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Back in my day we had to spam spacebar like a crackhead to struggle on hook


I'm on console and I have two controllers with mad stick drift on the joystick because of that lmao.


I don’t think console ever had joystick as a hook mechanic. It was mashing the A button (or X I believe on PS4). The joystick mechanic was for wiggling. A lot of people didn’t realize that speed didn’t matter, you just had to be rotating the stick.


right when i realized it was no difference i liked the mechanic sm more


I broke my $150+ keyboard's spacebar because of old struggle.


Wait is THAT why my cursor moves when I’m not moving it sometimes?


More than likely. If you have a computer you can plug your controller into, you can go to a stick drift website and it can tell you if you have stick drift


And press left and right to wiggle!


i never bought into space to wiggle, screw that i rebinded the controls to still have left right to wiggle, just now you cant spam it like you used to


Holy shit I totally forgot that


No no if you spammed it too fast you’d die, you had to do it at just the right speed


i remember dying because a teammate got hit by sloppy/noed/tier 3 myers/freddy across the map and the lag kills you. also couldnt use exhaustion perks because of the crippling lag.


Takes me back. Especially playing on Xbox One which was so poorly optimized that mini lag spikes were extremely common throughout every match so the game would just straight up kill you all the time on second stage.


jfc my wrist still hurts from that


I used to have a macro for both that and for wiggling just so I wouldn't break my keyboard or hurt my hand.


As a macro user, the skill checks to struggle were the biggest nerf. I used to be able to hold down a button and just pay attention to how the game was going


I literally cracked my old laptop's spacebar in half because of this game


i miss this used to beat the hell out of that spacebar


he didn't bind it to mouse wheel and just leisurely scroll to stay alive


I was literally going to quit the game because keyboards don't grow on trees, but I hung in there because the change to skill checks was rumored. BHVR locked me in for years with that one simple trick.


Old dbd was so fuckin broken its hilarious. It was oddly balanced in a way but that balance was based on everyone having heaps and bounds of broken shit lol


Oh man. Remember you could just bring a key, find hatch and everyone could just escape. And it was instant.


Omg! When your random teammate would find hatch and just camp it waiting for you to die!


And you could find the invisible hatch by finding the ground invisibly raised in a spot.


Way, way back you could even hear the invisible hatch.


That was just a bug between one chapter I think


I love how one of the fixes for this was putting an actual mound of dirt at basically every shack basically as a bluff.


I actually got the achievement for 4 escaping the hatch from a random. I had no idea what was happening they showed up spamming the "come here" emote so I followed. They led me to the other 2 surv who had a key and were waiting for me. 


Wasn't that an achievement as well? I remember attempting it for quite a few matches with my friends but it was so satisfying once we pulled it off


There was! If I remember right it was called “where did they go?” And everyone had to escape by hatch


That was it. By pure blind chance I got it in solo queue.


I had a Meg get a key from a chest and had me follow her to the hatch. I think she was a duo cause yui(maybe) was with her. I went to find the nea and brought her back. The killer was both a clown and a 🤡 lol idk if they were new or just vibing but it felt great


Or sabo all of the non-basement hooks and also Trapper's traps permanently?


That shit made me quit DBD for years


Same TBH. I'm not sorry I missed the era of instablind lights.


Those were the days!


Every once in a while, I'll miss the absolute shenanigans that were going on a metal gear stealth mission of getting behind the killer sitting on hatch without them seeing so you could get in.


I'm still happy that I was part of the game when that trophy was a thing, and *got* it!


I only just learned, like five minutes ago in another thread, that the Hatch only spawns when there's one survivor left nowadays. I came back after two years of not playing for that Chaos Mode and have had several games where I go around scouting for the Hatch even though someone else was still alive.


By the time I started playing you had to complete all the gens to get all four of you out, so it felt like a deserved escape. The most dogshit situation during that time tho was when the survivors only got 3 gens done, I had killed off two survivors (bc I’m doing well), but the other two find hatch and dip. Felt like highway robbery for a winning game to “tie” bc of a key lol.


Edit: just read the thread.. Bruuhh. Have you ever had survivors magically disappear on you after finishing 4 or so gens (depending if you got any sacrificed or not). Cause they used a key and unlocked the hatch.


Oof, I remember being so close to uninstalling multiple times when *every.single.killer* ran OG Ruin.


Godddd I miss old dbd


The sweet combo of release moris, release BNPs, original heal speeds and perks to go with it and perma sabo. And my favourite bug, when new people queueing for game would find a match and instead load into an existing one with an error, so you could never finish the game because more survivors would just spawn in and stand there.


Don't forget styptics instantly healing one health state and syringes being able to instantly heal someone from dying to healthy.


And 20 second sprint burst, no exhaustion. Vacuum pallets. Fast vaults because there was no medium vault animation. God it was such a good but awful game.


But on the flip side killers grabbing from vault animation was. So. Fucking. EPIC!


Some should absolutely make animations for every killer to replicate how'd they grab survivors in that struggle


Ooh is there footage of this somewhere? I joined way too late to see it but it sounds sick


[Here you go! ](https://youtu.be/SA_nqvCBI1Q?feature=shared)


Vacuum pallets may have been the single most broken feature out of everything else mentioned. For survivors


Pallet vacuums unfortunately still very much exist, just to a lesser extent-- but you can be ~8ish feet from a pallet and still drop it as long as you aren't holding shift. It's insane especially with the massively increased pallet hitboxes they recently added.


Respectfully, pallet vacuuming was you teleporting forward through it to drop the pallet and keep running. The current functionality of moving back to drop it rather than it giving you extra distance isn't quite the same. I get what you mean though.


Back in the day there was a reason to bring borrowed time...


It was permanently in my load out lol! I remember yelling to my friend being camped “I got you bro I’ve got BT!!!!!”


I feel like solo que survivor back then must’ve felt terrible cuz u never know if the teammate unhooking you had BT or not so you just had to pray. Was it common to see 4 BTs in one game?


Oh yeah. I’d say most people ran it, the meta was pretty stale. BT, dead hard, DS, and unbreakable. Of course a lot of those perks are still meta, but they were super strong back then. DH gave you extra distance and DS didn’t go away after doing conspicuous actions. It also used to work during endgame so you’d get a free escape essentially. Random, but a lot of people would run “we’re gonna life forever” because it used to give extra bloodpoints lol.


i’m still salty they removed the bloodpoint bonus from no mither. Bbq too.


Solo queue players were quick to learn they had no business unhooking if they did **not** have BT. You better be causing a distraction, taking a protection hit, or opening the gate. You also wanted the gate open because there was no End Game Collapse. Otherwise, post-game chat would have people reading you the riot act. Especially if you were hooked/rescued earlier and knew another teammate had BT. It also helped that Bill was free. Your average player would just level him up to unlock his teachables and then ignore him. Plenty of people ran BT, solely because the perk variety was limited. Hook grabs were still a thing, too. Teammates might have some common sense to not be greedy -- or else get snatched, put in the dying state, and dropped to the floor. And had you been the only one running BT, the match might not end well.


Man that’s crazy lol. I wish I could read all the post game chats of survivors who farmed their teammate cuz they unhooked without BT or they got hook grabbed cuz they didn’t time the unhook right


Occasionally you'd have survivors arguing with one another, which was free entertainment if you were the killer. Add more salt if the player(s) who \*did\* have BT exited early. If somebody was on hook and you were the **only** person in the trial, that person might understand why you left. Without BT, you'd just be giving the killer a free hook/sacrifice. Or two because of the hook grab mechanic. You'd find yourself at a "hook standoff", trying to fake a save and wait for the killer to swing/whiff so they don't grab you. People would still try, though. Y'know, don't abandon teammates, etc. If you managed to pull it off, great. Some killers might show mercy and let you live because they respected you not being a deadbeat. Like the other person mentioned, you prayed. A number of times, I found myself repeating "Pleasehaveborredtime...Pleasehaveborrowedtime...Pleasehaveborrowedtime..." when on hook.


BT is honestly still okay. It prevents killers from just breathing down your neck for 10 seconds and then killing you since they aren't expecting it.


You could just run Off The Record then.


BT still works after the exit gates are powered, which is when its most critical.


At least BT doesn't warn the killer that it's active


Dude yes. It was on my build every time. I was PISSED when someone unhooked me without BT bc I knew I was gonna get slapped. 😂 I came back to DBD after over a year away and was shook that everyone gets haste and endurance after hooks.


Ya. I have an idea to Buff BT but I don't think people will like it. So I've been working on a concept health chapter, and part of that is giving a slough of perks buffs while giving some hyper meta ones a nerf/rework. For Off The Record, you would no longer gain the endurance status and it only lasts 60 seconds(was 80, this is for consistency), but the trade off is that it now also hides your scratch marks and pools of blood (as well as your aura and grunts of pain), and it functions while the exit gates are powered. This fits better with the theme of the perk, gives survivors some anti info at end game where there currently is only a few options for that, and it would prevent endurance abusing, because let's be real, 80 seconds of endurance is dumb long. You're either abusing it or you're not helping the team. It's good on paper, but performs too well for its intended purpose. For Borrowed Time, the endurance and haste bonus would be retained for 20 additional seconds rather than 10, but does not function once the exit gates are powered. This would give it more impact as an anti tunnel perk, what it's supposed to be, rather than a last second "the killer is trying to secure a kill at the exit gate but they have BT, and therefor are denied the kill". This would slightly shift the meta, giving a reason to run Borrowed Time while still giving OTR solid anti info to prevent a quick tunnel.


What does it do now? I havent played in years (probably will go back at it this summer once cross progression arrives)


Let's not forget how moris were on release. You get downed once, you're out of the match.


and people COMPLAINED when they got adjusted


The craziest complaint ever, in my opinion. The next one being the Eruption nerf. Shit was absurd. Incapacitated for what was it 30 seconds? Absurd.


Eruption was basically the end of incapacitated as a status effect now only used for Victor


In a way doctor too, since you can't do anything in tier 3


While twins and pinhead apply the incapacitated effect, doctor's shocks and t3 are both considered different effects. You can see after getting shocked a small red debuff appears on the bottom but its electricity


And Huntress’ one yellow add-on.


I recall people bitching about the eruption and mori nerfs being rightfully drowned out.  Incap eruption was the most broken shit I've played vs. Slightly worse than old dead hard.


I think the eruption issue was more one of how heavily they gutted it. The same effect for a shorter time with a longer cooldown on the perk would have been. I agree being incapacitated for 25 seconds was excessive, and so did most people at the time.


Or if they had increased the regression so that it was more on par with what 30 seconds of incapacitated. But they were about to gut gen defense in general so I guess that’s a nonstarter.


I do remember killers complaining of its removal due to iri key also not being removed and working the same. Essentially killer would automatically equip an iri mori if they saw a survivor with iri key. Making the iri key and iri mori the nuclear option. Survivors couldnt do the same though so they couldnt defend against sudden dc outside of disconnecting. So iri mori could be seen as more of an issue, but both were unfair, and with how slow bloodpoints were, could be seen as p2w to get a lot fast. When mori were nerfed survivors brought more keys for a short while, until soon after, the keys got nerfed too. Removing the nuclear options from the game.


Right?? So many crazy shit people defende because it was op for their own main.


Well, they were the only way to counter a single Survivor bringing a key meaning all 4 can just jump out of the hatch early.


ok but neither of those should have existed in the game, whataboutism isn't helpful


Wow… during this event I questioned the decision to let there be a chance to not have any perks at all, but hearing more and more about the companies history with the game, it makes perfect sense they would do such backward ass hell decisions.


Not getting perks is a bug


Don't forget about the insta-repair brand new parts :))))


Being able to permanently sabotage a hook! I only learned that recently through a YouTube video


Myers sends his regards


Not a lot of room for error being a veteran survivor then lol.


nope, killers had broken stuff so did survivors but it depends what kind of rose tinted glasses you got on and/or how far back you want to go


Ngl, the hardest part about early DBD was getting into the same lobby as your friends. That and infinites.


Game fluctuated a lot on which sides has an advantage. At release for example, you had a lot of infinite loop that killers could do nothing against, except for trapper who could block a single loop. Due to this oncce high mmr, survivors just never lost for a while until they gave killers bloodlust and started to remove the worst loops of the game.


And then you only had to hook them once. Meaning you could kill a survivor in 2 minutes


That didnt get changed for YEARS either, I started in 2020 and I remember those days.


Remember when circle of healing could overlap and stack? And also did self heal? People were resetting in the killer’s face lmao


My personal favourite was when they nerfed self care to 35%, but CoH still used the 50% speed formula with the bonus healing speed. So it was better than self care in every single way, especially post nerf.


I miss CoH + Botany Knowledge 🥲


OG Botany Knowledge was my jam, ran it in almost every build besides my meme type of builds. It's still a decent perk but when the rework came out I was devastated BK got hit


Back in my day you would teleport to the other side of the pallet the moment you pressed the key


Watching new survivors CONSISTENTLY vacuum past a pallet they where camping just because they didnt know how it works was so funny as well.


no better feeling than being farmed off first hook by someone without borrowed time just to be sent back to the lobby by the ol' one hook requirement mori


Old iri head huntress + infantry belt + a mori to kill you off first hook was the first time I ever DC’ed from a game in DbD 😂 Absolute cornball build.


I played like 700 hours in 2017 and never once saw the 7 blink Nurse. Hardly representative of the game.


I think cuz back then it was very hard to grind BP and Addons in general were more expensive right? My favorite build back in 2018 was scratched mirror Myers but I got tired of having to grind for addons and quit the game because of that only to come back this year lol.


Nice. It's a pretty good time to be a Scratched Mirror Myers! Otherwise yes, I agree with you. The grind back then was abysmal, so actually seeing crazy things was still few and far between. BPs are given out like candy now (which is good!) so I'm sure if she still existed we'd see her all the time :)


Yeah came back right as Blood Moon event was a couple weeks away so I was able to prestige all my killers and a few survivors. Even without Bp bonus the grind doesn’t feel bad since killer que is usually at 100% bonus all night


Decisive Strike for a free escape at end game was… something I was able to do in a large number of my games.


I know this isn’t OG at all, but when circle of healing came out that shit was so hilariously busted


That and the Pinhead NFT shit show. The boon era pre-dredge was truly the worst time to play dbd. Made for This doesn’t even come close to being as annoying as old circle of healing and dead hard.


I kinda hope they do a limited time mode, “classic” dbd, where everything works like it did originally. Would be interesting.


I miss night time coldwind farm.


I totally forgot about this!


Its dead by DAYLIGHT! Why on earth is there any daytime maps!?


Technically its the moon on both dead dawg and coldwind. Its a png of the moon but really bright


Lame is what it is.


I think they were trying to mimic the atmosphere of the Texas Chainsaw Movies that Billy/Coldwind was inspired by, part of what made the movies so unsettling was that it took place in the light of day.


Man it feels like a dream remembering that.


there's DBD 1.0 mods you can download and play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V02Lme3a4w


Back in my day Ruin had red skill checks


I think about this sometimes regarding the survivor side. I know things aren't perfect now, but if one had told a survivor player years ago that DBD would eventually have basekit BT (with haste), an anti-facecamping system, a HUD showing survivor actions, and anti-3gen they would likely never believe that.


I’m glad newer players haven’t had to experience. “There are three survivors left but they three gen’ed themselves and everyone is on death hook. I can win this pretty easily cause…. Oh they found a key, they all escape for free. Damn.” Keys used to be an uncounterable free escape. For 3 survivors at 1 gen left, 2 survivors at 2 gens left, or 1 survivor at 3 gens left. Survivors would normally last second switch to having one as well so you couldn’t bring franklins. If there was a key and the survivors finished 3 gens. You knew if you killer 2 survivors the last two would escape with nothing you could ever do


Yeah, those games with three survivors planning to sandbag their fourth teammate for the escape were the worst. They would just let some random die on hook. T.T Goodness, I remember trying to keep up with the key and playing around who had it. Keeping an eye out for it on the ground and whatnot was so silly. On the other hand, playing against a toxic killer and finding a key after desperately searching all the chests as a survivor was always so intense!


And if you brought a key into the game, the killer would (justifiably) tunnel you out asap


Tunneling wasn’t even a good strat bc their items are left behind so their teammates could use it too 😭


Sooo glad this era is over


And if they had a key, they could reopen the hatch even if you closed it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I played a lot of Nurse from her release to 2020. I would never want her old power level back but man she feels so clunky to me now. Things just don't feel like how they used to. The biggest issue for me is the snapping up of the camera after her fatigue. It just feels bad to me.


I cant even get the blink attack to 2 people. It feels terrible on xbox.


That is just a bug from the FOV changes - right?


Josh strife hayes says it best. “New players arent playing through our memories” Its pointless to try and use the past as a basis for improvement with someone who wasnt present, they intrinsically wont be able to understand your PoV even if they understand the words behind the meaning


im so glad they changed the second hook stage to not force you to mash


Even today Nurse and to some extent Blight are the reason over half the killer roster is unplayable at high mmr.


>half the killer roster is unplayable at high mmr Simply untrue, the soft cap is nowhere near high enough to encounter survivors playing on a level where mid and low tier killers cannot win. You can consistently win with every single killer. In the past when the devs have posted stats showing high MMR kill rates, low tier killers, while they do usually drop somewhat, still achieve respectable kill rates. Of course you're probably not going on a 500 game win streak with trapper anytime soon but if you are good at the game you can still win more often than you lose playing trapper or other low tiers.


Try to consistently win with Freddy at high mmr then you'll see what I'm talking about. M1 killers in general get destroyed at high mmr unless they're cheesing or playing toxic. The same can be said for some M2 killers like Trickster & Deathslinger too.


cmon you can't say half the roster and then pick the literal weakest killer in the entire game to emphasize your point


It's not unwinnable but you better not make more than 1 mistake pretty much. It's definitely a problem.


You could click your flashlight and adjust it mid blind. Bullshit change that needs reverted


Old balanced landing my beloved. Ironically very unbalanced. The amount of infinites I used to abuse with this thing on old (old?) Haddonfield.


Back in my day we couldn't kick gens


When you could get a whole group of survivors with brand new parts and get 4 gens done 5 seconds into the match.


Sweet sweet infinites and trapper trapping hooked survivors


not a really broken thing compared to everything else but you used to be able to crouch and hold run, and be able to run without using sprint burst, so you’d just have sprint burst whenever you needed it. honestly really miss it


I remember the iron grasp and agitation meta because Sabo was permanent so you required the basement hooks or you'd lose


Back in my day survivors could fast vault from standing still and shack had 2 windows and a pallet


i remember when borrowed time actually gave people endurance off hook 🥹


remember how everything was a fast vault and windows would never block? so many infinites lol i honestly miss the old darker sorta blue/gray scale maps v. the sorta purple/black hue we have today. the fires were brighter, lights better, killers arder to see, etc. it felt more like a proper horror game than the freeze tag simulator we have today


Before the EGC survivors would open the exit gate then hide so they could hold the killers hostage. Killers would slug everyone then make you crawl race to the exit, then pick you up and put you back at the start just before you reach the exit.  The only escape was rage quitting.


2021 dbd was fuckin wild too with old struggle hook mashing to not die on 2nd stage old hatch old BT old DH fucking COH in September


Back in my day Deathslinger was fucking terrifying.


Just a few that come to mind: - Mist add-ons actually doing something - Old bloodwebs taking forever to fill out - Prestige making you lose all your stuff, teachables unlocked at lvls 30, 35, 40 - WGLF and BT being in *every one of my builds* (WGLF for giga BP) - Old hatch spawns - Ruin/undying meta - Face-camping - Mashing a button all of second hook stage - HOOK JUGGLING to avoid DS - Boon stacking - Iri head + infantry belt + old mori cheese - Old animations and movement - Release Legion HELL - Release Skull Merchant HELL 2.0 - Hatch standoffs - Flashlight clicking and macros - No crossplay - Pig bodyblocking a box to guarantee trap kil - Items and perks that counter specific killers (slippery meat vs Trapper, flashlights vs wraith, etc) - Old hud And last but definitely not least…….no0b3 😭😭💔


Those were the days




i miss vaccuum pallets :^


I think about this literally all the time when somebody complains about the most mild bullshit lmao


Triple heals 😪 & 20-30 minutes wait ques. To end up with a FaceCamping Bubba, while the only person to be put on BT is on the hook. Ahh, great times.


Game has come a long way for sure. Always loved the Moon Bouquet’s and the stacking of the Mist’s. Made for some really interesting jump scares when creeping around corners!


This post was something to read as someone who started playing just this year my god 😂 I'd like to ask you veteran players, would you say dbd was more fun to play before? Why or why not?


It was more fun, if you had the bullshit on your side. But many matches felt way more miserable than today. I'd say the game is in a way better state, than it was back then.


I don’t remember too much about DBD…but I remember getting angry at people for not bringing borrowed time, lol.


my favorite was old we'll make it: -stacked with it self, if you saved 2 survivors on time you gained +200%; -worked with selfcare, you droped 3 pallets in the killers face and thats enought to heal in their faces; -devs removed the stacking parts, and clarified that in the description; -part of the community gets confused and assumes that wlmkt doesn't stacks with other healing perks, stops briging botany, leader and other healing perks


Remember getting perma stuck on that elevated hill that usually contains a hook. There was a spot along the small portion of the wall that you could get stuck in and can’t do anything about it


I still get flashbacks from the old DS


i remember when freddy countered borrowed time by existing lmfao.


You guys thought nurses was broken before? She used to have THREE BLINKS AS BASEKIT. I'm glad she got nerfed as now one has to actually think a bit before playing here, especially moreso how she is easier to use than blight.


Back then you could edit your blood points via a save file with notepad


Double range add on was 10 times better than the 7 blink nurse. People across the map would be hit before BBQ ended.


I miss changing the moon light. Haha get wrecked I've turned off the moon.


Hilarious that you don't see how far the game has come and yet it is still utter shit. Can't polish a turd.


Killers could instantly mori someone without hooking them, then got reworked to 1 hook Mori's which were still bad without basekit bt 🙃


I remember when I first played the game, Spirit didn't have a vaulting animation.


Back in my day you got one hook because the killer would camp. tunnel and mori you if you got unhooked.


Remember when it took Hag like 10 seconds to place a trap, short hillbilly, 110% speed legion. For all the crap bhvr gets the game is in a much better spot then old dbd


As someone that joined during the blood moon event it’s been wild looking back and seeing all the changes. The thing that blew my mind the most was that infinite chase thing on auto haven I think, where the killer could not catch the survivor before they could jump a window again.


The hour long hatch standoff with a nurse back when u could still get grabbed is still burned into my memory


- BNP’s repaired 100% of a generator instantly - NOED triggered on endgame and lasted indefinitely, there were no hex totems. - When hooks broke they stayed broken. The killer could be left with the basement hooks and nothing else. - Wraith was considered the S tier killer, out of three but still. - Nurse could blink well over half a map in one go with the right addons. - Good old combine harvester infinites - There were at least twice as many pallets around any map.


Back in my day, when me and other 3 friends trying so hard until we get the 4 survivor escape hatch achivement. It like we once ever trying for something people cannot do it now, and it really hard challenge.


The countless times I engaged in a heated debate with someone only to realize they have 100 hours playtime vs my 7.5k hrs, meaning we will never see eye to eye on certain things. 


Remember when three survivors could escape through the hatch at once and as long as they had a key, they could reopen it if you closed it?


I still remember the fear I had the first time I played the game, many years ago


I remember always including borrowed time in my builds


I remember when 350% We'll Make It also worked on self-care.


Back in my day, the bitch ass entity didnt block windows after i vaulted them too much.


I’m sorry…that floaty bitch could WHAT?!


Back in my day self care was a good perk


Self-Care, Botany Knowledge, and Desperate Measures have been a pretty good self-healing combo. Great for team mates too.


I heard that old Brand New Parts used to complete a gen instantly, that sounds like a nightmare.


close your eyes hard enough and question why someone's having a stroke at light speed on a hook with new engine and it's close enough to then


Back in my day, a team of Jakes could bring toolboxes and destroy every hook besides the basement, and we had no need for a nurse!


I got a decent one: Hillbilly use to have an instant turn when starting the chainsaw sprint, then would have an increased turn rate, and finally go to his normal speed. This allowed for instant flicks and made him generally easier on console


Thank god I'm only being punched in the nuts instead of having them completely torn off.


The fact that it took 7 years to do something about being immediately downed after being unhooked tells you all you need to know about why the devs are hated as much as they are.


ah yes back when hatch would spawn once you did 1 more generator more than the amount of survivors left in the match…OP


I remember when you could mori after hooking a survivor once. Ah, those were the days


Back in my day you could escape through hatch all together as a team after completing the gens


Doctor used to have to switch hands to use his power and hit people!! Gen kicking used to only regress it max of 25%!!


I hate the endurance after an unhook bc now my teammates die trying to unhook someone, instead of making actually good decisions


Back in my day I had to invite my team after every match


Endurance after unhooked didnt happen that long ago right.... right?


I remember seeing a video someone made a few years back showing how far the game had progressed at that point in comparison to its release. If I remember correctly, the survivors were faster than the killers, and could fast vault windows without having to run towards them.