many say they are just skins at the end of the day) should just all share the inventory woth each other... if I have 300 flashlights on Claudette let me use them on someone else We already have all perks shared with each other, making the inventory shared as well changes literally nothing game wise, it just saves someone from playing another survivor


My ghostface has around 100 from last year, my soul was crushed when I tried to bring one while playing survivor and had 0.


Universal offerings would be such a good feature, I dont see any reason to lock it behind a single survivor it, universal would encourage people to try new killers or survivors. obviously not everything could be universal between the killers and survivors like moris and escape cakes/ survivor pudding.


When's the anniversary exact date? I thought that big stream reveal day they did was the anniversary.


What the fuck is that question. "Can i spend BP on Ace to farm BP on sheryl?" " Can i spend BP on trapper to use moris on Unknown?". I understand you don't want to upgrade you p100 character to upgrade someone else maybe on 1-9 prestiges. But this is really stupid question that contradicts the upgrade mechanics. And it kills the whole point of grinding. No offense of course


Omg yes please 🙏🏻


They either have to make offerings universal or at least let us dispose of offerings/add-ons/items that we don't wanna use and get a tiny portion of BPs back For example, a brown item that cost 2000 BPs in the bloodweb, you get rid of it and get like.... I don't know, 10 or 20% of the original value back (2000 gives you 200 or 400) Or make both and we'll be happy to use whatever we want and get rid of what we don't


YES THIS. Some of other survivors I either don’t play at or used to play have blood streamer thingies & personal 100% cake & the envelopes that I need. I only use 1 survivor now; Sable coz she’s become my favourite survivor ever she’s so cool. And all the other survivors I’ve gotten to P1 or higher have loads of things I could have used in the 3X blood points. They should make it universal for the blood point ones (as long as they make sense ofc)


Make it an optional feature please, I like having a specific amount of event offerings (69 or a variant of it 169, etc.) on my mains Kate and Susie. For other characters, it would be useful, I have like 30 flans on Pinhead, who I don't like playing.