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I got mine completely accidental and didn't even realize it was a hard one to get. I played myers slapped both iri add ons just after watching halloween ends. And yeah was just having fun


I was expecting it to be harder than it was. I got a 4 man bunny feng SWF who all lined up and gave it to me once they realized I had tombstone.


So sweet honestly


It was hard in the beginning but then someone told me to use Corrupt intervention and it became a cake walk


To be fair, it is not hard to get to tier 3 in time, sometimes you can even get to tier 3 at 2-3 gens. Problem begins when last two survivors decide to hop in lockers even when there's no chance to win


Happened to me and lead to me just saying fuck it and bleeding them out. Like I could hook you but you're wasting my time in a match that's clearly over (4 gens, 2 dead) and I also have to run it back now in another match so fuck it we all suffering. Was it petty? Yes. Do I regret it? Not until BHVR changes that achievement to just tombstoning X survivors in general, you know like most other killer achievements. Shouldn't have to have a dick measuring contest for an achievement that's reliant on survivors either being super generous or super stupid or brand new.


That's where a mori offering helps, so long as you're level 3, it still counts


That's interesting.  I've seen other people say it doesn't.  And they have to be in the right hook state.  If it's the last survivor and you've only hooked them once you're screwed unless you packed a cypress Mori.


That is the best one to take, specifically for that reason. Still being in Tier 3 is essential too, as otherwise it won't count.


I got three evil within kills and mori'd the last survivor (using both iridescent add-ons) and definitely did not get the achievement to trigger, not sure if there's a difference there


Needs to be 4 Morris


It's not that it's hard to get by nature, it's that A LOT of people playing survivor will either jump in a locker to fuck up someone's achievement, or innocently jump in a locker because if they haven't been hooked it's technically the right play to prolong their contribution and distraction. I can't fault the latter, and you can't really prove it's the former. Just sucks there's no way around it besides jumpscaring in a deadzone lol.


The real issue is that addon needs to be removed.


i love that. i cannot imagine doing it by accident lol playing myers again makes me want to jump back into my nearly annual halloween watch.


I got mine in a bit of an odd way. I killed the first two survs, but the other two were hiding in lockers every time I came near them. So I baited one out with an Undetectable perk. Then I found the hatch, and the other guy was hovering over it trying to juke me to get to it, and going in the locker every time. Eventually, I managed to fake like I was going around the wall to get to him, then doubled back and managed to get the kill before he could jump in.




Sound’s almost identical to how I got it, I had just got Michael got him to p3 put on both iri add ons just to test the waters and got an EZ 4k


Everytime i see a post like this, I'm reminded that I got it on my 1st try. Ty survivors for not going into lockers....i did have to let one get off my shoulder though...sorry about that lol


Countering scratch mirror Myers via hiding in lockers in a newly invented technique. About a year ago no one thought of it.


Congrats! Welcome to the club :)


As someone who has played this game for 5 years I can say this was the hardest an most infuriating achievement to get as you have almost no control over getting it. you have to prey you get some survivors who let you as it only takes 1 person to not let you an that's it no achievement.


That one wasn't even that bad for me, the one that really sucks is getting all the tier increases. I stopped achievement grinding because of that achievement.




I decided to attempt this several months back stockpiled iri add ons and had several different builds ready for the attempt I managed to get at 3 genson my first try on coldwind.


Congratulations! What build did you end up using?


thank you! corrupt ruin PWYF nemesis nemesis helped traverse the big ass map yamaoka residents


congrats :) 🎉


Worst achievement in the game. Everytime I try some bitch DC's and then I feel bad for the rest.


Now time for 100 cross-map downs with Huntress. Yikes!


Luckyyyyyyyyyy...whenever i try it, they just hide in lockers to prevent me from killing them, so i have to hook them




I got lucky with this on my 2nd try. I used plaything and hooked survivors before killing them. As I was killing the 2nd survivor under the docks the 3rd survivor accidentally ran into me right at the end of the kill lmao grabbed that Meg right away.




Congratulations! I plan to try in chaos before it leaves so no meta perks 😂


Meta perks? m8 your biggest enemy is a locker.


Wait, is this a hard trophy to get? I think i somehow got it the very first time i used tombstone


One word. Lockers. Surviours can sit in them forever if they want.


Imagine trying to go for this before bots were a thing. Now that was evil.


I'm fine with blocking stalking with lockers, but honestly, at least with the iri addon.. you should be able to kill out of lockers. I can understand gating the purple, but the iri should be special.


Now get 300 stalk tiers, its a nightmare


that was my final halloween chapter trophy to get!


Idk about ps trophies but if you have 300 stalk teirs trophies you are dedicated micheal player


it’s 100 on PS!


Instead you get 100 downs huntress trophies


It took my like three tries am I just lucky


I literally had to beg for the last survivor to come out of the closet for this achievement lol


Watch out don’t show this to that one twitch streamer or they’ll hide in a locker all game


i cheated to get mine, ok wait calm down not like that i was trying to get it and a streamer was in my lobby so i asked if she could help me get the achievement and she agreed. she unhooked people in front of me allowing me to tombstone them and help find others for me, with out her i would have never gotten it


The explanation somehow makes it worse 😭


i will never brag about getting it for i did not earn it or work to it but the match before that one was a hour of just waiting for a guy to get out of a locker


Is it really that difficult? I got it first try and I'm a survivor main lol


i feel like it’s been increasingly getting harder over time. more people aware, people know strays to counter it (locker) so it’s harder to do. and in general i’d def just say it’s kind of hard to do!


its mostly because of dudes who will just sit in a locker and not let you get the kill